Adams, John, first minister to Court of St. James Adams' proposition of reciprocity rejected by England Alabama and Arkansas organized as Territories and Alabama becomes a State Alert captured by the Essex Alexandria plundered by British Algerians force Americans to pay tribute American army at Detroit Americans attacked at River Raisin Americans return to Detroit Americans repulsed at La Colle American troops at Bladensburg Attack by British on Plattsburg fails Bainbridge forced to convey the Algerine ambassador to Constantinople Baltimore threatened by the enemy Barclay, Commodore, defeated at Lake Erie Barker, Mr., warns Mrs. Madison to fly Barron, Commodore, suspended from the navy Battle of Bladensburg Battle of Chicago Battle of Chippewa Battle of Chrysler's Farm Battle of Emucfau Battle of Fort Stephenson Battle of Horse-shoe Bend Battle of Lake Erie Battle of Lundy's Lane Battle of New Orleans Battle of Queenstown Battle of River Raisin Battle of Sackett's Harbor Battle of the Thames and death of Tecumseh Battle of Tippecanoe Black Partridge saves Mrs. Helm at Chicago Blockades of French and English Bonaparte conquers almost all of Europe Boerstler, General, captured at Beaver's Dam British agent at Pensacola offers Indians five dollars for each scalp British arraigned by committee on foreign relations British at Lake Borgne British capture Washington, and burn Capitol British discrimination in favor of New England States British impressment of American seamen British repulsed at Fort Erie British instigate Indians to an uprising Brock, General, proceeds to attack Detroit Brown, General Jacob, at Kingston Brown repulses Prevost at Sackett's Harbor Brown, General, at Lundy's Lane Burr's, Aaron, conspiracy Calhoun, John C., in debate favors war Camp meeting in the old pioneer days Canada divided into Upper and Lower Canada Canada, invasion of Chandler and Winder, Generals, captured Chauncey, Commodore, blockading British at Kingston Chesapeake attacked by Leopard Chesapeake captured by Shannon Citizen Genet, insolence of Clay, Henry, speaker of the house of representatives Clermont, Fulton's first steamboat Coffee, General, defeats Indians at Tallahatchee Committee of Democrats inform Madison he must declare war Contraband munitions of war Constitution, the, captures Guerriere Constitution, the, captures the Java Constitution, February 28, 1815, captures two British vessels Creek Indians in South attack Fort Mimms Croghan, Major George, in command of Fort Stephenson Dearborn commissioned major-general Decatur, Stephen, destroys ship Philadelphia Defeat of the prophet Democratic party, how organized Detroit besieged Detroit surrendered by Hull "Don't give up the ship" Dudley, Colonel, mortally wounded near Fort Meigs Effects of the Embargo Act Embargo Act of 1807 Embargo laid on commerce for forty days before declaring war Emigrants to the Ohio--the journey Emperor of Russia offers himself as a mediator between the United States and Great Britain England's idea of American independence of colonies Enterprise, the, captures the British Boxer Essex captures the Alert in a fight of eight minutes Essex captures twelve British whalers Essex captured by two British men-of-war Federal party, how organized Floyd, General, defeats Indians at Autossee Fort Stephenson, British repulsed at Fort George captured by General Scott and Commodore Perry Fort Erie strengthened by General Ripley Fort McHenry bombarded Fort Bowyer, British repulsed at "Free Trade and Sailors' Eights," motto of Essex French Revolution, its effect on American politics Frolic, British ship, captured by American Wasp Frolic captured by Orpheus Great Britain holds her posts in violation of treaty Greenville, the prophet at Guerriere captured by Hull Hamilton, Alexander, leader of the Federalists Hamilton, Alexander, murdered by Aaron Burr Harrison, General W.H., invites Tecumseh and the prophet to a council at Vincennes Harrison prepares to attack the prophet Harrison at Tippecanoe Harrison attacked at 4 o'clock A.M. Harrison succeeds Hull Harrison, General, at Fort Meigs Harrison, offended at General Armstrong, the secretary of war, resigns Heald, Captain, at Fort Dearborn, notified of the fall of Mackinaw Heald attacked near Fort Dearborn or Chicago Heald, Captain, and wife saved from massacre Helm, Mrs., saved by Black Partridge Henry, John, gets admission to Madison by a letter from Elbridge Gerry Henry sells President Madison his papers Houston's, Sam, General, victory at Horse-shoe Bend Hornet captures the Peacock Hornet captures the Penguin Hull, Governor of Territory of Michigan Hull in Washington, made Brigadier-General Hull invades Canada; retreats Hull at Detroit Hull surrenders Detroit Hull convicted of cowardice but pardoned Hull, Captain, captures the Guerriere Indians, treaty with, for Ohio lands Indians, instigated by British to uprising Indians plundering on the Wabash Indiana and Illinois become Territories Inhabitants of the Great West Internal improvements after the war of 1812 Irish-American patriotism Jackson, General Andrew, in command in the South Jackson defeats Creeks at Emucfau Jackson charging into Pensacola Jackson at New Orleans Jackson attacks the British camp Jefferson, Thomas, founder of Democratic party, moved by French Revolution Jefferson and Hamilton's opposing views on French Revolution Jefferson, Thomas, elected President Jefferson, description of; his policy Jefferson's cabinet Jefferson's ideas of peace and war Johnson, R.M., Colonel, at the Thames Keane, General, threatening New Orleans Key, Mr. Francis S., the poet, composing the "Star Spangled Banner" while a prisoner King George III. hopelessly insane; Prince of Wales ruler Lafayette's, General, visit to America Lafitte, Jean, pirate of the Gulf, offers his services to Jackson Lake Erie, battle of Lambert, General, retreats from New Orleans Laulewasikaw, the prophet, Tecumseh's twin brother Lawrence, Captain, death of Legislatures by concurrent resolutions ask Congress to declare war Lewistown, Delaware, bombarded Louisiana purchased from France Louisiana admitted to the union Mackinaw captured Macedonian captured by Decatur Madison, James, President; his cabinet Madison's political changes Madison's inaugural address makes him popular Madison's message to Congress to declare war against Great Britain Madison re-elected President of the United States Madison's second inauguration Madison and cabinet flying from Bladensburg Madison, Mrs., saves Washington's picture and parchment of the Declaration of Independence Maine becomes a State Maiden captured by Americans Marcy, Wm. L., captures first British colors Massacre at River Raisin Maumee Rapids, Harrison building Fort Meigs at Measures taken to sustain the declaration of war Miller defeats Indians Miller, Colonel, at Lundy's Lane Ministers of the Gospel on the frontier Missouri Compromise Monroe, James, elected President of United States Monroe Doctrine Nautilus captured by Peacock, the last naval engagement of war Naval forces on lakes Napoleon, influence of, on United States gone New England governors (Caleb Strong, William Plummer, and Roger Griswold) refuse their militia to serve the United States New England coast threatened New Orleans, Jackson at New Orleans under martial law Ohio valley opened up to settlers Ohio becomes a State, in 1802 Ontario, naval force on Orpheus captured by Frolic Oswego, New York, destroyed by British Packenham, General, death of Peacock captures the Nautilus, the last naval engagement Peacock captures Epervier Peace party Pelican captures Argus People forcing the war on the leaders Perry's victory on Lake Erie Pioneer's home Pike, General, death of Pottawattomies attack Americans near Chicago Pirates of the West Indies Preparations for war made President and the Little Belt President captured by English vessels Prevost, Sir George, repulsed at Sackett's Harbor Proctor attacks General Winder at River Raisin Questions of wrong reviewed in Madison's message Queenstown, battle of Raisin River, Americans at Raisin River, Winchester attacked at Rattlesnake captured by a British man-of-war Redoubts at New Orleans Rial, General, defeated by General Scott Ripley, General, in command at Lundy's Lane, retreats. Rodgers, Commodore, insulted by Little Belt Ross, General, and Cockburn, threaten Washington City Ross, General, death of Sackett's Harbor, siege of Scott, Winfield, at Queenstown Scott, General, at Lundy's Lane Shawnees under Tecumseh roused Short, Lieutenant-Colonel, killed at Fort Stephenson Smythe, General, dismissed from service "Star Spangled Banner," how composed Stephenson, British repulsed at Stonington, British repulsed at Strong, Caleb, Governor of Massachusetts, refused to allow militia of his State to defend northern Territory against British Tecumseh rousing Indians to resistance Tecumseh opposing sale of lands Tecumseh demands a return of lands Tecumseh's speech to Proctor Tecumseh and Proctor abandon Maiden Tecumseh, death of Treaty with Indians for Ohio valley lands United States commerce a prey to British cruisers United States offers to register seamen Van Horne defeated Van Rensselaer, Stephen, Brigadier-General New York militia "Victor and spoils" theory inaugurated by Jefferson in 1801 Vixen, United States brig, captured by the Southampton War declared by Congress War of 1812 waged under difficulties War with Algiers Washington's wisdom and conservative policy Washington, George, laying corner-stone of capitol building, 1793 Washington City, seat of government removed to Washington City, threatened by British Washington City, captured by British, pillaged and capitol building burned Wasp captures Frolic and is captured Wasp captures Reindeer, Avon and three other prizes and mysteriously disappears Whitney, Eli, inventor cotton gin Winder, General, trying to raise troops to defend capitol Xenophon, the, on the Maryland coast Young members in Congress who favor war with England elect Henry Clay speaker York, siege of Zeal of Jefferson to aid French