

A.D. 1800 TO A.D. 1824.

18OO. INDIANA TERRITORY formed,--July 4.

LOUISIANA ceded to France by Spain by secret treaty,--Oct. 1.

SEAT OF GOVERNMENT removed to Washington, D.C.; Congress met,--Nov. 17.

1801. THOMAS JEFFERSON inaugurated president,--March 4.

MILITARY ACADEMY established at West Point, N.Y.,--March 10.

TRIPOLI declared war against the United States,--June 10.

1802. GEORGIA'S cession of territory to General Government,--April 24.

OHIO admitted to the Union,--Nov. 22.

1803. LOUISIANA ceded to the United States by France for 80,000,000 francs,--April 30. (By this cession the United States
claimed to the present western boundary of Florida.)

1804. The Philadelphia destroyed by Decatur at Tripoli,--Feb. 16.

DUEL between Hamilton and Burr, at Hoboken, N.J.,--July 11.

TWELFTH AMENDMENT to the Constitution declared in force,--Sept. 25.


DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA formed, same as Louisiana cession, less Orleans Territory,--Oct. I.

1805. LOUISIANA TERRITORY formed,--March 3.

JEFFERSON'S second presidential term began,--March 4.

TREATY OF PEACE concluded with Tripoli,--June 4.

MICHIGAN TERRITORY formed,--June 30.

1806. BONAPARTE'S Berlin Decree,--Nov. 21.

1807. BRITISH "ORDERS IN COUNCIL" requiring goods to land in Great Britain,--Jan. 7.

THE Chesapeake attacked by the Leopard off the coast of Virginia,--June 22.

AARON BURR tried for treason, at Richmond, Va.; acquitted,--Sept. 1.

FULTON successfully applied steam navigation on the Hudson,--Sept. 14.

BRITISH "ORDERS IN COUNCIL" prohibited trade with France and allies,--Nov. 17.

BONAPARTE'S Milan decree prohibited trade with English colonies,--Dec. 17.

1808. BONAPARTE'S Bayonne decree ordered seizure of United States vessels,--April 17.

1809. NON-INTERCOURSE ACT, prohibiting trade with Great Britain and France, passed,--Feb. 27.

ILLINOIS TERRITORY formed,--March 1.

JAMES MADISON inaugurated president,--March 4.

1810. BONAPARTE'S Ramboulliet decree; 132 American vessels seized and sold,--March 23.

1811. GEORGE, Prince of Wales, appointed regent of Great Britain,--Feb. 3.

BATTLE between the President and Little Belt, off Virginia,--May 16.

BATTLE OF TIPPECANOE, Ind.; Harrison defeats Indians,--Nov. 7.

1812. LOUISIANA admitted into the Union,--April 30.

WAR with Great Britain proclaimed by the United States,--June 19.

HULL'S EXPEDITION against Fort Maiden, Canada,--July.

FORT MACKINAW captured by British and Indians,--July 17.

FIRST BATTLE of Brownstown, Mich.; British defeated Van Horn,--Aug. 5.

SECOND BATTLE of Brownstown, or Manaugua; American victory,--Aug. 9.

BRITISH sloop Alert taken by the Essex, off Newfoundland,--Aug. 13.

HULL surrendered Detroit,--Aug. 16.

THE Guerriere, British frigate, captured by the Constitution, off Massachusetts,--Aug. 19.

BATTLE OF QUEENSTOWN, Canada; Van Rensselaer wounded, Brock killed,--Oct. 13.

BATTLE OF LEWISTON, N. Y.; Cowardly conduct of American militia,--Oct. 13.

BRITISH ship Poictiers captured the Frolic and Wasp, off North Carolina,--Oct. 18.

BRITISH ship Macedonia captured by United States, off Canary Islands,--Oct. 25.


BRITISH frigate Java captured by the Constitution, off Bahia, Brazil,--Dec. 29.

1813. BATTLE OF FRENCHTOWN, Mich.; Winchester defeated by Proctor,--Jan. 22.

BRITISH brig Peacock captured the Hornet off the Demarara, South America,--Feb. 24.

MADISON began second presidential term,--March 4.

BATTLE OF YORK, Canada (now Toronto); explosion of British magazine,--April 27.

FORT MEIGS besieged by 2,000 British and Indians under Proctor,--May 1.

GENERAL CLAY and I,200 Kentuckians dispersed besiegers,--May 5.

PBEVOST made an unsuccessful attack on Sackett's Harbor,--May 29.

THE Chesapeake, Captain Lawrence, captured by the Shannon, in Massachusetts Bay,--June I.

DEFENCE OF FORT STEPHENSON (now Lower Sandusky, O.) by Major Crogan,--Aug. 3.

AMERICAN brig Argus captured by the Pelican, in the English Channel,--Aug. 14.

THE CREEK WAR; Massacre of Fort Mimms, Ala.,--Aug. 30.

BRITISH brig Boxer captured by the Enterprise, off Maine,--Sept. 5.

PERRY'S victory at west end of Lake Erie,--Sept. 10.

BATTLE OF THE THAMES, or Moravian town, Canada; Tecumseh killed,--Oct. 5.

BATTLE OF TALLADEGA, Ala.; Jackson defeated the Creeks,--Nov. 9.

BATTLE OF CHRYSLER'S FIELD, Canada; British repulsed,--Nov. 11.

PORTER made a successful cruise in the Pacific with the Essex.

1814. BATTLE OF TOHOPEKA, or Horse-Shoe Bend, Ala.; last of the Creek War,--March 27.

AMERICAN frigate Essex captured off Chile,--March 28.

WILKINSON repulsed at La Colle Mill, Canada,--March 30.

Peacock captured British brig Epervier, off Florida,--April 29.

Wasp captured British sloop Reindeer, near English Channel,--June 18.

GENERALS SCOTT AND RIPLEY captured Fort Erie,--July 3.

BATTLE OF CHIPPEWA, Canada; Scott defeated Riall,--July 5.

BATTLE OF LUNDY'S LANE, Canada, the most obstinate of the war,--July 25.

FIRST BATTLE of Fort Erie, Drummond repulsed,--Aug. 15.

Ross dispersed Americans at Bladensburg, Md.,--Aug. 24.

WASHINGTON D. C., captured; public buildings burned,--Aug. 24.

BATTLE OF LAKE CHAMPLAIN; American victory, Sept. 11.

BATTLE OF PLATTSBURG, N. Y.; Prevost, British, defeated by McComb,--Sept. 11.

Ross defeated Americans at North Point, Md.; death of Ross,--Sept. 12.

BROOKS' unsuccessful bombardment of Fort McHenry, Md.,--Sept. 13.

BRITISH bombarded Fort Boyer, Mobile Bay, without success,--Sept. 15.

SECOND BATTLE of Fort Erie; Brown dispersed besiegers,--Sept. 17.

JACKSON drove British from Pensacola, Fla.,--Nov. 7.

AMERICAN flotilla surrendered to the British, at Lake Borgne, La.,--Dec. 14.

CONVENTION at Hartford, Conn., opposed to the war,--Dec. 15.

BATTLE nine miles from New Orleans; Jackson retired to intrenchments,--Dec. 23.

TREATY OF GHENT, Belgium (peace), signed,--Dec. 24.

1815. BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS, fourteen days after treaty of peace,--Jan. 8.

BRITISH squadron captured the frigate President, off New Jersey,--Jan. 15.

BRITISH Cyane and Levant captured by Constitution, off Madeira Islands,--Feb. 20.

WAR against Algiers declared by Congress,--March 3.

Hornet captured British brig Penguin, off Brazil,--March 23.

1816. BANK OF UNITED STATES re-chartered for twenty years; capital, $35,000,000,--April 10.

INDIANA admitted into the Union,--Dec. 11.

1817. ALABAMA TERRITORY formed,--March 3.

JAMES MONROE inaugurated president; "era of good feeling,"--March 4.

SEMINOLES and Creeks began depredations in Georgia and Alabama.

MISSISSIPPI admitted into the Union,--Dec. 10.

1818. JACKSON seized Spanish forts in Florida.

JOINT occupation of Oregon by United States and Great Britain agreed upon.

PENSACOLA, Fla., seized by Jackson; Spanish officials sent to Cuba,--May 25.

ILLINOIS admitted into the Union,--Dec. 8.

1819. FLORIDA ceded to the United States by Spain,--Feb. 22.

ARKANSAS TERRITORY formed,---July 4.

ALABAMA admitted into the Union,--Dec. 14.

1820. ACCESSION of George IV. to throne of Great Britain,--Jan. 29.


MAINE admitted into the Union,--March 15.

1821. MEXICO became independent of Spain,--Feb. 24.

MONROE began second presidential term,--March 5.

MISSOURI admitted into the Union,--Aug. 10.

1823. FLORIDA TERRITORY formed,--March 3.

"MONROE DOCTRINE" enunciated in the annual message,--Dec. 2.

1824. LAFAYETTE visited the United States.--Aug. 15.


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