
Address of the Massachusetts Legislature to King Charles II

Albemarle has Stevens appointed governor

Alderman, slayer of King Philip

Andros, Major Edward, commissioned to receive the surrender of New York

Andros and Captain Ball at Saybrook

Angel of deliverance

Arlington and Culpepper grants denounced by Bacon

Arrival of the first English troops in Virginia

Assembly begs Berkeley to desist in hanging rebels

Attack on the swamp fort

Austin, Anna, the fanatical Quaker

Bacon, Nathaniel

Bacon's "Quarter Branch"

Bacon's threat

Bacon sends a messenger to Jamestown for his commission

Bacon defeats the Indians

Bacon arrested

Bacon's confession

Bacon's flight

Bacon rousing his friends

Bacon marching on Jamestown

Bacon captures Jamestown

Bacon and Berkeley meet

Bacon commissioned by Berkeley

Bacon hangs Berkeley's spy

Bacon urged to depose Berkeley

Bacon's Indian campaign

Bacon again rallying his hosts

Bacon uses the wives of royalists as shields

Bacon repulses the attack of Berkeley's longshoremen

Bacon besieges Jamestown

Bacon enters Jamestown

Bacon burns Jamestown

Bacon marches to meet the foe on the Potomac

Bacon ill

Bacon's death a mystery

Bacon rebels attainted of treason

Bacon's laws repealed

Baconites deserting Ingram

Battle between Claybourne and Calvert on the Potomac

Battle of the Severn, March 25, 1654

Battle of Brookfield

Battle of Bloody Run

Bennett, Richard, succeeds Berkeley

Berkeley, Sir William, Governor of Virginia

Berkeley, Sir William, character of

Berkeley's proclamation against Puritan pastors

Berkeley invites Charles II. to come to Virginia

Berkeley, deposed by roundheads in 1650, retires to Greenspring Manor

Berkeley restored in 1660 by Charles II.

Berkeley's opinion of free schools and printing

Berkeley informs home government that all trouble with the Indians is happily over

Berkeley's excuse for refusing Bacon's commission

Berkeley denounces Bacon as a rebel

Berkeley pardons Bacon

Berkeley preparing to resist Bacon

Berkeley and Bacon meet

Berkeley revokes Bacon's commission and denounces him a rebel

Berkeley in possession of Jamestown

Berkeley demands surrender of Jamestown

Berkeley's attack on Bacon's works

Berkeley's tyranny at York

Berkeley's departure from Virginia

Berkeley's territory conveyed to the Duke of York

Bland, execution of

Brent reported advancing

Buckingham succeeds Clarendon

Burning of Jamestown

Calvert, Sir George, at Jamestown, 1630

Calvert, Governor of Maryland

Carolinia, William Hawley, governor of

Carolinia settled by New Englanders

Carolinia constitution

Carteret, New Jersey conveyed to

Carteret enters New Jersey with a hoe on his shoulder

Carteret, Governor of New Jersey, deposed

Census of New England in 1675

Charles I. beheaded in 1649

Charles II. declared king of England in 1660

Charles II. pursuing the judges of his father

Charles II., character of

Charles II. profligate and careless

Charles II.'s opinion of Sir William Berkeley

Cheeseman, trial of

Cheeseman's death

Cheeseman, Mrs., before Berkeley

Church and his men surrounded at Punkateeset

Clarendon in exile

Claybourne, William, the great rebel, at Kent Island

Clove, Anthony, governor of reconquered New Amsterdam

Coddington's, William, commission for governing islands within limits of Rhode Island charter

Commissioners sent to demand Massachusetts charter

Connecticut obtains a new charter under Winthrop

Connecticut after the restoration

Connecticut under Winthrop procures another constitution

Cromwell, Oliver, rules England as Protector

Cromwell, Oliver, dies in 1658 and names his son Richard as his successor

Culpepper, Lord, and Arlington receive from Charles II. grant of all Virginia for thirty-one years

Curles, Bacon's home

Death of Nathaniel Bacon

De Vries robbed by the Indians

De Vries chosen president of popular assembly

Dixwell, John, one of the executioners of Charles I

Drummond, William, appointed Governor of Carolinia in 1666

Drummond brings North Carolinia into notice of the world

Drummond before Berkeley

Drummond, execution of

Drummond, Sarah, banished with her children

Drummond's, Sarah, appeal reaches the throne

Dutch capture New York

Dyer, Mary, execution of

Effect of the restoration on Virginia

Elizabethtown, New Jersey, founded by Carteret

Elliott, John, missionary among Indians

Emigrants to Carolinia

Emigrants to New Jersey from New England

English government in a state of chaos after the death of Cromwell

Endicott, John, Governor of Massachusetts

Execution of Robinson and Stevenson

Farlow, Captain, hung by Berkeley

Fisher, Mary, in Massachusetts

Forebodings of war

Gathering of Virginians at Curles

Goffe and the fencing-master

Goffe, William, one of the judges who tried and condemned Charles I

Goffe and Whalley hiding from the king's men

Gorges recovers his claim

Greene, Roger, guide into Carolinia wilderness

Greenspring Manor, Berkeley's country residence

Grievances of Virginians

Hadley attacked by the Indians

Hansford, Colonel, prepares to resist Berkeley

Hansford abandons Jamestown

Hansford hung

Harvey, Sir John, Governor of Virginia in 1629

Harvey, Sir John, deposed by Wert

Hawley, Governor of Carolinia

Heath, Sir Robert, receives patent to lands south of Virginia

Hollanders attack Indians at Hoboken

Indian war of 1644

Indians in New Amsterdam driven to New Jersey

Indian advancement in education

Indians' lands taken from them

Ingram chosen in place of Bacon

Ingram's surrender

James, Duke of York, has all New Netherland granted to him by his brother Charles II

Jamestown besieged by Bacon

Jamestown captured by Bacon

Jamestown destroyed by Bacon and has never been rebuilt

Judges who tried and condemned Charles I

Kieft, Governor of New Netherland, demands the murderer of the wheelwright

Kieft sends an expedition against the Indians

Kieft recalled, perishes on his way to Holland

King Philip aims a blow at Hadley, Hatfield and Northampton

King's men, character of

Lancaster attacked by Indians

Lawrence escapes into the wilds of North Carolinia

Law against Quakers repealed in 1661

Laws made by Bacon repealed

Longtail, Claybourne's trading ship

Lovelace appointed Governor of New York

Massachusetts controls the New England confederacy

Massachusetts' charter threatened

Massachusetts after the restoration

Massachusetts not punished for her defiance

Massasoit, death of, 1661

Matapoiset, attack on

Meeting between Carteret and Nicolls

Middle Plantation oath

Money first coined hi North America (in Massachusetts), 1652

Muddy Brook, fight at

Narragansetts, Philip among

Navigation act, one of Virginia's grievances

New Amsterdam granted a government like the free cities of Holland

New Amsterdam conquered by the English and changed to New York

New England confederation

New England, growth of

New England colonies slandered

New Haven colony

New Jersey, how effected by change

New Jersey charter

New Jersey's encouragement to emigrants

New Jersey falls into the hands of the Dutch

New York not represented in Parliament

New York attacked by the Dutch

New York re-captured by the Dutch and re-christened New Amsterdam

Nicolls, Col. Richard, arrives at Now Amsterdam

Nicolls succeeded by Lovelace in 1667 as the governor of New York

Nipmucks, Philip among

North Carolinia's first legislature in 1666

Nutten (now Governor's Island), Indians agree to go to

Old Dominion, how Virginia derived the name of

Oliverian plot

Opechancanough captured when almost one hundred years old and assassinated

Orange changed to Albany

Parliament orders a fleet to Virginia in 1650

Pavonia, the territory of Pauw

Philip's, King, opposition to war

Philip, King, weeps on hearing that white man's blood has been shed

Philip, King, among the Nipmucks

Philip, King, pursued

Philip, King, death of

Pokanokets rejected Christianity

Popular assembly, the first at New Amsterdam

Population of Virginia

Printz, governor of Swedes in Delaware

Puritans of New England

Quakers persecuted in Massachusetts

Quitrents demanded of people in New Jersey

Raritans of New Jersey persecuted by the Dutch

Rhode Island granted a new charter in 1644

Rhode Island granted another charter in 1663

Rising, John, on the Delaware

Roundheads conquer Virginia in 1653

Rowlandson, Mrs., narrative of attack on her house

Royalists, triumph of

Sassaman, John, Christian Indian who betrayed the plans of Philip

Savage sent to Mount Hope

South Kingston, Indians at

Stuyvesant, Peter, sent as governor to New Amsterdam

Stuyvesant forms treaty with New England

Stuyvesant and the Swedes on the Delaware

Stuyvesant recaptures Fort Cassimer

Stuyvesant's answer to the English demand to surrender

Stuyvesant consents to surrender New Amsterdam

Stuyvesant goes to Holland

Stuyvesant returns to New York

Sudbury, attack on

Suffrage confined to freeholders, under Charles II

Swansey, beginning of King Philip's war on

Swedes on the Delaware, trouble with

Swen, Schute, captures Fort Cassimer and names it Fort Trinity

Van Dyck kills an Indian squaw in his peach orchard

Van Dyck killed by Indians in retaliation

Vane, Sir Henry, a victim of the restoration

Vane, Sir Henry, executed

Virginia divided into eight shires

Virginia restored to monarchy

Virginia threatened with civil war

Virginia, home ruled

Virginia's defence, 1675

Washington, Major John, kills Indians while bringing a flag of truce

Whalley, one of Cromwell's generals

Wheelwright murdered by Indians

Wilford, Captain, hung by Berkeley

Windsor, Indian attack on

Winthrop and Governor Stuyvesant

Winthrop, John, and Charles II.



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