PERIOD VI.--AGE OF TYRANNY. A.D. 1643 TO A.D. 1680. 1644. SECOND INDIAN MASSACRE in Virginia; 800 whites killed,--April 18. 1645. CLAIBORNE'S REBELLION in Maryland; Gov. Calvert fled to Virginia. 1649. CHARLES I., King of Great Britain, beheaded,--Jan. 30. 1650. FIRST SETTLEMENT in North Carolina, on the Chowan River, near Edenton. 1653. OLIVER CROMWELL appointed Lord Protector of Great Britain,--Dec. 16. 1655. RELIGIOUS WAR in Maryland between Protestants and Catholics; New Sweden conquered by the Dutch. 1656. QUAKERS came to Massachusetts; cruel treatment by Puritans. 1660. MONARCHY restored in Great Britain; Charles II. king,--May 29. 1663. CLARENDON GRANT to Lord Clarendon and others,--March 24. (This grant extended from 30° to 1664. NEW NETHERLANDS granted to the Duke of York and Albany,--March 12. NEW JERSEY granted to Berkeley and Carteret,--June 24. STUYVESANT surrenders New Amsterdam (New York City). FORT ORANGE, N. Y., named Albany,--Sept. 24. ELIZABETH, N. J., settled by emigrants from Long Island. 1665. CONNECTICUT AND NEW HAVEN united under the name of Connecticut,--May. SECOND CHARTER of Carolina; boundary extended to 29° lat.,--June 30. CLARENDON COLONY, near Wilmington, N. C., permanently settled. 1670. DETROIT, MICH., settled by the French. CARTERET COLONY settled on Ashley River, near Charleston, S. C. 1671. MARQUETTE established the Mission of St. Ignatius, at Michilimackinac. 1673. VIRGINIA granted to Culpepper and Islington. MARQUETTE AND JOLIETTE explored the Mississippi River to the Arkansas. 1674. MARQUETTE founded a Missionary Station at Chicago, 111. 1675. MARQUETTE founded a mission at Kaskaskia, Ill. KING PHILIP'S WAR in New England began. 1676. BACON'S REBELLION against Berkeley in Virginia, one hundred years before independence. |