| Number. | Page. | Leaf-Butterfly | 1 | 19 | Somali Tsetse-Fly | 2 | 20 | Common Gnat | 3 | 22 | Spot-Winged Mosquito | 4 | 22 | Malaria Parasite | 5 | 23 | Trypanosoma gambiense | 6 | 24 | African Elephant | 7 | 25 | Skeleton of a Flying-Fox | 8 | 27 | Skull of the Giant Tuatera | 9 | 32 | Skeleton of the Great Blue Shark | 10 | 33 | Flying Fish | 11 | 35 | Flying Gurnard | 12 | 35 | Jaw of Port Jackson Shark | 13 | 36 | Female Okapi | 14 | 41 | Great Auk | 15 | 43 | Egg of the Great Auk | 16 | 45 | Venus’ Flower-Basket | 17 | 49 | Brain-Coral | 18 | 50 | Rough Sunfish | 19 | 51 | Gastrostomus bairdi | 20 | 52 | Saccopharynx flagellum | 21 | 52 | Sucker-Fish | 22 | 52 | Lower View of Head of Saw-Fish | 23 | 53 | Basking Shark | 24 | 54 | Coconut Crab | 25 | 55 | Saddle-Backed Tortoise | 26 | 57 | Horned Frog | 27 | 58 | Sea-Lily | 28 | 59 | Whelk | 29 | 61 | Left Valve of Giant Clam | 30 | 62 | Pearly Nautilus | 31 | 62 | Sperm-Whale | 32 | 65 | Platypus or Duck-Bill | 33 | 67 | Yellow-Bellied Pangolin | 34 | 68 | Prongbuck or Pronghorn Antelope | 35 | 69 | Heads of Rhinoceroses | 36 | 70 | Northern Fur-Seal | 37 | 71 | Elephant-Seal | 38 | 7
| |