A General Guide to the British Museum (Natural History). 13th Edition. With 58 Woodcuts, 2 Plans, and 2 Views. 1913, 8vo. 3d. Zoological Department. Guide to the Specimens illustrating the Races of Mankind. 2nd Edition. 16 Illustrations. 1912, 8vo. 4d. Guide to the Galleries of Mammals (other than Ungulates). 8th Edition. 52 Woodcuts and 4 Plans. 1906, 8vo. 6d. Guide to Great Game Animals. 41 Woodcuts and 12 Plates. 1907, 8vo. 1s. Guide to the Specimens of the Horse Family (EquidÆ). 26 Illustrations. 1907, 8vo. 1s. Guide to the Domesticated Animals (other than Horses). 2nd Edition. 25 Illustrations. 1912, 8vo. 6d. Guide to the Whales, Porpoises, and Dolphins (order Cetacea). 33 Illustrations. 1909, 8vo. 4d. Guide to the Gallery of Birds. 2nd Edition. 25 Plates, and 7 Illustrations in text. 1910, 4to. 2s. 6d. Guide to the Gallery of Birds:— Part I. General Series. 1905, 4to. 6d. Part II. Nesting Series of British Birds. 2nd Edition. 4 Plates. 1909, 4to. 4d. Guide to the Gallery of Reptilia and Amphibia. 2nd Edition. Illustrated by 76 text and other Figures. 1913, 8vo. 1s. Guide to the Gallery of Fishes. 96 Illustrations. 1908, 8vo. 1s. Guide to the British Vertebrates. 26 Text-figures, 1 Plan. 1910, 8vo. 1s. Guide to the Exhibited Series of Insects. 2nd Edition. 62 Illustrations. 1909, 8vo. 1s. Guide to the Crustacea, Arachnida, Onychophora, and Myriopoda. 90 Text-figures. 1910, 8vo. 1s. Guide to the Shell and Starfish Galleries (Mollusca, Polyzoa, Brachiopoda, Tunicata, Echinoderma, and Worms). 5th Edition. 125 Woodcuts and 1 Plan. 1908, 8vo. 6d. Guide to the Coral Gallery (Protozoa, Porifera or Sponges, Hydrozoa, and Anthozoa). 2nd Edition. 90 Illustrations and 1 Plan. 1907, 8vo. 1s.
Geological Department. A Guide to the Fossil Mammals and Birds. 9th Edition. 6 Plates and 88 Text-figures. 1909, 8vo. 6d. A Guide to the Fossil Reptiles, Amphibians, and Fishes. 9th Edition. 8 Plates and 116 Text-figures. 1910, 8vo. 9d. A Guide to the Fossil Invertebrate Animals. 2nd Edition. 7 Plates and 96 Text-figures. 1911, 8vo. 1s. Guide to the Elephants (Recent and Fossil). 31 Illustrations. 1908, 8vo. 6d. Mineral Department. A Guide to the Mineral Gallery. 11th Edition. With Plan. 1911, 8vo. 1d. The Student’s Index to the Collection of Minerals. 24th Edition. Plan. 1911, 8vo. 2d. An Introduction to the Study of Minerals, with a Guide to the Mineral Gallery. 13th Edition. 41 Woodcuts and Plan. 1910, 8vo. 6d. An Introduction to the Study of Rocks and Guide to the Museum Collection. 4th Edition. With Plan. 1909, 8vo. 1s. An Introduction to the Study of Meteorites, with a List of the Meteorites represented in the Collection. 10th Edition. With Plan. 1908, 8vo. 6d. Botanical Department. List of British Seed-plants and Ferns exhibited in the Department of Botany. 1913, 8vo. 4d. Guide to Sowerby’s Models of British Fungi. By W.G. Smith. 3rd Edition. 91 Woodcuts. 1908, 8vo. 4d. Guide31 to Drawings of Field and Cultivated Mushrooms, and Poisonous or Worthless Fungi, often mistaken for Mushrooms. 2 Plates, containing 28 coloured figures; 4 Text-figures. 1910, 8vo. 1s. Guide to the British Mycetozoa. By Arthur Lister. 3rd Edition. 46 Woodcuts. 1909, 8vo. 3d. Books and Portraits illustrating the History of Plant Classification exhibited in the Department of Botany. 2nd Edition. 4 Plates. 1909, 8vo. 4d. (Special Guide Series, No. 2.)
Special Guides. No. 4.—Memorials of Darwin: a collection of Manuscripts, Portraits, Medals, Books, and Natural History Specimens to commemorate the Centenary of his Birth. 2nd Edition. 2 Plates. 1910, 8vo. 6d. No. 5.—Exhibition of Animals, Plants, and Minerals mentioned in the Bible. 2nd Edition. 7 Text-figures. 1911, 8vo. 6d. Hints for Collectors. Handbook of Instructions for Collectors. With Illustrations. Third Edition. 1906, 8vo. 1s. 6d. Instructions for Collectors:— No. 1.—Mammals. 4th Edition. Text illustrated. 1912, 8vo. 3d. No. 2.—Birds and their Eggs. 5th Edition. 6 Figures in text. 1912, 8vo. 3d. No. 3.—Reptiles, Batrachians, and Fishes. 3rd Edition. 1903, 8vo. 4d. No. 4.—Insects. 5th Edition. Text illust. 1911, 8vo. 3d. No. 5.—Diptera (Two-winged Flies). 3rd Edition. Text illust. 1908, 8vo. 3d. No. 6.—Mosquitoes (CulicidÆ). 3rd Edition. 1 Plate, 1 Figure in text. 1904, 8vo. 3d. No. 7.—Blood-sucking Flies, Ticks, etc. 3rd Edition. 13 Figures in text. 1907, 8vo. 3d. No. 8.—Spiders, Centipedes, etc. 2nd Edition. 1906, 8vo. 3d. No. 9.—Soft-bodied Invertebrate Animals; Shells of Molluscs. 3rd Edition. 1909, 8vo. 3d. No. 10.—Plants. 4th Edition. 3 Figures in text. 1909, 8vo. 3d. No. 11.—Fossils and Minerals. 3rd Edition. 1906, 8vo. 3d. Economic Series. No. 1.—The House-Fly as a danger to health. Its Life-history, and how to deal with it. By E.E. Austen. 2 Plates (4 figures), and 3 text-figures. 1913, 8vo. 1d. * * * * * The Guide-Books can be obtained only at the Natural History Museum. Postage extra. Written communications respecting them should be addressed to The Director.