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1324 Kilkenny, Ireland. [This is the earliest record to give the names of all those who took part in the ceremonies. Two of the poorer women were burned; Dame Alice Kyteler returned to England; William Outlaw, her son, was imprisoned for a time. Nothing is known of the fate of the rest.] - 1. Alice Kyteler
- 2. Alice, wife of Henry the Smith
- 3. Annota Lange
- 4. Eva de Brounstoun
- 5. Helena Galrussyn
- 6. John Galrussyn
- 7. Petronilla de Meath
- 8. Robert de Bristol
- 9. Robin, son of Artis (the Devil)
- 10. Sarah, daughter of Petronilla
- 11. Sysok Galrussyn
- 12. William Payn of Boly
- 13. William Outlaw.