“It were a delicate stratagem to shoe 1. “Great, or Good Spirit;” such is the “Manitou,” “ManittÓ,” “Kitche–Manitou,” &c., of the Delawares, Chippeways, SÂkis, Pottawatomis, and most of the Algonkin tribes. 2. “The Wonderful, or Wonderful Spirit,” by which name He is designated among most of the tribes resident on the banks of the Missouri; e. g. “Wahcondah” by the Otoes and Omahaws, “Wahcatunca” by the Dahcotahs, “Ma–na–kÔpa” by the Minneterees, &c. 3. “Master of Life,” which is the signification of the name by which the Almighty is recognised among the Pawnees, and many other numerous and powerful tribes. The subject is too comprehensive to be more than briefly alluded to in this place. |