. Battlefields in North America, 28. Battlefields of the Union, 71. Battleship Maine, Action on Loss of the, 165, 166. Battleship Texas, 157, 158. Belknap, Rear Admiral (U. S. N.), 162. Bell, Gen. George, Washington, D. C., 171, 186. Bellevue Hospital Medical College, 182. Bellevue Hotel, Boston, Reception and Banquet at, 178. Belmont, Battle of, 105. Bennett, James Gordon, 72, 74. Berkeley, George, Services to Education of, 56, 138. Bernon, Mary and Eva, 58. Betts, Rev. George C., Goshen, N. Y., 155, 186. Bicknell’s Sketches of Barrington, R. I., 130. Binns Family, The, of Philadelphia, 70. Bishop Berkeley, of Cloyne, 56. “Bivouac of the Dead,” The, 74. Blakeley, Capt. Johnston (U. S. N.), 17, 177. Blakeley, U. S. Torpedo-Boat, 17, 177. Blue Mountain Valley, The Ship (1776), 91. Bodfish, Rev. Joshua P., 14, 48, 186. Boer Delegates, Receptions to, 13. Boer Envoys in Providence, R. I., Boston and Springfield, Mass., 13. Boers, The War against the, 9. Bolton, Rev. J. Gray, Philadelphia, Pa., 155. Bombardment of Khiva, 75. Boone, Daniel, 80, 83. Boston Charitable Irish Society, 10. Boston Globe, 11, 12, 14, 166, 179, 197, 198, 208. Boston, Evacuation of, 10. Boston Herald, 183. Boston, Irish Relief Furnished, 139. Boston Port Bill, The, 35. Boston Press Club, 10. Boston School Board, 15, 182, 189. Boston Sunday Globe, Symposium in, 166. Boudinot, Elias, 90. Bowdoin College, 181. Boyle, Hon. John, of Kentucky, 184. Catholic Diocese of Portland, Me., 14, 184. Catholic Diocese of Providence, R. I., 48. Catholic Diocese of Springfield, Mass., 22. Catholic Families, Early, in Kentucky, 86. Catholic Sentinel, Portland, Ore., 14. Catholic Settlers of Maryland, 83, 84. Catholic Settlers in Kentucky, 78. Catholic University, Washington, D. C., 5, 37, 155, 189, 193, 195, 210. Cavanagh, Michael, Washington, D. C., Death of, 14, 47, 182. Celtic Medical Society, New York, 209. “Celts from Devon and Cornwall” Settle at Portsmouth, N. H., 126. Central High School, Philadelphia, Pa., 5. Chaplin, H. W., Boston, Mass., 158. Characteristics of the Irish Race, 38. Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, 63. Charleston, S. C., Hibernian Society of, 10, 96. Charleston, S. C., News and Courier, 179, 180. Charleston, S. C., St. Patrick’s Society of, 10. Charlestown (Mass.) Advertiser, 183. Charitable Irish Society, Boston, 10, 179, 195. Charlestown (Mass.) Enterprise, The, 13. Chartier’s Valley, Penn., 120. Chase, Arthur H., State Librarian of New Hampshire, 158. Chester County, Pennsylvania, 15. Chicago Eagle, The, 192. Chickamauga, Battle of, 108. Chronology of the American-Irish Historical Society, 153. Church of England, 53, 55, 58, 117. Church of Scotland, 117. Cincinnati, Society of the, 15, 48, 155. Civil War, The American, 75, 123, 124, 141, 182, 196. Clancey, James, a New Jersey Soldier of the Revolution, 91. Clark, Abraham, 90. Clark University, President Hall of, 12, 98. Fort Warren, John Mitchell imprisoned at, 109. Fort William and Mary, Seizure of the Powder at, 159. Forty-fourth New York Regiment in the Civil War, 124. Four thousand acres granted Col. John Campbell in Kentucky, 84. Franco-American Historical Society, 23, 176. Franklin, Battle of, 104, 108, 109. Franklin, Benjamin, befriends Matthew Carey, 69. Fredericksburg, Battle of, 103, 104, 105, 184. Fredericksburg, Irish Brigade at, 184. Freedom of the Press, Dissertation on, 64. French Chapter in American History, 23. Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, Albany, N. Y., 10. Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, New York City, 10, 164, 181. Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, New York City, send fraternal greetings, 164. Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, Philadelphia, Pa., 68, 163. Friends, The Society of, 137. Frye, Senator, Letter from, 37. Gaelic League of America, 12. Gaffney, T. St. John, 9, 15, 32, 34, 195. Gafney, Charles P., Rochester, N. H., Death of, 165, 185. Gaine, Hugh, starts the Mercury in New York, 63. Gaines’ Mill, Battle of, 103. Galvin, Hon. Owen A., Boston, Mass., Death of, 165, 185. Gardiner, Miss Hannah, 53. Gargan, Thomas J., 5, 13, 19, 20, 21, 24, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 153, 154, 161, 164, 165, 166, 167, 171, 172, 174, 175, 198. Hudson, Henry, the explorer, 89. Hugh Cargill of Concord, Mass. (1775), 12, 40, 110, 113. Hugh Cargill Barrett, 112. Hugh Cargill Maloney, 112. Humrickhouse Family, The, 119, 120, 121. Hunt, Capt. Casper W., of Tennessee, 108. Indian Ambuscade, Kentucky settlers fall into an, 81. Insula Sanctorum, Ireland once so termed, 60. Interstate Commerce Commission, 161. Iowa, Hon. James W. Grimes of, 123. Ireland, Address of the American Continental Congress to the people of, 87, 88. Ireland, Antrim, 90. Ireland, Archibald MacSparran sails from, 60. Ireland, Arrival of ships from, in 1773, 96. Ireland, Ballyshannon, 110, 113. Ireland, Bank of, 182. Ireland, Bishop Berkeley of Cloyne, 56. Ireland: Can She ever be Reconciled to the British Crown? 11. Ireland, Col. John Campbell, a Native of, 84. Ireland, Colony of Settlers from Ballibay, 117. Ireland’s Contribution to the Population of America, 78. Ireland, County Cork, 116. Ireland, County Tipperary, 183. Ireland, County Waterford, 182. Ireland, Cromwell’s Conquest of, 122. Ireland, Donegal, 110. Ireland, Dungiven, 52, 61. Ireland, Early Trade between that Country and New Hampshire, 127. Ireland, Eloquent Children of, 32. Ireland, George Washington of Dublin, 173. Ireland, Heraldry of, 192. Ireland in the American Drama, 28. Ireland, John Mitchell returns to, 109. Ireland, Kingdom of, 114, 115. Ireland. Limerick, 38, 72. Ireland, Longford, 71. Ireland, McSparran to Friends in, 54. Ireland, Myths and Folk-Lore of, 190. Ireland once termed “Insula Sanctorum,” 60. Ireland, Parish Registry of Dungiven, 61. Ireland, Prominent Southerners who were born in, 98. Ireland, Relief from, for Boston, 139. Ireland, Royal University of, 14, 47. Ireland, Settlers in Massachusetts from County Antrim, 115. Ireland, Sligo, 181. Ireland, Society of Antiquities, 170, 171, Mohawk Valley, The, 91. Monument to Gen. John Sullivan, 72. Reception to the Society by Hon. John D. Crimmins, 166. Reconstruction Act of 1774, 35. Records of Old Yarmouth, Mass., 154. Reddy, William F., Death of, 8, 47, 181. Redmond, Hon. John E. (M. P.), 179. “Refugees and Adventurists,” so called, 63. Register, The Mobile, 105. Republican Argus, The, 70. Republican National Convention, 14. Republican, Springfield (Mass.); Tribute to the Society by the, 155. Review of Reviews, The, 10. Review of the Year, 8 to 18. Revolution, The, 6, 15, 16, 21, 22, 27, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 44, 48, 49, 50, 51, 62, 68, 79, 80, 83, 84, 89, 90, 91, 110, 114, 115, 116, 117, 122, 123, 134, 142, 158, 161, 164, 170, 171, 209, 212. Revolution, Sons of the, 36, 49, 51, 161. Revolutionary Army, The, 68. Revolutionary Fort on Butts Hill, Portsmouth, R. I., 16. Revolutionary Heroes at Valley Forge, 139. Reynolds, Gov. John, quoted regarding Matthew Lyon, 87. Rhetts, The, of South Carolina, 97. Rhode Island, Arnold’s Vital Record of, 134. Rhode Island, “A vast many Lawsuits in,” 60. Rhod
84-h@59384-h-15.htm.html#Page_32" class="pginternal">32, 33, 34, 40, 44, 150, 153, 154, 159, 161, 165, 166, 167, 168, 170, 171, 175, 178, 180. Smith, Laurence J., Lowell, Mass., Death of, 163. Snodgrass, Isabella, a Native of Ireland (1754), 16, 118–121. Society of Antiquities, Ireland, 14. Society of Colonial Wars, 156, 161. Society of the Cincinnati, 15, 48. Society of Friends, The, 137. Society’s Officers, The, 5, 6, 7. “Some Pre-Revolutionary Irishmen,” 172. Somerville, Mass., Historical Society, 12. Sons of the American Revolution, 156, 161, 210. Sons of the Revolution, 36, 49, 51, 161, 210. South Boston Citizens’ Association, 10. South Carolina, John C. Calhoun of, 90. Southern Associated Press, 11. Spain, The War with, 9, 171, 173. Spellman, Sergt. Dominick, “another Sergeant Jasper,” 98. Spottsylvania, Battle of, 106. Springfield, Mass., Catholic Diocese of, 22. Springfield (Mass.) Republican, Tribute to the Society, 155. Stamp Act, The, 35. State Agricultural College (N. Y.), 71. Staten Island, British Troops in Possession of, 91. Status of the Irish in America, 138. Stephens, Hon. Alexander H., 99. Stevenson, William, of Ireland, 60. Stiness, Hon. John H., of the Rhode Island Supreme Court, 167. Stonewall Jackson, 104. Stony Point, Attack on, 84. Strabane, Ireland, 68. Stratton Farm, The, Concord, Mass., 111, 112. Stuart, Gilbert, The Painter, 59. St. Cha