- Addresses and Papers at the Annual Meeting of the Society, 53.
- Annual Banquet of the organization, 46.
- Annual Business Proceedings, 41.
- Annual Report of the Secretary-General, 42.
- Annual Report of the Treasurer-General, 45.
- Chronological Record of the Society, 12.
- Hon. John D. Crimmins’s Reception to the Society, 52.
- Hon. Theodore Roosevelt’s Reception, 51.
- List of Gentlemen who have spoken before the Society, or at meetings under its auspices, 203.
- List of Papers read, or contributed for publication, since the Society was organized, 202.
- Letter from the Retiring President-General, 53.
- Meeting at Newport, R. I., 114.
- Meeting at Providence, R. I., 104.
- Membership Roll, 206.
- Necrology of the Society, 235.
- Officers of the Society for 1899, 9, 10, 11.
- Papers contributed during the year for publication, 120.
- President-General Gargan’s Address, 93.
- Prospectus of the Society, 5.
- Reception and Banquet at Boston Mass., 117.