c@vhost@g@html@files@58485@58485-h@58485-h-17.htm.html#Page_204" class="pginternal">204. Berkeley, Dean, 115, 182, 183. Ben. Logan of Kentucky (1775), 143. Ben: Perley Poore’s Life of Gen. Burnside, 187. Benjamin Franklin, 200. Bermuda, Emigration to, 61. Bermuda, Dr. T. A. Emmet’s Visit to, 70. Betsey Burnside of Lincoln, R. I., 187. Bicknell’s Sketches of Barrington, R. I., 189. Bigger, John Bell, of Virginia, 164. Bishop Brennan of Dallas, 136. Bishop Gallagher of Galveston, 136. Bishop Moylan of Cork, 68. Bishop Nerez of San Antonio, 136. “Black Famine,” The, 164. Blakely, U. S. Torpedo boat, 37. Blair, Gen. Frank P., 199. Blue Grass Region, 143. Blue Jacket, The Indian, 170. Bodfish, Rev. Joshua P., 46, 206. Bombardment of Vera Cruz, 195. Bonus on Irish Estates Confiscated to the Crown, 58. Boone, Daniel, 139, 140, 143. Boscawen, Admiral, 74. Boston, American Army before, 68. Boston Chamber of Commerce, 229. Boston, Entrenchments Around, 80. Boston Globe, The, 13, 26, 118, 218. Boston Herald, The, 13. Boston Public Schools, 224. Boston School Board, 209. Bowen, Dr. Pardon, 154. Bowen’s Hill (R. I.), 182. Boyle of Newport, R. I., Mayor, 25, 38, 40, 116, 205, 207. Bradford of Maryland. Gov., 98. Brady, Rev. Cyrus Townsend, 13, 35, 42, 207. Branch of the MacSweenys Settles in Cork at Close of Thirteenth Century, 194. Brandon, Edward, City Clerk of Cambridge, Mass., 19, 202, 207. Brandywine, The U. S. S., 196. Brazoria, 130. Breckinridge, Gen. John C., 163. Brendan, St., Reputed Dis
iles@58485@58485-h@58485-h-15.htm.html#Page_176" class="pginternal">176, 178, 189, 196, 199, 225, 227, 235, 237, 238, 239. Cleveland, President, 100. Clinton, Gen James, 79, 81. Clontarf (Ireland), 103, 228. Clontarf, Irish Valor at, 103. Clontarf to Fontenoy, 103. Cochran, Capt. Howard Peyton, 162. Cochran, Col. James C., 162. Cochran, Henry King, 162. Cochran, John Lewis, 161. Cochrane, Gen. John, 14, 23, 235. Coercive Laws Against Ireland, 109. College of Charleston, 178. College of William and Mary, 14. Collins, Gov. John, of Rhode Island, 154. Collins, Hon. Patrick A., 39, 119, 204, 209. Colonial Irish, The, 40. Colonial Records, The, 56. Colonial Wars, Society of, 16, 20, 43. Colonies, Irish Settlers in the American, 60, 61. Colony of De Leon, Irish Settlers with the, 124. Colony, Irish with De Witt’s, 126. Colony of Refugio, The Irish, 124, 125, 126. Colony of San Patricio, 124, 125, 126. Commission to Revise State Constitution of Rhode Island, 216. Committee of Safety, 80, 81. Commodore Barry, 206. Commodore Perry, 28, 181, 188. Commons Reports, British, 95. Conaty, Rt. Rev. Thomas J. (D. D.), 14, 209. Concord Fight, The, 19, 106, 107, 113, 202. Concord, Mass., Col. James Barrett of, 88. Fitz James O’Brien, 190. Fitzpatrick, Edward, of the Louisville (Ky.) Daily Times, 25, 27, 139. Fitzsimmons, Anne, of Westmeath, Ireland, 74. Fitz Simons, Anne, Wedded Wade Hampton, 2d, 177. Fitz Simons, Christopher, of Charleston, S. C., 177. Flannigan, Hon. James W., Lieutenant-Governor of Texas, 135. Flemish Emigration to Ireland, 69. Floyd, Hon. John, Governor of Virginia, 162. Floyd, Hon. John B., Governor of Virginia, 162. Five Colonial Rhode Islanders, 23. Five Nations, The, 71. Fontenoy, Irish Valor at, 103. Fontenoy to Waterloo, 103. Forced Outbreak in Ireland (1641), 58. Foreign Wars, Military Order of, 43. “For the Freedom of the Seas,” 36. Fort Columbus, 196. Fort Donelson, Capture of, 197. Fort Hamilton, 196. Fort Louisburg, 15. Fort William Henry, 74. Fort William and Mary, 18, 77, 78, 202. Foster, William F., Tribute to Dean Berkeley’s Influence, 183. Fourteenth U. S. Infantry, 35. Fourth Massachusetts Vols., 190. Fourth U. S. Infantry, 171. France, 62, 65, 68, 77, 98, 134. France, American Alliance with, 68. France, Many Irish Emigrate to, 62. Franco-American Historical Society, 35. Francis Parkman, 72. Franklin, Benjamin, 200. Fredericksburg, Battle of, 103. French, The, 71, 72, 73, 74, 78, 80, 83, 86, 115. French and Indians, 73. French Power in Canada, 74. Friendly Sons of St. Patrick (New York), 23, 43. Friendly Sons of St. Patrick (Philadelphia), 22, 43. Gaelic Clans, The Northern, 74. Gaelic Tongue, The,
ml@files@58485@58485-h@58485-h-14.htm.html#Page_153" class="pginternal">153. Horigan, Cornelius, Biddeford, Me., 29, 204. Hotchkiss, Gideon, of Connecticut, 159. Hotel Savoy, Members of the Society assemble at, 51. House of Commons, British, 69, 95. House of Commons, Irish, 67. Houston, Sam, of Texas, 128, 130, 131, 133, 134, 136. Howes, Osborne, (a descendant of David O’Killia, who settled on Cape Cod, Mass., as early as 1657), 13. Hoye, John A., Dover, N. H, 27, 218. Hurons, Alliance with the, 71. Illinois Hon. John F. Finerty of, 214. Illinois, National Guard, Col. Henry F. Donovan, recently Inspector-general of, 212. Illinois, P. T. Barry of Chicago, 10, 48, 206. Illustrated American, The, 167. Imperial University at Tokio, 216. Indiana, Gov. Morton of, 98. Interstate Commerce Commission, 7, 13, 225. Invasion of Canada, Plans for the, 200. Ireland, American Generals of the Revolution who were Natives of, 81. Ireland, British Travesty on Justice in, 59. Ireland, By one Transaction the British crown comes into Possession of over one half all the Available Land in, 60. Ireland, Captain Vernon Contracts with David Selleck and Mr. Leader to supply them with 250 Women and 300 men of the Irish Nation ... to Transplant them into New England, 64, 65. Ireland, Catholic and Protestant Heroes of, 90. Ireland, Catholics driven out of, by a Persecution which has never been Equalled, 57. Ireland, Charles I’s Broken Promises to, 58. Ireland, Christopher Johnson of County Meath, 73. Ireland, Confiscation of two-thirds of the Landed Property in, 60. Ireland’s Contribution to the Development of the American Colonies, 56. Ireland, Cromwell’s Barbarities in, 60, 102. Ireland, Descendants of Cromwellian Soldiers in, become intensely Irish, 67. Ireland, English Falsification of Historical Events Connected with, 57. Ireland, English Measures to Destroy Commerce of, 62. Ireland, Flemish Emigration to, 69. Ireland, Forced Emigration from, 57. Ireland, Governor Dongan of New York, a Native of, 72. Ireland, Immigrants from, among the Dutch in America, 63. Ireland, Instructions given to Exterminate whole Catholic Population of, 59. Ireland, In the Eighteenth Century Thousands of able-bodied male Catholics leave for European ports and very few ever return, 61. Ireland, Irish Emigrants from, set down as “English,” 63. Ir
Limerick (Ireland), 15, 77, 190. Limerick Schoolmaster, The, 186. Lincoln, Abraham, 98. Lincoln’s Funeral, Guard of Honor, 199. Linehan, Hon. John C., Treasurer-General of the Society; Paper on “Some Pre-Revolutionary Irishmen,” 32, 202; - on “The Irish Pioneers of Texas,” 120, 203;
- Other Mention, 5, 12, 13, 16, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 34, 36, 37, 42, 45, 46, 50, 71, 204, 220.
Linehan, Rev. Timothy P., of Biddeford, Me., 29, 204. Linn, Hon. John J., of Texas, 138. Lipton, Sir Thomas, Invited to be a Guest of the Society, and His Reply, 37, 38. Livius, Peter, Royalist Refugee, 78. London Guilds, The, 169. Londonderry (Ireland), 183. Londonderry (N. H.), 147. Lone Star State, The, 138. Long, Hon. John D., Secretary of the United States Navy, 28. Lord Baltimore’s Title Derived from Ireland, 63. Lost State of Clark, The, 25. Lough Neagh, 149. Louisburg, Capture of, 43, 74. Louisville (Ky.) Courier-Journal, 25. Louisville (Ky.), Survey of, 140. Louisville (Ky.) Times, Article on “Irish Settlers in Louisville and Vicinity,” in, 22. Lower Dublin, Pa., 183. Loyal Legion, Military Order of the, 16, 43, 201, 210, 219. Ludwig, William, the Irish Baritone, Sings before the Society, 118. Lyon County (Ky.), 141. Lyon, Hon. Chittendon, 142. Lyon, Hon. Matthew, 141, 142. Lyons, Judge Peter, of Virginia, 163. Lynch, Aide-de-camp to the Chevalie
nal">121. Mexican War, The, 95, 134, 135, 194, 195, 197, 201, 222. Mexico, City of, 122, 124. Miami, Battle on the, 170. Michie, Thomas J., of Virginia, 164. Military Academy of South Carolina, 178. Military Order of the Loyal Legion, 16, 43, 201, 210, 219. Miller, Hon. Augustus S., Speaker of the Rhode Island House of Representatives, 192. Minnesota Historical Society, 104. Minute Men at Lexington, Mass., 107. Missouri, Territorial Legislature of, 132. Mohawks, The, 73. Moloney, T. W., of Rutland, Vt., 29, 225. Monaghan, Hon. James C., U. S. Consul at Mannheim and Chemnitz, 191. Montgomery’s Army, 78. Moore, O’Brien, 16, 235. More Americans of African Origin in the United States than of direct English Descent, 56. “Mr. William Barr, an Irishman,” 120. Morton, Governor of Indiana, 98. Moseley, Edward A., Second President-General of the Society; retiring Address of, 53; - other Mention, 7, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 28, 30, 41, 42, 55, 204, 225.
Moses, George H., of the Concord (N. H.) Monitor, 12, 225. Moylan, Bishop, of Cork, 68. Moylan, Gen. Stephen, 30, 43, 68, 233. “Mrs. Perry’s Victory,” 188. Muhlenberg, General of the Revolution, 69. Muldoon, Rev. Father, an Irish Priest, Resident in Mexico, 127. Mulholland, Gen. St. Clair A., of Philadelphia, Pa., 10, 22, 225. Murphy, Timothy, a Soldier of the Revolution, 81. Murray, Thomas Hamilton, Secretary-General of the Society; Annual Report of, 42-45; - Paper on an “Early Irish Settlement in Rhode Island,” 152;
- Paper on “The Irish Chapter in the History of Brown University,&
htm.html#Page_110" class="pginternal">110.
- Robert Morris of the Revolution, 68.
- Roberts, Hon. William R., United States Minister to Chili, 200.
- Robertson, John Mackinnon, Address to the Society, 23.
- Robertson, Major-General, on the Composition of the American Patriot Army, 95.
- Roche, James Jeffrey, of Boston, Mass., 5, 9, 13, 20, 21, 22, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 37, 42, 47, 50, 89, 106, 115, 117, 203, 204, 230.
- Roger Williams of Rhode Island, 89.
- Rome Cross Roads, Action at, 199.
- Rooney, John Jerome, of New York City, 50, 91, 205.
- Roosevelt, Hon. Theodore, of New York, 14, 32, 41, 43, 44, 51, 52, 205, 230.
- Roscommon (Ireland), 238.
- Ross, Lawrence Sullivan, Governor of Texas, 131, 135.
- Rosary Magazine, The, 17, 228.
- Rough Riders, The, 52.
- Rourke, Joseph, A Soldier of the Revolution, 158, 159, 160.
- Royal Historical Society, England, 230.
- Royal Italian Heraldic Academy, 230.
- Royal Society of Northern Antiquarians, 230.
- Ruff’s Mills, Action at, 199.
- Ruggles, Henry Stoddard, of Wakefield, Mass., 40, 230.
- Rutland County (Vt.), Medical and Surgical Society, 217, 238.
- Russia, Emperor Nicholas of, 173.
- Russian and British Empires, The, 97.
- Russian Engineer Corps, The, 174.
- Ryan of Philadelphia, Archbishop, 201.
- Salisbury Beach, Mass., 21.
- San Antonio, 123, 90.
- St. Clair, General, 169, 170.
- St. Francis Xavier’s College, 237.
- St. Louis Republic, The, 225.
- St. Gaudens, Augustus, 10, 13, 232.
- St. Patrick’s Mission to Ireland, 186.
- St. Paul’s Church in Narragansett, 180.
- St. Petersburg (Russia), Governor Curtin in, 99.
- St. Philip’s Churchyard, Charleston, S. C., 177.
- Sullivan, Gov. James, 16, 186.
- Sullivan. Capt. John, of the Thirteenth New Hampshire Regiment, 80.
- Sullivan, Gen. John, 16, 18, 27, 36, 37, 71, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 186, 202, 203.
- Sullivan, Hon. John H., Boston, Mass., 33, 238.
- Sunday Democrat, The, New York, 233.
- Sweeny, Gen. William T., 193, 197, 201.
- Sweeny, William Montgomery, of Astoria, L. I., N. Y., 193.
- Swords Family in Ireland, The, 24.
- Swords, Francis Dawson, of the Revolution, 10.
- Swords, Joseph F., 10, 13, 14, 24.
- Symposium in Boston Sunday Globe, 26.
- “Taking up with the Irishy,” 67.
- Tara, The Last Princes of, 228.
- Taylor, Capt. Joseph (U. S. N.), 177.
- Tennessee, Army of the, 197, 198, 199, 210.
- Tennessee River, Headwaters of, 166.
- Tenth Rhode Island Volunteers, 191.
- Tenth United States Infantry, 21, 29, 30, 44, 237.
- Texan Cause, The, 130.
- Texan Declaration of Independence, Irish Signers of, 125.
- Texan Ministers to the United States, 133.
- Texan Navy, Irish Officers in, 132, Editor’s Note: To the membership roll herein contained should be added the names: James McGovern, New York City, John E. Maguire, Haverhill, Mass., and John Goggin, Nashua, N. H. In answer to inquiries, I desire to state that the edition of Vol. I of the Journal has been exhausted. A second edition of the same may be issued later when the funds of the Society warrant. It will be noticed that each volume is complete and independent in itself. New members who have not Vol. I, will find in the Chronological Record in the present volume a comprehensive outline of the work thus far done by the Society.