
Abrahall, Miss H.,
Adam and Eve question,
Adler, Dr. Felix,
Aim of education and of human life,
America, Kindergartens in,
Anderson, Professor A.,
Animals and nature study,
Apparatus. See Equipment
transition class,
Arnswald, Colonel von,
Art training, drawing, etc.,
See also Colour, Rhythm, etc.,
Assistance, warning,

"Baby Camp",
Barnard, Dr. H.,
Barnes, Prof. Earl,
conduct, appreciation of beauty in,
See also Colour, Rhythm, etc.
Beer, Miss H., notes of,
Beresford's Housemates, description of a suburb,
Bermondsey Settlement Free Kindergarten,
Biological view of education,
Bird, Mr., and his family,
Birmingham Kindergartens,
Bishop, Miss Caroline,
Blankenberg Kindergarten,
Blow, Miss,
Bradford Joint Conference,
Brock, Mr. Clutton, quotations, etc.,
Brooke, Stopford,
Brown, Frances, Grannie's Wonderful Chair,
Brown's Young Artists' Headers,
Buckton, Miss,
Buildings. See Equipment and Surroundings
Caldecott Nursery School,
Camp School,
Child study,
Class discipline,
Cleanliness and order,
Clough, A.H.,
Clouston, Dr.,
aim of education,
experiences of—See also Moral Teaching
Connectedness, continuity. See Unity
Constructive play,
varieties of makingSee also Handwork
Cook, Mr. Caldwell, The Play Way, etc.,
Cooke, Mr. E.,
Co-operation in play,
Infant School programme in Transition period,
present-day Infant Schools,
Country child,
Country life for the child,
Crane, Walter,
Creation. See Constructive Play
CrÈche. See Nursery School
principle guiding selection,
transition class,

Daleroze, M. Jacques, rhythmic training,
Dale, Miss, phonic reading books,
Decimal system,
Definition of education,
Desert island play,
Dewey, Prof., quotations, etc.,
Dickens on "Infant Gardens,"
Docility v. self-control,
Dopp Series,
Dramatic play,
Drill v. games,
Drummond, Dr.,

Edinburgh, Free Kindergartens,
Education Act of 1870,
of 1919,
Education by Life,
Education of Man,
school equipment, etc. See Equipment
source of child's experience,
Equipment and surroundings,
miniature world,
Montessori didactic apparatus,
transition classes and Junior School,
Ewing, Mrs., stories of,
Experience, education by means of,
child's desires and needs,
grouping subjects of experience,
material and opportunities,
morality and indirect experiences,
passing on experience,

Fairy tales,
Field, Eugene, verses of,
Findlay, Miss,
Fisher, Mr.,
Fleming, Marjorie,
Floor Games,
Flowers and plants, 93, 201. See also Garden, Nature Work
apparent result at first,
Froebel on,
Montessori, Dr., work of,
vital principle,
warning against interference,
Froebel and Froebelian principles—
aim of education,
biologist educator and Froebel,
definitions of Kindergarten,
impression and expression,
Montessori and Froebelian systems,
Furniture, See also Equipment
Fyleman, Rose, Chimney sand Fairies,

Games, Garden, activities in a suburban garden, best use of ground, possibilities in difficult places, Geography, illustrative syllabus, Glasgow, Phoenix Park Kindergarten, Glenconner, Lady, Grant, Miss, Greenford Avenue School, Hanwell, Groos,

Habits, training in, physical habits and fixed hours, Hall, Stanley, references to, Handwork, Hansen, G., Hardy, Miss L., Heerwart, Miss, Herb garden and sense training, Herbartian "correlation", Hewit, Mr. Graily, High Schools for Girls, Kindergartens in, History, discipline in practical reasoning, illustrative syllabus, indirect sociology, industrial, practical details, prehistoric, stories, Hodsman, Miss, Hoffman, Mr., Home surroundings, reproduction in school, source of child's experience, Howden, Miss, Humour, factor in morality, Hygiene of Mind,

Imagination and literature,
Imitative play,
Individual, child as,
See also Freedom
Infant Schools,
early Infant Schools,
formalism, causes, etc.,
Kindergarten system, perversion of,
present-day schools,
buildings, furniture, etc.,
change in spirit since the 'eighties, effect of child study
movement, etc.,
curriculum, lack of clear aim and continuity,
formalism, promotion and uniformity,
health, care of,
teachers, training of,
transition period,
Interests of a child,
Interference, warning,
International Educational Exposition and Congress of 1854,
Investigation impulse,

Junior School. See Transition Classes and Junior School

Kindergarten Band,
Kindergartens, America,
first English,
Froebelian principles See Froebel,
Kids' Guards,
London School Board Infant Schools, proposed introduction,
perversion of system in Infant Schools,
Schrader, Henrietta, work of,
Klein, AbbÉ,

Language training,
games for,
Lawrence, Miss Esther,
Literature See also Stories and Poetry
Lodge, Sir O.,

Macdonald, George, stories of,
Macdonald, Dr. Greville,
M'Millan, Miss Margaret,
Macpherson, Mr. Stewart,
Magic Cities,
Marenholz, Madame von,
transition class,
Maufe, Miss,
Medical view of education, Dr. Montessori,
Meum and tuum training,
Miall, Mrs.,
Michaelis, Madame,
Michaelis Nursery School, Notting Dale,
Mission Kindergarten,
Moltke, von,
Montessori, Dr. Maria—
Froebelian views of,
medical view of education,
play activities, failure to understand,
Moral teaching—
humour as factor in morality,
See also Religion, Service for the Community, Stories
Morgan, Lloyd,
Mother Songs,
Kindergarten Band,

Name of school for little children and its importance,
Nature work, experiences of the natural world,
activities in a suburban garden,
aim of,
movement c. 1890,
nature calendar,
object lesson and nature lesson,
pictures, use of,
plants and flowers,
religion and nature work,
Necessities of the Nursery School,
See also Equipment and Principles
Nesbit, Mrs., Magic Cities,
Net beds,
Number work. See Mathematics
Nursery rhymes and nonsense verses,
Nursery School—
name question,
requirements of,

Obedience v. self-control,
Oberlin schools,
Object lessons,
Observation of children,
Odds and ends, use of,
Open-air question,
Owen, Robert, "Rational Infant School",

Paper-folding, Parents' evenings, Payne, Miss Janet, Peabody, Miss, Periods of a young child's life, Pestalozzi, Pestalozzi-Froebel House, Phillips, Miss K., Phonic method of teaching reading, Physical requirements, Picture books, Pictures, Play— biologist educator's view, constructive, co-operation in, courage in the teacher, definitions, distinction from work, Froebel's theory of, practice at Keilhau, imitative, material, Froebel's "Gifts," etc., self-expression in, theories of, transition class, Play Way, The, Playground, equipment, etc., garden essential, transition class, Poetry, Poor and well-to-do children, different requirements, Possession, child's need of, meum and tuum training, Preparation theory of play, Priestman, Miss, Principles, vital principles, Pugh, Edwin, Punnett, Miss,

Reading and writing,
age for,
matter and methods, phonic method, etc.,
Recapitulation theory of play,
Recreation theory of play,
Reed, Miss,
age for first teaching, See also Stories
Reproducing, See Imitative Play
Results, payment by,
Rhythm and rhythmic training,
Robinson Crusoe stage of history teaching,
Ronge, Madame,
Rossetti, Christina, verses for children,
Rowland, Miss,
Royee, Prof.,

St. Cuthbert, story of, Salt, Miss Marie, Sayings of the Children, Schepel, Miss, Schiller, Letters on Aesthetic Education, Schiller-Spencer theory of play, School and Life, Schools of To-morrow, Schrader, Henrietta, SÉguin, Self-consciousness, Self-control and external control, Sense-training, herb garden, Service for the community, training to— Froebel and Montessori system, games, social side, idea of unity, religion, part of, Sesame House for Home-Life Training, Sharpley, Miss F., Shinn, Miss, Sleep, provision for, Slum child's experience, Somers Town Nursery School, Speech and vocabulary, Spiritual life and stories, Spontaneity in play, Staff question, training, etc., See also Teachers Stevenson, nursery songs, Stokes, Miss, Stories and story-telling, fairy tales, how to tell, illustrations, made by children, moral teaching, religious teaching, repetition or "accumulation" stories, selection, "true" stories—history, legend, geography, Story of a Sand Pile, Suburban child's experience, Supernatural, the child's acceptance of, Surroundings. See Equipment and Surroundings

Table manners,
personality question,
Thornton-le-Dale Kindergarten,
Time-table thraldom,
instance from a teacher's note-book,
Touch, sense of,
transition classes and Junior School,
Wells, Mr., on,
Transition classes and Junior School,
bridge between freedom and timetable,
equipment, etc.,
freedom and class teaching,
help, methods of,
nature work,
play spirit,

Ultimate Belief, Uniformity in Infant Schools, Unity of aim and unity in experience, cases illustrating problem, previous experience of the child, basing curriculum on,

War, effect on Nursery School movement,
Warne, illustrated stories for children,
Water, attraction of,
Wells, Mr.,
What is a Kindergarten?,
"When can I make my little Ship?",
Wiggin, Miss K.D.,
Wilderspin's Infant School,
Wragge, Miss Adelaide,
Writing. See Reading and Writing


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