1910. | Miles. |
New York to Liverpool | 3,100 |
Liverpool to London | 200 |
London to Southampton | 81 |
Southampton to Lisbon | 936 |
Lisbon to Madeira | 542 |
Madeira to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | 3,775 |
Rio de Janeiro to Montevideo, Uruguay | 1,094 |
Montevideo to Buenos Aires, Argentine | 124 |
Buenos Aires to Durban, South Africa | 4,500 |
Durban to Johannesburg | 482 |
Johannesburg to Victoria Falls, Rhodesia, and return | 2,416 |
Warrenton to Kimberley and return | 90 |
Johannesburg to Pretoria and return | 90 |
Johannesburg to Bloemfontein | 263 |
Bloemfontein to Capetown | 749 |
Capetown to Durban (by rail) | 1,253 |
1911. | |
Durban to Fremantle, Australia | 4,300 |
Fremantle to Melbourne | 1,700 |
Melbourne to Launceston, Tasmania | 280 |
Launceston to Hobart | 133 |
Hobart to Dunedin, N.Z. | 1,080 |
Dunedin to Christchurch | 230 |
Christchurch to Wellington | 175 |
Wellington to Rotorua | 393 |
Rotorua to Auckland | 171 |
Auckland to Sydney, Australia | 1,280 |
Sydney to Jenolan Caves and return | 224 |
Sydney to Lautoka, Fiji | 1,694 |
Lautoka to Suva | 118 |
Suva to Levuka | 60 |
Levuka to Apia, Samoa | 616 |
Apia to Vavau, Tonga (Friendly Islands) | 350 |
Vavau to Haapai | 80 |
Haapai to Nukualofa | 120 |
Nukualofa to Auckland, N.Z. | 1,093 |
Auckland to Sydney | 1,280 |
Sydney to Melbourne | 582 |
Melbourne to Adelaide | 483 |
Adelaide to Ballarat | 408 |
Ballarat to Melbourne | 75 |
Melbourne to Hobart | 464 |
Hobart to Albany, West Australia | 1,487 |
Albany to Durban, South Africa | 4,565 |
Durban to Johannesburg and Pretoria | 527 |
Pretoria and Johannesburg to Durban | 527 |
Durban to Ginginhlovu, Zululand | 93 |
Ginginhlovu to Eshowe (stage) | 17 |
Eshowe to Melmoth (stage) | 35 |
Melmoth to Ginginhlovu (stage) | 52 |
Ginginhlovu to Durban | 93 |
1912. | |
Durban to East London | 262 |
East London to Cradock | 228 |
Cradock to Bloemfontein | 269 |
Bloemfontein to Kimberley | 101 |
Kimberley to Johannesburg | 309 |
Johannesburg to Pretoria and return | 90 |
Johannesburg to Pietermaritzburg | 409 |
Pietermaritzburg to Durban | 73 |
Durban to Lourenzo Marques, Portuguese-East Africa | 320 |
Lourenzo Marques to Beira | 455 |
Beira to Tanga, German-East Africa | 1,210 |
Tanga to Zanzibar | 75 |
Zanzibar to Dar-es-Salaam, German-East Africa | 40 |
Dar-es-Salaam to Tanga | 115 |
Tanga to Mombasa, British-East Africa | 82 |
Mombasa to Nairobi | 327 |
Nairobi to Port Florence | 260 |
Port Florence to Entebbe, Uganda | 175 |
Entebbe to Kampala | 21 |
Kampala to Jinja | 63 |
Jinja to Port Florence | 132 |
Port Florence to Nairobi | 260 |
Nairobi to Mombasa | 327 |
Mombasa to MahÉ, Seychelles Islands | 1,000 |
MahÉ to Bombay | 2,000 |
Bombay to Khandala (Thal Gauts) and return | 156 |
Bombay to Baroda | 248 |
Baroda to Ahmedabad | 62 |
Ahmedabad to Agra | 539 |
Agra to Delhi | 120 |
Delhi to Aligarh | 79 |
Aligarh to Cawnpore | 192 |
Cawnpore to Lucknow | 46 |
Lucknow to Benares | 187 |
Benares to Darjeeling | 570 |
Darjeeling to Calcutta | 379 |
Calcutta to Madras | 1,032 |
Madras to Tuticorin | 447 |
Tuticorin to Colombo, Ceylon | 147 |
Colombo to Kandy and return | 150 |
Colombo to Singapore, Straits Settlements | 1,570 |
Singapore to Hongkong, China | 1,440 |
Hongkong to Manila, P.I. | 630 |
1913. | |
Manila to Hongkong | 630 |
Hongkong to Canton and return | 175 |
Hongkong to Shanghai | 820 |
Shanghai to Nagasaki, Japan | 444 |
Nagasaki to Kobe | 385 |
Kobe to Osaka | 20 |
Osaka to Kyoto | 26 |
Kyoto to Yokohama | 350 |
Yokohama to Tokyo | 25 |
Tokyo to Nikko | 90 |
Nikko to Yokohama | 115 |
Yokohama to Honolulu, T.H. | 3,400 |
Honolulu to Hilo | 200 |
Hilo to Volcano Hotel and return | 62 |
Hilo to Honolulu | 200 |
Honolulu to San Francisco | 2,100 |
San Francisco to New York | 3,570 |
Total | 73,689 |