WILLIAM JAMES: The Principles of Psychology, 1890. The Will to Believe, and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy, 1897. The Varieties of Religious Experience, 1902. Pragmatism, a New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking, 1907. A Pluralistic Universe, 1909. The Meaning of Truth, 1909. Some Problems of Philosophy, 1911. Radical Empiricism, 1912. F.C.S. SCHILLER: Riddles of the Sphinx, 1891 (revised edition, 1910). Axioms as Postulates (in Personal Idealism, ed. Henry Sturt, 1902). Humanism: Philosophical Essays, 1903. Studies in Humanism, 1907. Formal Logic, a Scientific and Social Problem, 1912. HENRY STURT: Idola Theatri, a Criticism of Oxford Thought and Thinkers from the Standpoint of Personal Idealism, 1906. J. DEWEY AND OTHERS: Studies in Logical Theory, 1903. J. DEWEY: The Influence of Darwinism, and Other Essays, 1910. H.V. KNOX: The Evolution of Truth. Quarterly Review, No. 419. April, 1909. A.W. MOORE: Pragmatism and its Critics, 1911. A. SIDGWICK: The Application of Logic, 1910.