By Rev. Andrew Murray.


Authorized Editions, upon which royalties are paid to the author.

Abide in Christ. 16mo, paper, net, 25c.; cloth, 50c.; 12mo, cloth$1.00

Like Christ. 16mo, paper, net, 25c.; cloth, 50c.; 12mo, cloth1.00

With Christ in the School of Prayer. 16mo, paper, net, 25c.; cloth, 50c.; 12mo, cloth1.00

Holy in Christ. 16mo, paper, net, 25c.; cloth, 50c.; 12mo, cloth1.00

The Spirit of Christ. 16mo, paper, net, 25c.; cloth, 50c.; 12mo, cloth1.00

The Children for Christ. 12mo, cloth1.00

The Master's Indwelling; Northfield Addresses, 1895. 16mo, cloth, 50c.; 12mo, cloth.75

The New Life. Words of God for Young Disciples of Christ. 12mo, cloth1.00

Be Perfect. Message from the Father in Heaven to His Children on Earth. Meditations for a month. 16mo, cloth.50

Why Do You Not Believe? 16mo, cloth.50

Let Us Draw Nigh. 16mo, cloth.50

Waiting on God. Daily Messages for a month. 16mo, cloth.50

Humility. The Beauty of Holiness. 18mo, cloth.50

The Deeper Christian Life. An aid to its Attainment. 18mo, cloth.50

Jesus Himself. With Portrait of the Author. 18mo, cloth.35

Love Made Perfect. 18mo, cloth.35

The Holiest of All. An Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews. 8vo, cloth, net2.00

The Power of the Spirit, and other selections from the writings of William Law. With Introduction. 12mo, cloth1.00

Fleming H. Revell Company

New York: 112 Fifth Ave.
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Thoughts for God's Stewards

Rev. Andrew Murray


"With Christ," "Abide in Christ,"
"Waiting on God," etc.

New York Chicago Toronto

Fleming H. Revell Company


Copyright, 1897
Fleming H. Revell Company


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