h@57389-h-7.htm.html#Page_68" class="pginternal">68, 338
  • Bertin, Nicolas, 135
  • Bethune, Jeanne de, 46
  • Blois, 242, 260, 310, 311
  • Boisguillaume, 146, 165, 182, 183, 185, 197, 297–300, 305, 340
  • Bonnet, Simon;
    • see Senlis
  • Bouchier, Jacques, 295, 296
  • BouillÉ, MaÎtre Guillaume, xxi, 157, 372
  • Boulainvilliers, 6
  • Bouligny, RÉnÉ de, 270
  • Bourbon, Charles de, Count de Clermont, 13, 60, 71, 115
  • Bourchier, Jacques, 250
  • Bourges, 318
  • Bourlement, Pierre de, 20, 217, 221
  • Boussac, Jean de la, Marshal of France, 115, 233, 267
  • BrÉdouille, 375
  • BrÉhal, Jean, Inquisitor, 178, 321, 373
  • Bridget of Sweden, viii
  • Brittany and Lorraine, Duke of, xii, 30, 279
  • Brolbster, William, 97
  • Bruce, Robert, xiv
  • Burgundians, x, xviii, 9, 19, 54, 230, 333, 348
  • Burgundy, Duke of, ix, xii, xv, 91, 239, 335, 348, 349; letter, 335–6
  • Burgundy, Jean de Nevers, Duke of, 241
  • Cadiz, ix
  • Cagny, Percival de, 332
  • Calais, ix
  • Calot, Laurence, 71, 72
  • Cusquel, Ma l#Page_275" class="pginternal">275, 284–5, 310–17;
  • attack on bridge fort, 32, 236, 262;
  • details of the relief of Orleans, 233–6, 246–7, 285–6;
  • letter to besiegers of Orleans, 235, 246–7, 286–7;
  • challenges copy, 12;
  • her wounds, 14, 32, 236, 262, 278, 288–9, 290, 297;
  • martial skill, xii, 272, 281, 294, 297;
  • Count Dunois believed her conduct in war more divine than human, 233, 235;
  • at Loches, 270;
  • homage of the people, 50, 270;
  • denies she allowed it, 342, 359;
  • celebrates Mass with army in sight of English, 249;
  • leads Dauphin’s army with success, xii;
  • urges attack on other towns, 237;
  • strikes English with terror, xvii, 253;
  • advises Dauphin, at Loches, to go quickly to Rheims, 238;
  • tells source of her counsel, 238–9;
  • conduct at assault on Jargeau, 276–8;
  • at Beaugency, 293;
  • at Patay, 293;
  • siege of Troyes, 239–40;
  • enters Troyes with the King, 49, 50, 292;
  • witnesses consecration of Charles at Rheims, xii, 44, 50, 51;
  • waives personal reward for taxes exemption of Domremy, 215;
  • at ChÂteau-Thierry, 50;
  • assault on Paris, 14, 361;
  • deposits her white armour in church of St. Denis, 29, 88–9, 361;
  • at Bourges, 318;
  • takes Saint Pierre-le-Moustier, saves pillage of church, 246, 318–19;
  • siege of La CharitÉ, 53–4, 378;
  • alleged to have restored life to a child, 52;
  • appeal to King Charles to permit her return to rural life, xiv, 348;
  • loves the Church and our Christian Faith, 86;
  • always upheld the Church, 343; dedicated
  • her virginity to God, 62–3;
  • her virginity, 91, 177, 205, 272, 309;
  • correspondence and interrogations as to “three Pontiffs,” 34–6;
  • her letters to Henry VI. and his generals to yield French towns, 36–8, 286–7;
  • doubt as to authenticity of letter to Henry VI., xiiixiv;
  • augurs further loss to English, 38–9;
  • her rings, 40, 91–2;
  • questioned as to a mandrake, 42, 344;
  • guiltless of mortal sin, 43, 77, 78, 354, 370;
  • hope of deliverance, 76, 80–81, 147, 148;
  • trusts for salvation, 77;
  • questioned as to Brother Richard, 49, 50;
  • private examinations, 56, 64, 65, 67, 69, 74, 77, 79, 85, 89;
  • hoped to deliver the Duke of Orleans, 65–6, 280;
  • charges formulated, 78;
  • questioned as to death of Franquet d’Arras, 78;
  • articles of accusation prepared, 94, 119;
  • denies witchcraft, 342;
  • allegations of witchcraft, divination, and evil arts, 342, 343, 344, 348, 349, 357;
  • questions and answers read over in prison, 95;
  • prosecution describe her early years, allege neglect of religious instruction, 343;
  • charged with living in a house of ill fame, 344;
  • denies boast that she would be mother of three famous children, 345;
  • adoption of male attire, 345–6;
  • pleads to hear Mass in male attire, 96–7, 347;
  • exhortations, 96–7, 106–119;
  • replies to the six articles of exhortation, 113–117;
  • trial in ordinary for belief, 98–106;
  • assessors deliberate, 99–101;< ge_371" class="pginternal">371;
  • abortive, 372;
  • enquiry ordered by Pope Nicholas V., xxii, 372;
  • no definite result, 373;
  • Pope Calixtus, on petition of Jeanne’s mother, Isabella, causes solemn enquiry at Paris, xxii, 373–376;
  • sworn information of events in the last days of Jeanne’s life, 147–8, 150;
  • official Latin text of trial and rehabilitation, xxv;
  • sentence of rehabilitation xxiii, 321–328, 376
  • Jeanne d’Arc family, see d’Arc
  • Jhesus Maria on banner, 31, 91, 361;
  • Josephine, Empress, 249
  • Joyart, Mengette, 222
  • JumiÈges, Abbot of, 127
  • 89@57389-h@57389-h-11.htm.html#Page_209" class="pginternal">209, 302
  • Maxey-sur-Vays, 19, 225
  • Meaux, Bishop of, see Versailles
  • Meaux, Viscountess de, 46
  • Mehun, 237
  • Melun, 57, 73
  • Melville, Lord, xi
  • Merlin, prophecy, 21, 188, 241
  • Message, Mathieu, 244
  • Metz, Jean de Novelemport, called Jean de, x, 12, 136, 218, 223–5, 226, 228, 230, 265, 291, 301
  • Meung, 249, 263
  • Meung-sur-Loire, 237, 278, 289
  • Meung-sur-YÈvre, 245, 317
  • Midi, MaÎtre Nicolas, 56, 61, 64, 67, 69, 74, 77, 79, 85, 89, 94, 95, 96, 100, 103,
  • 106, 109, 119, 121, 134, 142, 166, 171, 176, 177, 207, 255, 258, 295, 300
  • Milan, Duke of, 6
  • Milet, Colette, 295
  • Milet, Pierre, 295, 296
  • Minet, Messire Jean, 6
  • Minier, Pierre, 209
  • Moen, Jean, 216
  • Monnet, MaÎtre Jean, 258–9, 340
  • Montargis, battle, 271
  • Quesnay, Maurice de, 106
  • Quicherat, xxv, 242
  • Rabateau, Jean, 24, 243, 265, 269, 306
  • Raguier, Hemon, Treasurer, 215, 275, 283
  • Raiguesson, Jean, 6, 215
  • Rais, Gilles de Laval, Seigneur de, 233
  • Raymond, 260
  • Regnault de Chartres, xiv;
    • see Rheims
  • Rehabilitation Sentence, 321–328, 371
  • Relapse, 135–146, 326
  • Reynel, MaÎtre Jean de, 257
  • Rheims xii, 215, 237, 239, 244, 245, 264, 292, 304, 361;
    • Jeanne’s house, 51
  • Rheims Cathedral xii, xiv, 51
  • Rheims, Jean Jouvenal des Ursins, Archbishop of, 321, 373
  • Rheims Reginald, Archbp. of 324
  • Rheims, Regnault de Chartres, Archbp. of, xi, xiv, xix, 24, 115, 118, 201, 233, 240, 305
  • Ricarville, Guillaume de, 245
  • Richard II, ix
  • Richard, the Archer, 224, 226, 228, 230
  • Richard, Brother, 42, 48, 53
  • Richelieu, 289
  • Ricquier, Jean, 301
  • Rose, Philippe de, 178
  • Roncessey-sous-NeufchÂteau, 216
  • Rouel, Jean de, 257
  • Rouen, v, xix, 119, 372; Castle, 3, 110, 1.Had there been any desire on the part of the French King to rescue Jeanne from captivity, a ‘King’s ransom,’ which was later paid for her by Cauchon, could scarcely have been refused in those days for a prisoner of war, however renowned. Unhappily for the memory of Charles, she was left to the tender mercies of the English without any offer being made for her release, or any attempt at rescue. There existed a bitter feeling of jealousy towards Jeanne in consequence of her great successes in the field. This was notably shown during her attack upon Paris, where she was thwarted in every direction, and all possibility of victory was taken from her by the conduct of the King. Whether or not Flavy, the Governor of CompiÈgne, who was completely under the control of the King, betrayed Jeanne at CompiÈgne, by shutting the gates and closing the drawbridge at her approach, will never be known, but suspicion has always pointed to his betrayal of the Maid.

    Alain Bouchard states that, in the year 1488, he heard from two aged men of CompiÈgne, who had themselves been present, that a few days before her capture, the Maid was attending Mass in the Church of St. Jacques. After communicating and spending some time in devotion, she turned to the assembled congregation, and, leaning against a pillar, uttered this prediction: “My good friends, my dear little children, I am sold and betrayed. Soon I shall be given up to death. Pray to God for me, for I can no longer serve the King and the Kingdom of France.”—Grandes Annales de Bretagne, also Miroir des Femmes Vertueuses.

  • 2.The House of Lancaster was fervidly orthodox. Persecution of heretics begins with Henry IV. The “Cardinal of England” (Beaufort Bishop of Winchester) was the malleus hereticorum at home and abroad. He spoke against the Hussites at the Council of Basle, and he planned Crusades against both heretics and “Saracens.”

    3.The court before which Jeanne was brought to trial at Rouen was not a court of the Holy Office or Inquisition, neither was it, as the English courts for the trial of heresy were in Lancastrian times, a statutable court of ecclesiastical jurisdiction on whose decision, certified by the bishop, the sheriff was bound to act. It was a composite tribunal. The Bishop of Beauvais claimed and exercised jurisdiction as Ordinary. But the Deputy Inquisitor was joined with him as co-ordinate judge with officers of his own.

    The Inquisition arose out of the troubles in Spain and South France, where heresy was to some extent necessarily a kind of treason to the polity of Christian Europe. Men were punished for heretical opinions, but these heretical opinions were in most cases lapses from allegiance at a time of national peril. The later Inquisition has no such excuse.

    4.The Great Schism arose out of the Babylonian captivity at Avignon (1306–1376). Popes and anti-Popes contended for 40 years (1378–1418). France was on the side of the Avignon Popes, while the Empire and England supported the Popes in Rome. Philip the Fair, by arrangement with the Pope, changed the Papal chair to Avignon. During the seventy years of the captivity, when the Church was ruled by French Popes, France underwent the disasters of Crecy and Poitiers, and became almost a province of England.

    5.It is agreed by all authorities that Jeanne was not captured in the Diocese of Beauvais, which ended at the Bridge of CompiÈgne. Jeanne was taken north of the Bridge, on the right bank of the river, and either in the Diocese of Noyon or Soissons, which of the two has not been determined. The Bishop’s assertion is distinctly untrue.

    6.On January 6th, 1412. “In nocte Epiphiniarum Domini.” (Letter from Boulainvilliers to the Duke of Milan. Quicherat, vol. v., 116.)

    7.The Font and Holy water stoup in the old Church at Domremy are said to be those in use in the 15th century.

    8.Jeanne appears to have had a great many godparents. In the Enquiry made at Domremy in 1455, eight are mentioned, viz.: Jean Morel, Jean Barrey, Jean de Laxart, and Jean Raiguesson, as godfathers; and Jeannette ThÉvenin, Jeannette Thiesselin, Beatrix Estellin, and Edith Barrey, as godmothers.

    9.John Gris, or Grey, a gentleman in the Household of the Duke of Bedford, afterwards knighted. He was appointed chief guardian to the Maid, with two assistants, all members of the King’s Body Guard. They appear to have left her entirely in the hands of the common soldiers five of whom kept constant watch over her.

    10.There is no certain date for this event. By some it is placed between the first and second visits to Vaucouleurs, in 1428; by others, earlier, at the time of the Picard ravages of the neighbourhood in the September of 1426.

    11.Robert de Baudricourt, Squire, Captain of Vaucouleurs in 1428; afterwards knighted and made Councillor and Chamberlain to the King and Bailly of Chaumont, 1454.

    12.Of the ancient chÂteau the “Porte de France” alone survives. From this gate Jeanne rode out with her escort to visit the King at Chinon. The crypt of the chapel remains, where Jeanne constantly prayed.

    13.This is said to have been on account of the impression produced on him by Jeanne’s prediction, on February 12th: “To-day the gentle Dauphin hath had great hurt near the town of Orleans, and yet greater will he have if you do not soon send me to him.” This “great hurt” proved to be the Battle of Rouvray, in which the French and Scottish troops were defeated by the English under Sir John Fastolf.

    14.Charles I., the reigning Duke de Lorraine in 1428, was in very bad health, and, having no son, the succession was a matter of some anxiety. He died in 1431, and was succeeded by his son-in-law, RÉnÉ of Anjou, who had married his only daughter, Isabella. This RÉnÉ was a brother of Queen Mary, wife of Charles VII., and father of our own Queen Margaret, married in 1441 to Henry VI.

    15.Jean de Novelomport, called de Metz, Bertrand de Poulengey, Colet de Vienne, the King’s Messenger, and three servants.

    16.March 22nd, 1428.

    17.This letter appears later, p. 36. Jeanne may have forgotten its contents, as both these expressions occur; or the Clerics who acted as her amanuenses may have inserted them without her knowledge.

    18.Jeanne was entertained by command of the King in a small room on the first floor of the Tour de Coudray, within the Castle walls. Her room was approached by a staircase outside the tower. The vaulted roof of the room has fallen in and the fireplace is in ruins, but the room could easily be restored. Jeanne stayed here from March 8th to April 20th, 1429. She was two days at Chinon before she obtained access to the King.

    19.Charles de Bourbon, Count de Clermont, Governor of the Duchy of the Bourbonnais and the ComtÉ of Auvergne, during the captivity of his father in England.

    20.On September 8th, 1429.

    21.Up to the end of her life, Jeanne spoke of the Bishop as the person responsible for her trial and death. “Bishop, I die through you,” was her last speech to him, on May 30th, the day of her martyrdom.

    22.This, and a subsequent enquiry, on February 27th, as to Jeanne’s habit of fasting, would seem to suggest a desire on the part of the questioner to prove that her visions had a more or less physical cause in a weak bodily state resulting from abstinence. As Jeanne’s usual food consisted of a little bread dipped in wine and water, and as she is reported to have had when at home (not in war) but one meal a day, it need hardly be supposed that she suffered much from the results of a Lenten Fast.

    23.The fifteen days’ respite would coincide with the first Examination held in the Prison, May 10th, the first day on which the Allegory of the Sign was given.

    24.GÉrardin of Epinal, to whose child Jeanne was godmother, is probably the person alluded to; he gave witness in 1455 that Jeanne had called him “Burgundian.”

    25.A small fortress in an island formed by two arms of the Meuse, nearly opposite the village of Domremy.

    26.According to local tradition, this tree stood to within the last 50 years, and was struck by lightning; another has been planted in its place. The house, in which Jeanne was born, remained in the possession of the De Lys family till the 16th Century, when it passed into the hands of the Count de Salm, Seigneur of Domremy. In the 18th Century it became the property of Jean Gerardin, whose grandson, Nicolas, gave it up in 1818 to the Department of Vosges; so that it is now preserved as National property.

    27.This is probably a survival of the Fontinalia, an old Latin festival. The custom of decorating the wells and springs was kept up in England until the last century, and still exists in a few remote villages. The name ‘Well Sunday’ survives, though the processions of youths and maidens have long passed away. The ‘fontaine aux Groseilliers’ is still in existence. It is an oblong tank of water, with the original spring flowing through it. The great beech tree stood close by.

    28.Pierre de Bourlement, Head of the ancient house of Bassigny, and Lord of the Manor of Bourlement. He was the last of his race.

    29.Merlin had foretold the coming of a maiden out of an Oak-wood from Lorraine; and a paper containing a prophecy to this effect had been sent, at the beginning of Jeanne’s career, to the English Commander, the Earl of Suffolk. There was also an old prophecy (quoted by Jeanne herself to Catharine Leroyer) that France, which had been “lost by a woman, should be saved by a Maid.” The conduct of Isabeau of Bavaria, wife of Charles VI., might certainly be said to have fulfilled the first half of this prophecy; and a tradition in the eastern counties that “deliverance should come from a maid of the Marches of Lorraine” must have directed many hopes to the mission of the Maiden from Domremy, though she herself does not seem to have known of the last prediction until some time later. The Oak-wood covers the hills above Domremy to this day.

    30.This is the first identification of the “revelations” with any name; Jeanne had always spoken of her “Voices” or her “Counsel.”

    31.This Examination at Poitiers had taken place in the Chapel attached to the Palace of the Counts of Poitou, which still exists and adjoins the ‘Salle des Pas Perdus,’ now the Great Hall of the Palais de Justice. It was conducted under the direction of the Archbishop of Rheims during the months of March and April, 1429, and extended over three weeks. At the conclusion, the assembly sent, as the result of their inquiries, a resolution to the King to the effect that he should follow the Maid’s guidance, and seek for the sign she promised him in the relief of Orleans, as a proof of the Divine origin of her mission, “for,” they added, “to doubt or forsake her without any appearance of evil would be to vex the Holy Spirit, and to make himself unworthy of the help of God: so saith Gamaliel in the Council of the Jews with regard to the Apostles.”

    Unfortunately, no trace of this Examination has been found: the ‘Book of Poitiers’ is referred to several times in the Trial; but it was not forthcoming at the time of the Rehabilitation. It was probably lost or destroyed by Jeanne’s enemies among her own party. The Archbishop of Rheims would have had it in his charge: and he was consistently opposed to Jeanne throughout.

    During her stay at Poitiers the Maid lodged in the house of Jean Rabatier.

    32.According to local tradition, this Church was originally founded by Charles Martel in 732, after his victory over the Saracens, whom he here ceased to pursue, and deposited his sword as an offering. This is by some supposed to have been the sword which later Jeanne sent for; but the legend is not of an early date, and there is no suggestion of the kind in contemporary writings.

    According to one authority, the Greffier de la Rochelle, the sword was found in a reliquary, which had not been opened for twenty years or more. The Chronique de la Pucelle and the Journal of the Siege of Orleans state that it was one of many votive offerings, and was recognized by Jeanne’s description of the five crosses on the blade, possibly a Jerusalem Cross. Some of the old Chronicles say that Jeanne told the King she had never been at Fierbois: but this statement is disproved by her own words in this answer. The suggestion that, having been to three Masses in the Church, she might easily have seen the sword, is to some extent answered by the alleged difficulty of the Priests to find, among the many swords there, the one she had specially described.

    Of the ultimate fate of this sword there are many versions, and no two agree exactly as to date. It was certainly broken in striking a camp-follower, one of a class the Maid had forbidden to enter the Camp; but whether this was just after the retreat from Paris or earlier, it does not seem possible to decide. Jeanne herself says she “had it up to Saint-Denis” and “Lagny,” both of which dates would imply the autumn of 1429: but most witnesses tell the story of its being broken in the July preceding, though several different places are mentioned as the scene of the incident.

    33.On September 13th, 1429.

    34.A small town near Auxerre. In this neighbourhood some of the chronicles place the incident referred to of the breaking of the sword. The question may, therefore, have been intended to elicit the story.

    35.The armour offered at Saint-Denis was the “blanc harnois” she wore during the earlier part of her career. When the church was pillaged by the English troops shortly after, this armour was sent to the King of England; but no further trace of it is known to exist.

    36.Jeanne appears to have been a good horse-woman; she rode “horses so ill-tempered that no one would dare to ride them.” The Duke de Lorraine, on her first visit to him, and the Duke d’AlenÇon, after seeing her skill in riding a course, each gave her a horse; and we read also of a gift of a war-horse from the town of Orleans, and “many horses of value” sent from the Duke of Brittany. She had entered Orleans on a white horse, according to the Journal du SiÈge d’OrlÉans; but seems to have been in the habit of riding black chargers in war; and mention is also made by ChÂtelain of a “lyart” or grey. A story, repeated in a letter from Guy de Laval, relates that, on one occasion (June 6th, 1428), when her horse, “a fine black war-horse” was brought to the door, he was so restive that he would not stand still. “Take him to the Cross,” she said; and there he stood, “as though he were tied,” while she mounted. This was at Selles; and local tradition says that, from her lodging (a Dominican Monastery now the Lion d’Or hotel) the old iron town-cross was visible. It stood until about a century ago some fifteen paces in front of the north door of the Church, and was removed when the cemetery was converted into a market place. The Monastery was the property of the monks of Glatigny.

    The writers of the letter referred to above, Guy and AndrÉ de Laval, were grandsons of Bertrand du Guesclin: the letter was dated Selles, June, 1429. The following are extracts:

    “... On Monday (June 6th) I left the King to go to Selles en Berry, four leagues from Saint Aignan. The King had summoned the Maid to come before him from Selles, where she then was, and many said this was much in my favour, so that I might see her. The said Maid treated my brother and me with great kindness: she was armed at all points, save the head, and bore lance in hand. After we had arrived at Selles, I went to her lodging to see her, and she called for wine for me and said she would soon have me drink it in Paris. She seemed to me a thing divine, in all she did and all I saw and heard.

    “On Monday evening she left Selles to go to Romorantin.... I saw her mounting her horse armed all in white, save the head, a little axe in her hand.... And then, turning to the door of the Church, which was quite near, she said in a gentle woman’s voice, ‘You priests and clergy, make processions and prayers to God.’ Then she turned again on her way saying, ‘Draw on, draw on!’ her standard flying, borne by a gracious page, and her little axe in her hand. One of her brothers who arrived eight days since, left also with her, armed all in white.”

    37.The banner was painted at Tours, while Jeanne was staying there, before her march to the relief of Orleans. The account for payment, in the “Comptes” of the Treasurer of War, gives: “À Hauvres Poulnoir, paintre, demourant À Tours, pour avoir paint et baillÉ estoffes pour une grand estandart et ung petit pour la Pucelle ... 25 livres tournois.

    The description of this banner varies in different authors. The following account is compiled from them. “A white banner, sprinkled with fleur-de-lys; on the one side, the figure of Our Lord in Glory, holding the world, and giving His benediction to a lily, held by one of two Angels who are kneeling on each side: the words ‘Jhesus Maria’ at the side; on the other side the figure of Our Lady and a shield with the arms of France supported by two Angels” (de Cagny). This banner was blessed at the Church of Saint-Sauveur at Tours (Chronique de la Pucelle and de Cagny).

    The small banner or pennon had a representation of the Annunciation.

    There was also a third banner round which the priests assembled daily for service, and on this was depicted the Crucifixion (Pasquerel).

    Another banner is mentioned by the Greffier de la Rochelle, which Jeanne is said to have adopted as her own private pennon. It was made at Poitiers; and represented on a blue ground a white dove, holding in its beak a scroll, with the words, “De par le Roy du Ciel.”

    38.May 7th, 1429.

    39.This prophecy is recorded in a letter written, April 22nd, 1429, a fortnight before the event, by a Flemish diplomatist, De Rotslaer, then at Lyons. Her chaplain, Pasquerel, also states, in his evidence given in 1455, that she had told him of the coming injury on the previous day.

    40.June 11th, 1429.

    41.GallicÈ: “en leur petite cotte,” i.e., with only the light clothing worn under their armour.

    42.The “three Pontiffs” referred to are Martin V. (Colonna), the real and acknowledged Pope; the schismatic, Clement VIII.; and a mere pretender, Benedict XIV., who was supported only by one Cardinal. The Schism was practically at an end at the time of this letter, as Clement had abdicated a month earlier (July 26th). Clement VIII. is the true title, though called Clement VII. in Count d’Armagnac’s letter.

    43.The English lost Paris in 1436.

    44.CompiÈgne was relieved early in November; Saint Martin’s Day is November 11th.

    45.The mandrake was a part of the accepted paraphernalia of a sorcerer. It was kept wrapped in a silk or linen cloth, and was supposed to preserve its owner from poverty. Brother Richard had recently preached a sermon against them (April, 1429); and many had been burned in consequence.

    46.The balance was a frequent accessory to Saint Michael in the French stained glass windows of the 13th and 14th centuries. A noted example in the Cathedral at Arles represents him weighing the souls of the departed in a balance as big as himself. One of the earliest examples in England is that in a fresco-painting at Preston Manor, Sussex, said to be of the reign of Edward I., in which Saint Michael appears weighing the souls of the faithful, accompanied by Jeanne’s saints, Saint Catherine and Saint Margaret.

    47.Mary of Anjou, wife of Charles VII., daughter of Louis, Duke of Anjou and Yolande of Arragon.

    48.Jeanne was taken from Beaurevoir early in August, and removed from there, when the negotiations for selling her were complete, about the middle of November.

    49.Jeanne, Countess de Saint-Pol et Ligny, sister to Count Waleran de Luxembourg and aunt to Jean de Luxembourg.

    50.Jeanne de Bethune, Viscountess de Meaux, wife of Jean de Luxembourg. Both these ladies were at Beaurevoir during Jeanne’s captivity, and shewed her great kindness, even interceding for her that she should not be sold to the English.

    51.The Sieur de Pressy, in Artois. Present in the Burgundian camp when Jeanne was taken prisoner, and afterwards at Arras, where she was imprisoned on her way from Beaurevoir to Rouen. The questions seem to suggest that BeaupÈre had before him some information which has not come down to us.

    52.This may perhaps refer to a popular belief in a halo, as of a Saint, surrounding the Maid’s head.

    53.Brother Richard, a Mendicant Friar; some say, Augustan; some, Cordelier. He was preaching in Paris and the neighbourhood in 1428–9; and said, amongst other things, in a sermon at Sainte GÉneviÈve, April 16th, 1419, that “strange things would happen in 1430.” He professed to have been in Jerusalem; and his sermons were so popular that congregations were found to listen to him for 10 or 11 hours, from 5 o’clock in the morning! He was driven out of Paris by the English and went to Troyes, where he joined the Maid.

    54.No absolutely authentic portraits of Jeanne are known. A head of fine work, the portrait of a young girl wearing a casque and of Jeanne’s time, is at the MusÉe Historique at Orleans. Tradition asserts that when Jeanne entered Orleans in triumph with the relieving force a sculptor modelled the head of his statue of St. Maurice from Jeanne herself. This head is a portion of the statue which formerly stood in the church at Orleans dedicated to St. Maurice. The church was demolished in 1850. A photograph from the head is given as the frontispiece to this book, and an admirable copy maybe seen at the MusÉe du TrocadÉro in Paris. It should have been stated on the frontispiece that the original is at Orleans, the copy in Paris.

    55.Latin text adds: “dum rex suus consecraretur.” Tradition asserts that at the Coronation Jeanne stood on the left and slightly in front of the altar, coming direct from the sacristy of the cathedral. The coronation throne stood in front of the high altar. The cathedral and its painted glass exist as at the Coronation, with the exception of some comparatively recent stone work surrounding the choir. The Coronation of the Kings of France has taken place at Rheims Cathedral since the twelfth century. The King was not to all intents King of France until he had been anointed by the Holy Oil, brought in great state to the cathedral from the more ancient church of St. Remy.

    An inscription on the front of the Hotel Maison Rouge, situated near the west entrance of the cathedral, states that the town entertained Jeanne’s father and mother in that house during the Coronation.

    56.About £200.

    57.November 9th, 1429.

    58.The Minute adds: “and I should be cured.”

    59.Surrendered July 22nd.

    60.In spite of this assertion, the Bishop was present at four out of the nine Examinations.

    61.On May 23rd, 1430.

    62.In the Minute only.

    63.Not in the Minute. Latin text reads: “quod dedit regi suo dum venit ad eum.”

    64.The “sign,” i.e. the appearance of “the White Lady.”

    65.Jean, Duke d’AlenÇon: son of the Duke killed at Agincourt. He was of the blood-royal of France, and had married a daughter of the Duke d’OrlÉans. Jeanne was on very friendly terms with him, and always called him her “Beau Duc.”

    66.The allegory of the Angel sent with a crown, here first given to avoid “perjury,” i.e., breaking her promise to preserve the King’s secret, is explained by Jeanne herself, on the last day of her life, to mean her own mission from Heaven to lead Charles to his crowning.

    67.In the Minute: “et l’admener en trois ans”: not in the Latin Text.

    68.The Minute reads: “la laissant faire de prisonniers.”

    69.March 8th, 1428; it was before Easter, which in that year fell on March 7th.

    70.The house in which Jeanne lodged at Chinon is said to have belonged to a certain Regnier de la Barrier, whose widow or daughter is the “worthy woman” referred to. Jeanne was afterwards lodged in the Tower of Coudray, where her room may still be seen. It is approached by a staircase outside the tower. The vaulted roof has fallen in, and the fireplace is damaged, but the walls are intact, and the room could easily be restored. Jeanne stayed in this tower from March 8th to April 20th, 1429.

    71.In the Minute only.

    72.Charles, Duke d’OrlÉans, then a prisoner in England: one of the five princes of the blood taken at Agincourt.

    73.There is no allusion to either of these in any evidence of the time.

    74.May, 1430.

    75.Easter week, April 16th–23rd, 1430.

    76.Jeanne says that her leap from the tower was “towards the end,” and as the town of CompiÈgne was in great straits in October, she probably made her attempt at escape towards the end of that month. The army of relief under the Count de VendÔme started on October 25th, and the siege was raised early in November.

    77.The Minute inverts the order of this and the following question and answer.

    78.There is no fuller account of this attempt. It probably took place during the month of July, and may have been the reason for her removal to the stronger prison of Beaurevoir, early in August.

    79.Henry VI. arrived in Rouen first on July 29th, 1430, when Jeanne was at Beaulieu; he was crowned at Paris in the following November, and returned to Rouen for Christmas, remaining there about six weeks, for the date of his landing at Dover is given as February 11th. It is not improbable that the prisoner may have seen the King, as they were both residing in the same Castle, and her windows looked on the fields, where he would probably take exercise.

    80.Faceret unam aggressionem;” GallicÈ, “une entreprise.”

    81.In the Minute: “mesme le chaperon de femme.”

    82.In the Minute: “et ne fait point de diffÉrence de celle qui est au ciel et celle qui se appert À moi.”

    83.Le vrai office de Monseigneur Saint-Michel est de faire grandes rÉvÉlations aux hommes en bas, en leur donnant moult sainct conseils.” (“Le Livre des Angeles de Dieu.”—MS. in the BibliothÈque Nationale, Paris.)

    84.In the Minute.

    85.In the Minute: “et toute voyes de tout, je m’en attendaye À Notre Seigneur.”

    86.Given only in the Minute.

    87.Guillaume Delachambre says that he was sent for by the Cardinal of England and the Earl of Warwick to attend Jeanne, with Desjardins and other Doctors; he was told by Warwick to give all attention to the patient, “as the King would not for anything in the world, that she should die a natural death; she had cost too dear for that; he had bought her dear, and he did not wish her to die except by justice and the fire.”

    88.Nicolas Midi.

    89.In the margin is written “Superba responsio.”

    90.Jean de la Brosse, Marshal of France, called occasionally Marshal de Boussac and de Saint SevÈre, being lord of both these territories.

    91.The Day of the Holy Cross, May 3rd.

    92.The Minute adds: “in the evening.”

    93.April 18th, May 2nd, 19th, and 23rd.

    94.Against this passage is written, on the margin of the original MS. note in the hand of the Registrar Manchon, ‘Responsio JohannÆ superba.’

    95.In ips Caus concludimus.

    96.In the Square of Saint-Ouen were two platforms on each side of the south door of the Church: Jeanne and MaÎtre Érard, the preacher, occupied one; the Bishop of Beauvais, together with a great number of Assessors, filled the other. In those days, and up to comparatively recent times, a cemetery occupied this site, which is now a garden. There was ample space for a large crowd to collect on the gently sloping ground facing the south door.

    97.There is no note as to when Jeanne interrupted the Bishop. The Latin gives no hint. It is probable that, during the reading of the sentence, Érard and Loiseleur were trying to induce Jeanne to recant and sign the schedule, and that her abjuration was the result of their endeavours, not of the Bishop’s.

    98.The Latin reading is, “Ante finem sententiÆ, Johanna, timens ignem, dixit se velle obedire ecclesiÆ.”

    99.Several versions of the reasons which caused Jeanne to resume the forbidden dress were given in the evidence taken at the Rehabilitation, all purporting to have come from her. According to Massieu, her woman’s dress was taken away while she was asleep, and the English soldiers refused to give it back to her, offering in its stead the man’s dress she had previously worn, ‘which they emptied from a sack.’ She refused to wear it, reminding them that it was forbidden her; but at last, at mid-day, finding them deaf to her remonstrance, she was obliged to rise and attire herself in the prohibited garments. The Dominican Brothers declared that she had been assaulted by an English milord, as she told them, and that she therefore considered it necessary to return to the protection of her old dress; but considering the type of soldier in whose care she was placed, there seems no need to seek for any further explanation than her own, as given in the text, and as later corroborated by Manchon and De Courcelles. In the Rehabilitation Enquiry, both Jean de Metz and de Poulengey claim to have suggested the male attire. At Poitiers, Jeanne herself stated that she had adopted it as most suitable to her work and the company she must share.

    100.This request is found only in the Minute.

    101.In the margin, the Registrar has written against this answer: “Responsio mortifera.”

    102.An appointment equivalent to a Rural Dean.

    103.Brothers Ysambard de la Pierre and Martin Ladvenu.

    104.Not included in the Official Text of the Trial.

    105.‘Old style’ is adopted throughout: thus 1449 is given instead of 1449

    106.The word is given in English in the text. Cauchon prided himself on his knowledge of this language.

    107.Jean de Saint Avit, formerly Abbot of Saint-Denis, and, about 1390, Bishop of Avranches. In 1432, he was imprisoned at Rouen, on suspicion of complicity with the French, who wished to get possession of the town.

    108.Doyen de la Rote”—Court of Appeals at Rome.

    109.On the Minute of Manchon, which was in the hands of the Judges of the Rehabilitation in 1455.

    110.This was the Examination called the Acta Posterius, which, though included by Cauchon in the Process, is not signed by the Official Registrars, Manchon, Boisguillaume, and Taquel.

    111.Jeanne was burnt in the Market Place at Rouen, where an inscribed stone marks the site. It is stated that the execution took place in front of the Church of St. Sauveur, and facing the principal street which leads to the Market Place, thus accommodating a larger number of spectators than was possible in any other part of the Place.

    There is still some dispute as to the actual spot; but as the Cemetery was religious ground and the execution was, nominally at least, a secular one, the ground chosen must have been on land belonging to the municipality of Rouen. Probably this was in the MarchÉ aux Veaux, as we find an order for the burning of a heretic there in 1522, “lieu accoutumÉ faire telles exÉcutions.”

    112.Cognomen given to the Promoter, d’Estivet.

    113.At the beginning of the Trial, Jeanne had asked for Counsel, and it had been refused.

    114.There were three keys to the prison, one being in the possession of the Promoter, one of the Inquisitor, and one belonging to the Cardinal.

    115.May 28th.

    116.To the Schismatic Council, then being held at Basle.

    117.Articles for Examination of Witnesses in the Second Enquiry of 1452 were prepared under the direction of Cardinal d’Estouteville and Brother Jean BrÉhal, Inquisitor. The witnesses were examined on twelve questions. Articles were also prepared under the direction of Philippe de Rose, Delegate for Cardinal d’Estouteville, the witnesses being examined on twenty-seven questions.

    118.Note by Quicherat: This is an error of the witness. [The Promoter was d’Estivet.]

    119.Jeanne’s father went also to Rheims for the coronation. There still exists in the old accounts of the town an item for his expenses at the inn; and, in the Compte of the Treasurer Raguier there is also an entry of 60 livres tournois, paid Jeanne to give to her father. On the day after the coronation, Jeanne obtained from the King an exemption from taxes for the village of Domremy and Greux: this document, dated July 31st, 1429, still exists in the Archives of France. This exemption from taxes has now lapsed.

    120.Durand Laxart, her uncle.

    121.This is also called the “Fontaine aux Groseilliers”; the Latin name is probably intended for Rhamnus, the Buckthorn.

    122.Mid-Lent Sunday, the 4th Sunday in Lent; so-called, because the introit for the day begins, “Laetare Jerusalem,” &c.

    123.Ad cameram regis.

    124.Margaret, daughter of James I. of Scotland, who was betrothed to Louis, afterwards Louis XI.

    125.February 13th, 1428.


    127.March 6th, 1428.

    128.June 23rd, 1428.

    129.July 17th, 1429.

    130.Near Vaucouleurs.

    131.This covers the period of several visits, made between May 1428, and February 1429.

    132.The mother of Charles VII., who denied the legitimacy of her own son, being Burgundian at heart, and ratified the iniquitous Treaty of Troyes, so disastrous for France.

    133.In the text Vaucouleurs is an obvious misprint for Saint-Nicolas.

    134.He also gave her a horse; cf. previous depositions.

    135.Saint-Nicolas-du-Port—then a celebrated centre of pilgrimage—near Nancy. As both Poulengey and Laxart connect this pilgrimage with her visit to the Duke de Lorraine, whose residence was at Nancy, it is clear that Saint-Nicolas-du-Port is meant, and not the Chapel of St. Nicolas near Vaucouleurs.

    136.The village of Domremy, although in the territory of Lorraine, belonged to France, not to Lorraine; for administrative purposes it was a dependance of Champagne.

    137.May 13th, 1428.

    138.See Deposition of Jean Morel.

    139.This Chapel in the crypt may still be seen at Vaucouleurs.

    140.Jean, a natural son of Louis, Duke d’OrlÉans, was brought up with the family of Orleans, and acknowledged by Valentine, the widowed Duchess, after the murder of his father in 1407. At 25 years of age, in company with de Gaucourt, he defeated the English under Warwick at Montargis in 1427, and afterwards defended Orleans till its relief in 1429. He was created Count de Dunois, in 1439.

    141.Then Captain of Blois.

    142.Regnault de Chartres.

    143.Gilles de Laval, Seigneur de Rais, notorious for the horrible excesses which brought him to the scaffold in 1440.

    144.The Duke was then a prisoner in England.

    145.7th of May.

    146.Antiquarians state that the CafÉ le Boeuf at Orleans covers the ancient “Boulevard” captured by Jeanne d’Arc. This redoubt adjoined the “Tourelles” and was close to the bridge of Orleans. Many steps below ground, and entered from the CafÉ le Boeuf, is a room of carefully constructed masonry, being the interior of a tower, with embrasures for cannon, and iron rings to which cannons were attached.

    147.i.e., William Glasdale, Bailly of AlenÇon. He was Captain of the Fort of the Tourelles, called here the Bridge Tower.

    148.Gerard Machet, according to the Chronique de la Pucelle; he was not Bishop until after the death of Jeanne.

    149.Robert le MaÇon, Chancellor, in 1418, was harassed by the opposition of the Burgundian faction and the favourites of the Dauphin. He retired in 1421, and acted henceforward as a simple Councillor.

    150.Jean Leguise, ennobled by Charles VII. for his share in the surrender of the town.

    151.William de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk, Grand Steward of the King of England.

    152.The prophecy of Merlin, as it appears in MS. 7301 of the BibliothÈque Nationale, runs: “Descendit virgo dorsum sagittari et flores virgineos obscultabit.”

    153.Raoul, not Jean, de Gaucourt, Grand Steward, born 1370. Fought, in 1394, under the banner of Jean de Nevers, afterwards Duke of Burgundy, for Sigismund, King of Hungary, against Bajazet; and was knighted on the field of Nicopolis, from which only himself, his leader, and twenty-two other French nobles escaped. He defended Harfleur against Henry V., in 1415, and was a prisoner for ten years, being one of those specially named by Henry in his dying commands to Bedford as prisoners “to be kept.” In 1425, he was ransomed for the sum of 20,000 gold crowns; in 1427, he aided Dunois at the victory of Montargis, and afterwards in the defence of Orleans.

    154.Quicherat thinks there is an error of copy here; that Bellier could not have been Bailly of Troyes when that town was in the hands of the English, nor could he at any time have combined so high an office with the lieutenancy of Chinon.

    155.Master of the Horse, Counsellor and Steward to the Court. He was made prisoner in 1437, but ransomed from the English for 500 crowns. In 1459, he was sent by Charles VII. to Bordeaux, in order to settle a dispute between the municipal authority and some English ships. He was living in 1472, and in receipt of a pension from Louis XI.

    156.In December, 1429.

    157.7th May.

    158.Seigneur de Bignon, whose father was distinguished at the siege of Orleans. He was great-grandfather of Christopher de Thou, first President of the Parliament of Paris.

    159.Head of one of the principal families of Orleans. Amian de Saint-Mesmin was ennobled in 1460, on account of his services. He died at the ripe age of 118 years.

    160.Brother-in-law to Louis de Contes, Jeanne’s page, and owner of the lordships of la ChaussÉe and Miramion. From his younger brother, Guillaume, descended the Beauharnais who was husband to Josephine and father of EugÈne.

    161.Daughter of Jacques Bourchier, Treasurer of Orleans, at whose house Jeanne lodged.

    162.See decrees of Henry VI. against fugitives, “terrificatos incautionibus puellae.”

    163.Nevertheless, his name appears as having agreed with the Abbot of FÉcamp in his opinion of the Condemnation.

    164.Not mentioned elsewhere.

    165.Secretary to the King of England.

    166.It is, however, stated that, on being consulted, he did advise the extreme measure of putting Jeanne to the torture.

    167.Louis de Contes was brother-in-law of Beauharnais, the Bourgeois of Orleans. He was a son of Jean de Contes, Captain of ChÂteaudun, and Chamberlain to the Duke d’OrlÉans.

    168.Jacques Bouchier.

    169.[“Ha! sanglant garÇon, vous ne me dyriez pas que le sanc de France feust repandu!”]

    170.Coelestinorum, in the text.

    171.John de la Pole, Captain of Avranches, brother of the Earl of Suffolk.

    172.Jeanne’s hatred of swearing is noticed by many of her followers, and in her hearing they endeavoured to abstain from it. La Hire, whose language was apparently the most violent, was permitted by her to employ the mild expletive ‘Par mon martin,’ ‘By my baton,’ an expression she herself is constantly reported to have used.

    173.A nickname of Poulengey.

    174.These three forts were on the left bank of the Loire; the fort of the Tourelles, of the Augustins, and of Saint-PrivÉ were further west.

    175.A woman called “la gasque d’Avignon,” whose predictions made much stir at the beginning of the fifteenth century.

    176.The devoted Margaret of Bavaria, who was separated from him on account of his evil life.

    177.Jean, Duke d’AlenÇon, son of the Duke killed at Agincourt. He was of the Blood Royal, descended from Philip II.

    178.The Bishop referred to is Simon Bonnet, Bishop of Senlis at that time, not the partisan of the English who occupied the seat in 1429.

    179.Yolande, daughter of John I. of Aragon; wife of Louis XI., Duke of Anjou, and titular King of Sicily. She was the mother of Mary, wife of Charles VII., and grandmother of Margaret, afterwards wife of Henry VI.

    A receipt is recorded, in Quicherat (III. 93), for the carriage of corn, on her behalf, from Orleans to Blois.

    180.A captain of some repute, exchanged for Talbot after the Battle of Patay.

    181.In the Accounts (formerly kept in the Chambre des Comtes at Paris), of MaÎtre Hemon Raguier, Treasurer of War, there is an item relating to this suit of armour: “To the Master Armourer, for a complete harness for the said Pucelle, 100 livres tournois.”

    182.A street in Orleans is still called after d’Illiers, then Captain of ChÂteaudun.

    183.Jeanne, daughter of the Duke d’OrlÉans.

    184.The Duke d’AlenÇon, at the age of eighteen, had been taken prisoner at the battle of Verneuil, in 1424, and kept for five years in the Castle of Crotoy, where Jeanne herself was afterwards imprisoned.

    185.Head-covering without visor, “chapeline casque lÉger en forme de calotte sans masque.”

    186.Jargeau was taken on June 11th, 1429.

    187.John Talbot, afterwards Earl of Shrewsbury. He was exchanged for Ambroise de LorÉ and killed while attempting the relief of ChÂtillon, then besieged by Dunois.

    188.Arthur, Count de Richemont, Constable of France, brother of the Duke of Britanny. He was one of the Princes of the Blood taken at Agincourt, but was released on parole; and Henry V. dying soon after, he claimed his freedom, saying he had given his word to the King alone. He married a sister of the Duke of Burgundy and widow of the late Dauphin. Although friendly to the French cause, he was distrusted by Charles, and, at this time, was in disgrace. He was uncle to the Duke d’AlenÇon, his sister Mary having married the preceding Duke. He succeeded to the Duchy of Britanny in 1453, but died childless.

    189.It was after this battle of Patay that Sir John Fastolf, one of the English captains, was deprived of the Garter, for his conduct in retreating before the French army.

    190.Louis, Duke d’OrlÉans, taken prisoner at Agincourt, in 1415, was imprisoned in England until the year 1440, when he was ransomed at the price of 54,000 nobles (about £36,000), the negotiations being carried out on the English side by Cauchon, Bishop of Beauvais.

    191.Of the Order of Hermit Friars of Saint Augustin, living at their Convent in Tours in 1429, and at Bayeux in 1456.

    192.There is some doubt as to the identity of this town. The text gives “Aniciensis,” which would refer to Puy-en-Valais; but this, Quicherat says, is unlikely, owing to the distance, and proposes to substitute “Anceinsi,” i.e., Anche. Fabre, following Simon de Lune, is in favour of the former reading, as the town was one noted for pilgrimages; and, in the Lent of 1429, there was an unusual number of pilgrims, in honour of the special feast of La Vierge Noire de Puy, which, in that year, fell on Good Friday. This fact might account for the presence of Jeanne’s mother at Puy, and of the men-at-arms, who had escorted the Maid to Chinon.

    193.Quicherat prefers to read, “brother.”

    194.Probably the husband of the woman named Lapau, mentioned by Louis de Contes.

    195.Doubt had been thrown on the fact here stated, since Charles VII.’s mother, Queen Isabeau, had denied her son’s legitimacy.

    196.The account for this banner appears in the 13th Compte of MaÎtre Hemon Raguier, Treasurer of War: 25 liv. tour. were paid to “Hauves Poulnois, painter, living at Tours, for painting and procuring materials for a great standard, and a small one for the Maid.”

    197.The siege was raised on the 8th of May.

    198.Established on the site of a convent in the previous December.

    199.The first letter was sent on March 22nd, 1429: of the second nothing is known.

    200.i.e., Glasdale.

    201.8th May. The commemoration of the relief of Orleans was made a national festival by Louis XI. and confirmed by Richelieu. This day is still kept in the town with great rejoicings and religious processions: it has been celebrated, excepting during the Revolution, ever since the relief of the city.

    202.Louis de Luxembourg.

    203.“Godon,” or “goddam,” a common term for the English in the Middle Ages and to the present day.

    204.An error; the first sermon was by Érard.

    205.Louis de Contes, called “Imerguet” and “Mugot” by his companions.

    206.The phrase is left thus unfinished in all the MSS. It is quoted in the Latin texts in the original French, as above.

    207.The Court of the Bailiff.

    208.Crimen lÆsÆ majestatis.

    209.The examination of d’Aulon, who served Jeanne d’Arc as Steward, and who, at the time of being examined, was Seneschal of Beaucaire, is the only evidence preserved in the original French.

    210.Guillaume d’Estouteville: Enquiry of 1452.

    211.See Appendix: Note on Documents of Rehabilitation Enquiry: p. 332.

    212.Viz., the Twelve Articles.

    213.Chronicles of the Dukes of AlenÇon.

    214.Philip the Good, son of Jean Sans-Peur, the Duke murdered at the Bridge of Montereau in 1418 by the Armagnac faction; he was consequently an ally of England. Anne, his sister, married John, Duke of Bedford. Efforts were constantly made by both sides to secure the sympathies of so powerful an ally; but after the death of his sister in 1432, the Duke’s attachment to the English cause waned; and in 1435, a week after the death of Bedford, he made peace with Charles VII., and signed the Treaty of Arras, which practically restored France to the King. He died in 1467, and was succeeded by his son Charles the Bold.

    215.Jean de Luxembourg, Sire de Luxembourg and de Choques, nephew of the Constable Waleran de Luxembourg. A captain of Free-Lances in the service of the Duke of Burgundy, afterwards Count de Ligny and Guise, and a knight of the Toison d’Or. He remained true to the English, even after his chief had made terms with Charles, and died in 1441, still obstinately refusing to recognize the Treaty of Arras.

    216.Louis de Luxembourg, Bishop of ThÉrouanne, 1414, and Chancellor of France for Henry VI., 1425, surnamed “Le Renard”; afterwards Archbishop of Rouen, Bishop of HÉly, and Cardinal. A warm adherent of the English cause, and a consistent supporter of Bedford and Warwick. It was he who received information of the capture of Jeanne on May 25th, and himself went with the news to the Parliament. When the tide turned, and Charles VII. was able to establish himself in his kingdom, the Bishop retired to England, and there died, 1443.

    217.Jean D’Aulon. Formerly a squire in the service of the King, appointed Chief of Jeanne’s Household by Charles VII., in 1428. He remained with her from that time till her capture at CompiÈgne; was taken prisoner with her, and carried to Beaulieu, but was ransomed during the autumn. He was afterwards knighted, and made Seneschal of Beaucaire.

    218.Lionel Bastard de Wandonne; now Wandomme, a castle in Artois; a captain in the service of Jean de Luxembourg, to whom the Maid finally surrendered at CompiÈgne. For his share of the reward he received 300 pounds rente. He was afterwards Count de Nesle and Beaulieu, in Vermandois.

    219.The much-vexed question of the date of the Capture seems to be decided by these two last contemporary documents. The same date, May 23rd, is also given in the Chronicle of William of Worcester.

    220.The news, received in the letter from Jean de Luxembourg, was communicated by his brother, the Bishop of ThÉrouanne, to the Parliament.

    221.Or let herself down, as some state, by a rope that was too short to reach the ground.







    228.According to the rules of Inquisitorial Trials it was not necessary to grant an advocate to the accused. In the “Directorium Inquisitorum” the Decretal on the treatment of Heretics empowers the Bishop and the Judge of the Inquisition, acting conjointly, to dispense with other assistance, and to act alone.

    229.See “Execution of the Mandate,” Feb. 20th.




    233.Cf. 3rd Public Examination, February 24th; 5th Public Examination, March 1st; 8th Private Examination, 17th; and 9th Private Examination, March 17th.

    234.Cf. 3rd Public Examination, February 24th.

    235.Cf. 5th Public Examination, March 1st.

    236.Cf. 2nd Public Examination, February 22nd, and 3rd Public Examination, February 24th.

    237.Cf. 2nd Private Examination, March 12th.

    238.Cf. 2nd Public Examination, February 22nd; 3rd Public Examination, February 24th; 4th Public Examination, February 27th; 5th Public Examination, March 1st; 2nd Private Examination, March 12th; 3rd Private Examination, March 12th.

    239.This answer is given in French in the text.

    240.No previous answer is recorded.

    241.Cf. 2nd Private Examination, March 12th.

    242.Cf. 2nd Public Examination, February 22nd; 4th Public Examination, February 27th; 3rd Private Examination, March 12th; and 8th Private Examination, March 17th.

    243.The two following questions and answers appear in the Minute only:—

    “But, Jeanne, the Holy Canons and Holy Writ declare that women who take men’s dress or men who take women’s dress, do a thing abominable to God. How then can you say that you took this dress at God’s command?”

    “You have been answered. If you wish that I should answer you further, grant me delay, and I will answer you.”

    “Will you not take the dress of a woman to receive your Saviour on Easter Day?”

    “Neither for that nor for anything else will I yet put off my dress. I make no difference between man’s dress and woman’s dress for receiving my Saviour. I ought not to be refused for this question of dress.” Cf. 4th Public Examination, February 27th, and 6th Public Examination, March 3rd.

    244.Cf. 3rd Public Examination, February 24th; 3rd Private Examination, March 12th; 8th Private Examination, March 17th. These questions and answers come after Article XIII. in the minute.

    245.Cf. 7th Private Examination, March 15th; 8th Private Examination, March 17th.

    After Article XV., the following sentence is inserted in the Extracts, but is not in the ProcÈs. “She added that the Demoiselle de Luxembourg prayed the Seigneur de Luxembourg not to give her up to the English.”

    246.Cf. 6th Public Examination, March 3rd.

    247.Cf. 2nd Public Examination, February 22nd; 4th Private Examination, March 13th.

    248.Cf. 4th Public Examination, February 27th.

    249.Cf. 4th Public Examination, February 27th; 8th Private Examination, March 17th.

    250.Cf. 5th Public Examination, March 1st; 6th Public Examination, March 3rd; 9th Private Examination, March 17th.

    251.Cf. 2nd Public Examination, February 22nd; 6th Public Examination, March 3rd.

    252.Vide 5th Public Examination, March 1st: pages 36–38.

    253.Cf. 4th Public Examination, February 27th.

    254.Cf. 9th Private Examination, March 17th.

    255.Cf. 3rd Public Examination, February 24th; 9th Private Examination, March 17th.

    256.Cf. 5th Public Examination, March 1st.

    257.Vide 5th Public Examination, March 1st: pages 34–35.

    258.Vide ante, page 35.

    259.Cf. 5th Public Examination, March 1st.

    260.The following incident occurs in the Minute only:

    The Bishop, referring to the promise given on the previous day by Jeanne that she would answer on the subject of her dress, asks that, before proceeding with the reading, this answer may be given. To which Jeanne replies:

    “The dress and the arms that I wear, I wear by the permission of God: I will not leave them off without the permission of God, even if it cost me my head: but, if it should so please Our Lord, I will leave them off: I will not take a woman’s dress if I have not permission from Our Saviour.”

    261.Cf. 2nd Public Examination, February 22nd; 3rd Public Examination, February 24th; 4th Public Examination, February 27th; 5th Public Examination, March 1st; 7th Private Examination, March 15th; 8th Private Examination, March 17th.

    262.Cf. 3rd Public Examination, February 24th; 4th Public Examination, February 27th; 5th Public Examination, March 1st; 6th Public Examination, March 3rd; 1st Private Examination, March 10th; 3rd Private Examination, March 12th; 5th Private Examination, March 14th.

    263.Cf. 4th Public Examination, February 27th; 5th Public Examination, March 1st; 7th Private Examination, March 15th.

    264.Minute reads: “pour l’aise de son corps.”

    265.Cf. 2nd Public Examination, February 22nd; 3rd Public Examination, Feb. 24th; 8th Private Examination, March 17th.

    266.Cf. 2nd Public Examination, February 22nd.

    267.Cf. 2nd Public Examination, February 22nd; 1st Private Examination, March 10th; 7th Private Examination, March 15th.

    268.Cf. 3rd Public Examination, February 24th; 7th Private Examination, March 15th.

    269.Cf. 3rd Public Examination, February 24th; 5th Public Examination, March 1st; 6th Private Examination, March 14th.

    270.Cf. 6th Public Examination, March 3rd.

    271.Cf. 6th Public Examination, March 3rd; 5th Private Examination, March 28th.

    272.Cf. 9th Private Examination, March 17th.

    273.Cf. 5th Public Examination, March 1st.

    274.Cf. 5th Private Examination, March 14th; 6th Private Examination, March 14th; 5th Public Examination, March 1st.

    275.Cf. 4th Public Examination, February 27th; 5th Public Examination, March 1st; 6th Public Examination, March 3rd.

    276.Cf. 6th Public Examination, March 3rd.

    277.Cf. 6th Public Examination, March 3rd; 6th Private Examination, March 14th.

    278.Cf. 3rd Public Examination, February 24th; 6th Public Examination, March 3rd; 2nd Private Examination, March 12th.

    279.Cf. 3rd Public Examination, February 24th; 1st Private Examination, March 10th; 2nd Private Examination, March 12th; 7th Private Examination, March 15th; 9th Private Examination, March 17th.

    280.Cf. 3rd Public Examination, February 24th; 4th Public Examination, February 27th; 2nd Private Examination, March 12th; 4th Private Examination, March 13th; 5th Private Examination, March 14th.

    281.Cf. 4th Public Examination, February 27th; 5th Public Examination, March 1st; 1st Private Examination, March 10th; 2nd Private Examination, March 12th; 4th Private Examination, March 13th.

    282.Cf. 6th Public Examination, March 3rd.

    283.Cf. 4th Public Examination, February 27th.

    284.Cf. 1st Private Examination, March 10th.

    285.This is the only known reference to this declaration of Catherine de la Rochelle.

    286.Her usual oath was ‘En nom DÉ’ or ‘Par mon martin’ (bÂton).

    287.Cf. 6th Public Examination, March 3rd.

    288.These reports do not appear in the official documents.

    289.Cf. 6th Public Examination, March 3rd; 4th Private Examination, March 13th.

    290.4th Public Examination, February 28th; 6th Public Examination, March 3rd; 1st Private Examination, March 10th; 8th Private Examination, March 17th; 9th Private Examination, March 17th.

    291.Cf. 8th Private Examination, March 17th.

    292.Cf. 3rd Public Examination, February 24th; 4th Public Examination, February 27th; 5th Public Examination, March 1st; 6th Public Examination, March 3rd; 2nd Private Examination, March 12th.

    293.Cf. 7th Private Examination, March 15th; 9th Private Examination, March 17th.

    294.Cf. 4th Public Examination, February 27th; 5th Public Examination, March 1st.

    295.Of these 101 Articles, the first thirty-three form the basis of the succeeding enquiries made at Paris, Orleans, and Rouen.


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