The Wild Deer's Home, | By J. Gurner Fisher, | Frontispiece No. 1 | The Old Trapper's Home, | ByW.L.EverettKnowles, | Frontispiece No. 2 | How John Norton the Trapper Kept His Christmas, | | (Heading) 11 | The Old Trapper's Fireplace, | By W. L. Everett Knowles, | between pages 12–13 | On the Other Side of the Mountain Stood the Dismal Hut," | By J. Gurner Fisher, | ""30–31 | The Old Trapper's Shot, | """ | ""44–45 | The Mountain Torrent, | """ | Frontispiece No. 3 | The Vagabond's Rock, | By W. L. Everett Knowles, | Frontispiece No. 4 | John Norton's Vagabond, | | (Heading) 76 | "Vagabonds Included in This Invite," | """ | between pages 80–81 | "And Above the Words Was a Star," | """ | ""82–83 | The Old Trapper's Paddle, | """ | 85 | The Old Trapper's Rifle, | """ | 88 | An Old Time Gun, | """ | 89 | Christmas Holly, | """ | 93 | "Where Be the Ships?" | """ | between pages 98–99 | "And Finally the Words Passed into the Air," | """, | 105 | "Ye Cradle of Ye Olden Time," | """ | 108 | The Old Trapper and His Dogs, | """ | betweenpages112–113 | "Friends come and go, but until death enters kennel or cabin the hunter and his hounds bide together." | | |