3rd of September Monday 1804 a verry Cold morning wind from N. W. we Set out at Sun rise, & proceeded on to a Bluff below the mouth of Plumb 12 yds. Creek on the S. S. and took an obsevation of the Suns Altitude This Creek is Small it "abounds with blumbs of a Delicious flavour" the River is wide and Crouded with Sand bars—it is riseing a little but little timber in this Countrey all that is, is on the river in the points. we Came too on the L. Sin the edge of a Plain an Camped for the night—we Saw Some Signs of the two men Shannon & Colter, Shannon appeared to be a head of Colter—The White banks appear to Continu on both sides of the river. Grapes plenty and finely flavered- |