[Clark, August 31, 1804] (3)


August the 31st 1804 after the Indians got their Brackfast the Chiefs met and arranged themselves in a row with elligent pipes of peace all pointing to our Seets, we Came foward and took our Seets, the Great Cheif The Shake han rose and Spoke to Some length aproving what we had Said and promissing to pursue the advice.

Mar to ree 2d Cheif (White Crain) rose and made a Short Speech and refured to the great Chief

Par nar ne Ar par be 3rd Cheif rose and made a Short Speech

Ar ca we char the (the half man) 3d Chief rose & spoke at Some length. Much to the purpose.

The othe Cheif Said but little one of the warreirs Spoke after all was don & promissed to Support the Chiefs, the promisd to go and See their Great father in the Spring with Mr. Dorion, and to do all things we had advised them to do. and all Concluded by telling the distresses of ther nation by not haveing traders, & wished us to take pity on them, the wanted Powder Ball & a little milk

last night the Indians Danced untill late in their dances we gave them Som knives Tobaco & belts & tape & Binding with which they wer Satisfied



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