EXPLANATION OF REFERENCES To the Works of Froebel quoted in the text CHAPTER I Froebel's Anticipation of Modern Psychology CHAPTER II Froebel's Analysis of Mind CHAPTER III Will and its Early Manifestations CHAPTER IV Characteristics of the Earliest Consciousness CHAPTER V How Consciousness is Differentiated. The Place of CHAPTER VI Instinct and Instincts CHAPTER VII Play and Its Relation to Work CHAPTER VIII Froebel's Play-Material and its Original Purpose CHAPTER IX Weak Points Considered CHAPTER X Some Criticisms Answered APPENDIX I On the Meaning of the Word "Activity" APPENDIX II Comparison of Plays noted by Froebel with the Enumeration given by Groos FROEBEL AS A PIONEER IN MODERN PSYCHOLOGYFROEBEL AS A PIONEER BY “Through the battle, through defeat, moving yet and never stopping. Pioneers! O Pioneers!” BALTIMORE Md. (All rights reserved) |