> f. Diodorus, 144 f. Diogenes, 90-3, 95; his 'tub,' 92 Diogenes of Oenoanda, [101:1], 114, 169 f. Dione, 56 Dionysius, 17, 20, 72, 84, 159 ???????, 122 Disciples, qualifications and conduct of, 200 Discouragement due to collapse of the Polis, 81 Dittenberger. W., [16:1], [156:1] Divine Mother, 164; 'Divine Wisdom', personified, 165 Dodds, E. R., [181:1] DouttÉ, E., 26 f. Dramaturge, 97 DrÔmenon, spring, 32 f. DÜmmler, [87:1] Durkheim, Professor Émile, [6:1] Earth, divinity of, 137; Earth-mother, 29 ?????, 106 Education, [113:3] Ekstasis, 150 Elements, Apuleius on, 148; divinity of, 137; in the Kosmos, 142 ????????, [200:1] Enthousiasmos, 150 EÔs, 53 Epictetus, morals of, 176 Epicureans, 3, 110 f., 113, 119, 130, 145 f., 181 Epicurus, 101-11, 113, 129 f., 135, 140 f., 170, [192:1] EpiphanÊs, 155 Epiphanius, 172 ?????, 37 EuergetÊs, 156 Euhemerus, 160 Euripides, [12:4], [54:3], passim, 143, 152 Eusebius, [27:4], 197 Evans, Sir A., ] Jaldabaoth = Saturn, 147 Javan, sons of, 42 Jews, 125, 151, 188; God of, 163 Judaism, 193 Julian, xvi, 4, 179 ff., 184 f., 197 Justin, [64:1] Kaibel, [61:1] Kant, 136 Keraunos, 155 KÊres, 34 Kern, O., [21:2] King, I., [29:1] Kings, as gods, 191; divine, titles of, 155 ff.; predictions concerning, by Planets, 144; worship of, 156 Koios, 166 KorÊ, 63 f.; as fallen Virgin, 138; Earth, 30; Earth Maiden and Mother, 137 Kosmokratores, 146, 148, 164 Kosmos, 147, [200:1]; Moon as origin of, 169; planets as Elements in, 142 KourÊ, Zeus, 150 KourÊtes, 150; Spring-song of, 30 Kouroi, 30; dance of, 28 Kouros, 63 f., 71; Megistos, 28; Sun as, 30; Year-Daemon, 32 Kourotrophos, Earth, 30 ?????? and ???, 25, [157:1] Kronos, 45 ????????, 23 ??????, 23 Kynosarges, 89 Lampsacus, 107 Lang, Andrew, xiii, [16:2], [23:2] ???? ??????, 110 Leaf, W., [40:1], [49:1] Leagues, 80 Leontion, 108 Life, inward, 119 f. 152, 197 Sors: see Fortune. SÔtÊr, 155 Soul, divinity of, 153-65; human, as origin of man's idea, 136; immortal, 186; nature of, 209 f.; salvation of, 164 Sparta, Athens defeated by, 80; constitution of, 87; power of, 81 Spirit, Holy, 137; personified, 165 Stars, divinity of, 136 ff., [153:1] Steiner, von H., Mutaziliten, [10:2] Stoicism, 117, 146 Stoics, 3, 76, 95-7, 104, 109 f., 119, 128, 130, 145, 160, 165 ????????? ??? ????, 145 Sun, 187; as Kouros, 30; = both orb and ray, [203:1]; divinity of, 137 ff.; worship of, 139 Sunoikismos, 63 Superstition, 130 Sweetness, Epicurus on, 106 Swine, sacred, 19 Tabu, 34 ff. Tarn, W. W., [80:1], [152:2] Teletai, 32 Thales, 2 ???????, 95, 103 f. Themis, 36, 37 Theodoret, 181 Theoi Adelphoi, 154 Theophrastus, 143, [188:2] ???? = ?????, 24; use of the word by poets, 12 Thera, [18:2] ??????, derivation of, [16:1] Thesmophoria, 16 Thespis, 43 Third One or Saviour, 33 Thomson, J. A. K., 46 n. Thoth, 151 Thought, subjective, 128 Thracians, <