Submarine Telegraphy.


When the electric telegraph had been successfully established in Great Britain, the public soon became alive to the necessity of extending its operations beyond the confines of the United Kingdom.

As early as 1840 Professor Charles Wheatstone, of England, suggested the practicability of connecting Dover and Calais, in France, by an electric wire, but it was ten years later before a submarine line was laid. This first attempt proved a failure, owing to the wires being imperfectly insulated.

In 1851 a second cable, containing four copper wires insulated with gutta percha and surrounded by tarred hemp and protected by ten galvanized iron wires wound round spirally, was laid connecting England and France. This proved successful. All submarine cables thereafter were made on this pattern.

It was now evident that the sea offered no barrier to international telegraphic communication.

In the same year (1851) a submarine cable ten miles in length was laid connecting Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick.

In 1852 six submarine lines were laid connecting England with Ireland, Scotland and the continent, the longest of which was one about one hundred nautical miles, and in 1854 five additional cables were laid in European waters.

In 1856 Newfoundland and Cape Breton was connected by submarine wire, the distances being some eighty-five miles. The successful laying of this cable led to the more gigantic undertaking, viz., to connecting the old and the new worlds electrically. There are three names prominently connected with the origination of the idea, Bishop Mulock, of Newfoundland, Frederick Gisborne and Cyrus W. Field.

The following interesting remarks of Mr. Mackay, of Newfoundland, is worth producing.

In a speech he made at a banquet given by the old-time Telegraphers’ Association, held at the Windsor Hotel in the summer of 1901, he said; “If you please, I shall now refer to a matter that I think may be far more interesting to you all than anything I have said thus far. I mean to refer to the matter of the Atlantic telegraph, as it is a subject that must always occupy a large share of the attention of the telegraph world, because at the present time telegraphing by cable is one of the most important factors in the whole service that makes the telegraphy of the world as valuable as it is. The subject that I wanted to mention to you is the question as to who was the person that initiated or gave birth to the idea of an Atlantic telegraph, which, of course, gave birth to all deep-sea and long-distance telegraphy. “As a matter of fact, in Newfoundland, where this subject has been given considerable attention, it is stated that the Right Rev. Dr. Mulock, Roman Catholic Bishop of Newfoundland, was one of the parties. Others contend that the late F.N. Gisborne is the person, others that Cyrus W. Field is the person.

“I would like to refer to those gentlemen, beginning first with Dr. Mulock.

“I trust you will pardon me for saying that I consider my opinion on the matter is worth something, inasmuch as I think I am the only man of those that were connected with the Atlantic telegraph at the time of its inception, in an executive capacity, all the others having gone before, as far as I know.

“Now with regard to Dr. Mulock, I think there is not the least doubt he got his information from Mr. Gisborne in regard to the Atlantic telegraph, and that his only connection with it was the expression of his belief in the possibility of its establishment, just as a man might say, for instance, we will in the next generation fly in the air; but he contributed nothing towards the direct accomplishment of the object. There is not the least doubt in my mind, therefore, that it lies between Mr. F.N. Gisborne and Cyrus W. Field.

“Mr. Gisborne’s friends contend now that he was unjustly treated by Field, and that he really had advised Mr. Field of the possibility of accomplishing this great work. Mr. Gisborne did not make this contention in his lifetime.

“I had the privilege of seeing him some years before he died, long subsequent to the establishment of the Atlantic telegraph, and he said that on his meeting Cyrus W. Field, in the month of January, 1854, whilst foreshadowing the possibility and the desirability of establishing Atlantic communication between Newfoundland and the Continent of America, he did not refer to the possibility of a cable to England, but only relied on the success of that enterprise by contributing to its coffers messages obtained from steamers arriving in Newfoundland and transmitted from thence by carrier pigeons, and ultimately by telegraphic cable.

“Mr. Gisborne made that statement, and he admitted that he did not, in his first interview with Cyrus W. Field, foreshadow the possibility of the Atlantic telegraph.

“Now Mr. Field on being questioned in regard to that interview which took place in Mr. Field’s house in January, 1854, said exactly the same thing.

“He only contended for the pigeons in the first place and the possibility of a cable to Cape Breton in the second place, and the clever far-seeing commercial man, as he was considered, said that there was no possibility of such a scheme ever paying, and, therefore, he would not have anything to do with it; but on seeing Gisborne, he turned over the Globe, and, in turning it over, seeing that Cape Breton was only an inch or two on the Globe from Newfoundland, and that Ireland was only six inches, with his shrewdness and cleverness he said at once, ‘If a cable can be laid to Cape Breton, why can’t it be laid to Ireland?’ and the next morning he wrote a letter to Professor Morse and asked him if a cable could be laid to Ireland and whether it could be worked. He also wrote a letter to Lieutenant Maury, of the United States Navy, and asked him whether it would be possible to lay a cable to Ireland. Satisfactory answers being obtained to these two questions, he at once embarked in the enterprise and threw his whole influence (rich man that he was at that time) into the work of laying the Atlantic cable. You will see, therefore, that Mr. Gisborne did not communicate the idea of the Atlantic cable, but he communicated the idea of a cable that was quite enough for a man of Cyrus W. Field’s foresight and ingenuity to suggest the possibility of an Atlantic cable, so that there is really no difference as to credit due these two gentlemen for the initiation of the project, and I can assure you it is most satisfactory to me because I have always been a warm friend of both gentlemen (applause). I think I am the only living witness to these facts I have related, and I am glad to have this opportunity to state it publicly. I know it is a matter of interest to all telegraph men. Now the question comes to my mind, Who then was the author of the first idea of the Atlantic cable. “In this connection I will go back to the year 1850. In 1854 the New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraph Company obtained a charter which gave them exclusive rights to land a cable in Newfoundland for fifty years. This charter terminates in 1904, and I hope to live to see that charter expire. I am confident it will never be renewed, because the British Government would never consent, now that deep-sea telegraphy is an assured fact, to exclusive rights, of that nature being conferred on anybody or corporation. (Applause.)

“We will now go back to, Who was the first man that started the idea of the Atlantic cable? and I find no difficulty in naming the man, as far as my opinion goes.

“In 1850, whilst studying telegraphy with Mr. Gisborne in Halifax, he was very communicative in all his methods and actions, and he showed me letters at that time from Mr. Brett. There were two Bretts. I think the first was John and the second Jacob, but it was the elder Brett who was in communication with him then by letter, and he had given birth to the idea of a cable. He not only gave birth to it in 1850, but in 1852 he laid the cable from Dover in England to France, and that cable was working until within a few years of the present time. He, therefore, not only gave birth to the idea, but he gave actual presence to the cable, and I think it is not unlikely, and I find it easy for me to say, that there never was an inventor who was wont to appreciate his own invention. I think it is not unlikely that Brett, when he had the idea of a cable at all, although only twenty-one miles in length, that he had within his vision thousands of miles, covering all bays, all waters and all seas (applause); that is my idea that John Brett was the originator and inventor of the submarine cable.”

Mr. Mackay, whose testimony we have given, was the superintendent of telegraphs for the Anglo-American Telegraph and Cable Company for the Island of Newfoundland and held this position for many years.

The circumstances which brought Gisborne and Field together was as follows: The former had planned a line of telegraph from St. John’s, Nfld., through four hundred miles of dense wilderness and forest to Cape Ray, there to connect by steamers or by carrier pigeons or by cable.

To enable him to carry out this project the Legislature of Newfoundland granted £500 for a survey of the route.

An Act was also passed incorporating the Newfoundland Telegraph Company with an exclusive right of way for thirty years, including amongst other privileges valuable concessions of public lands. Having thus laid the groundwork of his scheme Gisborne immediately left for New York to raise capital; in this he was successful. Horace B. Tebbets and D.H. Holbrook were among the more prominent to join him, and a company was organized under the charter which had been granted. Soon after the formation of the Company Mr. Gisborne left for England, to purchase a submarine cable to connect Cape Ray and Cape Breton.

In 1852 thirty miles of the land line had been completed, and Mr. Gisborne had skilfully and successfully laid the first submarine cable of any considerable length in America between Cape Ray and Cape Breton and Cape Tormentine and Cape Traverse in Northumberland Straits.

In 1853, however, the cable gave out, about the same time the New York stockholders withheld their support; this caused the work to be suspended and the Company became bankrupt. Mr. Gisborne, finding himself unable to proceed, gave up all he possessed to pay the accrued debts, and for a time abandoned the enterprise.

Under such circumstances and with renewed courage Mr. Gisborne in 1854 returned to New York, to try, if possible, to resuscitate interest in his work. Among others to whom he now found access was Mr. Matthew D. Field, a New York Engineer, to whom he communicated his position and plans. Mr. Field, however, declined to interest himself, but politely offered to introduce him to his brother, Cyrus W. Field, at that time retired from active business. This led to several interviews, which had the effect of exciting a general interest in telegraph affairs in Mr. Field’s mind. Standing one evening over a large globe after one of these interviews with Mr. Gisborne, and tracing the lines overland to St. John’s, Nfld., an idea dawned on his mind which gradually strengthened its hold upon his imagination and soon absorbed his whole heart and life.

While following with his finger the track of the inland lines to the ocean, it was natural to traverse also the course of the steamships across the Northern Atlantic. It was but a step further to plant his finger on London and to feel that to reach the centre of English commercial life by telegraph, were this practicable, would be an achievement worth striving for.

Mr. Field, thus aroused to a comprehension of a possible opportunity to embark in a grand enterprise worthy of the age, began to make enquiry respecting the project of laying a cable on the bed of the Atlantic. He found that a recent survey of the Northern Atlantic, under the direction of Lieutenant Maury, had been made, and a plateau extending from Newfoundland to Ireland had been discovered, forming a safe and easy pathway for a submarine wire.

Professor Morse also assured Mr. Field that the project was entirely feasible, and warmly encouraged him in it, and asserted the certainty of its ultimate accomplishment. Being now thoroughly convinced Mr. Field communicated with some of his intimate friends, amongst whom were Peter Cooper, Moses Taylor, Marshall O. Roberts and Chandler White, names familiar in the history of American enterprise. The scheme met with earnest attention and ready response. Mutual consultations resulted soon after in the organization of a company with a capital of one million and a half dollars to carry out the project and the immediate purchase of the Gisborne charter, it resulted also in the generous enlargement of the franchises granted by the colony of Newfoundland, the exclusive right to land ocean cables during fifty years, £50,000 to aid the work and fifty square miles of land when the cable was successfully laid was granted.

The Government of Prince Edward Island also made liberal grants of money and land. With these important arrangements completed on May 6, 1854, a company was formally organized under the corporate name of the New York, Newfoundland and London Electric Telegraph Company.

Peter Cooper was elected President.

Chandler White, Vice-President.

Moses Taylor, Treasurer.

Professor Morse, Electrician.

Matthew D. Field, Engineer.

The latter immediately proceeded to Newfoundland to begin operations, first honorably paying the debts due to workmen under Mr. Gisborne. Mr. Field, with six hundred men, pushed the work of construction through the vast forests of Newfoundland until the wires were erected between St. John’s and Cape Ray. Meanwhile, Cyrus W. Field made his first voyage to England to contract for a new cable to connect Newfoundland with Nova Scotia, and to continue his enquiries into the scientific obstacles to the laying and operating a cable between the shores of the Old World and the New.

In England Mr. Field met Mr. John W. Brett, the originator and inventor of submarine cables, who gave every encouragement to Mr. Field in the Atlantic cable project, and to show his faith in its success Mr. Brett purchased a considerable number of shares in the concern.

In 1855 the cable for Cape Ray was shipped from England. It weighed 400 tons, and was manufactured by W. Kupert & Co., London. The steamer, “James Adger,” was chartered by Mr. Field, to convey a large party to Newfoundland to witness the submergence.

Among these were Peter Cooper, Robert W. Lowber, Professor Morse, Rev. H.M. Field, Rev. Gardiner Spring, Rev. J.M. Sherwood, Dr. James A. Sayre, Bayard Taylor, Fitzjames O’Brien and John Mullarky.

The cable had arrived in an English brig, which had to be towed by the steamer from shore to shore. Everything seemed favorable. A hawser was thrown from the steamer to the brig and the cable began to find its way to its appointed bed. Unfortunately, while yet in mid-channel, a furious gale set in when the overloaded brig became unmanageable, and, fearing destruction, the cable was cut and the work for the time abandoned.

In 1856 a steamer amply provided for the purpose was chartered, by which after lading the cable it was easily and successfully submerged without a hitch.

The line was now finished. Although it had to wait during many years for the completion of the great work for which it was a link, it ultimately showed the wisdom of its construction and became of much value to its projectors; it had cost so far $1,000,000.

On the formation of the Atlantic Telegraph Company, the charter of the New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraph Company, conferring the exclusive right for fifty years to land cables on the Island of Newfoundland, was made over to the new Company.

In 1855 Chandler White died; on his death, Wilson G. Hunt, a name well-known among merchant princes of New York, took his place as director, and gave the company during its existence the benefit of his able counsel and active and intelligent support. Mr. Cyrus W. Field was at the same time elected vice-president and Robt. W. Lowder, secretary.

In 1857 the first attempt was made to lay a cable across the Atlantic, the length of which was 2,500 miles. After paying out 255 miles the cable broke, and the work was given up for that year.

In 1858 another attempt was made, the British naval ship “Agamemnon” and the United States frigate “Niagara,” each carrying one-half of the cable, proceeded to mid-ocean, spliced the ends, and going in opposite directions reached Newfoundland and Ireland the same day, August 5, after each having successfully accomplished the submergence. There was great rejoicing on both sides of the Atlantic over the event, but disappointment soon followed. On the 1st of September, the cable ceased working and the project for a time was abandoned. Seven years after another attempt was made, a new cable had been prepared and stowed in the hold of the “Great Eastern.” The big ship, lightly carrying her great burden, steamed out to sea paying out the cable as she proceeded. Half the Atlantic was passed over in safety when the cable broke and the “Great Eastern” returned to her moorings. Such, however, had been the indications of success in laying the cable in 1865, that in 1866 the Anglo-American Telegraph Company was organized with a new capital, and the “Great Eastern” once more started across the deep, when the great work was at last accomplished. Universal joy followed the announcement that the cable was successfully laid, not only so, but the lost cable of the previous year was, to the general wonder, found, picked up and spliced and continued to the American shore.

The cable was thrown open for public traffic August 26, 1866. A large and remunerative business followed, which has continued unbroken ever since.

There are now fourteen cables spanning the bed of the Atlantic between Europe and America, the total length of these being 40,000 miles.

In the present year (1902) the total length of submarine cables in the world is about 200,000 miles, all but 20,000 of which are owned by commercial concerns and the remainder by different Governments.

The amount of capital invested in cables is estimated at about $210,000,000.

The cost of the cable before laying depends upon the dimensions of the cars, or conducting wire, which is copper; gutta percha, which still forms the only trustworthy insulating material, constituting the principal item of expense.

For an Atlantic cable of the most recent construction, the cost may be taken at £250 to £300 per nautical mile.

The system of submarine cables originating in Great Britain has continued to develop in her hands, until the world has been covered with a veritable network of cables, which has hitherto done much to prevent the decline of her commercial supremacy. During the last few years, however, other maritime nations in Europe have begun to realize the importance of submarine cable enterprise in this respect, and France and Germany have made some progress towards freeing themselves from British monopoly; both are now connected with America by cables which are owned in their respective countries, though their manufacture and submergence was effected by an English Company.

This spread of the cable system has naturally followed trade routes, and thus, with the exception of the cables to America, their trend has been eastwards as far as Australia and Japan. During the year 1902 the Dominion of Canada was connected by cable with New Zealand and Australia, the total length of cable, 8,272 miles, and cost £1,795,000.

An agreement was entered into between the Imperial Government and the Governments of Canada, Victoria, New South Wales, New Zealand and Queensland, and it was through the persistent efforts and advocacy of Sir Sandford Fleming that this great work was accomplished.

Owing to the experience gained with many thousand miles in all depths and under varying conditions of weather and climate, the risks, and, consequently, the cost of laying, has been greatly reduced, but the cost of effecting a repair still remains a very uncertain quantity, success being dependent on quiet conditions of sea and weather.

The modus operandi is briefly as follows: The position of the fracture is determined by electrical tests from both ends with more or less accuracy depending on the nature of the fault, but it can be located within a few miles. The repair steamer, on reaching the given position, lowers one or perhaps two mark buoys, mooring them by mushroom anchors, chain and rope, using these buoys to guide the direction of tow. Grapnel, a species of five pronged anchors attached to a strong compound rope formed of strands of steel and manilla, is lowered to the bottom and dragged at a slow speed, as it were ploughing a furrow in the sea-bottom in a line at right angles to the cable route until the behavior of the dynamometer shows that the cable is hooked. The ship is then stopped and the cable gradually hove up towards the surface; but in deep water, unless it has been caught near a loose end, the cable will break on the grapnel before it reaches the surface, as the catenary strain on the bight will be greater than it will stand. Another buoy is put down marking this position, fixing at the same time the actual line of the cable. Grappling will then be recommenced so as to hook the cable near enough to the end to allow of its being hove to the surface. When this has been done an electrical test is applied, and, if the original fracture is between the ship and shore, the heaving in of the cable will continue until the end comes on board. Another buoy is then lowered to mark the spot, and the cable on the other side of the fracture grappled for brought to the surface, and, if communication is found perfect with the shore, buoyed with sufficient chain and rope attached to allow of the cable itself reaching the bottom. The ship now returns to the position of original attack and by similar operations brings on board the end which secures communication with the shore. The gap between the two ends has now been closed by splicing on new cable and paying out until the buoyed end is reached, which is then hove up and brought on board. After the “final splice,” as it is termed, between these ends has been made, the bight made fast to a rope is lowered overboard, the slip rope cut and the cable allowed to sink by its own weight to its resting place on the sea-bed. The repairs being thus completed the various mark buoys are picked up and the ship returns to her usual station.

The grappling of the cable and raising it to the surface from a depth of 2,000 fathoms seldom occupies less than twenty-four hours, and, since any extra strain due to the pitching of the vessel must be avoided, it is clear that the state of the sea and weather is the predominating factor in the time necessary for effecting the long series of operations which, under the most favorable circumstances, are required for a repair. In addition the intervention of heavy weather may mar all the work already accomplished and require the whole series of operations to be undertaken de novo.

As to cost, one transatlantic cable repair cost £75,000.

The repair of the Aden Bombay cable, broken in a depth of 1,900 fathoms, was effected with the expenditure of 176 miles of new cable, and, after a lapse of 251 days, 103 being spent in actual work, which for the remainder of the time was interrupted by the monsoon. A repair of the Lisbon Porthcarrow cable broken in the Bay of Biscay in 2,700 fathoms, eleven years after the cable was laid, took 215 days with an expenditure of three hundred miles of cable.

All interruptions are not so costly, for in shallow waters, with favorable conditions of weather, a repair may be only a matter of a few hours, and it is in such waters that the majority of breaks occur, but still a large reserve fund must be laid aside for the purpose.

As an ordinary instance it has been stated that the cost of repairing the direct United States cable up to 1900 from its submergence in 1874 averages £8,000 per annum.

Nearly all the cable companies possess their own steamers of sufficient dimensions, and specially equipped for making ordinary repairs, but for exceptional cases where a considerable quantity of new cable may have to be inserted, it may be necessary to charter the service of one of the larger vessels owned by a cable manufacturing company at a certain sum per day, which may well reach £200 to £300.

This fleet of cable ships now number forty, ranging in size from vessels of 300 tons to 10,000 tons’ carrying capacity.

The life of a cable is usually considered to continue until it is no longer capable of being lifted for repair, but, in some cases the duration and frequency of interruptions as affecting public convenience with the loss of revenue and cost of repairs, must together decide the question of either making very extensive renewals or even abandoning the whole cable. It is a well ascertained fact that the insulator—gutta percha—is, when kept under water, practically imperishable, so that it is only the original strength of the sheathing wires and the deterioration allowable in them that have to be considered.

Cables have frequently been picked up, showing after many years of submergences, no appreciable deterioration in this respect, while in other cases ends have been picked up which in the course of twelve years had been corroded to needle points, the result, no doubt, of metalliferous deposits in the locality.

The experience gained in the earlier days of ocean telegraphy from the failure and abandonment of nearly 50 per cent. of the deep-sea cables within the first twelve years, placed the probable life of a cable as low as fifteen years, but the weeding out of unserviceable types of construction and the general improvement in materials, have, by degrees, extended that first estimate until now the limit may be safely placed at not less than forty years.

In depths beyond the reach of wave motion and apart from the suspension across a submarine gully which will sooner or later result in a rupture of the cable, the most frequent cause of interruption is seismic or other shifting of the ocean bed, while in shallower waters and near the shore the dragging of anchors or fishing trawls have been mostly responsible.

Since by international agreement the wilful damage of a cable has been constituted a criminal offence and the cables have avoided crossing the fishing banks or have adopted the wise policy of refunding the value of anchors lost on their cables, the number of such fractures have been greatly diminished.

Cable Instruments.

The apparatus in use on land lines are not adapted for cables except for comparatively short distances not exceeding four or five hundred miles.

When the Atlantic cable was laid a special instrument had to be devised to transmit signals to the distant end. The man to accomplish this was Professor Thomson (now Lord Kelvin), who invented the mirror system. A beam of light was thrown on a minute mirror an eighth of an inch in diameter and the light reflected on to a scale by means of which the signal was interpreted into letters. This necessitated one person constantly scanning the spot of light as it moved to the right and to the left of the scale and calling out the individual letters, which were taken down by another person. This tedious and trying method of receiving signals was superceded by another device of Lord Kelvin, the siphon recorder.

The siphon, by which the cable signals are automatically recorded, is a thin glass tube, about the thickness of a strong linen thread, and quite flexible. It is suspended in a frame and attached by a single silk fibre to one side of a rectangular coil of fine insulated wire, moving about a soft iron bar fixed in the magnetic field of two large permanent magnets. The coil is held down at the lower end by a silk thread, fastened to an adjustable spring, to regulate or confine the lateral motion of the siphon, the magnets are placed vertically and are two inches apart, one end of the siphon is twice bent at right angles, and dips into an ink well filled with filtered aniline ink. The other end has a minute thread or short piece of soft iron cemented longitudinally to it, and sways in close proximity to a narrow fillet of paper five-eighths of an inch wide, which is drawn along by a small motor. The small motors by which the paper is drawn along receive their current generally from lead-lined trays, 18 by 20 inches, at the bottom of which is placed a copper sheet, the zinc is wrapped in stout manilla paper which serves the purpose of a porous cup for the sulphate of copper. The cable current passes through the small rectangular coil, which is about two inches long, as both positive and negative currents are sent into the condensers, and thereby disturb the static electricity of the cable. The coil is deflected to the right and left respectively, tending to place itself at right angles to the lines of magnetic force between the fixed bar magnets and which lines of force are concentrated by the small bar above mentioned of the best soft iron within the coil. The siphon has, therefore, a corresponding motion to the coil. As the mechanical force of the suspended coil is very small in deflecting, it is necessary that the siphon be not in continuous contact with the fillet of paper otherwise its motion would cease. The difficulty of obtaining a record is overcome in an ingenious manner. The siphon is made to vibrate by means of a local battery on the principle of the push button electric bell by the breaking of the circuit—the vibration is communicated to the siphon by the interposition of another electro-magnet in the local circuit and placed underneath the fillet of paper, the small thread of iron on the tip of the siphon acts as the armature to the latter electro-magnet. The number of vibrations made in a second depends on the siphon, different siphons having different periods or inherent notes, but 55 is about the number of vibrations a second, every pulsation of the siphon deposits a drop of ink on the paper, and, as the paper is moving at the rate of over half an inch a second, an apparently continuous line is drawn.

From the description of the working of the siphon—of its lateral movements—it will be evident that the cablegram, as shown on the fillet of paper, will look like the contour line across the Rocky Mountains. The undulations made by the siphon correspond to the clicking we hear in the ordinary telegraph instruments. A cable office is very quiet compared to the bewildering clatter in a large telegraph office.

It was found that on the Atlantic (and shorter cables) a greater speed of signals was possible than could be sent through by hand with the double key. This called forth the invention of the so-called automatic transmitter.

For this purpose the messages are in the first place punched into a strip of oiled and prepared paper, the characters on the strip are represented by holes at varying distances on each side of a central line. This strip of continuous paper is then fed into the transmitter, in which metallic points slide along the under side of the strip. Wherever a hole is encountered electric contact is made and a signal sent. The speed of running the strip through the transmitter can be regulated as desired.

The “auto” can easily keep two men busy punching.

Within recent years an improvement has been effected for transmitting signals or messages automatically from one cable to another. Formerly it was necessary after receiving the signals from one cable to transmit them by hand to the connecting cable at the station. Now, however, this can be done automatically by means of Taylor, Brown and Dearlove’s Translator. The siphon in it instead of carrying ink contains a metallic thread which rests, instead of on the fillet of paper, on a rapidly, revolving, perfectly, smooth, small wheel, in which the surface of the circumference is divided into three parts, the central one known as “no man’s land” being a non-conductor such as glass, while the outer ones are of silver. As the siphon sways to one side or the other it makes metallic contact, which is communicated by means of “brushes” which press against each side of the wheel to the outgoing cable.

This translator simplifies the work and reduces the office staff which would be otherwise necessary.

At the present time nearly all cables use the duplex system, that is, messages can be sent and received at the same time on one wire.

The speed of a cable is given in words per minute, the conventional number of five letters per word being understood, though in actual practice, owing to the extensive use of special codes, the number of letters per word is really between eight and nine, and this forms a considerable factor in the earning capacity of the cable, but the speed depends upon the length of the cable and the experience of the operator. Tests made over the Vancouver and Fanning Island section of the Pacific cable give 85 letters per minute with hand working and 100 letters a minute with automatic curb working, and approximately 168 letters a minute (84 letters each way) with duplex and curbed automatic working. This section of the cable is 3,455 nautical miles in length, the longest cable that has ever been laid, and about twice the length of the Atlantic cables. On shorter cables a greater speed can be attained.


Cyrus W. Field.

Born in 1819, at Stockbridge, Mass., at the age of fifteen, he left home and became a clerk in a leading house in New York. At twenty-one he married and settled down in life as a wholesale paper merchant. Having been very successful he wished to retire, but yielded to the wishes of his junior partner and allowed his name to remain as the head of the firm. He withdrew, however, so far as to make a six months’ tour to South America, returning in 1853.

He was led to turn his attention to ocean telegraphy through an interview with Mr. Gisborne, who was then engaged in constructing a telegraph line across the Island of Newfoundland, and laying a submarine cable from there to Nova Scotia, in connection with a projected line of steamships to Ireland. It struck him that if a cable of such length could be laid there was nothing to hinder a still longer being carried from one side of the Atlantic to the other. Turning over this thought in his mind he consulted with Professor Morse and Lieutenant Maury, and receiving encouragement from them he devoted his energies in the enterprise in conjunction with his brother Dudley. Other friends joined him, and the first Atlantic Telegraph Company was organized with a favorable charter, granting them the sole right for fifty years of landing a telegraph cable on Newfoundland and with a subsidy as soon as the line was completed.

The first thing was to connect the Continent with Newfoundland. This part of the scheme was successfully accomplished in 1856.

The next step was the formation of the Atlantic Telegraph Company and the sounding the way for the cable which was undertaken by both the British and American Governments separately. The British Government gave every encouragement to the projectors by promising £14,000 a year for the transmission of its messages and the use of the ships of its navy to lay the cable.

£350,000 was asked for and in a short time subscribed, Mr. Field taking 80 shares of £1,000 each.

In 1857 the first attempt to lay the cable proved a failure, but in the following year (1858) a second attempt was made, but a terrific storm met the vessels in the middle of the Atlantic, the cable broke again and the expedition returned to England once more. A third effort met with better success, and on the 5th of August, 1858, the two ends were safely landed, one in Valentia Bay, Ireland, the other in Trinity Bay, Newfoundland.

The first message sent from the Old World to the New was worthy the occasion. “Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace and good-will to men.”

A few weeks later the cable ceased to act, but a new cable was prepared and the “Great Eastern” was sent out with it, only, however, to lose it also when 1,200 miles from Ireland.

It seemed a hopeless dream to bind the two worlds by electric wire, but Mr. Field did not despair. A better cable was once more made; another company was formed with a capital of £600,000.

In 1866 the “Great Eastern” again sailed, and this time carried the thin thread triumphantly from shore to shore, not only so, but fished up the broken cable from the abysses of the ocean, united it and joined England and America by two telegraphic wires.

The moving spirit throughout was Mr. Field, who spent some thirteen years of his life and made forty trips across the Atlantic, imperilling his health and means in pursuit of this great enterprise before his efforts were crowned with success.

He died on the 12th day of July, 1892.


Michael Farady.

The pupil of Sir Humphrey Davy, and himself the greatest philosophical chemist of his time, was born on the 22nd of September, 1791. The son of a smith, who was unable to give him any better education than that afforded by a common day-school in the neighborhood, reading, writing and arithmetic embraced all his training for life, so far as schools were concerned; but he had that within him which from these poor beginnings made a magnificent end. A fondness for reading filled his mind with miscellaneous knowledge and paved the way for all that followed.

At thirteen he was apprenticed to a bookseller and binder, but his heart was even thus early in science rather than trade, and he paid more attention to rude experiments than to his immediate calling. A gentleman having taken him to hear some of Sir Humphrey Davy’s last lectures at the Royal Institution, Faraday wrote out the notes he had taken in a quarto volume, and sent them to Sir Humphrey Davy, with a letter asking that, if he could, would he give him a chance of escaping from trade to philosophy. The result was his employment as an assistant in the laboratory of the Royal Institution in 1813, at the age of 22, after he had been a bookseller for nine years.

From this time Faraday’s progress was rapid. In 1820 his name was first made prominent for chemical discoveries, and from that date every year recorded some new research and new triumph, till in 1832 his eminence was so thoroughly felt that the University of Oxford made him a D.C.L., and in 1835 Lord Melbourne’s Government gave him a pension of £300 a year. Honours meanwhile were showered upon him; he became one of eight foreign associates of the Imperial Academy of Science at Paris, a commander of the Legion of Honour, a knight of the Prussian Order of Merit and member of numerous scientific bodies in Europe and America.

The secret of his success, apart from his genius, lay in his wonderful industry and calm and careful attention to every detail of what he essayed.

In electricity and magnetism his researches made him one of the foremost; his language in lecturing was always simple; his experiments convincing, and his enthusiasms so catching, that every one felt engrossed by subjects which so absorbed the lecturer.

He was a true philosopher, taking nothing for granted, and thinking nothing too insignificant to follow out to the utmost. Many books have been written on his discoveries, and several on his life and character, but it is felt that no one who did not know him could realize the man as he was. With a European fame his was modest as a child. The greatest authority in his day on natural science, he was a humble Christian.

Faraday never married. When he died in 1867 his pension was continued to his maiden sister, who survived him.

In Faraday, as in others, genius seemed largely to be what Carlyle calls it, only a faculty of infinite labor.


Lord Kelvin.

Born at Belfast, Ireland, 26th June, 1824, his father being then teacher of mathematics in the Royal Academical Institution. In 1832 James Thomson accepted the chair of mathematics at Glasgow and migrated there with his two sons, James and William, who in 1834 matriculated in that University, William being little more than ten years of age, and having acquired all his education through his father’s instruction.

In 1841 William Thomson entered Cambridge; in 1845 took his degrees, second wrangler, to which honour he added that of the first Smith’s prize.

At that time there was few facilities for the study of experimental science in Great Britain. At the Royal Institution Faraday held a unique position, and was feeling his way almost alone.

In Cambridge science had progressed little since the days of Newton. Thomson, therefore had recourse to Paris and for a year worked in the laboratory of Regnault, who was engaged in his classical researches on the thermal properties of steam; but his stay in Paris was comparatively short, for in 1846, when only twenty-two years of age, he accepted the chair of Natural Philosophy in the University of Glasgow, which he filled for fifty-three years, attaining universal recognition as one of the greatest physicists of his time.

The Glasgow chair was a source of inspiration to scientific men for half a century, and many of the most advanced researches grew out of the suggestions which Thomson scattered as sparks from the anvil.

Although his contributions to thermo-dynamics may properly be regarded as his most scientific work, it is in the field of electricity, especially in its application to submarine telegraphy, that Lord Kelvin is best known.

From 1854 he is most prominent among telegraphists. The stranded form of the conductor was due to his suggestion, but it was in the letters which he addressed in November and December of that year to Prof. Stokes, and which were published in the proceedings of the Royal Society for 1855 that he discussed the mathematical theory of signalling through submarine cables, and enunciated the conclusion that in long cables retardation due to capacity must render the speed of signalling inversely proportional to the square of the cable’s length.

Some held that if this were true ocean telegraphy would be impossible, and sought in consequence to disprove Thomson’s conclusions. Thomson on the other hand set to work to overcome the difficulty by improvement in the manufacture of the cables, and first of all the production of copper of high conductivity, and the construction of apparatus which would readily respond to the slightest variation of the current in the cable.

The mirror galvanometer and the siphon recorder, which was patented in 1867, were the outcome of these researches, but the scientific value of the mirror galvanometer is independent of its use in telegraphy, and the siphon recorder is the direct precursor of one form of galvanometer (d’arsnovals), now commonly used in electric laboratories.

Thomson’s work in connection with telegraphy led to the production in rapid succession of instruments adapted to the requirements of the time, for measurements of every electrical quantity, and when electric lighting came to the front, a new set of instruments was produced to meet the needs of the electrical engineer.

His industry is universal, and he seems to take rest by turning from one difficulty to another, difficulties that would appal most men, and be taken as an enjoyment by no one else.

This life of unwearied industry and of universal honour has left Lord Kelvin with a lovable nature, and charms all with whom he comes in contact.

In 1866 he received the honour of knighthood in acknowledgment of his services to transatlantic telegraphy, and in 1892 he was raised to the peerage, with the title of Baron Kelvin of Largs.

John Watkins Brett.

Telegraph engineer, was the son of a cabinet-maker, William Brett, of Bristol, England, and was born in that city in 1805.

Brett has been styled, and with apparent justice, the founder of submarine telegraphy.

The idea of sending electricity through submerged cables originated with him and his brother; after some years in perfecting his plans, he sought and obtained permission from Louis Phillipe in 1847 to establish telegraphic communication with France and England, but the project did not receive public attention, being regarded as too hazardous for general support.

The attempt was, however, made in 1850, and met with success, and the construction of numerous other submarine lines followed.

Brett always expressed confidence in the ultimate union of England and America by means of electricity, but did not live to see its final success.

He died on 3rd December, 1863, at the age of 58.

Brett published a book of 104 pages on the origin and progress of oceanic telegraphy. He also contributed several papers on the same subject to the Institute of Civil Engineers, of which he was a member.

A list of these contributions will be found in the index of the Proceedings of the Society.

Born at Marzabotta, near Bologna, Italy, in April, 1875. His father was a native of Italy and a man of substance, his mother was a Miss Jamieson, born in Ireland, but of Scottish lineage.

Young Marconi early turned his attention to the wonders of electricity and began his experiments in wireless telegraphy in 1891. While yet a mere lad he came to England in 1896, and in co-operation with Sir William Preece, then the head of the telegraph department in England, began further experiments.

On March 27, 1899, he succeeded in sending messages across the British channel from Boulogne to the south foreland.

The next and greatest achievement of all, on December 12, 1901, he received a signal at St. John’s, Nfld., from Poldhu, Cornwall, nearly 2,000 miles distant.

On February 26, 1902, he received messages aboardship on the Atlantic ocean from Poldhu, 2,099 miles away.

He is now engaged in further experiments and hopes to establish permanent communication between England and America within a very short time, and later extend the system over the entire globe.

At the present time all the leading steamship lines crossing the Atlantic, and many ships of the British navy, are equipped with wireless telegraph apparatus, by means of which vessels at sea are in constant touch with Europe and America; thus each ship has become a floating telegraph office.

The inventor is somewhat above medium height and of a highly strung temperament. He is quiet and deliberate in his movements; he talks little; is straightforward, unassuming, and has accepted his success with calmness, almost with unconcern.

He is undoubtedly the most prominent man of the day and the wonder of the age.

Genesis of Wireless Telegraphy.

Professor McBride, M.A., D.Sc., of McGill University, in his inaugural address as President of the Natural History Society of Montreal in October, 1901, referred to wireless telegraphy as follows:—

“Take a discovery that is exciting the greatest interest at the present time, and promises results of the most far-reaching importance, namely, wireless telegraphy. Let us trace the apostolical succession, to borrow a term from theology, of the idea which underlies the discovery.

“Thirty or forty years ago the great Cambridge physicist, Clerk Maxwell, one of the greatest and most penetrative of the geniuses who have filled the chairs of that ancient university, was engaged in determining the value of the electric unit. As many of my hearers are aware, there are two ways of doing this: we can estimate either the push that an electric charge exerts on another similar charge, or else the pull that an electric current effects on a magnetic needle. In this way two different values for the unit are arrived at, and the relation between them, or to put it more simply, the number obtained by dividing the one by the other, gives the velocity of light in centimeters per second. This remarkable result suggested to Clerk Maxwell that, that mysterious thing called electricity had something to do with the ether which fills all space and transmits the vibrations which we call light, and he thereupon constructed this famous electro-magnetic theory of light which conceives light to consist of vibrations not on a comparatively gross material like ordinary matter, but of electricity itself. This theory received at first little support from the German physicists, who are inclined to scoff at every idea that is not of German origin.

“Amongst a crowd of scoffers, however, one open-minded enquirer was found who said to himself ‘If Clerk Maxwell is right, I ought to find that if I start artificial electric vibrations they will propagate themselves like light waves.’ This man’s name was Hertz, and he promptly set about producing electric waves purely with a view of testing Clerk Maxwell’s theory.

“He had many difficulties to overcome before he succeeded in producing them in sufficiently rapid succession, but this was at last accomplished and Maxwell’s theory triumphantly vindicated.

“The electric vibrations comported themselves like light. It is true that a stone wall was as transparent for them as a sheet of glass is for ordinary light, but they were reflected by a metal plate and could be brought to a focus, etc., etc. Now this invisible light, as we may call it, is what Marconi and others have employed in their so-called wireless telegraphy, but, without Maxwell or Hertz, it would have remained undiscovered to this day.”


Wireless telegraphy, or the transmission of signals through space by means of electric waves, is of a comparatively recent origin, although the idea of the existence of electric waves dates back some forty years ago.

In 1868 Clerk Maxwell, then Professor of Physics in Cambridge University, first published a theory showing that an intimate relation between electricity and light existed. This theory, which has received most conclusive substantiation since then by eminent physicists, is known as the electro-magnetic theory. It tells us that electric waves and light waves are similar; that they represent a transfer of energy by means of the all-pervading universal ether; that they differ radically in their effects on the physical senses in wave length and period of vibration, and that both possess the same velocity, 186,000 miles per second.

Many of the exponents of the electro-magnetic theory discussed the properties of electric waves long before they were experimentally demonstrated.

Our experimental knowledge of the existence of electric waves dates from about 1880.

Hertz, a German physicist, while working under the illustrious Helmholtz, discovered that small sparks could be made to pass between the two conductors when held near a circuit in which electric oscillations were set up. He soon discovered that this was due to the action of electric waves, and, realizing how fundamental in importance this was to the thorough knowledge of the electro-magnetic theory, he commenced a series of experimental researches which were of such a brilliant and productive nature as to mark them as amongst the most important investigations in the whole domain of science.

A number of experimenters then followed, amongst them Signor Marconi, who has since become closely identified with its practical application.

In 1890 the coherer was discovered by Branly, and simultaneously by Oliver Lodge.

Lodge’s coherer was a very delicate instrument, and by its means the electric waves could be detected at a much greater distance than was possible with the conductors used by Hertz.

In 1895, in Cambridge, Mr. Rutherford (now Professor of Physics in McGill University), first showed that the waves could be observed by a magnetic detector.

He discovered that a weakly magnetized steel wire becomes instantaneously demagnetized under the influence of electrical oscillations, such as electric waves. With his detector he succeeded in establishing communication at half a mile. In 1896 Marconi came from Italy to England, and, with the help of a Government grant, obtained through the instigation of Sir William Preece, head of the British telegraph department, commenced a series of experiments in wireless telegraphy. Very rapid strides were made, and the distance to which signals could be sent was very much increased.

An important development soon followed in regard to the use of a vertical wire for transmitting the waves, instead of a horizontal one, which increased the distance still more.

Although Marconi has come to be chiefly associated with the development of wireless telegraphy, other systems have been established in various countries which involve slight modifications in the apparatus employed.

In Germany the Arco Slaby system is used with success, and in the United States the De Forest is being installed in many places.

Then there is the Armstrong, Orling and the Muirhead Lodge system. In England a wireless telegraph company was organized in 1902.

This company, having secured the Marconi patents, aimed to monopolize that business in Great Britain, but, as the Government there controls the telegraphs, this was not permitted.

The company complained as to the attitude of the British Government in retarding instead of encouraging the enterprise. When the subject was brought up in the House of Commons on June 8, 1903, Mr. Chamberlain, the then Postmaster-General, explained that he had no desire to hamper a new invention, but the Post-Office did not intend to throw away its right to the monopoly in public communication as it had done in the early days of the telephone.

He had not been dealing with Mr. Marconi, but with the company owning Marconi’s invention. The company asked for a permanent exclusive right to use wireless telegraphy in Great Britain.

This was refused, on the ground that it was not business. When the company was prepared to talk business, he was prepared to deal with it. When the company asked for a private wire to Poldhu he (Mr. Chamberlain) had granted the request immediately.

At the time President Roosevelt sent his wireless message to King Edward, and the latter replied by cable, the Post-Office had arranged to convey the message from the nearest office to Poldhu at any hour, although there was no difference whatever in telegraphing from London to Poldhu.

The company next asked the Post-Office to act as its agent in collecting messages in Great Britain for transatlantic marconigraphing, but he had submitted certain conditions with the view of preventing interference with the admiralty and for strategic reasons, adding that when the conditions were accepted and the company satisfied the Post-Office experts of its ability to send messages across the Atlantic, the Post-Office would appoint the company as its agent, as it already had done in the case of the cable companies.

That letter had been sent to the company on March 31, but no reply had been received.

Mr. Chamberlain contended that the Post-Office was in no way to be blamed for the delay, but it refused to take the public money for messages until the company was willing to allow the Post-Office experts to go to Poldhu and satisfy themselves that the wireless system is workable. All this shows the company was not at that time in a position to transact public business, otherwise the Post-Office experts would have had access to its station at Poldhu. The subsequent failure showed the contention of the Post-Office was correct.

In the early part of 1903 a transatlantic communication was established for a short time and then collapsed; the system not having been fully perfected, the company should hesitate to again make the attempt until its plans are fully matured. As to the future of the system there is not the shadow of a doubt of its ultimate success. Meanwhile the Marconi Company has arranged with the British Government Telegraph System and also with the leading Telegraph companies in the United States and Canada to interchange traffic. Now nearly all passenger steamers crossing the Atlantic are equipped with the Marconi apparatus and are in a position while at sea to send and receive messages to and from all parts of the world, and the company are doing a profitable business even now with its limited area of operations; what must it be when they shall have established communication over every sea and continent in the world. This will be accomplished in no very long lapse of time. The medium of communication provided by nature is ready and waiting like a willing steed to be harnessed for the uses of man.

The man singled out by providence to perform this superhuman task is Signor Guiglielmo Marconi.

Wireless Telegraphy Apparatus.

Electric waves have long been harnessed by the use of wires for sending communications to a distance, but the ether exists outside of the wire as well as within; therefore, having the ether everywhere, it must be possible to produce waves in it which will pass anywhere on the earth’s surface, and if these waves can be controlled, messages can be transmitted as easily and certainly as the ether within the guiding wire. The problem lay in producing suitable instruments to effect this result. Marconi adopted a device invented by an Italian named Calzecchi, and improved by a Frenchman, Mr. Branley, called the coherer, which he greatly improved. This instrument is merely a small tube of glass about as big around as a lead pencil and two inches in length; this is plugged at each end with silver. The plugs almost touching within the tube, the narrow space between is filled with finely powdered particles of nickel and silver, which possess the property of being alternately good and very bad conductors of an electric current or waves. The waves that come from the transmitter, perhaps a thousand or two thousand miles away, are received, but are so weak that they could not of themselves actuate any ordinary telegraph instrument; they do, however, possess strength enough to draw the little fragments of silver and nickel in the coherer together in a continuous path; in other words, they make these metal filings cohere, and the moment they cohere they become a good conductor for electricity, and a current from a local battery operates the Morse instruments. Then a little tapper actuated by the same current strikes against the coherer, the particles of metal are separated or decohered, becoming instantly a poor conductor and thus stopping the current from the home battery; another wave comes through space into the coherer there drawing the particles again together and another dot or dash is printed. All these processes are continued rapidly until a complete message is received.

The sending instrument, or transmitter, is called the oscillator, a device somewhat similar to the familiar Morse telegraph key.

Marconi is now employed in perfecting an instrument by which the station only with which communication is desired can hear the signal, and receive the message. Thus the required secrecy will be preserved.

Marconi has patented over a hundred devices in connection with wireless telegraphy, but the nature and application of these has not been given to the public as yet.

Thomas A. Edison’s Opinion of Wireless Telegraphy.

“There is absolutely no reason why Marconi may not develop a speed of 500 words a minute in the transmission of translantic messages,” said Thomas A. Edison in course of an interview; “on the other hand,” continued the inventor, “there are technical, scientific and mechanical obstacles which make it absolutely impossible to increase the speed of transmission of ocean cables.

“There is not the least doubt but that the Marconi system is successful. All this talk about lack of secrecy and interception of messages is nonsense. At least ten men know the contents of every cable message, and none of them receive very high salary. Personally I have no doubt whatever that the Marconi system is both a commercial and scientific success.”

A Cable Manager’s Views of Wireless Telegraphy.

At the annual meeting of the Commercial Cable Company on March 3, 1903, Mr. Ward, the Vice-President and General Manager, referring to wireless telegraphy, said: “At the last annual meeting some remarks were made by me in regard to wireless telegraphy and its effects upon submarine cables. We see no reason to change the opinion expressed at that time.

“Admitting the recent transmission of a message across the Atlantic without wires, radical improvements would have to be made in its development before wireless telegraphy could possibly hope to meet the demands of trade and commerce, and engage in successful competition with submarine cables.

“A good deal has been said and advertised about the wireless systems for the past three years. As yet there is nothing to show that messages can be transmitted without wires even across short distances with anything of the regularity, reliability, correctness and secrecy at any time and all time during the day or night demanded of the present telegraph systems, and necessary for the protection, interests and the development of the telegraph business. “Furthermore, the transmission of messages between European and American coasts of the Atlantic is far from constituting a transatlantic service as it exists to-day.

“The essential adjunct of an extensive inland system for the distribution and collection of messages on the North American Continent must not be lost sight of. A large part of the traffic passing by the Atlantic cables is destined for places remote from the seaboard. Messages to and from Chicago, St Louis, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Vancouver, etc., require and receive transmission which are measured by minutes. This important traffic would be practically extinguished if the sender could not rely on extremely rapid and accurate service.

“For the benefit of those who do not share my confidence I may say that the etheric waves will be as obedient to us as to anybody, if it should ever be found practicable to dispense with cables and wires.

“On the other hand, we have not been standing still in the matter of improvements.

“The Commercial Cable Company will maintain its pre-eminence, and has nothing to dread from the competition of wire or wireless telegraphy. At the same time we are satisfied it has its limits.”

An Interview with Signor Marconi.

The following interesting interview had with Signor Marconi by a representative of the Montreal Star, Sept. 10, 1903, is worth reproducing:—

“Seated in the rotunda of the Windsor Hotel to-day was a slightly built man with a keen expressive face and grey eyes that flashed incessantly. Probably not one of the guests that thronged the spacious lobby was aware that the little man sitting there so quietly was Signor Guiglielmo Marconi, the ‘Wizard of the Wireless.’

“Signor Marconi reached the city early to-day from New York, where he has been for the past ten days. He is now on his way to Ottawa, where he is to have an interview with the Government in regard to his future plans. When approached by a Star reporter Signor Marconi chatted pleasantly of those plans and gave some interesting information of what had been done in the past and the prospects of the future.

“He speaks English fluently with a slight accent, and appears to be more eager to interview than be interviewed.

“‘I am glad to be in Canada once more,’ said the distinguished inventor. ‘Canadians have always been extremely interested in my work and I am beginning to feel quite at home when I get here.’

“‘Do you know,’ he said with a smile, ‘that this is my fourth visit to Canada?’

“‘What is the object of your present visit to Canada?’

“‘I am here partly on a holiday trip and partly on business. I am leaving for Ottawa to-night, and while there I shall go into a matter I have long been considering, but which as yet I have not been able to accomplish, namely, the establishment of Canadian stations for the transmission of overland messages. These stations will reach from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and I hope that in a short time the wireless system of telegraphing communications will be thoroughly tested and perfected overland.

“‘In case I obtain the permission I desire, I shall begin operations as soon as possible, and Canada will offer exceptional advantages for the testing of the system by reason of its tremendous distances.’

“‘It is merely a matter of time, then, before these stations are built and experiments begun?’

“‘Yes, merely a matter of time. There is one point in regard to wireless telegraphy that the general public do not seem to grasp quite, and that point is the length of time that must be taken up by the incessant private experiments in order that the system may be perfected. One cannot go at matters of this sort too quickly; each step has to be thought out carefully, and often weeks are spent in perfecting some little detail; the progress of the work is, therefore, slow.’

“‘Can you tell me anything of the negotiations you are conducting with the British Admiralty?’

“‘All I can say is that a contract between myself and the British Admiralty has already been signed and sealed for the adoption of the Marconi system on all the ships of the navy. Sixty-three of the battleships are already fitted up with the apparatus and the whole of the navy is to be equipped.’

“‘The terms of the contract will allow me to use the different stations of the navy for the erection of my receiving station and my masts; negotiations have been going on for some time, and now everything is arranged and the British navy will be equipped with the Marconi wireless apparatus.’

“The distinguished inventor then gave a very lucid description of the effectiveness of the wireless agency over marine areas; the unbroken surface of the ocean enabled great distances to be obtained.

“In regard to the overland service, if the land was low lying, the same conditions prevailed as at sea. Over tracts, where the usual diversified topographical features were found, the potency of the vibrations might be reduced. The vibrations seemed to reach farther in fogs than in a clear atmosphere, but, as a rule, atmospheric conditions did not appear to affect the transmission of messages. In regard to the location of stations Signor Marconi said that proximity to the sea was desirable for a station, as some geological formations were perverse and others responsive.

“Before his return to England he would visit Cape Breton and his Receiving Station at Glace Bay.

“He expected to be in Canada for some weeks.

“Signor Marconi spoke of the voyage he made on the ‘Campania’ a few days ago. On that trip the ‘Campania’ was in constant touch with Poldhu until nearing the Coast of America, when she picked up the Narraganset Station.

“Throughout the voyage a daily bulletin was issued of the world’s leading events, and the result of the yacht races were known on board a few minutes after the conclusion of the various races.

“A few minutes’ chat with the ‘wizard’ is convincing proof that the distinguished inventor has implicit faith in the future of his system.

“The great tone of assurance in which he speaks is only equalled by the modest way in which he refers to the marvellous results that have been obtained already.”

The Trip of the SS. “Minneapolis.”

“Signor Marconi has scored another triumph with his wireless telegraphy.

“The passengers on the Atlantic Transport Company’s steamship ‘Minneapolis,’ which reached London on Tuesday, enjoyed the distinction of being the first transatlantic travellers to keep in touch with the rest of the world throughout their voyage from the New to the Old World.

“The ‘Minneapolis’ left New York on January 31, and for five days kept in touch with the Cape Cod Station; after that the wireless plant began to respond to the messages at Cornwall.

“The varying phases of the Venezuelan question, the domestic troubles of European potentates, the definition of true philanthropy by John E. Rockfeller, jun., King Edward’s illness, the contest for the Fair millions, the hurricane that destroyed 1,000 inhabitants of the Society Islands, Sir Thomas’ latest plans, Count Montesquious’ New York debut, the latest gossip from Washington and St. James’, these were among the tit-bits of news that varied the monotony to ocean travel.

“When the English pilot picked up the ‘Minneapolis’ his two-day old newspapers were accepted with disdain, and he was informed of the latest news that had been flashed to the liner.”

Valuable Use of Marconi System made by Disabled Steamer.

Queenstown, Dec. 10, 1903.

The saloon passengers of the steamer “Kroonland” are enthusiastic over the utility of the Marconi wireless telegraph system, by means of which news of the accident to that ship was received here yesterday.

The breakdown of the steering apparatus occurred at noon Tuesday, when the “Kroonland” was 130 miles west of Fastnet. Captain Daxrud immediately sent to Crookhaven a wireless message to the agents of the line at Antwerp describing the damage and informing them that the steamer must abandon her voyage. A reply was received within an hour and a half. Whereupon Captain Daxrud complied with the instructions sent to him to return to Queenstown. Meanwhile, three-fourths of the saloon passengers and a number of those in the second cabin sent wireless messages to friends in various parts of Great Britain and Europe, and many of them received replies before Fastnet was sighted from the steamer.

Some of the wireless messages were cabled to the United States. In some cases the senders asked friends for money, and the replies authorizing the purser to advance funds to them, which was done before land was sighted.

The “Kroonland’s” twin screws steered the ship easily, the only difference being steam was reduced.

Another Use of Wireless Telegraphy.

New York, Oct. 17, 1903.

Wireless telegraphy was successfully used in tracing lost baggage on the last outward trip of the Red Star Liner “Finland,” on Oct 10.

A passenger, who discovered some time after the steamer’s departure, that he left some baggage behind on the dock, communicated with the officials at the Pier through the Marconi Station at Babylon, L.I., and in twenty minutes received a reply that the baggage had been found and would be forwarded by the next steamer.

A Newspaper’s Opinion of Wireless Telegraphy.

The Montreal Witness, in its issue Nov. 18, 1903, says: “Whatever may be the actual achievement of the Marconi wireless system, so far as telegraphing across the Atlantic is concerned, that system is now an assured success in communicating from ship to ship and from ships to lighthouses on the coasts. In this respect the system has passed the stage of scientific curiosity and has become a necessity. The Cunard and Allan Lines now, for instance, are able to communicate with stations established on the south and northwest coasts of Ireland, so that their owners as ‘Syren and Shipping’ puts it, are no longer in a quandary during bad or thick weather as to whether their boats are calling at Queenstown or at Moville, as the case may be. The Marconi system was first installed upon the ‘Lucania,’ and so satisfied were the Cunard people with results that it is now in regular operation on the ‘Campania,’ ‘Etruria,’ ‘Umbria,’ ‘Ivernia,’ ‘Saxonia,’ ‘Aurania’ and ‘Carpothia.’

“Other shipping lines have similarly found the Marconi system indispensable, so that now it is quite an ordinary occurrence for a ship on the North Atlantic to be in electrical communication with passing steamers or the shore during nearly the whole of the voyage.

“Such remarkable success as already attained is sufficient warrant for the general belief that this system of aerial telegraphy is but in its initial stages, and that its commercial success over wider spaces is only a question of time. Presently the system will be used on the Canadian Coast line, and then it is hoped that shipwreck caused by want of knowledge of locality will be largely a thing of the past.”

Wireless Telegraphy.

There has been no announcement in connection with science of recent date which has such an important meaning as the very modest statement recently made by Signor Marconi to the members of the Royal Institute of London. His discoveries in connection with wireless telegraphy have exceeded the expectations of many of the greatest scientists of the day who gave him all credit for the work which he had done, but could not bring themselves to believe that he could perfect his system within so brief a time.

One of the principal handicaps which Mr. Marconi has endeavored to overcome has been that of rapid and reliable transmission of messages. For a time he found it very difficult to mechanically record messages which were transmitted with high speed. It necessitated the use of a telephone receiver which meant that the operator might take down the message, but there was no mechanical record which would cause a mistake in receiving it to be instantly detected.

Mr. Marconi says: “I have perfected a receiver which will permit the transmission and receiving of messages at the rate of 100 words per minute on an ordinary Wheatstone recorder. This obviates the difficulty of relying upon the operator to take the message by sound and permits of a double record of every message received.”

The ability to transmit and correctly receive wireless messages at this rate means that this latest invention of science is now in a position whereby it can compete on even terms with the great telegraph and cable services of the world. Mr. Marconi further stated that his new invention further combined accuracy with absolute reliability, and it means that the future development of wireless telegraphy has received an impetus which will carry it into a broader field than has heretofore been conservatively looked for, and that this unlimited possibility can and will be made an actuality in the immediate future.

No more important announcement could be made at this time when Mr. Marconi is about to install the new, high-powered apparatus which will allow uninterrupted communication between Glace Bay, Nova Scotia and Poldhu, England.


Wireless Telegraphy on the SS. “Parisian.”

Through the courtesy of Major Fishback, Canadian Manager for the Marconi Telegraph Company, the writer had permission to visit the Marconi Cabin on the SS. “Parisian” in order to learn the modus operandi of wireless telegraph at sea.

On boarding the ship the first object noticeable is a wire leading from the cabin to the peak of the main mast ending in a triangular form, connecting the apparatus with the ether and another wire to the ship’s hold going to earth.

Mr. McGee, the young man in charge, politely pointed out and explained the uses of the various appliances comprising the Marconi outfit.

First was a large Rumford coil, a glass cylinder through which the electric spark was discharged and a key or transmitter constituting the sending apparatus.

Second, on the left was a large oblong box containing the coherer, the chief instrument in wireless telegraphy, and in the centre an automatic self-inking Morse register with an alarm bell attachment, these being the receiving instruments, and underneath the accumulators or storage batteries and six cells of a home battery to work the Morse instrument. When the key was depressed for an instant a bright electric spark emitted from the contact points in the glass cylinder, giving a hard hissing sound; this imprinted a dot on the register, and a longer impression marked a line, the two forming the letter “a” of the Morse alphabet.

The characters or code used by the wireless system is what is known as the European or Continental Code, that is the spaced letters are eliminated and dots and lines substituted the same as the cable system.

All the vessels equipped with Marconi apparatus on the St. Lawrence route have a capacity of eighty miles’ transmission, but a possible one hundred and twenty, this distance being deemed great enough for all practical purposes.

On the New York and Liverpool route the steamships have a much more extensive equipment, which enables them to keep in touch with the one side of the Atlantic or the other during the entire voyage.

The cost of the Marconi equipment of the former averages £200—or $1,000.

Five Marconi stations have been erected on the Lower St. Lawrence during the present summer and a fair, profitable traffic carried on so far. These stations will be closed during the winter, but a station is being erected at Cape Race, Nfld., which will be open throughout the year.

The rates charged is two dollars for ten words and twelve cents for each additional word plus cable or land line rates.

Mr. McGee informed me the “Parisian” was enveloped in a dense fog when in the vicinity of Belle Isle on her inward trip. The captain was surprised at not hearing the fog syren and the Marconi station was communicated with to learn the reason. A response immediately came that the fog horn had been and was then blowing since the fog had fallen, thus showing the ship was out of range and in safety.

Many passengers took occasion to Marconigram friends of their whereabouts and their probable arrival at Montreal.

Passengers by the St. Lawrence route are now enabled to communicate with friends three days after departure and before arrival at Montreal by means of the Marconi telegraph system. All the Marconi stations are connected with the Canadian telegraphs.

Mr. McGee also stated this was his first trip as operator with the Marconi Company.

He had attended the company’s Instructive School in London for a period of three months, at the end of which time he was considered duly qualified and was appointed to the “Parisian.” This shows the wonderful and mysterious wireless telegraphy is acquired more rapidly than the Morse system, which takes from six months to one year to become fairly proficient.

The operations of the one is very similar to the other; each ship or station has an individual call or signal, and should the current affect any instruments within range, no attention is given unless its own particular signal is heard.

Many objections have been raised against wireless telegraphy, for the reason that any one with a wireless outfit could intercept a message.

The very same thing can be done on land by any competent operator if he feels inclined to gratify his curiosity and incur the penalty for so doing.

Taken altogether, the wireless system on shipboard will prove an immense convenience to ocean travellers and shipping interests, and will ensure greater safety to both life and property.

The Future of Wireless Telegraphy.

When, at the close of 1901, Marconi first announced to the world his marvellous achievement that he had received a signal from Poldhu at St. John’s, Nfld., many were incredulous and doubted its possibility, even many scientific men were sceptical and suggested many reasons why there might be an error in the experiment made. Amongst these were Edison, Graham, Bell, Sir Wm. Preece and others but, when the facts became known, all had to admit the success of the experiment and the accuracy of Marconi’s statement.

Mr. Edison became a warm believer in wireless telegraphy, and is now identified with its development. Soon after this triumph of the young Italian, the voice of the company promoter was heard in the land.

A wireless telegraph company was organized in England. This company had the audacity to claim an exclusive monopoly to operate the Marconi system, but this the British authorities refused to grant. Following this a company was formed for the same purpose in the United States and one in Canada, these being all more or less co-related.

The principal object being to establish wireless communication between Europe and America, a wireless station was erected at Glace Bay, Cape Breton and one at Cape Cod, Mass., early in 1903. When these were completed communication was for a short time carried on.

A congratulatory message from President Roosevelt to King Edward was transmitted and a reply returned by the King, but the system broke down and it has so remained.

Mr. Marconi has been (ever since the mishap) devoting his inventive genius to the perfecting of his devices, and, it is believed, transatlantic communication will be once more re-established within a very short period. Meanwhile, these companies are not standing still, but are very busily engaged in equipping passenger steamships with Marconi wireless instruments, enabling vessels to communicate with each other or with the stations on land on either side of the Atlantic. The wireless telegraph business is constantly increasing and becoming very lucrative. Traffic is now interchanged between the British Government telegraph lines, the American and Canadian telegraph companies and the wireless companies, so that a message can now be sent from any telegraph station to a person aboard ship, or vice versa, by payment of the tolls required for each company’s service. This seems to be naturally the proper sphere for wireless telegraphy.

In time every ship that floats, whether naval or mercantile, will eventually be installed with Marconi apparatus. This should be made one of the conditions of insurance, if not compulsory. As far as being successful competitors with existing land or cable telegraph systems, it is more than doubtful, except in places where no other telegraph system can be maintained. Wireless telegraphy for a long time to come will merely be auxiliary or supplementary to the land and cable systems, and mutually beneficial to each instead of being antagonistic.

The wireless system of telegraphy will be of immense benefit to Canadian shipping interests owing to the long stretch of river navigation from Montreal to the Gulf.

Several minor stations have been erected recently on the Lower St. Lawrence and are now working satisfactorily.

The Canadian Government recognized the importance of wireless telegraphy in its inception and granted Marconi a substantial sum to enable him to build his wireless station at Glace Bay. The public hardly yet realize its great possibilities.

Dominion Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited.


This company proposes to build and operate stations at all important points in the Dominion of Canada and do a general telegraphic business between stations in the United States or elsewhere, owned or controlled by the American DeForest Wireless Telegraph Company or any of their subsidiary companies. It will also build and operate stations on both the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts for transmission of messages abroad, and will work in harmony with like stations built by foreign DeForest companies, will erect and operate stations along all of the important rivers, gulfs and lakes, as well as on the sea coast, and will equip vessels with Wireless Telegraph instruments, keeping them in touch with their home office until their destination has been reached.

This company proposes to erect and operate stations as follows:


Fort William
Niagara Falls
Owen Sound
Port Arthur
Port Hope
Rat Portage
Sault Ste. Marie
Smith’s Falls
St. Catharines
St. Thomas


St. Hyacinthe
St. Jerome
St. Johns
St. Pi’re Montmagny
Three Rivers


St. John


New Glasgow




Portage La Prairie
West Selkirk


Moose Jaw
Medicine Hat


Grand Forks
New Westminster



Thus bringing not only every important point in the Dominion of Canada in touch by wireless telegraphy, but also Europe, through the station to be erected at Halifax, and Asia from stations on Vancouver Island.

All doubts of the practicability of wireless telegraphy may now be abandoned.

These new competitors must be somewhat disconcerting to managers and shareholders of the older systems of telegraphy, but they will no doubt prove equal to the problems confronting them and maintain their ascendency as heretofore.


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