The Angel of Thought | 13 | (Suggested by a Fra Angelico Angel.) | Annunciation—Sonnet I | 15 | Annunciation—Sonnet II | 17 | (From the picture by Botticelli.) | The Visitation | 19 | (From the picture in DÜrer's series on "The Life of the Virgin") | A Botticelli Madonna. | I. The Wondering Angels | 21 | (From the Madonna of the Magnificat.) | II. The Mournful Mother | 23 | (From the Madonna of the Pomegranate.) | III. The Loving Christ | 25 | (From the Madonna of the Rose Garden.) | The Angel of the Jasmine Wreath | 27 | (From Botticelli's painting, in the Borghese Gallery, of the Madonna and Child with Angels.) | A Prayer for the Followers of Ideal Beauty | 29 | (With a pencil sketch of an angel, by Botticelli.) |