I. | The Northern and Eastern Shoshone | 293 | II. | The Eastern Shoshone | 300 | | Eastern Shoshone history: 1800-1875 | 300 | | Early reservation period | 307 | | Eastern Shoshone territory | 310 | | Social and political organization | 311 | III. | The Shoshone and Bannock of Idaho | 315 | | Linguistics | 315 | | General distribution of population | 315 | | The Boise and Weiser Rivers | 316 | | The middle Snake River | 319 | | The Shoshone of the Sawtooth Mountains | 322 | | The Shoshone of Bannock Creek and northern Utah | 323 | | Fort Hall Bannock and Shoshone | 325 | | Lemhi Shoshone | 329 | IV. | Ecology and Social System | 332 | Bibliography | | 335 | | Map | | Shoshone-Bannock Subsistence Areas | | facing 293 | SHOSHONE-BANNOCK SUBSISTENCE AREAS SHOSHONE-BANNOCK SUBSISTENCE AND SOCIETY BY ROBERT F. and YOLANDA MURPHY