Main parachutes lower the Skylab 3 command module to the Pacific Ocean. Solid rocket motors being jettisoned during launch of Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-1. View from right-hand seat of Gemini 8 spacecraft when docked with Agena target vehicle. Artist’s conception of Viking Mars lander as it heads for touch down. Agena target vehicle seen from Gemini 11 after tether drop. View of Skylab Orbital Workshop photographed by Skylab 2 crew. Viking 2—bound for Mars—is launched aboard Titan Centaur on September 9, 1975. Paul Calle’s interpretation of Saturn 5 launch. New York to Norfolk composite photo from the Earth Resources Technology Satellite-1. Photomicrograph of thin section of lunar rock. Color enhancement of far ultraviolet photo of the Earth taken from space. NASA’s Wallops Island Test Station in Virginia. (All photographs from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.) Back Cover