
27. Loading ARCAS into launcher.

All-purpose Rocket for Collecting Atmospheric Sounding (ARCAS) gathers local meteorological data helpful to weather forecasters. Its 5.4-kilogram (12-pound) payload may include instruments which measure temperature, pressure, humidity, wind velocity and direction, and magnetic conditions. The single-stage ARCAS vehicle reaches an altitude of 64 kilometers (40 miles), propelled by a slow-burning solid-fuel engine which produces 141.4 kilograms (312 pounds) of thrust.

When the ARCAS is boosted by a Sparrow or Sidewinder missile engine, it can reach altitudes of 182,880 meters (600,000 feet).

The 32-kilogram (71-pound) ARCAS is far less expensive than the larger two-stage weather rockets it has replaced. It was developed and produced by the Atlantic Research Corporation.

The ARCAS is from the Atlantic Research Corporation.

Length 2.1 m. (7 ft.)
Diameter 11.3 cm. (4.45 in.)
Propellant Solid
Thrust 159 kg. (350 lb.)
Velocity 3590 km/hr. (2230 mi/hr.)
Altitude 64 km. (40 mi.) with standard 5.4-kg. (12-lb.) payload; 91.7 km. (57 mi.) with a 2.3-kg. (5-lb.) instrument package

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