I know quite well that there have been books without end dealing with our great Pacific Coast, and I feel that a writer who adds another ought to have some good excuse for such action. I flatter myself that I have sufficient warrant for this modest addition to western literature in that my book will not deal with the widely traveled and much heralded sections of this great country, but to a large extent with its little visited and comparatively unfamiliar regions. Ninety per cent of existing books on California have dealt with San Francisco and the region to the south of that city. None, so far as I can discover, have covered in detail, the vast mountain-studded wonderland that comprises the northern half of California and very few have dealt with the eastern half of Oregon, which undoubtedly can boast of some of the most impressive and picturesque scenery in the whole world. I dislike that overworked—almost banal—“picturesque,” too, but if there is any excuse whatever for its use, surely it is in this connection. If my language is not strong and colorful enough to prove it, I can rest assured that the forty beautiful plates which grace this book will settle the question beyond peradventure. There is only one thing more convincing—a personal visit to this little-known American wonderland, and this, I hope, every one of my readers will find opportunity to accomplish some time or other. In the title to my book I have given Oregon preeminence,—though I have covered some adjacent territory outside of the state—because I feel that the predominating interest will be centered in this great commonwealth. I believe I have covered nearly everything in the state that will be likely to interest the average tourist and many of those who make the round by motor will no doubt make San Francisco their starting-point, as we ourselves did. In such cases, our opinion is that the routes we pursued through Northern California are well worth while. In addition to the credit given with each of the splendid photographs reproduced in this book, I wish to reiterate here my obligation to Portland’s masters of the camera, the Winter Co., the Weister Co., and Mr. Fred H. Kiser, who so kindly permitted the use of some of their most beautiful pictures as illustrations. October 1, 1917. THE AUTHOR. |