SUBSEQUENT RESEARCHES AND DISCOVERIES AT FRIARS' CARSE, LOCHSPOUTS, BARHAPPLE, AND BUSTON. Before the interesting series of objects obtained from the excavation of the Lochlee crannog, and described in the previous chapter, could be properly illustrated and efficiently brought under the notice of antiquaries, other promising "finds" of a similar nature were announced from various quarters. All these have now, as far as practicable, been carefully investigated, with results, in some respects, even more remarkable than the former. To a description of these further excavations and discoveries I propose to devote this chapter, commencing with that of a lake-dwelling at Friars' Carse, in Dumfriesshire, and following it up by others in the order of their discovery. Section I. Notes of a Crannog at Friars' Carse, Dumfriesshire. Early in the summer of 1879 I was informed that, during the autumn of the preceding year, a lake-dwelling had been exposed in a small loch at Friars' Carse, Dumfriesshire, and being then engaged in drawing up a report of the excavations made at Lochlee, I was anxious to have an opportunity of comparing the results obtained from the former with those of the latter. This opportunity was afforded me by the Rev. Mr. Landsborough, who, being also interested in such Upon inquiring where the rubbish removed from the island was located, we were informed that it had been wheeled to the west side of the crannog, and heaped up just close to where we had stepped across to the island. Here it lay for some days; but one morning, to the great astonishment of the workmen, it was found to have entirely disappeared. Upon examination, it turned out that the apparently dry land was a matted crust of mud and roots of aquatic plants, which virtually floated over the water, and suddenly gave way under the accumulated weight, and so buried the whole mass in the water beneath. With this singular and unfortunate catastrophe terminated all further prospects of finding relics. My examination of the crannog was then of a very limited character, and hence, when I came to require more definite information, I found it necessary to revisit the locality. This visit took place so recently as the 31st January 1882, and, although a day by no means suitable for such investigations, I am glad to say that through the courtesy and kindness of the proprietor, Thomas Nelson, Esq., who was personally conversant with the drainage operations, and took much interest in the Lake-Dwelling, the following additional details were procured:— The island is slightly oval in shape, and, including the partially submerged zone in which the piles were noticed, measures 80 by 70 feet. Near its centre the dÉbris was from 2 to 3 feet thick, and formed a sort of mound containing ashes, charcoal, and some bones. Here the fragments of pottery afterwards described were found. A circular portion of the log pavement, near the centre, Regarding the deeper structures little can be said. Mr. Nelson attempted to cut a hole through the timber, and, as far as the water allowed the men to penetrate, he saw nothing but layer upon layer of oak beams lying transversely upon each other. Judging, however, from the solidity and firmness of the island, the great size of some of the logs, and the depth of the loch (still about 12 feet a little to the west of the island), the total thickness of this immense mass of timber cannot, I should say, be less than 12 or 16 feet. Mr. Nelson has directed my attention to the following notice of this island in the Antiquities of Scotland, by Grose, vol. i. p. 146. Friars' Carse, in Nithsdale. "Here was a cell dependent on the rich abbey of Melrose, which, at the Reformation, was granted by the Commendator to the Laird of Elliesland, a cadet of the Kirkpatricks of Closeburne. From whom it passed to the Maxwells of Tinwald, and from them to the Barncleugh family, also cadets of the Lords of Maxwell. From whom it went to the Riddells, of Glenriddell, the present possessors. The old refectory, or dining-room, had walls 8 feet thick, and the chimney was 12 feet wide. This old building having become ruinous, was pulled down in 1773, to make way for the present house. "Near the house was the Lough, which was the fish-pond of the friary. In the middle of which is a very curious artificial island, founded upon large piles and planks of oak, where the monks lodged their valuable effects when the English made an inroad into Strathnith." From the above quotation it would appear that this Fig. 159.—Perforated Axe-hammer Head (1/3). Canoe.—About 60 yards from the island, while making the cut for drainage, a canoe was found, "deeply imbedded" in the mud (about 4 feet). It now lies in Dr. Grierson's museum at Thornhill, but it has become so shrivelled and distorted that it would be difficult to recognise it as a dug-out canoe. From Dr. Grierson's description of it, shortly after discovery, it appears to have been 22 feet long and 2 feet 10 inches broad. The prow was the root end of the tree, and tapered to a point, but the stern, which was squarely cut, was closed by a flat sternpiece fitting into a groove. A neatly formed paddle was found on the west side of the loch. Its length is 3 feet 10 inches, of which the blade takes up 1 foot 6 inches by 5 inches broad. The ponderous axe hammer-head here figured (Fig. 159), was found on the west side of the loch along with the paddle. "It was about 2 feet below the present surface, and about 30 yards from the island, at a place where the ground was firmer and might have been a landing-place from the island." It is made of hard whinstone, and measures 10 inches in length, 5 inches in breadth, and a shade less than 3 inches in depth. It is perforated by a round shaft-hole, 2 inches in diameter, but tapers slightly from both surfaces to the middle. Pottery.—Two handles of jars with a yellowish glaze, inclining in some parts to a green and in others to a reddish-brown colour. Fig. 160.—Pottery (2/3). Fig. 161.—Pottery (2/3). Two fragments of a large dish were ornamented by a series of little pits regularly grouped together in the form of bands as represented in Figs. 160 and 161. These bands were formed of three parallel rows of pits, which in the larger fragment radiated from the base upwards at a distance of about an inch, but became a little wider at the bulge of the dish. The other fragment (Fig. 161) is too small to indicate the direction of the pitted rows, but All these fragments of pottery were made of a fine reddish clay, mixed with coarse sand or small quartz pebbles. The only other relics were a circular stone polisher, 21/2 inches in diameter, and an oval-shaped mass of vitreous paste. Section II. Notice of the Excavation of a Crannog at Lochspouts, near Kilkerran. Situation of Crannog.—Lochspouts is situated about three miles to the south-west of Maybole, in the parish of Kirkoswald, and on the property of the Right Honourable Sir James Fergusson, of Kilkerran, Bart., K.C.M.G., LL.D. It is a small lake basin, somewhat oval in shape, and ensconced at the base of hilly ground, which encompasses it, except towards the north, where a narrow trap-dike runs across and cuts it off from the open valley beyond. It is thus a natural dam, formed in the face of a declivity, which, beyond the trap ridge, still continues to slope rapidly downwards for a few hundred yards. No outlet could therefore at any time exist, except along this barrier, and an inspection of its present condition reveals several deep gashes, through which at one time the surplus water made its escape. Indeed, some of the oldest inhabitants state that the name "Lochspouts" was given to it because, in former times, during heavy floods, its waters spouted across this
Sir James Fergusson at once forwarded this interesting letter to R. W. Cochran-Patrick, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A., secretary to the Ayrshire and Wigtownshire ArchÆological Association, with a note requesting him to visit and examine the locality here referred to at his convenience. From letters now before me I find that this preliminary examination of the crannog took place on the 10th of the following November, the result of which was shortly afterwards communicated to me just at the same time that I had received for final revision the proof-sheets of the first article on the Ayrshire crannogs, and so I took the opportunity of recording the discovery by appending a foot-note embracing Mr. Cochran-Patrick's observations. See page 23 of the second volume of the collections of the Ayrshire and Wigtownshire ArchÆological Association. The time of the year being unsuitable for making an examination of the crannog, owing to the wetness of the locality, it was agreed to postpone further explorations till the following summer. Meantime the appointment of Sir James Fergusson as Governor of Bombay, and the subsequent return of Mr. Cochran-Patrick as M.P. for North Ayrshire, entirely precluded both these gentlemen from giving their personal attention to the proposed investigations, in which they were so highly interested; and hence the carrying out of them, when a favourable opportunity should occur, was intrusted to me. Investigations.—It was not till the 28th June 1880 that the weather permitted the work of excavating the mound to be begun, which, however, was then continued regularly during the greater part of the month of July, under the most favourable circumstances. A long course of dry weather made the ground exceptionally suitable for digging; the workmen, with the intelligent forester, Mr. Hopson, at their head, were skilful and thoroughly interested in the investigations; and as to the general management, not only had we the benefit of the able and obliging assistance of Mr. Baxter, factor on the Kilkerran estate, but also the occasional presence and advice of several members of the Council of this Society, among whom were R. W. Cochran-Patrick, Esq., M.P., Sir W. J. M. Cuninghame, Bart., of Corsehill, Colonel Hunter-Weston of Hunterston, J. H. Stoddart, Esq., Glasgow Herald, etc. I have specially to mention Dr. Macdonald, rector of the Ayr Academy, who for several days took the Upon my first visit to Lochspouts, I was struck with the smallness of its dimensions; its superficies, according to measurements kindly made by Mr. Brown, clerk to Mr. Baxter, being only 2 acres. Its margin, and indeed its whole area, were thickly covered with long grasses and rushes. On its north side, near the middle portion of the rocky ridge, and a little to the west of the outlet, lay the remains of the crannog, a low circular mound overgrown with coarse grass, and so close to the present margin of the lake that it formed a peninsula easily approached by terra firma. I understand, however, that when Mr. Cochran-Patrick visited it in the previous October, the neck of land, now dry, was so soft and boggy that it was with difficulty he got across to the mound. These observations will be more clearly comprehended by a reference to the accompanying sketch (Frontispiece), taken by a young artist, Mr. J. Lawson, when the explorations were nearly completed. The view is looking northwards. In the foreground are the marshy loch and crannog (the overlying mound being now nearly cleared away), then the rocky ridge extending right and left, behind which is the open valley, with the hill Culdoon, and monument to the late Sir Charles Dalrymple Fergusson in the distance. Along this ridge are seen several hollows, which are supposed to have been formerly outlets; the original or primary one being at the extreme right, while about the middle, and almost in a line with the crannog, is the artificial cutting which forms the present outlet. Previous to my visit there were no piles detected on the 1. Log Pavement.—About 5 feet deep (measuring from centre of mound), and only a few inches above the level of surrounding water, there was exposed a rude, imperfect, and irregularly-shaped wooden pavement, formed of flattened oak beams. It covered only the central portion of the area contained within the circle of piles, the rest of which was laid with branches and stems of trees. Near the surrounding piles, on the east side, a more carefully constructed arrangement of this wood-work was noticed, consisting of slanting stakes and horizontal beams of various sizes, forming a sort of reticulated and firm flooring, which sloped slightly downwards towards the piles. A similar disposition of the marginal wood-work was noticed elsewhere, especially 2. Hearths.—Above the log pavement, and a few yards apart from each other, were three circular hearths, each about 5 feet in diameter, formed of flat stones imbedded in a bed of yellow clay, and raised on a sort of pedestal of clay and stones, which varied in thickness from 1 to 11/2 foot. One of them, on being demolished, was found to have been built directly over a former stony hearth, with an interval of about a foot. The stuff immediately surrounding them consisted of alternate layers of clay and ashes; and from the number of such layers, indicating collectively a considerable thickness—in one place over 3 feet—it appeared to me that the position of these hearths could not be taken as a criterion of the length of occupancy in the same way as the superimposed series at Lochlee, inasmuch as abundant evidence of the remains of fires were found where no neatly constructed hearth was observed. As will be seen from a glance at the sketch of Lochspouts (see the Frontispiece), they were all situated near the centre of the crannog, but on its southern half, i.e. the semicircle farthest from the shore. 3. Gangway.—On making a few trial trenches in the space directly between the shore and the crannog in search of a gangway, we could find no indications of wood-work. One day, however, my attention was directed to a portion of the log pavement which looked like a wooden roadway projecting to the margin of the island, and pointing in a north-western The general plan on which this gangway was constructed appeared to be identical with that adopted by the crannog-builders of Lochlee. Upright piles, singly and in groups, were placed in a zigzag fashion, between which the horizontal beams stretched, fan-like, and so formed a sort of lattice-work, with empty lozenge-shaped spaces between. From one of these holes or meshes, some 5 feet below the surface of the ground, a fine granite quern-stone was extracted. The piles projected some 2 feet or more above the body of the gangway, but there was no appearance of the remains of a platform. The depth of the lower portion of the gangway could not be reached. It would thus appear that at least the transverse beams of the gangway were originally under water—a remark equally applicable to that at Lochlee; and it is highly probable that the primary purpose of this so-called gangway was to supply, on emergencies, a means of secret access to the crannog. 4. Composition of Mound.—The surface of the mound was composed of coarse grass, having tough matted roots spreading in a thin layer of soil, which overlay about a foot and a 5. Subsidence of Crannog.—In discussing the question regarding the Lochlee crannog I had to contend with an element of very great uncertainty, viz., the impossibility of ascertaining how much of the apparent sinking of the crannog was due to the rising of the level of the lake in consequence of the filling up of the bed of the outlet. This doubtful element is, however, entirely eliminated from the problem as it is presented to us at Lochspouts. Whatever alterations may have taken place in the position of the outlet, one thing is certain, that the tendency could never be to raise the level of the lake. Hence, if we can fix on the position of the natural outlet when the artificial cutting was made, the minimum amount of subsidence of the crannog resolves itself into simply measuring the height of this point above the present surface of the log pavement. I use the word minimum, because, to determine the actual amount, other two elements have to be considered, both of which tend to magnify the amount of subsidence, viz. (1) How much the surface of the crannog was originally above water; and (2) the amount of lowering of the lake, due to Relics. No inference worthy of note could be drawn from the relative position of the relics found on this crannog. They were interspersed amongst the dÉbris, chiefly around the fireplaces and over the area of the log pavement, at a depth varying according to their distance from the centre of the mound, but none more superficial than about 18 inches from I. Objects made of Stone. Hammer-Stones.—These implements were in great abundance, forty of which were collected and transferred to Kilkerran House. According to the principle of classification hinted at in the description of those found at Lochlee, which is based exclusively on their shape and the position of the markings, they fall to be arranged in three groups. First, Two are somewhat flat and circular, about 31/2 inches in diameter, and exhibit markings all round the edge. Second, Three, similarly shaped, have the markings on the flat surfaces alone, and appear to have been held when used with one of the flat surfaces in the palm of the hand. Third, The rest are more or less elongated, and show wrought surfaces at one or both ends. The largest, made of a fine-grained dolorite, is beautifully polished, tapers slightly towards one end, and measures 7 inches long by 4 broad. A few more were of the same material; and Mr. J. Thomson, F.G.S., Glasgow, informs me that this rock is only found in situ at Ailsa Craig, but that water-worn pebbles of it are abundant along the seashore in the neighbourhood of Girvan. Polishers.—Under this head I classify about a dozen pestle-like implements, notwithstanding that slight pounding markings were observed at the ends of one or two of them, because they are all over so smooth and glossy that they seemed to have been used rather for polishing or Fig. 162.—Whetstone (1/2). Whetstones.—These are also numerous, but it is difficult to draw a minute distinction between them and the polishers. They vary in length from 21/2 to 61/2 inches, and are mostly composed of hard claystone or indurated sandstone. One of them, judging from the only fragment which was found, was manufactured with great care, and had a small hole at one end for suspension. This fragment, which is here figured (Fig. 162), measures 31/2 inches long, 2 broad, and half an inch thick. Fig. 163.—Whetstone (1/2). Another is made of fine-grained sandstone, and shaped precisely similar to the sharpening-stones now used for scythes. Its dimensions are 51/2 inches long, 3/4 inch broad, and 1/2 inch deep (Fig. 163). Funnel-shaped Holes.—Three flat portions of sandstone, each containing a small hole, opening up on both sides into funnel-like cavities. The stone here engraved is roughly Fig. 164.—Perforated Sandstone (1/2). Pebbles.—Of these there were several hundreds found, scattered all over the island, varying in size from half an inch to 6 or 7 inches in diameter, the larger of which might have been used as anvils, others as heating-stones, sling-stones, etc. Querns.—Out of eleven quern-stones, almost all of which were made of granite, only two could be positively stated to be under ones. Three of the upper ones were round coarse lumps, about 1 foot in diameter and 10 inches deep, and of these two appear to have been unfinished. One had merely a cup-shaped cavity on its top, but no hole; and the other, in addition to the cup, had the central hole partially bored from both sides. Neither of them had any marginal hole. Four were circular, but rather flatter than usual, and measured a little over 1 foot in diameter. One was oval-shaped and particularly well finished, length 15 inches, breadth 13, and depth 5. The diameter of the funnel at its mouth was 5 inches, and the lower portion of it was lengthened in a line with the main axis of the quern—evidently caused by the friction of the pivot on which it turned round. The smaller end, containing the hole for a handle, was curved downwards, so that its tip was 13/4 inch lower than the under surface of the quern; another striking evidence of the long period the stone had been in actual use. Fig. 165.—Spindle Whorl (1/1). Fig. 166.—Polished Disc (1/2). Spindle Whorl.—One spindle whorl (made of fine sandstone) is 13/4 inch in diameter and 5/8 inch thick (Fig. 165). Polished Discs. Fig. 167.—Portion of Polished Disc (1/2). The other, which appears to have been a complete circle, was broken into several portions, two of which have been recovered. These do not fit into each other, but they are so similar in composition, thickness, polish, and size of curvature, that there can be no doubt they belonged to the same disc. The arc of the larger fragment, which is very nearly a semicircle, indicates that the diameter of the completed circle would be 43/4 inches. It is made of a hard, dark, compact stone, highly polished on both sides, and neatly cut at the circumference. It is a quarter of an inch thick at the edge, but becomes gradually a shade thicker towards the centre (Fig. 167). Fig. 168.—Stone Implement (1/2). Oval implement with two hollowed surfaces.—This is a smooth oval-shaped stone with a wrought, circular, and Flint Scrapers.—Of these there are two. One, coarsely chipped out of a dark flint, is here figured (Fig. 169). It is roughly circular in shape, and about two inches in diameter. The other is a chip made by a single blow from the outside of a whitened nodule, and is only 3/4 of an inch in diameter. Fig. 169.—Flint Scraper (1/1). Fig. 170.—Jet Ring (1/1). Rings of Lignite, etc.—Several bits of lignite or cannel coal were found, some of which showed marks of tools. One small thin bit seems to be the half of a flattened ring, circular on the inside (diameter 1/2 an inch), but only roughly rounded on the outside. Ring.—A beautifully polished ring, having a diameter (external measurement) of 11/4 inch (Fig. 170). Armlets.—Portions of two other rings considerably larger, like armlets, one slender, and the other massive and thick. II. Object of Bone. Pin.—A polished pin, length 23/4 inches (Fig. 171). Chisel.—An implement made by cutting a small leg-bone slantingly, so as to present a chisel-like edge. It is 43/4 inches long (Fig. 172). Awl.—An awl-like instrument, 4 inches long. Fig. 171.—Bone Pin (1/1). Fig. 172.—Bone Chisel (2/3). Pointed Implements.—Two small-pointed objects, showing marks of a sharp-cutting instrument, and another of a much larger size, being about 6 inches long. Spatula.—Portion of a flat rib used as a spatula or knife. It is 6 inches long and 3/4 inch broad. Knife Handle.—Portion of a shank-bone 2 inches long, hollow in centre, and cut straight across at both ends. III. Objects of Horn. Pick.—Deer-horn pick, made of portion of the horn (as a handle) and the first tine, and much used at point, and also on the back, the burr being almost entirely worn off. Length of the handle is 12 inches (Fig. 173). Fig. 173.—Deer-horn Pick (1/3). Fig. 174.—Implement of Horn of Roe Deer (1/3). Club.—Hammer or club-like implement, having the head formed of 3 inches of the root of the horn and the handle of the first tine. This implement is much decayed by long maceration. Spear-shaped Portion.—This weapon is cut lengthways out of the side of a large red-deer horn, and is 9 inches long and 11/2 broad. Pointed Object.—A slender object, 2 inches long, cut out of a horn lengthways, and sharp at both ends. Handle.—Cut portion of a tine 3 inches long, and hollowed as if for the handle of a knife. Pointed Tines.—A few of these show signs of having IV. Objects of Wood. A striking contrast between this collection and that from Lochlee crannog is the paucity of wooden implements. Indeed, here the only article worth noticing is a slender stave, like that of a milk-cog. It is 81/2 inches long, and the end with the transverse groove is a shade thicker. V. Objects of Metal. (a.) Articles made of Iron.—Articles made of this metal are extremely few. Besides two portions so corroded that it is impossible to say what they might have been, there remains only one object to be described, viz., a small hand-dagger, much worn and oxidised. It is 6 inches long, and shows evidence of riveting at the end. Fig. 175.—Object of Bronze (1/1). Fig. 176.—Key (1/1). (b.) Articles made of Bronze or Brass.—Fig. 175 represents a curiously-shaped ornament, reminding one of the head of a bee. The parts on its posterior aspect, corresponding to the two circular tuberosities in front, as seen in the drawing, are concave. Key.—The key which is here figured is 11/2 inch long (Fig. 176). A strong wire, flattened, 41/2 inches long, and two small thin plates riveted together, being a fragment of some undetermined object, are all that come under this head, with the exception of the bronze armlet referred to in Mr. MacFadzean's letter, but which has not come into my possession. VI. Miscellaneous Objects. Beads.—One small yellowish bead of vitreous paste (Fig. 177). Another ribbed and made of green glazed ware (Fig. 179). Half of another, very similar to the last both in colour and composition, but considerably larger, and having the hole contracted about its middle by a raised circular ridge (Fig. 178). Fig. 177 (1/1). Fig. 178 (1/1). Beads. Fig. 179 (1/1). Pottery is more abundantly represented than at Lochlee, though of a similar character, and in both crannogs portions of Samian ware have been found. Fig. 180 represents portion of a bowl of Samian ware, showing its characteristic moulding, the festoon and tassel, commonly called the egg-and-tongue border, and portions of Fig. 180.—Portion of Samian Ware (1/1). Fig. 181.—Pottery (2/3). Three other fragments of similar ware, but of a more slender build, were collected. These might all belong to the same vessel, and they presented no appearance of ornaments. Fig. 182.—Pottery (2/3). Fig. 183.—Handle of Vessel (2/3). Fig. 184.—Pottery (2/3). Figs. 181 to 185 are illustrations of another kind of pottery. It is of a light colour, feels soft to the touch, and is mixed with coarse sand. Its thickness is somewhat variable, but rarely exceeds 1/4 of an inch. The fragments Fig. 185.—Pottery (2/3). Fig. 186 represents another class of pottery very different from the latter. It is nearly 1/2 an inch in thickness, and is altogether more massive, but contains no coarse sand, and its colour externally is a dull black. Fig. 186.—Pottery (2/3). Section of Fig. 186. Organic Remains.—At his own request, a selection of the bones and horns collected during the investigations was forwarded to the late distinguished and much lamented Professor Rolleston of Oxford, for examination and comparison with those from Lochlee, but unfortunately, owing to the state of his health, he was unable to make a report. I may state, however, that the osseous remains were very Section III. Notice of a Crannog at Barhapple Loch, Glenluce, Wigtownshire. (By the Rev. George Wilson, Glenluce, C.M.S.A. Scot.) Barhapple Loch, on the farm of Derskelpin, lay a little to the south of the road from Portpatrick to Dumfries, just beyond the fourth milestone east from Glenluce, between two round hills called Derlauchlin and Barhapple, and about 285 feet above the level of the sea. The water-parting is at Barhapple Hill. The loch was about 1500 feet long, and 1000 feet broad, surrounded by deep peat bog, except on part of the east shore where it touched Barhapple, and rested on a bottom of deep soft peat. Although the water was only a few feet deep, its black colour and the inaccessible nature of the shore on the west side prevented the discovery of any trace of lake-dwellings. It was drained in On the 15th of October 1880, our President, the Earl of Stair, assembled a party to explore the crannog. There were present with him Admiral Sir John C. Dalrymple-Hay, Bart., M.P., and Sir Herbert E. Maxwell, Bart., M.P., two of our Vice-Presidents; the Hon. Hugh Dalrymple, Mr. J. Pendarves Vivian, M.P., Mr. Vans Agnew of Barnbarroch, Mr. J. Leveson Stewart of Glen Ogil, with Mr. R. W. Cochran-Patrick, M.P., and myself, the Secretaries of the Association. Our digging was stopped at a depth of two and a half or three feet by the influx of water, yet we found a good deal to interest us. This lake-dwelling, so far as explored, consists mainly of piles and platforms of wood, with rough stones at some points. It is about 280 feet from the west shore, but the gangway had run about 550 feet to the east shore at the foot of Barhapple, where there is hard ground. It is surrounded by a row of oak piles, enclosing a space 175 feet long from north to south, and 127 feet broad, and rounded at the angles. While the digging was going on Sir Herbert Maxwell took these measurements for me, and Mr. Vivian walked round on the soft peat and counted the piles in the outer row, of which 134 were visible. There is a slight gap at the west side, and a larger one on the south side, with the piles on each side of it more thinly set. An irregular line on the Plan marks off a part of the enclosure on the east side, which is about 9 inches higher than the rest, and is the only part that can be walked upon with ease in ordinary weather. After heavy rain the whole is still inaccessible, owing to the imperfect outfall of the drainage. Thirty-one feet from the outside piles towards the south-east, there was a layer of rough, large stones, marked B on
Under the floor first described there was a layer of smaller sticks and branches of oak, hazel, and birch, and at the north-east we found under the branches a layer of the common bracken, Pteris aquilina. The influx of water prevented further examination, but at different places the spade struck on logs which could not be seen. The wet state of the peat, ashes, and clay made exact search difficult. Near the second hearth we found a long rude whetstone, a hammer-stone of water-rolled quartzite pebble, a fragment of smoothly-worked wood, 3 inches long, 2 broad, and 1/2 an inch thick, which may have been part of a ladle or large spoon, and a small branch like one's little finger, rudely pointed, and with an untrimmed bent head. When unpacked at the Museum, these pieces of wood had gone to pieces. A trench cut from the hearths to B showed logs and stones under the stone floor there, but not in any regular order. Under the stones, at C, we got two broad pieces of oak about 41/2 feet long, which may have been parts of a canoe. Near the beginning of the gangway, at the end of a log, there rolled from a labourer's spade a ring of unevenly polished cannel coal, which is shown in Fig. 187, full size. The piles are pointed, and show the axe-marks distinctly. Fig. 187.—Ring of Cannel Coal (1/1). At the south-east of the crannog, a few feet from the edge, two piles 6 feet apart show where the gangway entered. Two or three are seen farther off, then about twenty at a place where the gangway seems to have widened to nearly 12 feet, and beyond these are two other pairs, the last being about 100 feet from the shore. Beyond that the piles have rotted away through exposure to the weather in dry seasons. There are decayed remains of timber at various places round the shore. While we were digging at the crannog, Sir Herbert Maxwell, who is an experienced observer of lake-dwellings, explored the whole circuit of the loch, and reported that he had found some logs laid like a corduroy road. I did not see them at the time, and when I went back frost and flood had hidden the traces of them. At the letter C I have indi In April 1881, when verifying some details, I observed a few piles at the point marked D, between the crannog and the north shore, and reached them with difficulty. The nearest is about 120 feet from the shore, and is the first in a straight line of four piles, set at distances of 6, 10, and 8 feet, with two others 6 and 7 feet to the left, nearly opposite the second and third. At E I have marked the probable position in the peat bog of an object described by me in "Notes on the Crannogs and Lake-Dwellings in Wigtownshire," in the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, vol. ix. page 337,—"Barhapple Loch, four miles east of Glenluce, close to the coach road.—James M?Culloch, one of my deacons, told me that about the year 1842, in cutting peat about 40 yards from the west side of this loch, he came on a circle of stakes (about a dozen) from the thickness of the arm to that of the leg, and about 5 feet long; the heads at least 2 feet below the surface. The stakes were of hazel, pointed by four axe-cuts, 31/2 to 4 inches broad, and some of them 5 inches long. The circle was cut away at two times, and was at least 5 feet in diameter; coarse branches were twisted among the stakes like wicker-work. No trace of clay." In 1871 I reported this as indicating that some dwellings might yet be found in this loch. It seems to have been a marsh-dwelling, like some of those found near lakes in Switzerland. The crannogs were probably used as places of refuge, although they may also have been occupied constantly. There is often a fort on the top of some neighbouring hill, to which the lake-dwellers may have gone when the lochs were frozen and the crannogs open to invasion. We have an example of this at Machermore, Glenluce. The two round hills between which Barhapple Loch lay have both been Plate III. BARHAPPLE LOCH GLENLUCE 1881 Half a mile due north from the Barhapple crannog, passing Knockiecore, Barrel Hill, and Derniemore Hill on the left, and Tamrieroach Moss, Derhagie Hill, and Blairderry Hill on the right, just beyond the old military road, we reach a low rocky hill surrounded by a peat bog, which unfortunately has lost its ancient name, and is called from its broad shape the Braid Hill. It is on the farm of High Dergoals; and Mr. Dougan, the tenant, told me that many years ago he found, in cutting peat at the south side of it, at a depth of 4 feet, three or four stakes, apparently of oak, 3 or 4 inches in circumference, and pointed by a single cut. The higher ground is rocky and uneven, and scattered over it are the remains of several small cairns and rings. At the west end is a 10-foot ring, a cairn with the remains of a stone grave in the centre, and beyond it two others lying east and west, with a foundation between them, 27 by 14 feet, with the corners much rounded. Towards the middle there are two circular foundations, three others on the north slope, three on the south, and three more at the east end, all so indistinct that it is difficult to say whether they have been huts or cairns. On the slope at the east end there are two rings. It is impossible to know whether either of these sites has been occupied by the Barhapple lake-dwellers. There are no others near it, although there are several other ancient village sites in Glenluce, some of which I hope to "Knocketie and Knockietore, Laniegoose and Laniegore, Dirnefuel and Dirniefranie, wee Barsolas and Derrnagie." Section IV. Notice of the Excavation of a Crannog at Buston, near Kilmaurs. Discovery of the Crannog.—About half-way between Stewarton and Kilmaurs there is, on the farm of Mid Buston, the property of the Earl of Eglinton, a shallow basin, now converted into a richly cultivated meadow, but which formerly, as represented in Bleau's Atlas, formed the bed of a lake of considerable size called Loch Buston. Within the recollection of the present generation this area was a mossy bog in summer and a sheet of water in winter; and about fifty years ago, when the present tenant, Mr. Robert Hay, came to reside on the farm, there was a small mound or island situated about its centre, locally known as the Swan Knowe, on account of the numbers of wild swans that formerly used to frequent it. When subsequently engaged in reclaiming the bog, Mr. Hay states that as many as thirteen cart-loads of timber were removed from the "Knowe," and he distinctly remembers that, in consequence of the difficulty of detaching some of the beams mortised into others, his father then made the remark, "there maun hae
On the afternoon of the Saturday referred to in the above letter (December 4th, 1880), I accompanied Mr. M?Naught to the quondam "Knowe," and in a short time, by Method of Excavating.—The excavations were commenced by making an explorative trench through what appeared to be the centre of the crannog, following as a guide the long diameter of the lake basin. This trench was from 2 to 3 feet deep, and about 5 feet wide, and its general direction lay in a line running from N.W. to S.E. The dÉbris was wheeled sufficiently far not to cover the probable area of the island, and carefully examined, but nothing of importance was found, except a small spindle whorl (Fig. 196), and a fragment of a quern-stone, till the trench reached the Early in April very dry weather, though cold, set in, and on the farmer representing that more favourable circumstances for digging could not be expected, the investigation of the crannog was resumed. While clearing out the refuse-heap, the position of the surrounding piles immediately to the left of the original trench was readily ascertained to be arranged in three or four circles. With these as guides, it was an easy matter for the workmen to clear away the soil right round the central portion of the crannog without the necessity of Fig. 188.—General View of Buston Crannog, looking northwards. The water in foreground marks the position of Refuse-bed. (From a Photograph by Mr. Lawrie.) Structure of Island.—Notwithstanding the havoc committed on the wood-work of the crannog by long exposure to atmospheric agencies before it finally sunk under the protective influence of the muddy water, and subsequently, by the ruthless hands of the agriculturist, there still remained sufficient materials to give one not only a general, but particular and instructive notion of the mechanical principles on which the island was constructed. Its substance, as far as could be ascertained by digging holes here and there, was made up of layers of the stems of trees, chiefly birch; intermingled with which were occasionally found various other materials, such as brushwood, heather, moss, soil, and large stones. Penetrating deeply this heterogeneous mass, towards its margin, were numerous piles, forming a series of concentric and nearly circular stockades, which were separated from each other by an interval of 4 or 5 feet. On the south side there were four distinct circles to be seen, but on the north only three could be detected, as the The main object of the whole of this elaborate structural system was to give stability to the island, afford fixed points on its surface, and prevent the superincumbent pressure of whatever buildings may have been erected over it from causing the general mass to bulge outwards—objects which appeared to have been most effectually attained. The piles in the outer circle were merely round posts, smaller and more closely placed than those in the inner circles, being sometimes only a few inches apart, and appeared to have been bound together by a transverse rail, into which their tops were inserted after the manner of a hurdle. Portions of these rails, pierced with holes, were found at the south-east side, though none actually in position; so that the inference that the outer stockade was intended as a fence or bulwark seems quite legitimate. In support of this view I may state that nowhere along its course were the piles connected together by horizontal beams, either circumferentially or radially, nor did they penetrate deeply, so that for giving stability to the island the outer circle would be of little use. Log Pavement.—Like the other crannogs examined by me, this one also had its central portion roughly paved with wooden beams like railway sleepers. On looking at these beams carefully it was observed that many of them, especially those made of oak, had also holes at their extremities, and that the plan of being linked and fixed together by stout wooden pins was by no means peculiar to the marginal portion of the crannog. Here, however, they lay mostly in a radial position, and on the south side; some were distinctly seen to be joined with the uprights in the inner circle with On the north side of the crannog the uprights in the inner circle were not linked together circumferentially by horizontal beams, because (as I have already remarked) the different structure of the log pavement here rendered this plan unnecessary. The reason of this was, that on this side a considerable segment of the log pavement was built up, for a depth of 2 feet or so, of several layers of those round logs of soft wood, laid transversely to each other, and carefully arranged flush with the outer edge of the uprights, so that the only direction in which the latter were free was counteracted by the radial transverses alone (see Fig. 190). The space between this portion of the log pavement and the next circle of stockades was filled up with layers of turf and moss, the depth of which corresponded with that of the built-up edge of the log pavement. After removing the turf and moss from this space in one or two places, we came on the wood of the island, which here consisted entirely of birch-trees with the bark on, and looking as fresh as if they had been recently cut. The heather and moss also looked quite fresh, but soon, after exposure to the air, everything turned black. (See Plate IV.) Remains of Dwelling-house.—Over the area of the log pavement there were here and there the remains of large uprights, which appeared to have been used as supports for Fig. 189.—Eastern portion of Crannog, showing surrounding Stockades and portion of Log Pavement. The Sign-board marks the position of Canoe. (From Photograph by Mr. Lawrie.) On tracing the inner circle of stockades all round, it became evident that they formed part of some sort of enclosure. On the south-east side were two well-shaped rectangular uprights, about 2 feet 6 inches high, and 4 feet apart, firmly mortised into a well-constructed wooden flooring. These, as will appear from the sequel, formed portions of the door-posts of the entrance to the area of log pavement. Continuous with them, on the east side, and in the line of the inner circle, some of the intervals between the uprights were actually found to contain the remains of a composite wall of stone and wood. The space between the second and third piles, counting from the doorway, was thus filled up. At the base there were two layers of rectangular stones, then a flat beam of oak laid horizontally, then three layers of thin flagstones, well selected for size and shape, then another oak beam similar to the first, and finally other three layers of flat stones. This wall had partially fallen over, but the Fig. 190.—Portion of north side of Crannog, with the space between inner and second circle of piles dug out, showing arrangement of Transverse Beams and structure of the Log Pavement. (From Photograph by Mr. Lawrie.) Directly facing the door-place, but 13 feet farther out, and nearly in a line with the outer circle of stockades, there was a large rectangularly-shaped beam 11 feet long, containing two mortised holes, one at each end, and having an interval of 8 feet 6 inches between them. This beam lay close to two massive uprights which projected about 2 feet above the surface of the wooden flooring, and, both as regards distance and shape, looked as if they had been mortised into the holes in the former. When the beam was thus applied and restored into its natural position, the portion of its under side between the mortised holes was observed to have a longitudinal groove, having its inner margin bevelled off, and containing a few round holes, which, however, did not penetrate to its upper surface, and just underneath it were the external ends of two large oak planks, which extended inwards to the doorway. On careful inspection these planks Though nothing in the arrangement of the wooden structures here could be construed to indicate a regular landing-stage, it was very probable, from its southern exposure, the position of the canoe, and the proximity of the doorway to Refuse-heap.—As mentioned above, the refuse-heap lay outside the stockades, and immediately beyond the railing in front of the supposed doorway to the central area of the crannog. It was of an oblong shape, measuring from 25 to 30 feet long (along the margin of the island), and about 15 to 20 feet across. Its depth, near the railing, would be about 5 feet in addition to its superficial layer of clay and silt. The principal ingredients of its central portion were broken bones and ashes, but towards the margin and lower strata these were largely mixed with decayed brushwood. To clear out its deeper portions was a difficult matter, owing to the rapid accumulation of water. One of the combs (Fig. 218), and a bone pin, were found here in my presence, at a depth of not less than 6 or 7 feet below the surface of the field. The lowest stratum reached consisted of what seemed to me to be lake silt, brushwood, and some large bones. The bones, especially those from the lower strata, were abundantly impregnated with the mineral vivianite, which, in some of the larger ones, formed groups of most beautiful green crystals, similar in all respects to those found at the Lochlee crannog. What, however, made the investigation of the midden so full of interest was the number of rare and valuable relics recovered from its contents. Some of them were picked up in situ, when the men were wheeling out the stuff, but others were subsequently found by riddling the dÉbris when it became sufficiently dry to admit of this process. The general results of the above observations may be categorically summed up as follows:— 1. The island, as far as could be ascertained from the investigations made, was composed of a succession of layers of 2. The whole mass was kept firmly together by a peculiar arrangement of upright and horizontal beams, forming a united series of circular stockades. 3. The outer circle was intended more for protection than for giving stability to the island, and in some parts, as at the east side of refuse-heap, was neatly constructed after the manner of a stair-railing, while the inner one not only gave stability to the island, but was used as a fence, or in connection with the superstructural buildings. 4. The central portion was rudely paved with wooden beams, many of which were firmly fixed to the lower wood-work by stout wooden pegs as well as to the encircling stockades, thus affording here and there, as it were, points d'appui. 5. While there was one general fireplace situated near the centre, evidence of occasional fires elsewhere was quite conclusive, one of which appeared to have been a smelting-furnace. 6. The entrance to the central area was looking south-east, and in front of it there was a well-constructed wooden platform, made of large oak planks, supported on solid layers of wood to which they were pinned down. 7. Beyond the platform, but separated from it by a massive wooden railing, was the refuse-heap; and to the right of it a pathway, also protected on its outer side by a railing, led downwards and westwards to the line of the outer circle, where there appeared to have been an opening towards a rude landing-stage at the water edge. 8. As to the kind of dwelling-house that no doubt once occupied this site, whether one large pagoda-like building or a series of small huts, the evidence is inconclusive, but so far as it goes it appears to me to be indicative of the former. Fig. 191.—Appearance of Canoe in situ, after exposure. (From a Drawing by Mrs. Anstruther.) Discovery and Description of Canoe.—The experience derived from the investigations of the crannogs at Lochlee and Lochspouts, in both of which a submerged gangway was found running to the nearest shore, was sufficiently suggestive to keep me on the qui vive for any indications of a similar structure here. On the north side, where the shore was nearest, though the digging was carried considerably deeper and farther out from the margin of the crannog than elsewhere, not the slightest appearance of outlying wood-work was observed; and as there was no probability of an approach from the more distant ends of the lake, the situation of a gangway, if such existed at all, was limited to the south-west side, where the shore would be about 150 yards distant. To determine this, the men were set to cut a trench about 12 yards distant from the crannog, across the most likely line, so as to intercept it, and after going down 4 feet they came upon a layer of brushwood, along with one or two beams, below which there seemed to be the usual lake mud. Upon forcing the spade downwards, however, a hard beam was encountered, which at first I took to be the discovery of part of the gangway we were in search of, and to satisfy myself on the point I took an iron rod, and, by carefully probing all over the bottom of the trench, ascertained that instead of a gangway we had come upon portion of a canoe. Guided by the direction of the supposed side of the canoe, which looked like a thin oak beam running along the edge of the trench, a suitable clearance was made, which revealed to the wondering gaze of the bystanders the front half of a large canoe. Upon being subsequently exposed in its entirety it was The extreme length of the canoe was 22 feet, but the inside measurements were as follows:—Length 19 feet Among the mud removed from the hull of the canoe were a few stones and portion of the skull of an ox (see Fig. 191). Oar.—Portion of what appeared to have been a large oar was found on the crannog, but, from its fragmentary state, we could only ascertain that the blade was 9 inches broad and 11/4 inch thick, and that the handle measured 5 inches in circumference. Description of Relics. The relics are here grouped under several heads, in accordance with the method of classification adopted in my previous monographs, and, to save repetition, I may explain, that (when not otherwise stated) they may be considered to have been found either in situ in the refuse-heap, or among its stuff after it was wheeled out and subsequently examined. I. Objects made of Stone. Fig. 192.—Stone Polisher (2/3). Hammer-Stones, Polishers, etc.—Only two or three typical hammer-stones have to be recorded as found on this crannog. Sling-Stones, etc.—Like the hammer-stones, these objects are comparatively rare, only a few having been added to the collection. Whetstones, Grindstones, etc.—Of these objects the following are noteworthy:— 1. A large flat implement, made of bluish claystone, with a smooth polished surface, and having a hole roughly cut out of one end. It measures 12 inches long, 4 broad, and 11/2 inch thick (Fig. 193). Fig. 193.—(?) Whetstone (1/3). 2. One or two ordinary whetstones a few inches long, and from 1 to 2 inches broad. 3. An oblong block of sandstone, containing two smooth cavities, probably used for polishing small objects such as jet rings. One of the cavities is a hollowed circle 21/2 inches 4. Two fragments of a circular grindstone, made of fine red sandstone. One of the portions shows a few inches of the striated circumference as well as a small segment of the central hole. The diameter of the stone when whole would be about 15 inches. Fig. 194.—Block of Sandstone (1/4). 5. Two large irregularly-shaped masses of whitish sandstone, each containing a smooth cavity shaped like a trowel or botanical spud, having the sides curled up. One of these curiously-shaped cavities measures 10 by 8 inches. Its greatest depth, which is at the base and in the line of the shortest diameter, is 3 inches. The other is precisely similar in shape, but of smaller dimensions. The latter stone has friction-marks on another of its sides. 6. Another mass of whitish sandstone, of a semi-globular shape, having a cup-shaped cavity on its flat surface, must also be included under this heading. The diameter of the cup is 51/2 inches, and its depth 21/2 inches. The rest of the flat surface all round the margin of the cup is smoothed and striated, evidently caused by the sharpening of tools. The cup itself was not used for this purpose, as the marks of the puncheon by which it was chiselled out are distinctly seen. Its probable use was to hold water, so essential to the sharpening of metal tools. Cup Stone.—A small cup stone found in the interior of the crannog. The stone is smooth on its upper and under surfaces and on one side, but the other sides are irregularly shaped. The cup itself is quite smooth and circular, and looks as if it had been used as a small mortar. Its diameter is only 1 inch, and depth half an inch (Fig. 195). Fig. 195.—Fragment of Stone, with a cup-shaped Cavity (1/1). Querns.—Only two upper quern-stones, both of which are in a fragmentary condition. One was made of a fine quartz conglomerate, and, by putting the fragments together, it was ascertained that it measured 18 inches by 17 inches. It was flat, and more of a millstone shape, and the central hole was large (3 inches in diameter), circular, and not tapering. For the insertion of a handle there was a small square-shaped hole at its margin. Portion of another quern made of whinstone, and of the usual type, indicates a medium size, of about 1 foot across. Fig. 196.—Spindle Whorl (1/1). Fig. 197.—Spindle Whorl (1/1). Spindle Whorls.—A small spindle whorl neatly made of coarse shale. It is flat and circular, and has a diameter of 1 inch (Fig. 196). Another perforated little object, of smaller dimensions than the former, is made of cannel coal (Fig. 197). Flint Objects.—Two views of a portion of a curved flint knife, which has been much used, are here given (Fig. 198). Another small flint implement like a scraper is figured, because it exhibits one side which has been artificially polished (Fig. 199). Fig. 200 represents a small central core, neatly chipped all round. There is another large core of flint 31/4 inches in diameter, from which many flakes appear to have been struck off. Besides the above there were found a small portion of a finely chipped scraper, and a large quantity of broken flints and chips. Fig. 198.—Flint Implement (1/1). Fig. 199.—Polished Flint Implement (1/1). Fig. 200.—Flint Core (1/1). Finally, small pebbles, sometimes highly polished and variegated in colour, thin circular discs of stone about the size of a halfpenny-piece, bits of dark shale as if water-worn, and a large quartz crystal having its angles worn off, may be mentioned among the nondescript articles under this heading. Also a lump of iron slag was found near the middle of the first trench, but, mysteriously, it could not be seen when collecting the objects at the end of the day's work, and was never recovered. II. Objects of Bone. Fig. 201. Fig. 202. Fig. 203. Fig. 204. Fig. 205. Fig. 206. Fig. 207. Fig. 208. Bone Pins (1/1). Pins.—Twenty bone pins, varying in length from 11/2 inch to 31/2 inches. These articles are exceedingly well made, with round polished stems, tapering into sharp points. Some have round heads like beads, others are circular but flat on the top, while others again, especially the larger ones, are irregularly shaped. One (Fig. 202) has its head ornamented by a circular ridge, surmounted by a wider rim neatly notched all round, and another has its shank surrounded by two bands of diamond-shaped spaces, formed by Fig. 209. Fig. 210. Fig. 211. Fig. 212. Bone Pins (1/1). Fig. 213. Bone Needle (1/1). Needle.—A neatly-formed needle, having an elongated eye at its extremity, precisely similar to a common darning needle. It tapers gently into a sharp tip, and is smoothly polished all over. Its length is 2 inches (Fig. 213). Fig. 214.—Bone Knob (1/1). Fig. 215.—Bone Knob (1/1). Knobs.—Three round objects of bone, about the size of a marble, each having a portion of a slender iron pin more or less projecting. Two are quite smooth, globular, and precisely Fig. 216 represents a curiously-shaped object of bone, the use of which is unknown to me. Fig. 216.—Object of Bone (1/1). Worked Bones.—Several portions of bone, exhibiting marks of sharp-cutting instruments, but not assuming the form of any recognisable implements. Toilet Combs.—Three of these articles, which are in a wonderfully good state of preservation, are here engraved on account of their structure and variety of ornamentation. Fig. 217.—Bone Comb (1/1). Fig. 218.—Bone Comb (1/1). Fig. 219.—Bone Comb (1/1). They are all made on a uniform plan. The body, i.e. the portion containing the teeth, consists of three or four flat pieces kept in position by two transverse bands of bone, one From slight cuts on the cross bars, corresponding to the intervals between the teeth, it is manifest that the teeth in both these combs were formed by a saw, after the pieces were riveted together. The third comb here engraved (Fig. 219) is in a somewhat fragmentary condition, but when whole it would be about 4 inches long. The body was made up of four portions, and contained four iron rivets. Its ornamentation consists of a central dot, surrounded by two incised circles, and is alike on both sides. The similarity of the concentric circles induces me to believe that they must have been formed by a die, probably branded on with a hot iron. Some other fragments of similar combs were found, representing at least three additional combs, with teeth rather finer than those in the illustrations. III. Objects made of Horn. Several portions of deer horns, consisting of tines and thick portions of the body of the horn, together with a few of the roe-deer, presenting sometimes marks of a saw and sometimes those of a sharp-cutting tool, were found in the refuse-heap. The few worked objects I have to record were all made from horns of the former animal. One large antler, having portion of the skull attached to it, and the entire lateral half of the skull of a roe-deer with the horn still adherent, show that the horns were not shed ones, but those of animals actually caught and killed. The manufactured implements consist of a few pointed objects, and one or two handles, apparently for knives. Fig. 220 represents a highly polished dagger-like implement, measuring 71/2 inches long. Another, of about the same size, is coarsely cut out of the side of a large horn (Fig. 221). A small pointed object is figured among the bone pins (see Fig. 207). Fig. 220. Fig. 221. Implement of Horn (1/2). Horn (1/2). Fig. 222. Knife-Handle (1/2). Knife-Handles.—One of the handles is well made, having the rough surface removed with a sharp-cutting instrument. It is 4 inches long (Fig. 222). Another is only 3 inches long, and has a notch at one end. IV. Objects of Wood. Wooden objects are extremely rare. One or two fragments of what appeared to have been a bowl, portion of the blade of an oar, a bit of board partially burnt and penetrated by four round holes, together with three pins almost identical with those found at Lochlee (see Figs. 112, 114, and 115). The bowl was ornamented by two or three incised parallel lines near the rim. Another small fragment, which might have been of the same vessel, had a clasp of thin brass over it, as if it had been mended. V. Objects of Metal. (a.) Articles made of Iron. Fig. 223.—Iron Axe (2/3). 1. Axe Head.—This implement, which is represented in Fig. 223, measures 3 inches along the cutting edge, 41/2 inches Fig. 224.—Gouge (1/3). Fig. 225. Fig. 226. Fig. 227. Iron Knives (1/1). 2. Gouge.—This instrument appears to have had a portion broken off its point. It still measures 14 inches long, Fig. 228. Fig. Fig. 229. Fig. 230. Iron Knives (1/1). 3. Knives. 4. Punch.—This implement is 6 inches long, and rectangularly shaped, with its angles slightly flattened (Fig. 231). 5. Awls.—Of these objects there are three: one is very slender and sharp, but only 2 inches long (Fig. 232). Another is 4 inches long, and the third is a much larger implement, being 71/4 inches long. Fig. 233.—Spear Head (1/2). Fig. 231.—Punch (1/2). Fig. 232.—Awl (1/1). 6. Spear Head.—This is a well-shaped socketed spear head, 81/2 inches long, with a central ridge in the blade. The socket end is ornamented by two groups of circular grooves, 7. Arrow Heads.—Three pointed objects like arrow heads are represented in Figs. 234, 235, and 236. Two of these objects are almost identical in size and form. One end is four-sided and tapers to a sharp point, the other is round and hollow as if for the insertion of the stem of an arrow. Length 23/4 inches. The third has the socket end very similar to the former, but the front portion is flat, and widens out a little before coming to a sharp point (Fig. 236). Fig. 234. Fig. 235. Fig. 236. (?) Arrow Points (1/1). 8. Fig. 237 represents a curious object, having a spring attached to each side, both of which are still compressible, and a curved portion containing a round hole. Total length is 5 inches, length of springs 2 inches, length of curved portion 13/4 inches. Said to be portion of a padlock, similar Fig. 237. Iron Object (1/1). 9. Files?—An object shaped like a flat file, cut squarely at one end, and having a sharp-pointed tang at the other. It is of uniform thickness throughout, and measures 31/2 inches long, 5/8 inch broad, and rather more than 1/8 inch thick. There is another object exactly similar to the above in form, but a shade smaller. They look like small files, but no grooves now remain. 10. Spiral Objects.—Fig. 238 represents a slender iron rod, forming a close spiral with three twists at one end, and a slight curve at the other, which presents the appearance of having been fractured. The diameter of the circular portion is rather less than 1 inch. Fig. 239 represents another spiral object terminating in a straight point. 11. Fig. 240 represents two views of a small ornamental instrument with a bifurcated termination, which might have been used as a compass for describing small circles, such as are seen on some of the combs. Its length is 2 inches. 12. Miscellaneous Objects.—When the stuff wheeled from the refuse-heap had dried up and become pulverised during the summer months, several articles were picked up by visitors, among which may be mentioned four large nails, a small ferrule, a small iron link thicker on one side than another, a much-corroded socket still containing a bit of wood, a flat portion of iron welded together, and a few other bits of iron. These, however, cannot be positively asserted as belonging to the crannog objects. Fig. 238.—Spiral Object (1/1). Fig. 239.—Iron Object (1/1). Fig. 240.—Iron Object (1/1). Two Views. Fig. 241.—Bronze Brooch (1/1). (b.) Articles made of Bronze. Brooch.—A circular brooch, minus the pin, 11/2 inch in diameter, and ornamented on its upper surface by a series of grooves pointing to the centre of the brooch. The under surface is quite plain. A small portion of the pin is still attached to the brooch, and the opposite side of the brooch is worn into a hollow by the friction of the point of the pin. The transverse grooves are also much worn, but where nearly obliterated the external and internal margins of the brooch show the hacks, corresponding with their extremities (Fig. 241). Fig. 242. Fig. 243. Bronze Pins (1/1). Pins.—Two small pins, having round shanks ornamented by two groups of circular and longitudinal incised lines. Both pins have flat heads, and one has a blue bead stuck in its top. They are nearly of the same length, being a shade less than a couple of inches (Figs. 242 and 243). Several bits of brass plate, apparently used as clasps for mending purposes. One, indeed, was found attached to a small portion of a wooden bowl. Also a thin brass button 11/4 inch in diameter. (c.) Articles made of Gold. Finger-Rings.—On the 14th December one of the workmen while clearing out the refuse-heap turned up a curious spectacle-like ornament, made by twisting the ends of a thick and somewhat square-shaped gold wire into the form of a double spiral ring (Fig. 244). Upon close inspection it became evident that originally this article was a handsome spiral finger-ring, containing 51/2 twists, but that, from some means or other, two of the twists had been forced apart from the Fig. 244. Gold Finger-Ring (1/1). Fig. 245. Gold Finger-Ring (1/1). Coin.—Mr. Robert Dunlop, iron-moulder, a native of Kilmarnock, but now residing at Airdrie, happened to visit his friends at the beginning of the year, and hearing of the discoveries at the Buston crannog, took the opportunity of visiting it. It was not, however, idle curiosity that prompted him, but a true spirit of inquiry, which often ere now led him to wander abroad as a humble student of nature, and on one occasion even as far as the famous Kent's Cavern. Being a Science teacher in Chemistry he was desirous of securing specimens of the different forms of vivianite, and so picked up from amidst a mass of broken bones and ashes that had just been wheeled from the midden, a lump of a bluish pasty substance, thinking it to be the amorphous form of this mineral. He carried this lump home with him for the purpose of analysing it, but, owing to other duties, was unable to do so till some three months afterwards. Having then taken a portion of the bluish mass, he mixed it with water in a test-tube, and on proceeding to dissolve it, noticed a yellow speck in this blue material. Curious to know what Fig. 246. Coin found in Buston Crannog. Fig. 247.—For comparison, from Smith's Coll. vol. i. pl. xxii. 9. Mr. Cochran-Patrick, M.P., to whom I immediately forwarded the different portions of this coin carefully arranged under a glass slide, as well as the glass tube containing remains of its core, submitted them to the consideration of J. Evans, Esq., F.R.S., F.S.A., so well known for his special knowledge of ancient British coins. The following interesting remarks by Mr. Evans on the subject have been sent to me by Mr. Cochran-Patrick:— "The two plates of gold seem originally to have formed the shell of an early forgery of a coin, the oxidised core of which forms the contents of the small tube. I thought at first that the substance might be resinous, but I think it is VI. Miscellaneous Objects. 1. Armlets.—Fragments of three armlets made of cannel coal, very similar to those found at Lochlee and Lochspouts. 2. Jet Ornament.—A small link-shaped ornament of jet, with two small holes for attachment in one side (Fig. 248). This object was found on the surface of a mound of dÉbris long after it was wheeled out, and hence no dependence can be put on its antiquity. Fig. 248.—Jet Ornament (1/1). Fig. 249.—Bead (1/1) 3. Beads, Vitreous Paste, etc.—A cylindrically-shaped bead, variegated with three different colours, red and yellow predominating over patches of transparent glass (Fig. 249). Half of a tiny yellow bead, of a vitreous substance, only 3/16 of an inch in diameter. A round object, of the size of a small marble, made of vitreous paste, variegated with blue and white, but without any aperture. Another small flattened object, about the size of a shilling, made of a white compact vitreous substance. It is very smooth, rounded on one side, but flattened on the other. Looks like a drop of a semi-liquid that had fallen on a smooth floor. In the York Museum, case C, amongst some other Roman antiquities I observed several similar articles, which are referred to in the Handbook as "roundlets of coloured glass, probably to set in brooches, from the railway excavations, 1874-75." One or two little round bits of a dark slag. 4. Glass.—Three fragments of thick bright-green glass, all irregularly shaped. 5. Leather.—Several strips and chippings of very thin leather. Fig. 250.—Pottery (2/3). 6. Pottery.—A small fragment of Samian ware, only about Fig. 250 represents a fragment of a small dish with its outline. This vessel was made of a hard tinkling ware, black externally, and of a dull white inside, and measured 31/2 inches across its mouth and 3 inches in depth. Fig. 251.—Pottery (1/1). Portion of a large vessel made of coarse materials, having a short spout just below its everted rim (Fig. 251). The outside is very black, and the inside has a reddish tinge. Another portion, apparently of the same vessel, shows the striation of the potter's wheel. Fig. 252 represents a curious little knob of pottery. None of the pottery found here had any appearance of a glaze. 7. Portion of a small object like a button, made of a soft chalky substance, is represented in Fig. 253. It shows some lines as an ornament on its upper surface. Fig. 252.—Pottery Knob (1/1). Fig. 253.—(?) Portion of Button (1/1). 8. Crucibles.—A small conical crucible, made of hardened clay arranged in two thin layers, the external of which looks coarser than the other. It has a triangularly-shaped mouth, and at one of its apices there is a slight indentation for facilitating the pouring out of the smelted material. Its depth is 11/2 inch, and circumference of mouth 7 inches. It is cracked all over with heat, and a little dark slag forming a horizontal rim on its inner surface still remains to attest its purpose. This relic was found on the west side of the crannog, not far from the site of the second spiral ring, but outside the inner circle of piles (Fig. 254). Fig. 254.—Clay Crucible (1/1). A second crucible, neatly formed and quite whole, was found in the dÉbris wheeled out from the lowest stratum of the refuse-heap. It is of the usual conical form, with a three-cornered mouth about 3 inches in circumference, and measures 1 inch in depth. Particles of a yellowish metal, like brass or bronze, are seen mixed with a kind of slag, near one of the corners. The outside has a glazed appearance, as if it had been subjected to great heat, and to the apex of the cone there is a small bit of cinder still adherent. Portion of a third crucible, very similar to the last described, was also found at the crannog by a visitor, and publicly exhibited at a bazaar in Kilmarnock. Report of Osseous Remains found at Buston. (By Professor Cleland, M.D., F.R.S.) The osteological specimens obtained from what appears to have been the kitchen-midden of the lake-dwelling at Buston consist in greater part of bones of the ox; while next in frequency are bones of the sheep and the pig. A calcaneum and astragali of the red-deer have been found, as also portions of large red-deer horns, and two portions of roe-deer skull with horns attached. In addition a radius and metacarpal of a goose were found. The bones of the pig were both full-grown and young; the full-grown, with the teeth worn, being apparently most The remains of the ox and the sheep I account more interesting on account of variety among them. Ox.—Examining six portions of ox skull, I find one with the horn-core represented by a mere nodule; two specimens each with a portion of horn-core 2·8 inches in greatest diameter, one with a horn-core 2·2 inches diameter at base, and two others with horn-cores 1·8 inches in greatest diameter at base, and one with a horn-core 11/2 inch diameter. All the horn-cores are fragmentary; but I judge that none of the last three could have exceeded 5 inches in length, while the first two must have been much longer. Only one of these specimens, that with the smallest horn, has the suture above the occipital bone open. The others must have been adult; and we may judge that we have not to deal with mere aboriginal Bos longifrons, but with varieties of ox. The variation seems not to have been confined to the horns. Among a number of first phalanges the majority were slender and small, but there was considerable variety; and one specimen, contrasting strongly with the others by its stoutness, might have been from a small modern specimen. All the hoof-bones which I collected, about half a dozen, were very small. Three metacarpals were picked up, all measuring about 7 inches long and 1 inch in breadth at the narrowest part of the shaft; and these are all adult specimens. Two adult metatarsals measure, the one 8 inches in length and the other only 7·3, while in breadth they both measure only ·9 of an inch. A complete adult radius measures only 9 inches in length. A lower end of a humerus is only 2·5 inches broad. Among six calcanea the largest measured 5·5 inches, and the shortest 4·3. In one specimen the orbit is 2·4 inches diameter, and in another 2·8 inches, which is decidedly large. Sheep.—Only one portion of horn-core was found with portion of the skull. The portion of horn-core is between 3 and 4 inches long, and at the base its largest diameter is 1·5 inch, its smallest 1 inch. At its inner margin starts at an angle of about 20° from the vertical plane; while I should say that in modern sheep that angle is always 45° at least. I apprehend that this is probably the so-called goat-horned sheep, scarcely now to be got in Shetland. The following measurements of limb bones may be interesting, as indicating considerable variety in size as well as deviation from modern proportions, as indicated by comparison with the bones of the same sheep skeleton which I have used for comparison in previous communications. One adult metatarsal measures 5·7 inches long and ·4 broad, and another 5·2 long and ·4 broad at the narrowest part of the shaft. In the modern specimen this bone is 4·8 long and ·5 broad. Three specimens of adult radius have been gathered, measuring in length respectively 6·6, 6·, and 5·9; while in the modern specimen the corresponding bone is only 5·2. Two complete humeri are among the specimens gathered. The largest, not quite adult, is 5·7 inches in greatest length; while the other, quite adult, is only 5 inches long, and in the modern specimen the humerus is 5·2 long. Four additional specimens of the lower end of the humerus have been obtained; and one of them is decidedly larger than the largest complete specimen, and another decidedly smaller than the smallest complete bone. The sheep was therefore long and slender legged, like PLAN OF BUISTON CRANNOG PLATE IV. No goat bones have been found in connection with this lake-dwelling. |