It is very little trouble to train a tree into a good shape by using the pruning knife while the limbs are small, but it is usually difficult to re-form a tree after it has grown to maturity. One who understands tree growth, however, can often reshape the top of a neglected tree to advantage, though many who make a business of tree trimming know so little about it that they do more harm than good. More mature trees have been hurt by severe pruning than have been helped. Of course, dead or dying wood should be removed whenever it is found, no matter what the age of the tree. This should be done by cutting off the limb back to the nearest healthy crotch. A limb should not be cut off square across (fig. 21) unless the tree is apparently in a dying condition and the whole top is treated thus in an attempt to save its life. In such a case, a second pruning should follow within two years, at which time the stubs left at the first trimming should be cut off in a proper manner near the newly started limbs. Healthy silver maples and willows are frequently cut in this way, but the maples in particular would better be cut down at once than to subject the public to the dangers of the insidious decay that almost always follows such an operation on these trees and completes their destruction promptly.
Trees that have been neglected a long time frequently have interfering or crossing branches, or are too low headed or too densely headed for the place where they are growing. Defects of this kind may be at least partially remedied. The removal of limbs by cutting them off at a crotch in such a manner that the wound is parallel with the remaining branch (fig. 37) inflicts the least possible damage. Such a wound in a healthy tree will soon heal over if the cut is made through the slight collar or ring that is nearly always present at the base of a branch. The closer this cut can be made to the trunk the better the appearance when the cut is healed. The closer the cut the larger the wound, but the difference is unimportant if the wood is well protected until it is healed. These operations are entirely different in purpose and result from the "heading in" or "heading back" so often practiced under the guise of tree pruning, either from a false notion of forming a top or for the passage of wires.
Changing the form of a tree by pruning should not be attempted. Each species has its own form or forms, and no attempt should be made to change or distort a tree from its normal habit of growth. Successful pruning will accentuate rather than disguise a tree's characteristics.
Fig. 37.—Part of a tree trunk showing proper and improper methods of removing old limbs. Although healing has started on the stub (at the right) it is likely to proceed very slowly. The nearer the cut is to the tree the larger the wound but the less conspicuous the stub will be when healed.
All cuts should be made so that no stubs or protuberances are left to prevent quick healing. Small wounds need no after treatment if the cut is well made. Large wounds should have the wood of the center of the cut well protected to prevent decay until the new growth has had an opportunity to heal over the cut. An application made to the center of the cut to preserve the wood should not be permitted to come near the cambium layer or inner bark, especially of soft-wooded trees like the tulip and magnolia, as the oil or other substances contained in the paint, tar, or other covering may spread to the cambium layer and kill it. It is well not to make any application within half an inch of the outside of the wound unless the coating has been thoroughly tested.
Dead wood should be entirely removed, the cut being made through good live tissue. Removing such wood frequently exposes decayed cavities, usually from bad stubs or injuries which have started decay that has followed back to the main limbs or the trunk. The treatment of such cavities is the province of tree surgery and is discussed in another publication.[87]
One source of trouble with a large tree that has developed with two trunks or branches instead of three or more is the liability of their splitting apart in the crotch. This is especially characteristic of the elm. Careful attention to the early pruning of trees may eliminate this defect, but when it exists in mature trees it is frequently advisable to connect the branches by a strong chain (fig. 18) in order to prevent the limbs from being torn apart.
It is difficult to do anything to stimulate the growth of street trees after they are once started, because usually the only uncovered area over the roots is the small opening immediately about the tree; hence, the importance of supplying the best of soil well enriched at the time of planting. Sometimes a stimulation is desirable, which can be accomplished by dissolving one-half to 1 pound of nitrate of soda in 50 gallons of water and applying from 1 to 25 gallons of the liquid, depending on the size of the tree. Unless the soil is damp at the time of application water will be needed immediately afterward. This material should be applied only when the tree is in full leaf and growing. If applied when the tree is dormant it is likely to be leached from the soil before it is absorbed. If applied late in the season, that is, within three months of freezing weather, it would likely stimulate a late growth that would be liable to be killed the following winter and might make the whole tree more susceptible to injury from cold.
Water is one of the great needs of city trees, as the ground surface is often almost completely roofed over with water-tight coverings. It is usually a help for the pavement washings to drain into the parking space where the tree is planted. If a curb is placed about the parking space, frequent, regular watering is necessary where the ground is thoroughly covered with water-tight pavements.
Where growing under suburban conditions, that is, with streets partially pervious to water, liberal parking spaces, and adjoining lawns, street trees will respond to all extra care given the near-by open spaces, whether parkings, lawns, or gardens. If these are well cared for the trees should have ample sustenance from them without any direct applications.
In order to prevent the soil about a tree from being packed too hard by trampling it is frequently desirable on business streets to cover the soil about it with an iron grating.
Street trees, like all other forms of vegetation, are subject to attacks of insects and diseases. Because of the unfavorable conditions under which they grow, spraying for biting and sucking insects and suitable treatment for borers or other burrowing insects require especially careful attention.
In addition to a number of troubles common to street trees in general, each species is liable to troubles of its own; hence, the need of competent supervision by a trained man with an efficient outfit rather than leaving; the work to individual initiative.
Because of the height which many street trees attain a powerful outfit is required to spray them properly. One capable of maintaining a pressure of 200 pounds per square inch is desirable. The type of spray required for tall trees is different from that used on fruit trees and other low plants. For low trees the ideal spray is a mist within a few feet of the nozzle, application being accomplished by having the nozzles near the foliage to be treated. For tall trees it is desirable that the liquid should leave the nozzle in a solid stream, which is broken into spray as it passes through the air. The material has to be projected with sufficient force to reach the highest trees before being entirely converted into mist, as it is impracticable to extend the nozzles into the trees to reach the farthest portions, as is done with fruit and other low trees. The spray can not be applied as uniformly as a mist, but it is impracticable to climb into the tops of shade trees to cover every part with a cloudlike spray. On the other hand, the mist spray is better for small trees, as much injury may be done to low trees or to the lower branches of high trees by the force of the stream from high-pressure outfits.
It is estimated that in practice up to 95 per cent of the attacking insects can be killed with insecticides carefully applied by the stream method under high pressure.
In addition to the mechanical problem of satisfactorily covering high trees with insecticides or fungicides there is the problem of selecting materials that will be effective against the insects and diseases and at the same time will not disfigure the paint or stone work of adjacent buildings with which the materials must inevitably come in contact in street tree spraying. It frequently happens that the most effective remedies must be rejected because of the damage they would do to buildings and that less efficient materials must be used.
Whitewashing the trunks of trees is a useless and unsightly practice—useless, as it does not prevent the attacks of insects, and unsightly, because it makes the trunks of the trees obtrusive when they should be inconspicuous.
Banding with cotton or proprietary preparations may occasionally be useful, but because such applications are so seldom helpful and because some of the preparations result in injury due to constriction of the trunks, it should not be resorted to except upon special recommendation of an entomologist familiar with the existing conditions.
Details as to enemies to be expected, methods of treatment, and materials to be used may be found in other publications[88] or may be obtained by correspondence with the nearest State agricultural experiment station or with the United States Department of Agriculture.
Control of Root-Knot. (Farmers' Bulletin 648.)
The San Jose Scale and Its Control. (Farmers' Bulletin 650.)
The Bagworm, an Injurious Shade-Tree Insect. (Farmers' Bulletin 701.)
The Catalpa Sphinx. (Farmers' Bulletin 705.)
The Leopard Moth: A Dangerous Imported Enemy of Shade Trees. (Farmers' Bulletin 708.)
The Oyster-Shell Scale and the Scurfy Scale. (Farmers' Bulletin 723.)
The White-Pine Blister Rust. (Farmers' Bulletin 742.)
Carbon Disulphid as an Insecticide. (Farmers' Bulletin 799.)
The Gipsy Moth and the Brown-Tail Moth and Their Control. (Farmers' Bulletin 845.)
Common White Grubs. (Farmers' Bulletin 940.)
The Blights of Coniferous Nursery Stock. (Department Bulletin 44.)
Forest Disease Surveys. (Department Bulletin 658.)
The Mistletoe Pest in the Southwest. (Bureau of Plant Industry Bulletin 166.) Price, 10 cents.
The Death of Chestnuts and Oaks Due to Armillaria mellea. (Department Bulletin 89.) Price, 5 cents.
New Facts Concerning the White-Pine Blister Rust. (Department Bulletin 116.) Price, 5 cents.
The Huisache Girdler. (Department Bulletin 184.) Price, 5 cents.
Report on the Gipsy Moth Work in New England. (Department Bulletin 204.) Price, 30 cents.
A Disease of Pines Caused by Cronartium pyriforme. (Department Bulletin 247.) Price, 5 cents.
Food Plants of the Gipsy Moth in America. (Department Bulletin 250.) Price, 10 cents.
Dispersion of Gipsy Moth LarvÆ by the Wind. (Department Bulletin 273.) Price, 15 cents.
The Cottonwood Borer. (Department Bulletin 424.) Price, 5 cents.
Solid-Stream Spraying against the Gipsy Moth and the Brown-Tail Moth in New England. (Department Bulletin 4.80.) Price, 15 cents.
Protection from the Locust Borer. (Department Bulletin 787.) Price, 5 cents.
Principal Insects Liable to be Distributed on Nursery Stock. (Entomology Bulletin 34, n. s.) Price, 5 cents.
The Locust Borer. (Entomology Bulletin 58, part 1.) Price, 5 cents.
Additional Data on the Locust Borer. (Entomology Bulletin 58, part 3.) Price, 5 cents.
The San Jose or Chinese Scale. (Entomology Bulletin 62.) Price, 25 cents.
Report on Field Work against the Gipsy Moth and the Brown-Tail Moth. (Entomology Bulletin 87.) Price, 35 cents.
The Importation into the United States of the Parasites of the Gipsy Moth and the Brown-Tail Moth. (Entomology Bulletin 91.) Price, 65 cents.
The Dispersion of the Gipsy Moth. (Entomology Bulletin 119.) Price, 20 cents.
The Green-Striped Maple Worm. (Entomology Circular 110.) Price, 5 cents.
The Oak Pruner. (Entomology Circular 130.) Price, 5 cents.
The Dying Hickory Trees: Cause and Remedy. (Entomology Circular 144.) Price, 5 cents.
Flour Paste as a Control for Red Spiders and as a Spreader for Contact Insecticides. (Entomology Circular 166.) Price, 5 cents.
Three Undescribed Heart-Rots of Hardwood Trees, Especially of Oak. (Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. 1, No. 2.) Price, 25 cents.
A Serious Disease in Forest Nurseries Caused by Peridermium filamentosum. (Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. v, No. 17.) Price, 10 cents.
The Chestnut Bark Disease. (Separate 598, from Yearbook of the Department of Agriculture for 1918.) Price, 10 cents.
Practical Tree Surgery. (Separate 622, from Yearbook of the Department of Agriculture for 1913.) Price, 10 cents.
Forest Tree Diseases Common in California and Nevada. (Forest Service Unnumbered Publication.) Price, 25 cents.
Transcriber Notes
Illustrations were moved so as to not split paragraphs.