The nature and qualitie of the exercise. The nature of the exercise which we vse, either to recouer health and strength, if they be feebled: or to preserue them, that they feeble not, as it is verie forcible to worke this healthfull effect: so it deserueth verie circumspect consideration, in applying and fitting it to the effect: that the exercise in his degree of motion may aunswere the partie in his kinde of constitution: least by iarring that way too farre, they fall into a greater discord. Galene45 examining the thinges, which do please the displeased infantes, findes out that all their naturall vnquietnesse is appeased by three natural meanes, which the nurse vseth, the pappe to feede, the voice to still, the arme to moue. Whervpon he concludeth that meat to nourish, Musicke to delite, motion to exercise be most naturall, which being so, then for the preseruation of nature, she must needes haue her owne motion, which agreeth best with her owne disposition. For as some exercises go before the maine to prepare the bodie, and some follow to retourne it by degrees into his former state and temper: so some be verie vehement, strong, and strainable: other verie gentle, curteous, and remisse: which must haue echone their application, according vnto the qualitie, and state of the bodie, wherunto they are to be applyed. They be also as far distinct and different, as particular circunstance can worke alteration in any respect, as their particular titles before did shew in their particular braunching and diuision. And yet therein they swarue not from the generalitie of Physicke, which leaning vpon some vnfallible groundes, yet lighteth still vpon some |