Of riding. If any wilbe so wilful as to denie Riding to be an exercise and that a great one, and fittest also for greatest personages, set him either vpon a trotting iade to iounce him thoroughly or vpon a lame hakney to make him exer 1. Of Slow riding they write that it wearieth the grines very sore, that it hurteth the buttokes, and legges, by hanging downe to long, and yet it heateth not much: that it hindreth getting of children, and breadeth aches and lamenesse. 2. Of quicke riding they saye, that of all exercises it shaketh the bodie most, and that yet it is good for the head ache, comming of a cold cause: for the falling euill, for deafnesse, for the stomack, for yeaxing or hikup, for clearing and quickning the instrumentes of sense: for dropsies: for thickning of thinne shankes: which was found true in Germanicus CÆsar41 nephew to Tiberius the Emperour, which Of trotting, it is said euen as we see, that it shaketh the bodie to violently, that it causeth and encreaseth marueilous aches, that it offendes the head, the necke, the shoulders, the hippes, and disquieteth all the entrailes beyond all measure. And though it may somewhat helpe the digestion of meate, and raw humours, loose the belly, prouoke vrine, driue the stone or grauell from the kidneyes downward, yet it is better forborne for greater euilles, then borne with for some sorie small good. Ambling as it exerciseth least, so it anoyeth least, and yet looseth it the bellie. As for posting, though it come last in reading, it will be first in riding, though for making such hast, it harme eche part of the bodie, and specially the bulke, the lungues, the bowells generally, the kidneyes: as what doth it not allway anoy, and oftimes either breake or put out of ioynte by falles or straynes? It warmes and paires the body to sore, and therfore abateth grossenes, though a grosse man be ill either to ride post himselfe, or for a iade to beare. It infecteth the head, it dulleth the senses, and especially the sight: euen til it make his eyes that posteth to run with water, not to remember the death of his friendes, but to thinke how sore his saddle shakes him, and the ayer bites him. |