
Of wrastling.

For wrastling as it is olde and was accounted cunning sometimes, so now both by Physicians in arte, and by our countreymen in vse, it seemeth not to be much set by, being contemned by the most, and cared for but by the meanest. Yet the auncient Palestra a terme knowen to the learned, and ioined with letters, and Musick, to proue the good bringing vp of youth as a most certaine argument of abilitie well qualified, fetcht that name of the Greeke p???, which we in English terme wrastling, and was alwaye of good note, as wrastling it selfe in games gat victories, in warre tried forces, in health helpt hauiour, in the bodye wrought strength, and made it better breathed. Clemens Alexandrinus19 which liued at Rome in Galenes time in the third booke of his PÆdagogue, or training maister, in the title of exercise, reiecting most kindes of wrastling yet reserueth one, as verie well beseeming a ciuill trained man, whom both seemelinesse for grace, and profitablenesse for good health, do seeme to recommende. Then an exercise it is, and healthfully it may be vsed: if discretion ouerlooke it, our countrey will allow it. Let vs therefore vse it so, as Clement of Alexandria commendes it for, and make choice in our market. Wherfore not to deale with the catching pancraticall kinde of wrastling, which vsed all kindes of hould, to cast and ouercome his aduersarie, nor any other of that sort, which continuance hath reiected, and custome refused, I haue picked out two, which be both ciuill for vse, and in the vsing vpright without any great stouping, the one more vehement, the other more remisse. The vehement vpright wrastling chafeth the outward partes of the bodie most, it warmeth, strengthneth, and encreaseth the fleshe, though it thinne and drie withall. It taketh awaie fatnesse, puffes, and swellinges: it makes the breath firme and strong, the bodie sound and brawnie, it tightes the sinews, and backes all the naturall operations. If they that wrastle do breath betwene whiles, it prouoketh sweat, bycause the humours, which were gathered together by rest, are egde out by exercise. If they go on still without intermission, it dryeth vp the bodie in such sort as the sonne doth. It is good for the head ache, it sharpneth the senses, it is enemie to melancholie, it whetteth the stomacke being troubled with any cold distemperature. And bycause the attemptes to get vantage in wrastling be very eager and earnest wherwith the whole bodie is warmed and set in a heat, it must of force be good for the bellie, being anoyed and cumbred with any kinde of cold. Now contrarie it is daungerous to be delt with in agues, as to vehement and conspiring with the quiuerer, in naturall moysture as to filling, where it spreadeth. For the necke and iawes perillous whom it harmes by rowgh handling, and strangleth by much ouerstraining. For the breast and bulke not of the best, as either bursting some conduit, or stopping some windcourse. Weake kidneis, and wearie loynes may be but lookers vpon wrastlers. They that be gawled or byled within, may neither runne nor wrastle, for eagering the inward, being in way to amendement, or in will to proue worse. If weake legges become wrastlers, of their owne perill be it, for they do it without warrant. The remisse kinde of vpright wrastling, as it is a more gentle exercise, so it breadeth much flesh, and is therfore verie commodious for such as be vpon the recouerie after sicknesse, as a kinde of motion, which without any danger, bringeth strength and stowtnesse. It is freind to the head, bettereth the bulke, and strengthened the sinewes. Thus much for wrastling, wherin as in all other exercises, the training maister must be both cunning to iugde of the thing: and himselfe present to preuent harme, when the exercise is in hand.


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