Abies concolor and magnifica. See Fir, silver.
Abronia, 228.
Adenostoma fasciculata, 14, 19, 20.
Adiantum Chilense, 17.
Alpenglow, 220.
Alvord, Gen. Benjamin, 183, 185, 186.
Animals, domestic, afraid of bears, 107, 108.
Animals, wild, in the Merced Valley, 43;
clean, 18, 79;
man-eaters, 211, 212.
Antone, Portuguese shepherd, 209, 210.
Ants, 8, 43-47;
bite of, 46.
Arctomys monax. See Woodchuck.
Arctostaphylos pungens. See Manzanita.
Avalanches, 216, 217.
Azalea, “sheep poison,” 22.
Azalea occidentalis, 20.
Baccharis, 20.
Beans, as food, 81.
Bear, cinnamon, adventure with, 134-37.
Bear-hunting, 28-30.
Bears, favorite feeding-grounds of, 28, 29;
fond of ants, 46;
fear of, 107, 108;
very shy in Sierra, 108;
raid sheep camps, 191, 192, 194, 207, 209, 210, 211.
Billy, Mr. Delaney’s shepherd, 6, 61, 62, 75, 80, 146, 147;
his everlasting clothing, 129, 130;
afraid of bears, 191, 193;
quarrels with Mr. Delaney, 205.
Birds, 68, 96;
in the Merced Valley, 50, 65-67;
water ouzel, 106, 107, 223;
wrens, 170;
on Mount Hoffman, 173-77;
sparrows on Cathedral Peak, 251.
Bloody CaÑon, 214;
origin of name, 215.
Bluebottle fly, 139.
Borer, 169.
Boulders, in streams, 47-49;
near Tamarack Creek, 100, 101.
Bower Cascade, 224.
Bower Cave, a marble palace, 25, 26, 262, 263.
Bread, famine, 75-85;
effects of the want of, 76, 77;
sheep-camp, 82, 83.
BrodiÆa, 20.
Brown, David, bear-hunter, 27-30.
Brown’s Flat, 25, 27, 262.
Bryanthus, purple-flowered, 151, 161, 218.
Buffalo berries, 226.
Butler, Henry, 189, 190.
Butler, Prof. J. D., strange experience of Muir with, 178-91.
Butterflies, 160.
Calochortus albus, 17.
Camping, in the foothills, 10, 11;
on the North Fork of the Merced, 32-74;
at Tamarack Flat, 99;
in the Yosemite, 122;
near Soda Springs, 201, 229;
alone, in Bloody CaÑon, 220-22;
on the Tuolumne, 232-53.
CaÑon Creek, 223.
Carlo, St. Bernard dog, with Muir in the Sierra, 5, 6, 43, 57, 59, 60,
62, 123, 124, 154, 181, 192, 193;
afraid of bears, 116, 135;
runs away, 232, 233, 255.
Cascade Creek, 104, 259.
Cassiope, 244, 250.
Cathedral Peak, 154, 212, 231, 247, 250;
well named, 146;
a majestic temple, 198;
view from, 248;
height, 249.
Cedar, incense (Libocedrus decurrens), 20, 21, 93.
ChamÆbatia foliolosa, 33, 34.
Chinaman, shepherd’s helper, 6, 9.
Chipmunk, in the Sierra, 171, 172.
Cleavage joints, 254.
Clouds, 56, 73, 147, 148, 242, 243;
sky mountains, 19, 37, 39, 61, 133, 144, 145.
Coffee, 82.
Corylus rostrata, 65.
Coulterville, 9, 17, 19.
Crane Flat, 90, 92, 93, 260.
Crows, 9, 248.
Crystals, radiant, 153, 250;
frost, 234, 236.
Daisy, blue arctic, 218.
Deer, black-tailed, 142.
Delaney, Mr., sheep-owner, 6, 12, 25, 27, 36, 83, 103, 104, 112-14, 194,
206, 233, 238, 246, 254, 262;
engages Muir to go with his flock to the Sierra, 4, 5;
describes David Brown’s method of bear-hunting, 28-30;
talks of bears in general, 107, 108;
a big-hearted Irishman, 214.
Dendromecon rigidum, 39.
Devil’s slides, 150.
Dogwood, Nuttall’s flowering, 64.
Dome Creek, 121.
Don Quixote, nickname for Mr. Delaney, 6, 12.
Elymus (wild rye), 226.
Emerald Pool, 189.
Eskimo, 69.
Fawn, baby, 232.
Ferns, 40, 41.
Fir, silver, 90-93, 98, 105, 257;
cones, 91, 167, 168, 259;
size, 143, 161, 162, 166, 260;
age, 166, 167;
leaves, 167.
Fire, in woods, 19, 202, 203.
Fishes, none in high Sierra lakes, 200.
Flicker, 173.
Floods, 48.
Flowers, in Merced Valley, 33, 35, 36, 40, 58;
at Crane Flat, 92, 93, 94;
on Yosemite Creek, 109, 110;
on Hoffman Range, 151, 152, 158, 160, 196;
in Tuolumne Meadows, 199, 203;
in Bloody CaÑon, 218, 224, 225, 228, 230.
Flowing, everything is, 236.
Food, of bears, 28, 29, 46, 192;
of squirrels, 18, 69, 74, 168;
of Indians, 12, 46, 70, 226-28.
Foothills, 3-31.
Frogs, in the highest lakes, 200.
Frost, crystals, 234, 236.
Gallflies, 170.
Glacial action, 101, 102, 196, 197, 200, 202, 203, 205, 208, 215, 216,
224, 240, 248.
Glacier meadows, 229, 230.
Gold region, 55, 56;
mines near Mono Lake, 105.
Grasshopper, a queer fellow, 139-41.
Greeley’s Mill, 17, 20.
Grouse, blue or dusky, 175
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Pika, 154,