VOL. II. Jan. to Dec., 1905. Wholesale Agent: 14, NORFOLK ST., STRAND, LONDON. - No. 15, January, 1905
- No. 16, February, 1905
- No. 17, March, 1905
- No. 18, April, 1905
- No. 19, May, 1905
- No. 20, June, 1905
- No. 21, July, 1905
- No. 22, August, 1905
- No. 23, September, 1905
- No. 24, October, 1905
- No. 25, November, 1905
- No. 26, December, 1905
ENHAVARO DE "THE ESPERANTIST." VOLUMO II. NUMEROJ 15–26. - Anando. Voco el la Himalajo, 65.
- Archibald, J. R. Kukajetoj, 43.
- —— Katino & Kokidoj, 67.
- B. 10549. Pri Fantomo, 79.
- —— Tri Verdaj Kornoj, 108.
- —— Dialogo pri Elizio, 181.
- Baissac, A. La Papo Mortis,* 156.
- Bassett, W. M. Esperanto Hymn of Peace,* 191.
- Bauer, E. La Urbo de Demonoj,* 71.
- —— Letero al Bapto-Patro,* 119.
- Bearne, F. E. La Griza Cevalo, 125.
- Bickell, C. S. Ofero de Skulptisto,* 47.
- Bicknell, C. Kristnasko, 1, 188.
- —— Fablo, 27.
- —— Papilio,* 37.
- —— Hundaj Rimarkoj, 59.
- —— La Songo de Klarenco,* 70.
- —— Moderna Ermito, 81.
- —— Korsikujo de Italujo, 112.
- —— La Galanto, 141.
- —— Duobla Akrostiko, 163, 188.
- —— Memorajoj pri Kongreso, 168.
- —— Ho Lando Nia! 169.
- —— Ho Vivadu! 169.
- —— Malnovaj Kantoj,* 186.
- B. & W. Ethelwald kvietigas la Maron,* 185.
- Blott, A. Bulonja Kongreso, Parto II., 145.
- Booth, J. Saftondado en Australio. 7.
- Burjade, P. Renkontigo neatendita,* 52.
- Busuttil, Dr. G. Kapelo el Ostoj, 33.
- Catt, E. J. Profesoro Vulpo,* 15.
- —— Korbo por Forjetitajoj, 181.
- Cowan, A. A. Sur la Glacio,* 78.
- —— Stranga Aventuro de Cirkaukolo,* 184.
- Cox, Gen. G. Koloniigado en Ameriko, 74.
- —— Savita de Morto, 98, 126, 136, 149, 174.
- Cynicus. Li, Si, Gi & Alia, 182.
- Dexter, W. Pri la Arto, 159.
- E. W. Vivieno, 11, 22.
- —— Pri Infanoj, kiujn mi konas, 40.
- —— Davdo Dhu, 49.
- —— Doni au ne Doni, 87.
- —— Ermito preskau moderna, 100.
- —— Pri la Malsato, 124.
- —— Gako, 165.
- Elleder, O. I. Kiam ekfloradas Rezedoj, 13, 24, 38.
- Elmy, B. Nevenkebla,* 63.
- —— La Hispana Armisparo,* 102.
- Emptage, S. H. La Fratoj de Birchington, 92.
- Evans, Rev. T. E. La Ora Horo,* 90.
- Frenkel, R. El Lermontov,* 155.
- Gauntlett, E. Protekto de Anglo, 77.
- Gordon, Col. H. K. Hindustani & Esperanto, 8.
- —— Stato de Esperanto en Britujo, 46.
- —— Orientaj Notoj, 107, 114, 135, 150, 162.
- Grabowski, A. Lasta Rozo de Somero,* 176.
- —— Kanto Pri l’ Vento,* 178.
- Guersent, C. La Konscienco,* 69.
- H.T. Vizito al la Kortego Hina, 26.
- Haxton, J. T. La Domo de Jak,* 10.
- —— St. Andrews en Somero, 31.
- Heath, J. Stonigita Arbaro, 54.
- Henderson, G. J. Internacia Lingvo de Hindujo, 45.
- Hoskison, T. Eksterdoma Instruado,* 58.
- Hulme, A. J. Henriko VII. enirante Shrewsbury, 17.
- —— Iometo da Muziko,* 103.
- Keesing, M. Klopodu! 119.
- Kolowrat, G. C. Revo, 74.
- Lambert, D. H. Pri Libreto, 36.
- —— Balo de Enmaskigitoj,* 56.
- —— Koniston & Grasmere,* 62.
- —— Dante, Kanto I.,* 176.
- —— Amuzajoj, 184.
- Law, G. C. Juna Financisto, 125.
- —— Virino la Nekomprenebla,* 142, 152, 164.
- Legge, Dr. R. La Kat-Nesto, 23.
- Leroux, C. Hundo de Brisquet,* 139.
- Lloyd, Dr. R. J. Gramatika Terminaro, 116.
- —— Esperanta Subjunktivo, 170.
- Lojko, V. El "Korbo de Pensoj,"* 64.
- —— Pino,* 99.
- MarÉchal, F. L. G. Unua Violono, 28, 44, 53.
- Meigh, F. A. Skota Persisto, 15.
- —— Konscienco Malkuragigas, 61.
- —— Vilagaj Sportoj, 75.
- —— Memoroj pri Irlando, 88.
- —— Pasko en Irlando, 122.
- —— Kamparaj Amuzajoj, 160.
- Messerly, G. O. La Insulo Margarita, 32.
- Metcalfe, E. Demando, 1.
- —— Fragmentaj Memoroj, 12, 29, 41, 55, 76, 84, 104, 113, 137, 154, 172, 187.
- Motteau, A. Lampiro & Bufo,* 1.
- —— La Olivoj,* 9.
- —— Legendo de Animo Fidela,* 37.
- —— Leono & Kulo,* 57.
- —— Morgau,* 68.
- —— La Sinapsemero,* 91.
- —— La Kvar Henrikoj,* 107.
- —— Kverko & Kano,* 157.
- Nippa, A. El Puskin & Lermontev,* 43.
- —— Kaukazo,* 168.
- Officer, W. Aventuro Terura, 128.
- —— Mutulo de Kirkmillar, 177.
- Oxenford, C. La Ora Koro, 82.
- Parisot, J. Pluva Tago,* 75.
- —— Nega Supro, 159.
- Petrov, P. Pluvo,* 60.
- Philippet, Dr. La Malsanuleto,* 144.
- Privat, E. La Maro,* 180.
- Randall, A. Sanskrita Legendo,* 66.
- Raytcheff, I. La Rozesenco, 93.
- Reddet, S. La Forgisto, 67.
- —— Staru, Homaro, Staru, 173.
- —— Revado, 180.
- Reeve, C. W. T. Fremdulo en Fremdalando, 89.
- Rose, D. S. Barkarolo,* 18.
- Rowe, F. G. Dormu (Lulkanto), 48.
- Sentis, H. La Esperanta Subjunktivo, 186.
- Simon, A. Popola Versajo,* 127.
- —— Budho la Semisto,* 171.
- Southcombe, H. W. Parado ce Sherborne, 140.
- T.A.C. La Fajr-trapasado, 31.
- Taylor, P. C. Vera Rakonteto, 158.
- Thilander, H. J. E. Braille Vortaro, 127.
- Wachter, A. Maljuna Sonorigisto,* 5.
- —— Majstro Pasero, 80.
- Westcott, Dr. M. El Egiptujo, 45.
- —— Esperanta Rondiranto, 111.
- —— Nova Libro pri Francoj, 123.
- —— Authoritative Teaching, 158.
- —— La Fumpotcapelo, 178.
- —— Egiptujo kiel Vintra Logejo, 179.
- Young, E. El Nova Zelando, 112.
- Zamenhof, L. L. Letero pri la Dua Universala Kongreso, 161.
- Redaktoro. 2, 15, 16, 19, 34, 51, 86, 94, 97, 105, 121, 130, 142, 151, 189, k.t.p.
- Sennomaj. Antau la Rigardo de la Vivo* (——ko), 68.
- —— Leonoj de la Arbaro de Gir (H.K.G.), 96.
- —— Ideoj de Fraulo pri Acetado (9911), 110.
- —— La maljuna Pastro (10532), 128.
- —— La Sago kaj la Kanto* (9639), 175.
Back to Vol. I index. SINGLE COPIES PRICE FOURPENCE No. 1. November, 1903. THE ESPERANTIST The Esperanto Gazette for the spreading of the International Language.... Edited by H. BOLINGBROKE MUDIE ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION: 3/- (4 francs; 1½ roubles; 75 cents). Published by THE ESPERANTO CLUB, 41, Outer Temple, London, W.C. The HON. SECRETARIES of ESPERANTO SOCIETIES are - BOURNEMOUTH, I. F. H. Woodward, Esq.,
Norwood, St. Swithin’s Road. - DUBLIN, C. Fournier, Esq.,
Celtic Association, St. Stephen’s Green. - EDINBURGH, Miss Tweedie, M.A.,
2, Spence Street. - GLASGOW, J. Hunter, Esq.,
138, Darnley Street, Pollokshields. - HUDDERSFIELD, G. H. Taylor, Esq.,
13, Birkly Hall Road. - KEIGHLEY, J. Ellis, Esq.,
Compton Buildings, Bow Street. - LONDON, H. Bolingbroke Mudie,
41, Outer Temple, W.C. - MANCHESTER, Dr. A. von Mayer,
Central Hall. - NEWCASTLE, H. W. Clephan, Esq.,
3, Cotfield Terrace, Gateshead. - PLYMOUTH, J. A. Thill, Esq.,
6, Barton Crescent, Mannamead. - PORTSMOUTH, Dr. Greenwood,
21, St. George’s Square. - SURBITON, P. Howard, Esq.,
The Bungalow, Crane’s Park. N.B.—It is earnestly hoped that gentleman who are willing to form local groups will communicate with the Hon. Sec., Esperanto Club, who will do all in his power to assist them in the work. The Remington THE UNIVERSAL TYPEWRITER. Just think of it! THE INTERNATIONAL MACHINE. Unbound by ties of nationality: The common bond of union of all civilised peoples. The Remington can be supplied fitted for Esperanto. THE REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, 100, Gracechurch St., London, E.C. La Remington LA UNIVERSALA SKRIBMASINO. Pripensu je tio! LA INTERNACIA MASINO. Tute liberigita de naciaj ligiloj: La Komuna unuigilo por ciuj civilizitaj popoloj. La Remington estos liverita kun Esperantaj presliteroj. LA REMINGTON TYPEWRITER KOMPANIO, 100, Gracechurch St., Londono, E.C. IN OUR NEXT ISSUE will appear a list of Esperantists who desire to correspond in Esperanto about specified subjects. This is an excellent means of testing the value of Esperanto, and it is to be hoped that many will send in their names. The cost of insertion is 6d. We beg to remind our Readers not to omit to translate the letters enclosed in the Text Book, and to send the translations to us with four penny stamps. The Adresaro—a list of Esperantists—will then be sent, by means of which one can correspond all over the world in Esperanto. ESPERANTISTS can save 10–25% Off the usual prices of OFFICE STATIONERY, Printing, Litho, Relief Stamping, Engraving, Brass Name Plates, Rubber Stamps, &c., &c. Also COPYING APPARATUS (and Materials) for manifolding Writing, Sketches, Music, Typewriting, &c., from 2/8, carriage paid. LETTER FILES: Best and cheapest system for filing Letter Invoices, &c., in book form, 1/4, carriage paid. COPYING BOOK AND PRESS combined, for home use or travelling, 4/-, carriage paid. Novelty Department. If you have an Idea which you think may be turned to good account, I shall be pleased to receive particulars with a view to working it out, perfecting and patenting it for you or running it to your advantage. If you require any Machine or Goods, I shall be pleased to furnish estimates. I divide the usual trade profits with my clients. F. W. ZIMER, 2, Pancras Lane, Queen St., E.C. [Illustration: postcard.] This is a reduced facsimile of the design for an illustrated Postcard. It is obtainable in two patterns, Inland and Foreign. All the finest quality ivory cards. Price for propaganda purposes, 1/1 for 50. State whether Inland or Foreign are required. |
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