A Unique Series of Eight School Readers upon an entirely New Plan, Brilliantly Illustrated with Masterpieces and Original Drawings. By Sarah Louise Arnold, Supervisor of Schools, Boston, Mass., and Charles B. Gilbert, Superintendent of Schools, Newark, N. J. This series marks a new era in School Readers. It combines with the necessary technique of reading, a real course in literature. It has the sincere literary atmosphere. The early volumes create the beginnings of a literary judgment. The advanced volumes comprehend the whole range of the world's best writing. The pupil, at the end of the course, knows what literature means. In this achievement these Readers stand absolutely alone. They justify the following deliberate characterizations: They are the most interesting Readers ever published. They surpass all other Readers in wise technique. They are superlative in stimulating thought and creating taste. They are unequaled in attractiveness of illustration. They give a better idea of the world's great literature, and more of it, than can be found anywhere else in the same space. A Mark of Their Acceptability. In their first year they were adopted by Boston, New York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, Atlanta; by over a thousand smaller towns; by hundreds of counties; and by the State of Virginia. Patriotism in These Readers. The entire series is peculiarly rich in selections and pictures closely connected with American history and American greatness, well fitted to stimulate love of country in the pupil. The "Reader for Seventh Grades," is distinctively and wholly American, and its tales, poems, historical extracts, and illustrations are alive with a proud patriotism. Send for Descriptive Circular. Silver, Burdett & Company, Publishers NEW YORK. BOSTON. CHICAGO. |