AN ADOPTED BROTHER. The home of thy childhood thou didst not forget, The friends which dwelt with thee are dear to thee yet, Thy warm friendly greeting betokens it now, The smile of pure friendship still beams from thy brow. I knew that thy heart was so faithful and true, Thou wouldst not forget, though thou bad'st us adieu; For thou didst rejoice with us when we were blest, And sympathize with us, however distressed. Say, wilt thou remember us, while thou dost live, And cherish our virtues, our frailties forgive? O think of us always, where'er thou dost roam, For thy living image dwells ever at home. But there is a home which is better than this, The inmates all drink at the fountain of bliss; A friend, than a father or mother more dear, More close than a brother, this friend will adhere. Wouldst find that blest home? go, and follow the road, Which Christ and the prophets have marked out, to God; The Spirit will teach you, and guide, lest you stray, While legions of angels shall throng round your way.