When Jesus was in the world, he loved to think of his Father in heaven. He liked to be alone, that he might pray to his Father: sometimes the tears ran down his cheeks while he prayed. One night Jesus prayed all night alone upon the top of a high hill. Sometimes Jesus prayed to his Father while his disciples stood near and listened. Once when Jesus had been praying with them they said, Lord, teach us to pray. Then Jesus taught them a little prayer. It was this: Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed by thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven: give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen. I know, little children, that you say this prayer night and morning. Your mothers taught you to say it. But did you know who said it first? It was Jesus, the Lord: so it is called “The Lord’s Prayer.” It is a very beautiful prayer, for Jesus said it; but it is hard for children to understand it. What is the meaning of “Hallowed be thy name?” Let God’s name be praised. What are “trespasses?” Trespasses are sins. Ask God to forgive your sins, or your trespasses. Do you ever pray to God when you are alone? You may pray to him in any PLACE—in the house or in the garden. You may pray to him at any TIME—in the night or in the middle of the day. You may ask him for anything you want, just as you ask your father. What will you ask him for? Will you ask him to give you bread, and clothes, and a house to live in? Yes, ask him for these things, but most of all—ask him for his Holy Spirit. It is better to have the Holy Spirit than to have all the toys, all the money, all the flowers, all the birds, all the beautiful things in the world. Why is it better? Because the Holy Spirit will make you love God, as the angels do, and will make you live forever and ever. Will you say this little prayer to God?—“O my Father, pray give me thy Holy Spirit, for Christ’s sake.” Our Father, seated in the sky, Thy holy name be praised still: Be thou obeyed as King most high, Let men, like angels, do thy will. Do thou our daily bread supply: Forgive our sins as we forgive: Yet help us still from sin to fly: Great, glorious King, forever live! |