In the following chapter are presented abstracts from memoirs, communications, etc., of a few among the many astronomers and observers who have recognized the markings on the planet, and, in many cases, have made drawings of them. Before presenting these few brief records, I have compiled, from Camille Flammarion's great work on Mars, the names of those astronomers whose drawings he reproduces in this monograph, for such it is. A brief examination of Flammarion's volume will give one an idea of the extent and variety of work which has already been accomplished in interpreting the surface features of Mars, and the number of astronomers who have made contributions to the subject. Flammarion divides these observations into three periods; the first, beginning with the rude drawing of Fontana, in 1636, followed by The second period begins with the remarkable work of Beer and MÄedler, in 1830 and subsequent years. To them belongs the honor of being the first astronomers to make a chart of the planet. An advance standard was set for future studies, and the work which followed revealed details in the surface markings never before suspected. The second period, from 1830 to 1877, includes the observations and drawings of Beer and MÄedler, 1830; Sir John Herschel, 1830; Galle, 1837; Warren de la Rue, 1856; Webb, 1856; Secchi, 1858; Liais, 1860; Schmidt, 1862; Lockyer, 1862; Phillips, 1862; Lassell, 1862; Knott, 1862; Kaiser, 1862; Dawes, 1864; Franzenne, 1864; Williams, 1867; Proctor, 1867; Lahardeley, 1871; Burton, 1871; Wilson, 1871; The third period extends from 1877 to 1892, when Flammarion published his book. The following drawings are given: Flammarion, 1877–88; Paul and Prosper Henry, 1877; Neisten, 1877–79–81–88; Terby, 1877–79–88; Van Ertborn, 1877; Cruls, 1877; Dreyer, 1877–79; Lohse, 1877–79–83–84; Green, 1877; Schiaparelli, 1877–79; Maunder, 1879; Konkoly, 1879; Boeddicker, 1881–84; Burton, 1882; Trouvelot, 1884; Knoble, 1884; Denning, 1886; Perrotin and Thollon, 1886; Proctor, 1888; Perrotin, 1888; Holden and Keeler, 1888; Wislicenus, 1888–90; W.H. Pickering, 1890; Williams, 1890; Giovannozzi, 1890; Guillaume, 1890. It is impossible to follow these various drawings of Mars from the earliest ones of the first period, many of little value, to the slow yet certain advance as seen in the more detailed drawings of the second period, without realizing the gradual improvement of the telescope, coupled with a greater number of observers endowed with better eyesight and impelled by deeper interest in the work. In the third period, culminating with the great work of Schiaparelli, Lowell's work on Mars, though of a kind with Schiaparelli, is, in every circumstance accompanying it, so remarkable that we may well consider the standard now set by him as the beginning of another period; and this period will fix a standard which will consist in securing observers who, in the language of Sir David Gill, have a special faculty, an inborn capacity, a delight in the exercise of exceptional acuteness of eyesight and natural dexterity, coupled with the gift of imagination as to the true meaning of what they observe. With this standard established, there must also go a perfect telescope for definition, mounted on an elevation a mile and a half or more above the level of the sea, in a region of the clearest and steadiest atmosphere in the world. One cannot help reflecting on these various drawings presented in Flammarion's work, and wondering what the results would have been if The astronomers who have advanced certain theories to explain the markings may be counted as admitting their existence, whatever they may be. Among the other astronomers to be referred to are, first, those who admit the markings, and have in all likelihood seen them; second, those who have observed and made drawings of the markings; and, third, those who have drawn them and admit, or at least do not deny, their artificiality. Miss Agnes M. Clerke, an astronomical writer of great merit, who has written a most lucid and comprehensive "History of Astronomy in the Nineteenth Century," says: "The canals of Mars are an existent and permanent phenomenon." Mr. Thomas Lindsay, of Toronto, read some notes before the Astronomical Society of that city in regard to the phenomenon of the so-called doubling of the canals and the explanation advanced that it was due to errors in Mr. John A. Patterson, in his Presidential address before the Astronomical Society of Toronto, in speaking of Mars, said the discoveries rest on the bed rock of scientific evidence; and, after speaking of the supposed spectroscopic evidence that there was no atmosphere in Mars, refers to the polar snow caps, their melting, and the lines of vegetation that are supposed to mark the margin of the canals, and he asks: "Is it possible that all these may be consistent with no vapor floating above the surface? Is it sound philosophy to conclude that the condition of things on our own little world gauges the possibilities and relations that exist in our sister world? Dame Nature does not turn out all her products in one pattern." Mr. Denning, in the "Astronomische Nachrichten," Among the many who have seen and drawn the canals comes first, of course, Professor Schiaparelli, the discoverer of them. It is only necessary to state here that he first detected these Astronomers in various parts of the world searched in vain for these markings, and despite the exalted character and remarkable work of the distinguished Italian in other lines of astronomic research, it was feared that, in this instance, Schiaparelli had been the victim of an hallucination. It is true that from the time of Huyghens, in 1659, a few astronomers, such as Secchi, Schroeter, Kaiser, and Dawes, have detected and drawn a few faint lines which seemed to be identical with the canali of Schiaparelli. It was not until 1886, however, that Perrotin and Thollon with a twenty-nine inch refractor of the Nice Observatory, first began to confirm the discoveries of Schiaparelli, and since that time observers in various parts of the world have detected and drawn these remarkable lines. The cumulative testimony of these men as to the veritable existence of these markings cannot be set aside. It seems strange that nine years should elapse before an astronomer with an interest in the subject, coupled with an acute vision and the In this connection it is interesting to quote Fig. 1. In 1897 Schiaparelli becomes still more convinced In the Quarterly Journal of the Astronomical Society of Wales, the Rev. Theo. E.R. Phillips publishes an excellent drawing of Mars in color. In this drawing he shows a large number of regions, a number of canals, and other features which, he says, "came out with the clearness and sharpness of an engraving, and bore no resemblance to the 'diffused streaks' or amorphous smudges one sees for the canals Professor W.H. Pickering, in a continuous record of observations on Mars, published in the "Annals of the Lowell Observatory," records under August 20: "The dark north canals are also noticeable, and, had they looked as they now do, could not possibly have been missed on the 16th." Dr. Phil. Fauth has, with a seven inch objective, drawn and published sixty-three drawings of Mars in which a great many canals are shown, a list of which he presents in his memoir on the subject. The lamented Perrotin, for some time Director of the Nice Observatory, in company with M. Janssen, at Meudon, observed Mars through the great equatorial (32-2/3 inch), and published the results in the "Comptes Rendues" (Vol. CXXIV, No. 7). He describes the several zones, the northern equatorial zone "being more particularly the zone of the extraordinary canals, the discovery of which we owe to Schiaparelli, and to which we ourselves, by our publication, in 1886, called the attention of the astronomical world." The London "Nature," March 17, 1904, in noting the death of M. Henry Perrotin, speaks of Dr. Terby of Louvain, in a memoir entitled "Physical Observations of Mars," a translation of which appeared in the "Astronomical and Astrophysical Journal," No. 106, identifies many of Schiaparelli's canali and other details depicted in Schiaparelli's map of Mars. In conclusion Dr. Terby says: "After what we have seen we dare affirm that henceforth the progress of areography will be in the hands of those alone who, freeing themselves from the shackles of doubt, will resolutely engage in the way traced by the celebrated astronomer of Milan. A new era has begun in the study of Mars by the discovery of canals and their doubling, and by the micrometric determination of one hundred and fourteen fundamental points on the map, an era succeeding to that which was inaugurated a half In "Astronomy and Astrophysics," No. 108, is published a series of contributions on Mars by Professors Edward C. Holden, William H. Pickering, C.A. Young, Lewis Swift, George C. Comstock, E.E. Barnard, and H.C. Wilson. All of these men are astronomers and all are connected as directors or observers with various observatories in the United States. Many sent sketches, most of them saw the canals, all saw the polar snow caps and darker regions. To say that these astronomers were sketching details which existed only in their imagination is simply preposterous. Professor Herbert A. Howe, Director of the Chamberlin Observatory, at Denver, in his "Elements of Descriptive Astronomy" says: "If we have simply to answer the question, 'Would a Among those who assert that the canals are artificial we have Professor Percival Lowell as pre-eminent. He has erected an observatory in the region of one of the clearest atmospheres in the world, has furnished it with the finest telescope that Clark ever made, and for the chief purpose of studying the surface features of Mars. In his interesting book on Mars he has presented the results of his observations in so lucid and convincing a manner that a reviewer of the English edition of the work, in an English astronomical journal, is led to write: "We may say at once that we feel bound to accept these observations as sufficient evidence of the real existence of the markings without expressing an opinion as to what they may be." The reviewer ends by saying: "Indeed, there is a subtle deftness in the way Mr. Lowell deals with his observations We have already presented a summary of his observations. We may add here, however, an extract from his book on the solar system. In this Mr. Lowell says of Mars: "What we see hints of the existence of beings who are in advance of, not behind us in the journey of life," and again: "Life on Mars must take on a very different guise from what it wears on the Earth. It is certain there can be no man there?—?that is as certain as anything can be. But this does not preclude a local intelligence equal to, and perhaps easily superior to, our own. We seem to have evidence that something of the sort does exist there at the present moment and has made imprint of its existence far exceeding anything we have left on Mother Earth." George W. Morehouse, in his "Wilderness of Mr. Hector Macpherson, Jr., member of the Astronomical Society of France, in his interesting book "Astronomers of To-day," says, in regard to Mr. Lowell's book on Mars: "He does not ask us to believe anything fantastical or extravagant. His hypothesis has been framed to account for all the various Martian features. At present we can only say that it is the most comprehensive and probable theory yet advanced to explain the phenomena of the red planet." Professor Todd, Director of the Astronomical Observatory at Amherst College, in his book on Stars and Telescopes, in referring to drawings of a region in the southern portion of Mars, known as the Solis Lacus, and a complicated drawing of another region, says: "Whether one views this marvellous and intricate system as a whole, or in some portion of high detail, it is difficult to escape the conviction that the canali have, at least in part, been designed and executed with a definite end in view." There are many who do not deny the existence of some forms of life on the planet, but are not prepared to admit the existence of intelligent creatures. Sir Robert Ball expresses himself as The number of astronomers above quoted, who have seen and drawn the canals, might be augmented, but a sufficient number have been cited to show that the evidence of the presence of these markings does not rest with a few, furthermore, some of these observers can only interpret the markings as the result of intelligent action. It may be urged that among those quoted are some whose opinion may not have great weight since they are not professional astronomers. One must insist that the study of planetary markings as well as the interpretation of their meanings comes not only within the province of planetary astronomers, but that any broad-minded man, with an acute eye and familiar with the sciences connected with the surface features of the Earth, is quite competent to make observations of his own and to judge of the merits of the question. |