A Albany Historical Society, Girandole, 395; forty-legged table, 247. Alexander Ladd House, Portsmouth. Chair, 161; double chair, 224. Allen House. Stairs, 427. American Antiquarian Society, Worcester. Desk, 127; double chair, 225; high chair, 156; looking-glass, 376; slate-top table, 245; tall clock, 354. American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia. Chair, 177. B Barrell, Mrs. Charles C., York Corners. Looking-glass, 380, 382. Baxter, James Phinney, Portland. Sideboard, 97; dressing-glass, 50. Bigelow, Francis H., Cambridge. Andirons, 319; candelabra, 345; cellaret, 111; chairs, 183, 185, 197, 206, 207; clock, 359; lamps, 344; secretary, 150; sconce, 340; settee, 228; sideboard, 104,105; sofa, 230; time-piece, 368; washstand, 60. Bigelow, Mrs. H. H., Worcester. Looking-glass, 10. Bigelow, Irving, Worcester. Clock, 362; table, 266. Blaney, Dwight, Boston. Andirons, 318; bureau, 52; desk, 133; high chest, 26; looking-glass, 400; music-stand, 303; settle, 215; sideboard, 108; table, 243, 244, 245, 246, 253, 262, 276; what-not, 267. Boston Art Museum. Clock, 354; looking-glass, 402. Bostonian Society. Clocks, 356. Burnside, Miss H. P. F., Worcester. Looking-glass, 64; table, 275. C Carroll, Mrs. Elbert H., Worcester. Bureau, 48. Chase Mansion, Annapolis. Doorway, 445; looking-glass, 389. Chickering & Co. Piano, 302, 310. Clark, Charles D., Philadelphia. Clock, 357. “Cliveden,” Germantown. Entrance and stairs, 446; mantel, 447. Coates, Miss Mary, Philadelphia. Chair, 161, 176, 187, 189, 204; table, 253. Colonial Dames of Pennsylvania. Bedstead, 79; sideboard, 110; sofa, 220. Concord Antiquarian Society. Bedstead, 69; chair, 190; couch, 217; looking-glass, 242; settee, 234; Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford. Chest, 14. Cook-Oliver House, Salem. Mantel and doorway, 413. Corbett, George H., Worcester. Bedstead, 82. Crowninshield, Frederic B., Marblehead. Settee, 233. Cutter, Mrs. J. C., Worcester. Chair, 209. D Dalton House, Newburyport. Doorway, 414; stairs, 418. Darlington, Dr. James H., Brooklyn. Piano, 294, 327. Deerfield Museum. “Beaufatt,” 90; chair, 182; dulcimer, 304; settle, 214; spinet, 282. Dyer, Clinton M., Worcester. Table, 258; table and chair, 267. E Earle, Mrs. Alice Morse, Brooklyn. Chair, 187; desk, 138. Essex Institute, Salem. Chair, 158; cupboard, 88; settee, 216. F Faulkner, Dr. G., Roxbury. Clock, 363. Flagler, Harry Harkness, Millbrook. Andirons, 320; candle-stand, 343; clock, 359; double-chair, 222; dressing-table, 39; fender, 320; high chest, 37; lantern, 346; side table, 93; settee, 221; table, 254, 255, 256, 258, 261; writing table, 136. G Gage, Mrs. Thomas H., Worcester. Bureau, 53, 56; case of drawers, 55; desk, 152; looking-glass, 398; sofa, 239. Gage, Miss Mabel C., Worcester. Desk, 120. Garrett, The Misses, Williamsburg. Mixing table, 116; stairs, 448. Gay, Calvin, Worcester. Clock, 372. Gilbert, J. J., Baltimore. Bedstead 71; bookcase, 143; chair, 199; table, 256; music-stand, 306. Gilman, Daniel, Exeter. Chest of drawers, 36. Girard College. Settee, 229. Graeme Park, Horsford. Mantel, 443; stairs, 442. Grisier, Mrs. Ada, Auburn. Piano, 295. H Harrison, Mrs. Charles Custis, St. David’s. Mixing-table, 115. Henry, Mrs. J. H., Winchendon. Desk, 153. Herreshoff, J. B. F., New York. Double-chest, 33. Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Chair, 173, 201; desk, 112. Hogg, Mrs. W. J., Worcester. Settee, 227. Holmes, George W., Charleston. Bookcase, 144; looking-glass, 409; side-table, 94. Hosmer, The Misses, Concord. Couch, 218; sofa, 235; table, 268. Hosmer, Walter, Wethersfield. Chair, 180; couch, 218; cupboard, 88; dressing-table, 35. Huntington, Dr. William R., New York. Desk with cabinet top, 130. Hyde, Mrs. Clarence R., Brooklyn. Comb-back rocker, 175; chair, 202; knife-box, 100; settee, 232; table, 275. I Independence Hall. Doorway and stairs, 441. Ipswich Historical Society. Bedstead, 67; J Johnson-Hudson, Mrs. Stratford. Bedstead, 66; bureau, 47; candle-shades, 332; kas, 91; looking-glass, 332; screen, 338; table, 259. K Kennedy, W. S. G., Worcester. Chair, 190, 203; clock, 364; desk, 149; looking-glass, 392; piano, 293; sideboard, 113; sofa, 230. Kimball House, Salem. Mantel, 431. Knabe, William & Co., Baltimore. Harpsichord, 285. Kohn, H. H., Albany. Looking-glass, 315. L Ladd House, Portsmouth. Chair, 161; settee, 224. Lang, B. J., Boston. Piano, 308. Larkin-Richter House, Portsmouth. Doorway, 433. Lawrence, Walter Bowne, Flushing. Chair, 208. Lawton, Mrs. Vaughan Reed, Worcester. Harp, 313. Lee Mansion, Marblehead. Bedstead, 70; fireplace, 316; mantel, 422; stairs, 425. Lemon, E. R., Sudbury. Chest of drawers, 19; fire-frame, 328; Lincoln, Waldo, Worcester. Chair, 209, 210; sideboard, 109. Lindall-Barnard-Andrews House, Salem. Mantel, 432. M MacInnes, J. C., Worcester. Side-table, 106. Manor Hall, Yonkers. Mantel, 438, 439, 440. Marsh, Mrs. Caroline Foote, Claremont-on-the-James. Chest, 13. Meggatt, William, Wethersfield. Lantern clock, 349. Metropolitan Museum of Art. Basin-stand, 59; chair, 191; dressing-table, 24; high-boy, 27; Moffett, Charles A., Worcester. Clock, 369. Moore, D. Thomas, Westbury. Clock, 371; chair, 196. Morse, Charles H., Charlestown. Bureau, 58; clock, 366; dressing-table, 54. Morse, Mrs. E. A., Worcester. Bedstead, 77; table, 279; washstand, 62. Morse, Miss Frances C., Worcester. Andirons, 324; candlesticks, 333; chairs, 166-168, 169, 172, 174, 178, 184, 193, 200, 212; clock, 350, 357, 360, 362, 364; desk, 146; high chest, 30; lamps, 329; looking-glass, 84, 280, 378, 392, 396, 407, 410; mirror-knobs, 394; night-table, 62; piano, 290; secretary desk, 147; settee, 321; sideboard, 102; sofa, 236; Mount Vernon. Lamp, 335; mantel, 324. Myers, Barton, Norfolk. Mantel, 450; settee, 232; table, 274. N Newburyport Historical Association. Cradle, 65; desk with cabinet top, 137; table, 244. Newman, Mrs. M., New York. Sofa, 241. Nichols, The Misses, Salem. Chair, 205; looking-glass, 399. O “Oak Hill.” Peabody. Stairs, 428. “Octagon,” Washington. Doorway, 434; mantel, 435. Ogle House, Annapolis. Looking-glass, 300. Orth, John, Boston. Clavichord, 288. Otis, Harrison Gray, House, Boston. Mantel, 425; stairs, 424. P Parker-Inches-Emery House, Boston. Doorway, 420. Pendleton Collection, Providence. Hall lantern, 348; knife urn, 99. Pennsylvania Historical Society. Chair, 173, 183, 184; desk, 124. Penny-Hallett House, Boston. Mantel, 419. Philadelphia Library Association. Looking-glass, 384. Pilgrim Society, Plymouth. Chairs, 157; cradle, 65. Poore, Ben: Perley, Byfield. Bedstead, 72, 75; cellaret, 111; chair, 159, 160, 162, 172, 181, 186, 204; chest on frame, 18; clock, 352; screen, 342; sofa, 240. Potter, Mrs. M. G., Worcester. Looking-glass, 213. Pratt, Miss Emma A., Worcester. Miniature tall clock, 360. Prentice, Mrs. Charles H., Worcester. Dutch chair, 179. Preston, Mrs. William, Richmond. Looking-glass, 397. Priest, Mrs. Louis M., Salem. Piano, 296. Pringle House, Charleston. Chandelier, 336. Prouty, Dwight M., Boston. Andirons, 322; chest, 17; chest of drawers, 20; clock, 368; bureau, 42; hall lantern, 347; looking-glass, 375, 384, 388, 408; music-stand, 307; screen, 341; settee, 219; side-table, 107; stool, 167; R Rankin, Mrs. F. W., Albany. Desk, 119, 120; table, 249. Rines, Albert S., Portland. Chair, 192; secretary, 135; settee, 226. Robart, F. A., Boston. Dressing-table 23; high-chest, 22. Robinson House, Saunderstown. Stairs, 426. Rogers, Mrs. N. F., Worcester. Cheval glass, 405. S Sargent-Murray-Gilman House Gloucester. Mantel, 429; stairs, 430. Schoeffer, Dr. Charles, Philadelphia. Sofa, 212. Schuyler House, Albany. Mantel, 436. Shapiro, L. J., Norfolk. Sideboard, 114; table, 272. Sibley, Charles, Worcester. Bureau, 46. Smith, John, Worcester. Table, 273. Stevenson, Cornelius, Philadelphia. Screen, 341. T Tappan, Mrs. Sanford, Newburyport. Piano, 292. Tilton, Miss M. E., Newburyport. Table, 251. Turner, Frank C., Norwich. Clock, 369. U Unitarian Church, Leicester. Chair, 200. V Valentine Museum, Richmond. Stairs, 449. Verplanck, Samuel, Fishkill. Desk with cabinet top, frontispiece. W Warner House, Portsmouth. Bedstead, 76; bill of lading, 139; bookcase, 142; bureau, 43; chandelier, 334; double chest, 32; dressing-table, 34; high chest, 28; sofa, 337; stove, 327. Waters, Charles R., Salem. Bedstead, 74; bureau, 44; candelabra, 325; chair, 155, 160, 194, 196, 203; chest, 16; chest upon frame, 18; cupboard, 87; desk box, 118; desk with cabinet top, 128; hob grate, 325; looking-glass, 383; lantern clock, 350. Wing, Mrs. John D., Millbrook. Music stand, 303. Woodward, Mrs. Rufus, Worcester. High chest, 29. Woodward, Mrs. Samuel B., Worcester. Bedstead, 80; bureau, 57; table, 268. Worcester Art Museum. Table, 274. |