

Albany Historical Society, Girandole, 395;

forty-legged table, 247.

Alexander Ladd House, Portsmouth. Chair, 161;

double chair, 224.

Allen House. Stairs, 427.

American Antiquarian Society, Worcester. Desk, 127;

double chair, 225;

high chair, 156;

looking-glass, 376;

slate-top table, 245;

tall clock, 354.

American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia. Chair, 177.


Barrell, Mrs. Charles C., York Corners. Looking-glass, 380, 382.

Baxter, James Phinney, Portland. Sideboard, 97;

dressing-glass, 50.

Bigelow, Francis H., Cambridge. Andirons, 319;

candelabra, 345;

cellaret, 111;

chairs, 183, 185, 197, 206, 207;

clock, 359;

desk, 129, 151;

lamps, 344;

looking-glass, 41, 403, 406;

secretary, 150;

sconce, 340;

settee, 228;

sideboard, 104,105;

sofa, 230;

table, 251, 253, 269;

time-piece, 368;

washstand, 60.

Bigelow, Mrs. H. H., Worcester. Looking-glass, 10.

Bigelow, Irving, Worcester. Clock, 362;

table, 266.

Blaney, Dwight, Boston. Andirons, 318;

bureau, 52;

chair, 163, 198;

desk, 133;

high chest, 26;

looking-glass, 400;

music-stand, 303;

settle, 215;

sideboard, 108;

table, 243, 244, 245, 246, 253, 262, 276;

what-not, 267.

Boston Art Museum. Clock, 354;

looking-glass, 402.

Bostonian Society. Clocks, 356.

Burnside, Miss H. P. F., Worcester. Looking-glass, 64;

table, 275.


Carroll, Mrs. Elbert H., Worcester. Bureau, 48.

Chase Mansion, Annapolis. Doorway, 445;

looking-glass, 389.

Chickering & Co. Piano, 302, 310.

Clark, Charles D., Philadelphia. Clock, 357.

“Cliveden,” Germantown. Entrance and stairs, 446;

mantel, 447.

Coates, Miss Mary, Philadelphia. Chair, 161, 176, 187, 189, 204;

table, 253.

Colonial Dames of Pennsylvania. Bedstead, 79;

sideboard, 110;

sofa, 220.

Concord Antiquarian Society. Bedstead, 69;

chair, 190;

couch, 217;

looking-glass, 242;

settee, 234;

table, 262, 264.

Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford. Chest, 14.

Cook-Oliver House, Salem. Mantel and doorway, 413.

Corbett, George H., Worcester. Bedstead, 82.

Crowninshield, Frederic B., Marblehead. Settee, 233.

Cutter, Mrs. J. C., Worcester. Chair, 209.


Dalton House, Newburyport. Doorway, 414;

mantel, 416, 417;

stairs, 418.

Darlington, Dr. James H., Brooklyn. Piano, 294, 327.

Deerfield Museum. “Beaufatt,” 90;

chair, 182;

chest, 11, 15;

dulcimer, 304;

settle, 214;

spinet, 282.

Dyer, Clinton M., Worcester. Table, 258;

table and chair, 267.


Earle, Mrs. Alice Morse, Brooklyn. Chair, 187;

desk, 138.

Essex Institute, Salem. Chair, 158;

cupboard, 88;

settee, 216.


Faulkner, Dr. G., Roxbury. Clock, 363.

Flagler, Harry Harkness, Millbrook. Andirons, 320;

candle-stand, 343;

chair, 164, 186, 188, 195;

clock, 359;

double-chair, 222;

dressing-table, 39;

fender, 320;

high chest, 37;

lantern, 346;

looking-glass, 39, 386, 404;

side table, 93;

settee, 221;

table, 254, 255, 256, 258, 261;

writing table, 136.


Gage, Mrs. Thomas H., Worcester. Bureau, 53, 56;

case of drawers, 55;

desk, 152;

looking-glass, 398;

sofa, 239.

Gage, Miss Mabel C., Worcester. Desk, 120.

Garrett, The Misses, Williamsburg. Mixing table, 116;

stairs, 448.

Gay, Calvin, Worcester. Clock, 372.

Gilbert, J. J., Baltimore. Bedstead 71;

bookcase, 143;

chair, 199;

table, 256;

music-stand, 306.

Gilman, Daniel, Exeter. Chest of drawers, 36.

Girard College. Settee, 229.

Graeme Park, Horsford. Mantel, 443;

stairs, 442.

Grisier, Mrs. Ada, Auburn. Piano, 295.


Harrison, Mrs. Charles Custis, St. David’s. Mixing-table, 115.

Henry, Mrs. J. H., Winchendon. Desk, 153.

Herreshoff, J. B. F., New York. Double-chest, 33.

Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Chair, 173, 201;

desk, 112.

Hogg, Mrs. W. J., Worcester. Settee, 227.

Holmes, George W., Charleston. Bookcase, 144;

looking-glass, 409;

side-table, 94.

Hosmer, The Misses, Concord. Couch, 218;

sofa, 235;

table, 268.

Hosmer, Walter, Wethersfield. Chair, 180;

couch, 218;

cupboard, 88;

desk, 125, 126;

dressing-table, 35.

Huntington, Dr. William R., New York. Desk with cabinet top, 130.

Hyde, Mrs. Clarence R., Brooklyn. Comb-back rocker, 175;

chair, 202;

knife-box, 100;

settee, 232;

table, 275.


Independence Hall. Doorway and stairs, 441.

Ipswich Historical Society. Bedstead, 67;

chair, 170, 171.


Johnson-Hudson, Mrs. Stratford. Bedstead, 66;

bureau, 47;

candle-shades, 332;

kas, 91;

looking-glass, 332;

screen, 338;

table, 259.


Kennedy, W. S. G., Worcester. Chair, 190, 203;

clock, 364;

desk, 149;

looking-glass, 392;

piano, 293;

sideboard, 113;

sofa, 230.

Kimball House, Salem. Mantel, 431.

Knabe, William & Co., Baltimore. Harpsichord, 285.

Kohn, H. H., Albany. Looking-glass, 315.


Ladd House, Portsmouth. Chair, 161;

settee, 224.

Lang, B. J., Boston. Piano, 308.

Larkin-Richter House, Portsmouth. Doorway, 433.

Lawrence, Walter Bowne, Flushing. Chair, 208.

Lawton, Mrs. Vaughan Reed, Worcester. Harp, 313.

Lee Mansion, Marblehead. Bedstead, 70;

fireplace, 316;

mantel, 422;

stairs, 425.

Lemon, E. R., Sudbury. Chest of drawers, 19;

fire-frame, 328;

looking-glass, 349, 374.

Lincoln, Waldo, Worcester. Chair, 209, 210;

sideboard, 109.

Lindall-Barnard-Andrews House, Salem. Mantel, 432.


MacInnes, J. C., Worcester. Side-table, 106.

Manor Hall, Yonkers. Mantel, 438, 439, 440.

Marsh, Mrs. Caroline Foote, Claremont-on-the-James. Chest, 13.

Meggatt, William, Wethersfield. Lantern clock, 349.

Metropolitan Museum of Art. Basin-stand, 59;

chair, 191;

dressing-table, 24;

high-boy, 27;

looking-glass, 393, 411;

table, 262, 277.

Moffett, Charles A., Worcester. Clock, 369.

Moore, D. Thomas, Westbury. Clock, 371;

chair, 196.

Morse, Charles H., Charlestown. Bureau, 58;

clock, 366;

dressing-table, 54.

Morse, Mrs. E. A., Worcester. Bedstead, 77;

chair, 194, 208;

clock, 361, 364;

table, 279;

washstand, 62.

Morse, Miss Frances C., Worcester. Andirons, 324;

bedstead, 78, 81;

bureau, 45, 51;

candlesticks, 333;

chairs, 166-168, 169, 172, 174, 178, 184, 193, 200, 212;

clock, 350, 357, 360, 362, 364;

coasters, 102, 252;

desk, 146;

high chest, 30;

lamps, 329;

looking-glass, 84, 280, 378, 392, 396, 407, 410;

low-boy, 30, 40,378;

mirror-knobs, 394;

night-table, 62;

piano, 290;

piano-stool, 298, 300;

secretary desk, 147;

settee, 321;

sideboard, 102;

sofa, 236;

table, 250, 252, 260, 265;

washstand, 61, 63.

Mount Vernon. Lamp, 335;

mantel, 324.

Myers, Barton, Norfolk. Mantel, 450;

settee, 232;

table, 274.


Newburyport Historical Association. Cradle, 65;

desk with cabinet top, 137;

table, 244.

Newman, Mrs. M., New York. Sofa, 241.

Nichols, The Misses, Salem. Chair, 205;

looking-glass, 399.


“Oak Hill.” Peabody. Stairs, 428.

“Octagon,” Washington. Doorway, 434;

mantel, 435.

Ogle House, Annapolis. Looking-glass, 300.

Orth, John, Boston. Clavichord, 288.

Otis, Harrison Gray, House, Boston. Mantel, 425;

stairs, 424.


Parker-Inches-Emery House, Boston. Doorway, 420.

Pendleton Collection, Providence. Hall lantern, 348;

knife urn, 99.

Pennsylvania Historical Society. Chair, 173, 183, 184;

desk, 124.

Penny-Hallett House, Boston. Mantel, 419.

Philadelphia Library Association. Looking-glass, 384.

Pilgrim Society, Plymouth. Chairs, 157;

cradle, 65.

Poore, Ben: Perley, Byfield. Bedstead, 72, 75;

candle-stand, 330, 342;

cellaret, 111;

chair, 159, 160, 162, 172, 181, 186, 204;

chest on frame, 18;

clock, 352;

looking-glass, 117, 154;

screen, 342;

sofa, 240.

Potter, Mrs. M. G., Worcester. Looking-glass, 213.

Pratt, Miss Emma A., Worcester. Miniature tall clock, 360.

Prentice, Mrs. Charles H., Worcester. Dutch chair, 179.

Preston, Mrs. William, Richmond. Looking-glass, 397.

Priest, Mrs. Louis M., Salem. Piano, 296.

Pringle House, Charleston. Chandelier, 336.

Prouty, Dwight M., Boston. Andirons, 322;

chair, 166, 192, 202;

chest, 17;

chest of drawers, 20;

clock, 368;

bureau, 42;

hall lantern, 347;

looking-glass, 375, 384, 388, 408;

music-stand, 307;

screen, 341;

settee, 219;

side-table, 107;

stool, 167;

table, 248, 263, 270.


Rankin, Mrs. F. W., Albany. Desk, 119, 120;

table, 249.

Rines, Albert S., Portland. Chair, 192;

secretary, 135;

settee, 226.

Robart, F. A., Boston. Dressing-table 23;

high-chest, 22.

Robinson House, Saunderstown. Stairs, 426.

Rogers, Mrs. N. F., Worcester. Cheval glass, 405.


Sargent-Murray-Gilman House Gloucester. Mantel, 429;

stairs, 430.

Schoeffer, Dr. Charles, Philadelphia. Sofa, 212.

Schuyler House, Albany. Mantel, 436.

Shapiro, L. J., Norfolk. Sideboard, 114;

table, 272.

Sibley, Charles, Worcester. Bureau, 46.

Smith, John, Worcester. Table, 273.

Stevenson, Cornelius, Philadelphia. Screen, 341.


Tappan, Mrs. Sanford, Newburyport. Piano, 292.

Tilton, Miss M. E., Newburyport. Table, 251.

Turner, Frank C., Norwich. Clock, 369.


Unitarian Church, Leicester. Chair, 200.


Valentine Museum, Richmond. Stairs, 449.

Verplanck, Samuel, Fishkill. Desk with cabinet top, frontispiece.


Warner House, Portsmouth. Bedstead, 76;

bill of lading, 139;

bookcase, 142;

bureau, 43;

chandelier, 334;

double chest, 32;

dressing-table, 34;

high chest, 28;

sofa, 337;

stove, 327.

Waters, Charles R., Salem. Bedstead, 74;

bureau, 44;

candelabra, 325;

chair, 155, 160, 194, 196, 203;

chest, 16;

chest upon frame, 18;

cupboard, 87;

desk box, 118;

desk with cabinet top, 128;

hob grate, 325;

looking-glass, 383;

lantern clock, 350.

Wing, Mrs. John D., Millbrook.

Music stand, 303.

Woodward, Mrs. Rufus, Worcester.

High chest, 29.

Woodward, Mrs. Samuel B., Worcester.

Bedstead, 80;

bureau, 57;

table, 268.

Worcester Art Museum. Table, 274.


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