Pathogenic Bacteriology treats of the unicellular microÖrganisms which are responsible for disease conditions, i.e., pathological changes in other organisms. Hence not only are bacteria considered, but also other low vegetable forms, as yeasts and molds, likewise protozoa in so far as they may be pathogenic. For this reason the term pathogenic “Microbiology” has been introduced to include all these organisms. It is largely for the reason that the methods devised for the study of bacteria have been applied to the investigation of other microÖrganisms that the term “bacteriology” was extended to cover the entire field. The general discussion in this chapter is intended to include, therefore, microÖrganisms of whatever kind pathogenic to animals. The term pathogenic as applied to an organism must be understood in a purely relative sense, since there is no single organism that can cause disease in all of a certain class, but each is limited to a more or less narrow range. Some form of tuberculosis attacks nearly all vertebrates, but no other classes of animals and no plants. Lockjaw or tetanus attacks most mammals, but not any other vertebrates naturally. Typhoid fever affects human beings; hog cholera, swine, etc. This point is more fully discussed in Chapter XXIII but can not be too greatly insisted upon.
Exceptions to this statement do occur and are important and must be considered in efforts to protect completely Diseases which are due to unicellular pathogenic microÖrganisms are called infectious diseases, while if such diseases are transmitted under natural conditions from organism to organism they are spoken of as contagious diseases. Most infectious diseases are contagious but not all. Tetanus is a good illustration of a non-contagious infectious disease. There are very few such diseases. When a unicellular microÖrganism gains entrance into the body and brings about any pathological changes there, the result is an infection. Undoubtedly many pathogenic organisms get into the body but never manifest their presence by causing disease conditions, hence do not cause an infection. It is the pathological conditions which result that constitute the infection, and not the mere invasion. The time that elapses between the entrance of the organism and the appearance of symptoms is called the period of incubation and varies greatly in different diseases. The term infestation is used to denote pathological conditions due to multicellular parasites. Thus an animal is infested (not infected) with tapeworms, roundworms, lice, mites, etc. Many of these conditions, probably all, are contagious, i.e., transmissable naturally from animal to animal. The word contagious has been used in a variety of ways to mean communicated by direct contact, communicated by a living something (contagium) that might be carried to a distance and finally communicable in any manner, transmissable. The agency of transmission may be very roundabout—as through a special tick in Texas fever, a mosquito in malaria, etc.,—or by direct personal contact, as generally in venereal diseases. After all, though exactness is necessary, it is better to learn all possible about the means of transmission of diseases, than quibble as to the terms to be used. In chronic infections there is little or no evidence of limitation of the progress of the disease which may continue for years. Tuberculosis is usually chronic. Leprosy in man is practically always so. Glanders in horses is most commonly chronic; in mules and in man it is more apt to be acute. Many infections begin acutely and later change to the chronic type. Syphilis in man is a good illustration. The differences between acute and chronic infections are partly due to the nature of the organism, partly to the number of organisms introduced and the point of their introduction and partly to the resistance of the animal infected. An infectious disease is said to be specific when one kind of organism is responsible for its manifestations—as diphtheria due to the Corynebacterium diphtheriÆ, lockjaw due to Clostridium tetani, Texas fever due to the Piroplasma bigeminum, etc. It is non-specific when it may be due to a variety of organisms, as enteritis (generally), bronchopneumonia, wound infections. Henle, as early as 1840, stated certain principles that must be established before a given organism can be accepted as the cause of a specific disease. These were afterward restated by Koch, and have come to be known as “Koch’s postulates.” They may be stated as follows: 1. The given organism must be found in all cases of the disease in question. 2. No other organism must be found in all cases. 3. The organism must, when obtained in pure culture, reproduce the disease in susceptible animals. 4. It must be recovered from such animals in pure culture and this culture likewise reproduce the disease. The term primary infection is sometimes applied to the first manifestation of a disease, either specific or non-specific, while secondary refers to later developments. For example, a secondary general infection may follow a primary wound infection, or primary lung tuberculosis be followed by secondary generalized tuberculosis, or primary typhoid fever by a secondary typhoid pneumonia. The terms primary and secondary are also used where the body is invaded by one kind of an organism and later on by another kind; thus a primary measles may be followed by secondary infection of the middle ear, or a primary influenza may be followed by a secondary pneumonia, or a primary scarlet fever by a secondary nephritis (inflammation of the kidney). Where several organisms seem to be associated simultaneously in causing the condition then the term mixed infection is used—in severe diphtheria, streptococci are commonly associated with the Corynebacterium diphtheriÆ. In many cases of hog-cholera, mixed infections in the lungs and in the intestines are common. Wound infections are usually mixed. Auto-infection refers to those conditions in which an organism commonly present in or on the body in a latent or harmless condition gives rise to an infectious process. If the Bacterium coli normal to the intestine escapes into the peritoneal cavity, or passes into the bladder, a severe peritonitis or cystitis, respectively, is apt to result. “Boils” and “pimples” are frequently autoinfections. Such infections are also spoken Those types of secondary infection where the infecting agent is transferred from one disease focus to another or several other points and sets up the infection there are sometimes called metastases. Such are the transfer of tubercle bacilli from lung to intestine, spleen, etc., the formation of abscesses in internal organs following a primary surface abscess, the appearance of glanders nodules throughout various organs following pulmonary glanders, etc. The characteristic of a pathogenic microÖrganism which indicates its ability to cause disease is called its virulence. If slightly virulent, the effect is slight; if highly virulent, the effect is severe, and may be fatal. On the other hand, the characteristic of the host which indicates its capacity for infection is called susceptibility. If slightly susceptible, infection is slight, if highly susceptible, the infection is severe. Evidently the degree of infection is dependent in large measure on the relation between the virulence of the invading organism and the susceptibility of the host. High virulence and great susceptibility mean a severe infection; low virulence and little susceptibility a slight infection; while high virulence and little susceptibility or low virulence and great susceptibility might mean a moderate infection varying in either direction. Other factors influencing the degree of infection are the number of organisms introduced, the point where they are introduced and various conditions. These will be discussed in another connection (Chapter XXV). The study of pathogenic bacteriology includes the thorough study of the individual organisms according to the methods already given (Chapters XVIII–XXI) as an aid to diagnosis and subsequent treatment, bacteriological or other, in a given disease. Of far greater importance than the treatment, which in most infectious diseases is not specific, is the prevention and ultimate eradication of all infectious diseases. To accomplish these objects involves further a That scientists are and have been for some years in possession of sufficient knowledge to permit of the prevention and eradication of most, if not all, of our infectious diseases can scarcely be questioned. The practical application of this knowledge presents many difficulties, the chief of which is the absence of a public sufficiently enlightened to permit the expenditure of the necessary funds. Time and educative effort alone can surmount this difficulty. It will probably be years yet, but it will certainly be accomplished. Pathogenic bacteria may exist outside the body of the host under a variety of conditions as follows:
I.(a) The bacilli of tetanus, malignant edema and the organisms of “gas gangrene” are widely distributed. There is no evidence that their entrance into the body is at all necessary for the continuation of their life processes, or that (b) Organisms like the bacterium of anthrax and the bacillus of black-leg from their local occurrence seem to be distributed from animals infected, though capable of a saprophytic existence outside the body for years. These can no more be attacked during their saprophytic existence than those just mentioned. Doubtless in warm seasons of the year and in the tropics other organisms pathogenic to animals may live and multiply in water or in damp soil where conditions are favorable, just as the cholera organism in India, and occasionally the typhoid bacillus in temperate climates do. (c) Most pathogenic organisms, however, when they are thrown off from the bodies of animals, remain quiescent, do not multiply, in fact always tend to die out from lack of all that is implied in a “favorable environment,” food, moisture, temperature, light, etc. Disinfection is sometimes effective in this class of diseases in preventing new cases. II. A.(a) The most common infectious diseases of animals are transmitted more or less directly from other animals of the same species. Human beings get nearly all their diseases from other human beings who are sick; horses, from other horses; cattle, from other cattle; swine, from swine, etc. Occasionally transmission from one species to another occurs. Tuberculosis of swine most frequently results from feeding them milk of tuberculous cattle or from their eating the droppings of such cattle. Human beings occasionally contract anthrax from wool, hair and hides of animals dead of the disease or from postmortems on such animals; glanders from horses; tuberculosis (in children) from tuberculous Classes of the sick that are especially dangerous for the spread of disease are the mild cases and the undetected cases. These individuals do not come under observation and hence not under control. (b) This class of carriers offers a difficult problem in the prevention of infectious diseases since they may continue to give off the organisms indefinitely and thus infect others. Typhoid carriers have been known to do so for fifty-five years. Cholera, diphtheria, meningitis and other carriers are well known in human practice. Carriers among animals have not been so frequently demonstrated, but there is every reason for thinking that hog-cholera, distemper, roup, influenza and other carriers are common. Carriers furnish the explanation for many of the so-called “spontaneous” outbreaks of disease among men and animals. It is the general rule that those who are sick cease to carry the organisms on recovery and it is the occasional ones who do not that are the exceptions. In those diseases in which the organism is known it can be determined by examination of the patient or his discharges how long he continues to give off the causative agent. In those in which the cause is unknown (in human beings, the commonest and most easily transmitted diseases, scarlet fever, measles, German measles, mumps, chicken-pox, small-pox, influenza), no such check is possible. It is not known how long such individuals remain carriers. Hence isolation and quarantine of such convalescents is based partly on experience and partly on theory. It is highly probable that in the diseases just mentioned transmission occurs in the early stages only, except in small-pox and chicken-pox where the organism seems to be in the pustules and transmission by means of material from these is possible, though only by direct contact with it. (c) Another class of carriers is those who have never had the disease. Such individuals are common and are very dangerous sources of infection. Many of them have associated with the sick or with convalescents and these should always be suspected of harboring the organisms. Their control differs in no way from that of class (b). Unfortunately a history of such association is too often not available. Modern transportation and modern social habits are largely responsible for the nearly universal distribution of this type of carrier. Their detection is probably the largest single problem in the prevention of infectious diseases. A partial solution would be universal bacteriological examination. In our present stage of progress this is impossible and would not detect carriers of diseases of unknown cause. The various classes of carriers just discussed are in a large part responsible for the continued presence of the commoner diseases throughout the country. The difficulties in control have been mentioned. A complete solution of the problem is not yet obtained. The army experience of the past few years in the control of infectious diseases shows what may be done. There is another class of carriers which might be called the “universal carrier,” i.e., there are certain organisms which seem to be constantly or almost constantly present in or on the human body. These are micrococci, streptococci and pneumococci, all Gram positive organisms. They are ordinarily harmless parasites, but on occasion may give rise to serious, even fatal, infection. Infected wounds, pimples, boils, “common colds,” most “sore throats,” bronchitis, pneumonia are pathological conditions that come in this class. Such infections are usually autogenous. There is a constant interchange of these organisms among individuals closely associated, so that all of a group usually harbor the same type though no one individual can be It would seem that among groups of individuals where infection may be expected the proper procedure would be to prepare autogenous vaccines (Chapter XXX) from members of the group and vaccinate all with the object of protecting them. II. B.(d) In this class come the “accidental carriers” like flies, fleas, lice, bed-bugs, ticks, and other biting and blood-sucking insects, vultures, buzzards, foxes, rats, and carrion-eating animals generally; pet animals in the household, etc. Here the animals are not susceptible to the given disease but become contaminated with the organisms and then through defilement of the food or drink or contact with individuals or with utensils pass the organisms on to the susceptible. Some biting and blood-sucking insects transmit the organisms through biting infected and non-infected animals successively. The spirilloses and trypanosomiases Preventing contact of such animals with the discharges or with the carcasses of those dead of the disease, destruction of insect carriers, screening and prevention of fly breeding are obvious protective measures. (e) In this class come certain diseases for which particular insects are necessary for the parasite in question, so that certain stages in its life history may be passed therein. The surest means for eradicating such diseases is the destruction of the insects concerned. Up to the present no bacterial disease is known in which this condition exists, unless Rocky Mountain spotted fever and typhus fever shall prove to be due to bacteria. Such diseases are all due to protozoa. Among them are Texas fever, due to Piroplasma bigeminum in this country which has been eradicated in entire districts by destruction of the cattle tick (Margaropus annulatus). Piroplasmoses in South Africa among cattle and horses, and in other countries are transmitted in similar ways. Probably many of the diseases due to spirochetes and trypanosomes are likewise transmitted by necessary insect intermediaries. In human medicine the eradication of yellow fever from Panama and Cuba is due to successful warfare against, a certain mosquito (Stegomyia). So the freeing of large areas in different parts of the world from malaria follows the destruction of the mosquitoes. The prevention of typhus fever and of trench fever by “delousing” methods is familiar from recent army experience though for typhus this method has been practiced in Russia for more than ten years to the author’s personal knowledge. The campaign against disease in animals and man from insect sources must be considered as still in its infancy. The full utilization of tropical lands depends largely on the solution of this problem. A. The Skin.—If the skin is healthy there is no opportunity for bacteria to penetrate it. It is protected not only by the stratified epithelium, but also in various animals, by coats of hair, wool, feathers, etc. The secretion pressure of the healthy sweat and oil glands acts as an effective bar even to motile bacteria. Nevertheless a very slight injury only is sufficient to give normal surface parasites and other pathogenics, accidentally or purposely brought in contact with it, an opportunity for more rapid growth and even entrance for general infection. Certain diseases due to higher fungi are characteristically “skin diseases” and rarely become general—various forms of favus, trichophyton infections, etc. A few disease organisms, tetanus, malignant edema, usually get in through the skin; others, black-leg, anthrax, quite commonly; and those diseases transmitted by biting and blood-sucking insects, piroplasmoses, trypanosomiases, spirilloses, scarcely in any other way. Defective secretion in the skin glands from other causes, may permit lodgment and growth of bacteria in them or in the hair follicles. “Pimples” and boils in man and local abscesses occasionally in animals are illustrations. Sharp-edged and freely bleeding wounds are less liable to be infected than contusions, ragged wounds, burns, etc. The flowing blood washes out the wound and the clotting seals it, while there is less material to be repaired by the leukocytes and they are free to care for invading organisms (phagocytosis). Pathogenic B. MucosÆ directly continuous with the skin and lined with stratified epithelium are commonly well protected thereby and by the secretions. (a) The external auditory meatus is rarely the seat even of local infection. The tympanic cavity is normally sterile, though it may become infected by extension through the Eustachian tube from the pharynx (otitis media). (b) The conjunctiva is frequently the seat of localized, very rarely the point of entrance for a generalized infection, except after severe injury. Those diseases whose path of entrance is generally assumed to be the respiratory tract (see “Lungs” below) might also be admitted through the eye. Material containing such organisms might get on the conjunctiva and be washed down through the lachrymal canal into the nose. Experiment has shown that bacteria may pass in this way in a few minutes. In case masks are worn to avoid infection from patients suffering with these diseases, the eyes should therefore be protected as well as the nose and mouth. (c) The nasal cavity on account of its anatomical structure retains pathogenic organisms which give rise to local infections more frequently than other mucosÆ of its character. These may extend from here to middle ear, neighboring sinuses, or along the lymph spaces of the olfactory nerve into the cranial cavity (meningitis). Acute coryza (“colds” in man) is characteristic. Glanders, occasionally, is primary in the nose, as is probably roup in chickens, leprosy in man. The meningococcus and the virus of poliomyelitis pass from the nose into the cranial cavity without local lesions in the former. (d) The mouth cavity is ordinarily protected by its epithelium and secretions, though the injured mucosa is a common source of actinomycosis infection, as well as thrush. In foot-and-mouth disease no visible lesions seem necessary to permit the localization of the unknown infective agent. (f) The pharynx is the seat of localized infection as in micrococcal, streptococcal and diphtherial “sore throat” in human beings, but both it and the esophagus are rarely infected in animals except as the result of injury. (g) The external genitalia are the usual points of entrance for the venereal organisms in man (gonococcus, Treponema pallidum, and Ducrey’s bacillus). The bacillus of contagious abortion and probably the trypanosome of dourine are commonly introduced through these channels in animals. C. Lungs.—The varied types of pneumonia due to many different organisms (tubercle, glanders, influenza, plague bacilli, pneumococcus, streptococcus, micrococcus and many others) show how frequently these organs are the seat of a localized infection, which may or may not be general. Whether the lungs are the actual point of entrance in these cases is a question which is much discussed at the present time, particularly with reference to tuberculosis. The mucous secretion of the respiratory tract tends to catch incoming bacteria and other small particles and the ciliary movement along bronchial tubes and trachea tends to carry such material out. “Foreign body pneumonia” shows clinically, and many observers have shown experimentally that microÖrganisms may reach the alveoli even though the exchange of air between them and the bronchioles and larger bronchi takes place ordinarily only by diffusion. The presence of carbon particles in the walls of the alveoli in older animals and human beings and in those that breathe dusty air for long periods indicates strongly, though it does not prove absolutely, that these came in with inspired air. On the other hand, experiment has shown that tubercle bacilli introduced into the intestine may appear in the lungs and cause disease there and not in the intestine. It is probably safe to assume that in those diseases which are transmitted D. Alimentary Tract.—The alimentary tract affords the ordinary path of entrance for the causal microbes of many of the diseases of animals and man, since they are carried into the body most commonly and most abundantly in the food and drink. (a) The stomach is rarely the seat of local infection, even in ruminants, except as the result of trauma. The character of the epithelium in the rumen, reticulum and omasum in ruminants, the hydrochloric acid in the abomasum and in the stomachs of animals generally are usually sufficient protection. Occasionally anthrax “pustules” develop in the gastric mucosa. (The author saw nine such pustules in a case of anthrax in a man.) (b) The intestines are frequently the seat of localized infections, as various “choleras” and “dysenteries” in men and many animals, anthrax, tuberculosis, Johne’s disease. Here doubtless enter the organisms causing “hemorrhagic septicemias” in many classes of animals, and numerous others. These various organisms must have passed through the stomach and the question at once arises, why did the HCl not destroy them? It must be remembered that the acid is present only during stomach digestion, and that liquids taken on an “empty stomach” pass through rapidly and any organisms present are not subjected to the action of the acid. Also spores generally resist the acid. Other organisms may pass through the stomach within masses of undigested food. The fact that digestion is going on in the MECHANISM OF ENTRANCE OF ORGANISMS.In the preceding chapters statements have been made that “bacteria enter” at various places or they “pass through” different mucous membranes, skin, etc. Strictly speaking such statements are incorrect—bacteria do not “enter” or “pass through” of themselves. It is true that some of the intestinal organisms are motile, but most of the bacteria which are pathogenic are non-motile. Even the motile ones can not make their way against fluids secreted or excreted on free surfaces. Bacteria cannot pass by diffusion through membranes since they are finite particles and not in solution. In the case of penetrating wounds bacteria may be carried mechanically into the tissues, but this is exceptional in most infections. Also after gaining lodgment they may gradually grow through by destroying tissue as they grow, but this is a minor factor. Evidently, there must be some mechanism by which they are carried through. The known mechanisms for this in the body are ameboid cells, especially the phagocytes. It is most probable that these are the chief agents in getting bacteria into the tissues through various free surfaces. The phagocytes engulf bacteria, carry them into the tissues and either destroy them, are destroyed by them, or may disgorge or excrete them free in the tissues or in the blood. DISSEMINATION OF ORGANISMS.Dissemination of organisms within the tissues occurs either through the lymph channels or the bloodvessels or both. If through the lymph vessels only it is usually much more restricted in extent, or much more slowly disseminated, while blood dissemination is characterized by the number of organs involved simultaneously. PATHS OF ELIMINATION OF PATHOGENIC MICROÖRGANISMS.I. Directly from the point, of injury. This is true in infected wounds open to the surface, skin glanders (farcy), black-leg, surface anthrax, exanthemata in man and animals (scarlet fever (?), measles (?), smallpox; hog erysipelas, foot-and-mouth disease): also in case of disease of mucous membranes continuous with the skin—from nasal discharges (glanders), saliva (foot-and-mouth disease), material coughed or sneezed out (tuberculosis, influenza, pneumonias), urethral and vaginal discharges (gonorrhea and syphilis in man, contagious abortion and dourine in animals), intestinal discharges (typhoid fever, “choleras,” “dysenteries,” anthrax, tuberculosis, Johne’s disease). Material from nose, mouth and lungs may be swallowed and the organisms passed out through the intestines. II. Indirectly through the secretions and the excretions where the internal organs are involved. The saliva of rabid animals contains the ultramicroscopic virus of rabies (the sympathetic ganglia within the salivary glands, and pancreas also, are affected in this disease as well as the cells of the central nervous system). The gall-bladder in man is known to harbor colon and typhoid bacilli, as that of hog-cholera hogs does the virus of this disease. It may harbor analogous organisms in other animals, though such knowledge is scanty. The kidneys have been shown experimentally to excrete certain organisms introduced into the circulation within a few minutes (micrococci, colon and typhoid bacilli, anthrax). Typhoid bacilli occur in the urine of typhoid-fever patients in about 25 per cent. of all cases and the urine of hogs with hog cholera is highly virulent. Most observers are of the opinion, however, that under natural conditions the kidneys do not excrete bacteria unless they themselves are infected. The milk both of tuberculous cattle and tuberculous women has been shown to contain tubercle bacilli even when the mammary glands are not involved. Doubtless such bacteria are carried through the walls of the secreting tubules or of the smaller ducts by phagocytes and are then set free in the milk. SPECIFICITY OF LOCATION OF INFECTIVE ORGANISMS.It is readily apparent that certain disease organisms tend to locate themselves in definite regions and the question arises, Is this due to any specific relationship between organism and tissue or not? Diphtheria in man usually attacks the tonsils first, gonorrhea and syphilis the external genitals, tuberculosis the lung, “choleras” the small intestine, “dysenteries” the large intestine, influenza the lungs. In these cases the explanation is probably that the points attacked are the places where the organism is most commonly carried, with no specific relationship, since all of these organisms (Asiatic cholera excepted) also produce lesions in other parts of the body when they reach them. On the other hand, the virus of hydrophobia attacks nerve cells, leprosy frequently singles out nerves, glanders bacilli introduced into the abdominal cavity of a young male guinea-pig cause an inflammation of the testicle, malarial parasites and piroplasms attack the red blood corpuscles, etc. In fact, most pathogenic protozoa are specific in their localization either in certain tissue cells or in the blood or lymph. In these cases there is apparently a real chemical relationship, as there is also between the toxins of bacteria and certain tissue cells (tetanus toxin and nerve cells). Whether “chemotherapy” will ever profit from a knowledge of such chemical relationships remains to be developed. It appears that a search for these specific chemical substances with the object of combining poisons with them so that the organisms might in this way be destroyed, would be a profitable line of research. Immunity, as has already been stated, implies such a condition of the body that pathogenic organisms after they have been introduced are incapable of manifesting themselves, and are unable to cause disease. The word has come to have a more specific meaning than resistance in many instances, in other cases the terms are used synonymously. It is the opposite of susceptibility. The term must be understood always in a relative sense, since no animal is immune to all pathogenic organisms, and conceivably not entirely so to anyone, because there is no question that a sufficient number of bacteria of any kind might be injected into the circulation to kill an animal, even though it did it purely mechanically. Immunity may be considered with reference to a single individual or to entire divisions of the organic world, with all grades between. Thus plants are immune to the diseases affecting animals; invertebrates to vertebrate diseases; cold-blooded animals to those of warm blood; man is immune to most of the diseases affecting other mammals; the rat to anthrax, which affects other rodents and most mammals; the well-known race of Algerian sheep is likewise immune to anthrax while other sheep are susceptible; the negro appears more resistant to yellow fever than the white; some few individuals in a herd of hogs always escape an epizoÖtic of hog cholera, etc. Immunity within a given species is modified by a number of factors—age, state of nutrition, extremes of heat or cold, fatigue, excesses of any kind, in fact, anything which tends to lower the “normal healthy tone” of an animal also tends to lower its resistance. Children appear more susceptible to scarlet fever, measles, whooping-cough, etc., than adults; The following outlines summarize the different, classifications of immunity so far as mammals are concerned for the purposes of discussion. Immunity.
Active Immunity.—By active immunity is meant that which is due to the actual introduction of the organism, or in some cases of its products. The term active is used because the body cells of the animal immunized perform the real work of bringing about the immunity as will be discussed later. In passive immunity the blood serum of an actively immunized animal is introduced into a second animal, which thereupon becomes immune, though its cells are not concerned in the process. The animal is passive, just as a test-tube, in which a reaction takes place, plays no other part than that of a passive container for the reagents. In active immunity the organism may be introduced in what is to be considered a natural manner, as when an animal becomes infected, has a disease, without human interference. Or the organism may be purposely introduced to bring about the immunity. For certain purposes the introduction of the products of the organism (toxins) is used to bring about active immunity (preparation of diphtheria and tetanus antitoxin from the horse). The method of producing active immunity by the artificial introduction of the In producing active immunity the organism may be introduced (a) alive and virulent, but in very small doses, or in combination with an immune serum, as just mentioned for hog cholera. The introduction of the live virulent organism alone is done only experimentally as yet, as it is obviously too dangerous to do in practice, except under the strictest control (introduction of a single tubercle bacillus, followed by gradually increasing numbers—Barber and Webb). More commonly the organisms are introduced (b) alive but with their virulence reduced (“attenuated”) in one of several ways: (1) By passing the organism through another animal as is the case with smallpox vaccine derived from a calf or heifer. This method was first introduced by Jenner in 1795 and was the first practical means of preventing disease by vaccination. This word was used because material was derived from a cow—Latin vacca. (2) By drying the organism, as is done in the preparation of the vaccine for the Pasteur treatment of rabies, where the spinal cords of rabbits are dried for varying lengths of time—one to four days, Russian method, one to three days, German method, longer in this country. (It is probable that the passage of the “fixed virus” through the rabbit is as important in this procedure as the drying, since it is doubtful if the “fixed virus” is pathogenic for man.) It would be more correct to speak of this as a preventive vaccination against rabies, since the latter is one of the few diseases which is not amenable to treatment. The patient always dies if the disease develops. (3) The organism may be attenuated by growing at a temperature In producing active immunity against many bacterial diseases the organisms are introduced (c) dead. They are killed by heat or by chemicals, or by using both methods (Chapter XXX). When the products of an organism are introduced the resulting immunity is against the products only and not against the organism. If the organism itself is introduced there results an immunity against it and in some cases also Investigation as to the causes of immunity and the various methods by which it is produced has not resulted in the discovery of specific methods of treatment for as many diseases as was hoped for at one time. Just at present progress in serum therapy appears to be at a standstill, though vaccines are giving good results in many instances not believed possible a few years ago. As a consequence workers in all parts of the world are giving more and more attention to the search for specific chemical substances, which will destroy invading parasites and not injure the host (chemotherapy). Nevertheless, in the study of immunity very much of value in the treatment and prevention of disease has been learned. Also much knowledge which is of the greatest use in other lines has been accumulated. Methods of diagnosis of great exactness have resulted, applicable in numerous diseases. Ways of detecting adulteration in foods, particularly foods from animal sources, and of differentiating proteins of varied origin, as well as means of establishing biological relationships and differences among groups of animals through “immunity reactions” of blood serums have followed from knowledge gained by application of the facts or the methods of immunity research. Hence the study of “immunity problems” has come to include much more than merely the study of those factors which prevent the development of disease in an animal or result in its spontaneous recovery. A proper understanding of the principles of immunity necessitates a study of these various features and they will be considered in the discussion to follow. Pasteur and the bacteriologists of his time discovered that bacteria cease to grow in artificial culture media after a time, because of the exhaustion of the food material in some cases and because of the injurious action of their own products in other instances. These facts were brought forward to explain immunity shortly after bacteria were shown to be the cause of certain diseases. Theories based on these observations were called (1) “Exhaustion Theory” of Pasteur, and (2) “Noxious Retention Theory” of Chauveau respectively. The fact, soon discovered, that virulent pathogenic bacteria are not uncommonly present in perfectly healthy animals, and the later discovery that immunity may be conferred by the injection of dead bacteria have led to the abandonment of both these older ideas. The (3) “Unfavorable Environment” theory of Baumgartner, i.e., bacteria do not grow in the body and produce disease because their surroundings are not suitable, in a sense covers the whole ground, though it is not true as to the first part, as was pointed out above, and is of no value as a working basis, since it offers no explanation as to what the factors are that constitute the “unfavorable environment.” Metchnikoff brought forward a rational explanation of immunity with his (4) “Cellular or Phagocytosis Theory.” As first propounded it based immunity on the observed fact that certain white blood corpuscles, phagocytes, engulf and destroy bacteria. Metchnikoff has since elaborated the original theory to explain facts of later discovery. Ehrlich soon after published his (5) “Chemical or Side-chain Theory” which seeks to explain immunity on the basis of chemical substances in the body which may in part destroy pathogenic organisms or in part neutralize their products; or in some instances PLATE VI PAUL EHRLICH At the present time it is generally accepted, in this country at least, that Ehrlich’s theory explains immunity in many diseases as well as many of the phenomena related to immunity, and in other diseases the phagocytes, frequently assisted by chemical substances, are the chief factors. Specific instances are discussed in Pathogenic Bacteriologies which should be consulted. It is essential that the student should be familiar with the basic ideas of the chemical theory, not only from the standpoint of immunity, but also in order to understand the principles of a number of valuable methods of diagnosis. The chemical theory rests on three fundamental physiological principles: (1) the response of cells to stimuli, in this connection specific chemical stimuli, (2) the presence within cells of specific chemical groups which combine with chemical stimuli and thus enable them to act on the cell, which groups Ehrlich has named receptors, and (3) the “over-production” activity of cells as announced by Weigert. 1. That cells respond to stimuli is fundamental in physiology. These stimuli may be of many kinds as mechanical, electrical, light, thermal, chemical, etc. The body possesses groups of cells specially developed to receive some of these stimuli—touch cells for mechanical stimuli, retinal cells for light, temperature nerve endings for thermal, olfactory and gustatory cells for certain chemical stimuli. Response to chemical stimuli is well illustrated along the digestive tract. That the chemical stimuli in digestion may be more or less specific is shown by the observed differences in the enzymes of the pancreatic juice dependent on the relative amounts of carbohydrates, fats, or proteins in the food, the specific enzyme in each case being increased in the juice with the increase of its corresponding foodstuff. The cells of the body, or certain of them at least, seem to respond in a specific way when substances are brought into direct contact with them, that is, without having been subjected to digestion in the alimentary tract, but injected directly into the 2. Since chemical action always implies at least two bodies to react, Ehrlich assumes that in every cell which is affected by a chemical stimulus there must therefore be a chemical group to unite with this stimulus. He further states that there must be as many different kinds of these groups as there are different kinds of chemicals which stimulate the cell. Since these groups are present in the body cells to take up different kinds of chemical substances, Ehrlich calls them receptors. Since these groups must be small as compared with the cell as a whole, and must be more or less on the surface and unite readily with chemical substances he further speaks of them as “side-chains” after the analogy of compounds of the aromatic series especially. The term receptors is now generally used. As was stated above, the effect of specific chemical stimuli is to cause the production of more of the particular substance for which it is specific and in the class of bodies under discussion, the particular product is these cell receptors with which the chemical may unite. 3. Weigert first called attention to the practically constant phenomenon that cells ordinarily respond by doing more of a particular response than is actually called for by the stimulus, that there is always an “overproduction” of activity. In the case of chemical stimuli this means an increased production of the specific substance over and above the amount actually needed. To recapitulate, Ehrlich’s theory postulates specific chemical stimuli, which react with specific chemical substances in the body cells, named receptors, and that these receptors, according to Weigert, are produced in excess and hence are excreted from the cell and become free receptors in the blood and lymph. These free receptors are the various kinds of antibodies, the kind depending on the nature of the stimulus, antigen, the substance introduced. Any substance which The foregoing discussion explains Ehrlich’s theory of immunity. According to this theory the manner of formation of all antibodies is the same. The kind of antibody and the manner of its action will differ with the different kinds of antigens used. The succeeding chapters discuss some of the kinds of antibodies, the theory of their action and some practical applications. It must be borne in mind throughout the study of these, as has been stated, that every antibody has the property of uniting with its antigen whether it has any property in addition or not. Just what antibodies are chemically has not been determined because no one has as yet succeeded in isolating them chemically pure. To the author they appear to be enzymes. Antigens were considered by Ehrlich to be proteins or to be related to proteins. Most workers since Ehrlich have held similar views. Dr. Carl Warden of the University of Michigan has been doing much work in recent years in which he is attempting to show that the antigens are not proteins but are fats or fatty acids. Mr. E.E.H. Boyer, in his work (not yet published) in the author’s laboratory for the degree of Ph.D., received in June, 1920, succeeded in producing various antibodies from Bacterium coli antigens. In these antigens he could detect only fatty acids or salts of fatty acids. If the work of these men is confirmed, it will open up a most interesting and extremely important field in immunity and in preventive medicine. It is not apparent that the nature of the antigen would affect Ehrlich’s theory of the formation of antibodies. The author has no doubt that eventually the formation of antibodies and the reactions between them and their antigens will be explained on the basis of physical-chemical laws, but this probably awaits the discovery of their nature. The general characteristics of toxins have been described (Chapter XII). It has been stated that they are more or less specific in their action on cells. In order to affect a cell it is evident that a toxin must enter into chemical combination with it. This implies that the toxin molecule possesses a chemical group which can combine with a receptor of the cell. This group is called the haptophore or combining group. The toxic or injurious portion of the toxin molecule is likewise spoken of as the toxophore group. When a toxin is introduced into the body its haptophore group combines with suitable receptors in different cells of the body. If not too much of the toxin is given, instead of injuring, it acts as a chemical stimulus to the cell in the manner already described. The cell in response produces more of the specific thing, which in this instance is more receptors which can combine with the toxin, i.e., with its haptophore group. If the stimulus is kept up, more and more of these receptors are produced until an excess for the cell accumulates, which excess is excreted from the individual cell and becomes free in the blood. These free receptors have, of course, the capacity to combine with toxin through its haptophore group. When the toxin is combined with these free receptors, it cannot combine with any other receptors, e.g., those in another cell and hence cannot injure another cell. These free receptors constitute, in this case, antitoxin, so-called because they can combine with toxin and hence neutralize it. Antitoxins are specific—that is, an antitoxin which will combine with the toxin of Clostridium tetani will not combine with that of Corynebacterium diphtheriÆ or of Clostridium botulinum, or of any other toxin, vegetable or animal. The close relationship between toxins and enzymes has already been pointed out. This is still further illustrated by the fact that when enzymes are properly introduced into the tissues of an animal there is formed in the animal an antienzyme specific for the enzyme in question which can prevent its action. The structure of enzymes, as composed of a haptophore, or uniting, and a zymophore or digesting (or other activity) group, is similar to that of toxins, and enzymoids or enzymes which can combine with the substance acted on but not affect it further, have been demonstrated. These free cell receptors, antitoxins or antienzymes, which are produced in the body by the proper introduction of toxins or enzymes, respectively, have the function of combining with these bodies but no other action. As was pointed out above, this is sufficient to neutralize the toxin or enzyme and prevent any injurious effect since they can unite with nothing else. Since these receptors are the simplest type which has been studied as yet, they are spoken of by Ehrlich as receptors of the first order. Other antibodies which are likewise free receptors of the first, order and have the function of combining only have been prepared and will be referred to in their proper connection. They are mainly of theoretical interest. Ehrlich did a large part of his work on toxins and antitoxins with ricin, the toxin of the castor-oil bean, abrin, from the jequirity bean, robin from the locust tree, and with The method of preparing antitoxins is essentially the same in all cases, though differing in minor details. For commercial purposes large animals are selected, usually horses, so that the yield of serum may be large. The animals must, of course, be vigorous, free from all infectious disease. The first injection given is either a relatively small amount of a solution of toxin or of a mixture of toxin and antitoxin. The animal shows more or less reaction, increased temperature, pulse and respiration and frequently an edema at the point of injection, unless this is made intravenously. After several days to a week or more, when the animal has recovered from the first injection, a second stronger dose is given, usually with less reaction. Increasingly large doses are given at proper intervals until the animal may take several hundred times the amount which would have been fatal if given at first. The process of immunizing a horse for diphtheria or tetanus toxin usually takes several months. Variations in time and in yield of antitoxin are individual and not predictable in any given case. After several injections a few hundred cubic centimeters of blood are withdrawn from the jugular vein and serum from this is tested for the amount of antitoxin it contains. When the amount is found sufficiently large (250 “units” at least for diphtheria per cc.)24 then the maximum amount of blood is collected from the jugular with sterile trocar and cannula. The serum from this blood with the addition of an antiseptic (0.5 per cent. phenol, tricresol, etc.) constitutes “antidiphtheritic serum” or “antitetanic serum,” etc. All The official unit for tetanus antitoxin is somewhat different, since it is standardized against a standard toxin which is likewise kept at the Hygienic Laboratory. The unit is defined as “ten times the amount of antitoxin necessary to protect a 350 g. guinea-pig for 96 hours against the standard test dose” of the standard toxin. The standard test dose is 100 M.L.D. of toxin for a 350 g. guinea-pig. To express it another way, one could say that a “unit” of tetanus antitoxin would protect one thousand 350 g. guinea-pigs from 1 M.L.D. each of standard tetanus toxin. Various methods have been devised for increasing the amount of antitoxin in 1cc. of solution by precipitating out portions of the blood-serum proteins and at the same time concentrating the antitoxin in smaller volume. It is not considered necessary in a work of this character to enter into these details nor to discuss the process of standardizing antitoxin so that the exact amount of “units” per cc. may be known. Charrin and Rogers appear to have been the first (1889) to observe the clumping together of bacteria (Pseudomonas pyocyanea) when mixed with the blood serum of an animal immunized against them. Gruber and Durham (1896) first used the term “agglutination” in this connection and called the substance in the blood-serum “agglutinin.” Widal (1896) showed the importance of the reaction for diagnosis by testing the blood serum of an infected person against a known culture (typhoid fever). It is now a well-known phenomenon that the proper injection of cells of any kind foreign to a given animal will lead to the accumulation in the animal’s blood of substances which will cause a clumping together of the cells used when suspended in a suitable liquid. The cells settle out of such suspension much more rapidly than they would otherwise do. This clumping is spoken of as “agglutination” and the substances produced in the animal are called “agglutinins.” If blood cells are injected then “hemagglutinins” result: if bacterial cells “bacterial agglutinins” for the particular organism used as “glanders agglutinin” for Pfeifferella mallei, “abortion agglutinin” for Bacterium abortus, “typhoid agglutinin” for Bacterium typhosum, etc. The phenomenon may be observed either under the microscope or in small test-tubes, that is, either microscopically or macroscopically. In this case the cells introduced, or more properly, some substances within the cells, act as stimuli to the body cells of the animal injected to cause them to produce more of the It is probable that the agglutination, the clumping, is a secondary phenomenon depending on the presence of certain salts and that the agglutinin acts on its antigen as an enzyme, possibly a “splitting” enzyme. This is analogous to what occurs in the curdling of milk by rennet and in the coagulation of blood. This probability is substantiated by the fact that suspensions of bacteria may be “agglutinated” by appropriate strengths of various acids. The formation of agglutinin in the body for different bacteria does not as yet appear to be of any special significance in protecting the animal from the organism, since the bacteria are not killed, even though they are rendered non-motile, if of the class provided with flagella, and are clumped together. The fact that such bodies are formed, however, is of decided value in the diagnosis of disease, and also in the identification of unknown bacteria. In many bacterial diseases, agglutinins for the particular organism are present in the blood serum of the affected animal. Consequently if the blood serum of the animal be mixed with a suspension of the organism supposed to be the cause of the disease and the latter be agglutinated, one is justified in considering it the causative agent, provided certain necessary conditions are fulfilled. In the first place it must be remembered that the blood of normal animals frequently contains agglutinins (“normal agglutinins”) for The agglutinins in the serum may be removed from it by treating it with a suspension of the cells for which agglutinins are present. If the “chief” cell is used all the agglutinins will be absorbed. If related cells are used, only the agglutinins for this particular kind are removed. These “absorption tests” furnish another means of determining specificity of serum, or rather of determining the “chief agglutinin” present. Just as an unidentified disease in an animal may be determined by testing its serum as above described against known kinds of bacteria, so unknown bacteria isolated from an animal, from water, etc., may be identified by testing them The diagnosis of disease in an animal by testing its serum is also a valuable and much used procedure. This is the method of the “Widal” or “Gruber-Widal” test for typhoid fever in man and is used in veterinary practice in testing for glanders, contagious abortion, etc. In some cases a dilution of the serum of from 20 to 50 times is sufficient for diagnosis (Malta fever), in most cases, however, 50 times is the lowest limit. Evidently the greater the dilution, that is, the higher the “titer,” the more specific is the reaction. PRECIPITINS.Since agglutinins act on bacteria, probably through the presence of substances within the bacterial cell, it is reasonable to expect that if these substances be dissolved out of the cell, there would be some reaction between their (colloidal) solution and the same serum. As a matter of fact Kraus (1897) showed that broth cultures freed from bacteria by porcelain filters do show a precipitate when mixed with the serum of an animal immunized against the particular bacterium and that the reaction is specific under proper conditions of dilution. It was not long after Kraus’s work until the experiments were tried of “immunizing” an animal not against a bacterium or its filtered culture, but against (colloidal) solutions of proteins, such as white of egg, casein of milk, proteins of meat and of blood serum, vegetable proteins, etc. It was ascertained that in all these cases the animal’s serum contains a substance which causes a precipitate The precipitin reaction has not found much practical use in bacteriology largely because the “agglutination test” takes its place as simpler of performance and just as accurate. The reaction is, however, generally applicable to filtrates of bacterial cultures and could be used if needed. The so-called “mallease” reaction in glanders is an instance. Precipitins find their greatest usefulness in legal medicine and in food adulteration work. As was noted above, if animals, rabbits for example, are immunized with the blood of another animal (human beings) precipitins are developed which are specific for the injected blood with proper dilution. This forms an extremely valuable means of determining the kind of blood present in a given spot shown by chemical and spectroscopic tests to be blood and has been adopted as a legal test in countries where such rules of procedure are applied. Similarly the test has been used to identify the different kinds of meat in sausage, and different kinds of milk in a mixture. An extract of the sausage is made and tested against the serum of an animal It is a fact of theoretical interest mainly that if agglutinins and precipitins themselves be injected into an animal they will act as antigens and cause the formation of antiagglutinins or antiprecipitins, which are therefore receptors of the first order since they simply combine with these immune bodies to neutralize their action, have only a combining or haptophore group. Also if agglutinins or precipitins be heated to the proper temperature they may retain their combining power but cause no agglutination or precipitation, i.e., they are converted into agglutinoid or precipitinoid respectively after the analogy of toxin and toxoid. Precipitins like agglutinins possess at least two groups—a combining or haptophore group and a precipitating (sometimes called zymophore) group. Hence they are somewhat more complex than antitoxins or antienzymes which have a combining group only. For this reason Ehrlich classes agglutinins and precipitins as receptors of the second order. Before Koch definitely proved bacteria capable of causing disease several physiologists had noted that the red corpuscles of certain animals were destroyed by the blood of other animals (Creite, 1869, Landois, 1875), and Traube and Gescheidel had shown that freshly drawn blood destroys bacteria (1874). It was not until about ten years afterward that this action of the blood began to be investigated in connection with the subject of immunity. Von Fodor (1885) showed that saprophytic bacteria injected into the blood are rapidly destroyed. FlÜgge and his pupils, especially Nuttall in combating Metchnikoff’s theory of phagocytosis, announced in 1883, studied the action of the blood on bacteria and showed its destructive effect (1885–57). Nuttall also showed that the blood lost this power if heated to 56°. Buchner (1889) gave the name “alexin” (from the Greek “to ward off”) to the destroying substance and showed that the substance was present in the blood serum as well as in the whole blood, and that when the serum lost its power to dissolve, this could be restored by adding fresh blood. Pfeiffer (1894) showed that the destructive power of the blood of animals immunized against bacteria (cholera and typhoid) was markedly specific for the bacteria used. He introduced a mixture of the blood and the bacteria into the abdominal cavity of the immunized animal or of a normal one of the same species and noted the rapid solution of the bacteria by withdrawing portions of the peritoneal fluid and examining them (“Pfeiffer’s phenomenon”). Belfanti and Carbone and especially Bordet (1898) showed the specific dissolving action of the serum of one animal on the blood corpuscles of another animal with which it had been injected. It is therefore a well-established fact that the proper injection of an animal with almost any cell foreign to it will lead to the blood of the animal injected acquiring the power to injure or destroy cells of the same kind as those introduced. The destroying power of the blood has been variously called its “cytotoxic” or “cytolytic” power, though the terms are not strictly synonymous since “cytotoxic” means “cell poisoning” or “injuring,” while “cytolytic” means “cell dissolving.” The latter term is the one generally used and there is said to be present in the blood a specific “cytolysin.” The term is a general one and a given cytolysin is named from the cell which is dissolved, as a bacteriolysin, a hemolysin (red-corpuscle-lysin), epitheliolysin, nephrolysin (for kidney cells), etc. If the cell is killed but not dissolved the suffix “cidin” or “toxin” is frequently used as “bacteriocidin,” “spermotoxin,” “neurotoxin,” etc. The use of the term “cytolysin” is also not strictly correct, though convenient, for the process is more complex than if one substance only were employed. As was stated above, the immune serum loses its power to dissolve the cell if it is heated to 55° to 56° for half an hour, it is inactivated. But if there be added to the heated or inactivated serum a small amount of normal serum (which contains only a very little cytolytic substance, so that it has no dissolving power when so diluted) the mixture again becomes cytolytic. It is evident then that in cytolysis there are two distinct substances involved, one which is present in all serum, normal or immune, and the other present only in the immune cytolytic serum. This may be more apparent if the facts are arranged in the following form:
AMBOCEPTORS.The theory of formation of amboceptors is similar to that for the formation of the other types of antibodies. The cell introduced contains some substance, which acts as a chemical stimulus to some of the body cells provided with proper receptors so that more of these special receptors are produced, and eventually in excess so that they become free in the blood and constitute the free amboceptors. It will be noticed that these free receptors differ from either of the two kinds already described in that they have two uniting groups, one for the antigen (cell introduced) named cytophil-haptophore, the other for the complement, complementophil haptophore. Hence amboceptors are spoken of as receptors of the third order. They have no other function than that of this double combining power. The action which results is due to the third body—the complement. It will be readily seen that complement must possess at least two groups, a combining or haptophore group which unites with the amboceptor, and an active group which is usually called the zymophore or toxophore group. Complements thus resemble either toxins, where the specific cell (antigen) is injured or Amboceptors appear to be specific in the same sense that agglutinins are. That is, if a given cell is used to immunize an animal, the animal’s blood will contain amboceptors for the cell used and also for others closely related to it. Immunization with spermatozoa or with epithelial or liver cells gives rise to amboceptors for these cells and also for red blood corpuscles and other body cells. A typhoid bactericidal serum has also some dissolving effect on colon bacilli, etc. Hence a given serum may contain a chief amboceptor and a variety of “coamboceptors,” or one amboceptor made up of a number of “partial amboceptors” each specific for its own antigen (“amboceptorogen”). Amboceptors may combine with other substances than antigen and complement, as is shown by their union with lecithin and other “lipoids,” though these substances seem capable of acting as complement in causing solution of blood corpuscles. COMPLEMENTS.As to whether complements are numerous, as Ehrlich claims, or there is only one complement, according to Buchner and others, need not be discussed here. In the practical applications given later as means of diagnosis it is apparent that all the complement or complements are capable of uniting with at least two kinds of amboceptors. If complement be injected into an animal it may act as an antigen and give rise to the formation of anticomplement which may combine with it and prevent its action and is consequently analogous to antitoxin. If amboceptors as antigen are injected into an animal there will be formed by ANTISNAKE VENOMS.A practical use of antiamboceptors is in antisnake venoms. Snake poisons appear to contain only amboceptors for different cells of the body. In the most deadly the amboceptor is specific for nerve cells (cobra), in others for red corpuscles, or for endothelial cells of the bloodvessels (rattlesnake). The complement is furnished by the blood of the individual bitten, that is, in a sense the individual poisons himself, since he furnishes the destroying element. The antisera contain antiamboceptors which unite with the amboceptor introduced and prevent it joining to cells and thus binding the complement to the cells and destroying them. With this exception these antibodies are chiefly of theoretical interest. FAILURE OF CYTOLYTIC SERUMS.The discovery of the possibility of producing a strongly bactericidal serum in the manner above described aroused the hope that such sera would prove of great value in passive immunization and serum treatment of bacterial diseases. Unfortunately such expectations have not been realized and no serum of this character of much practical importance has been developed as yet (with the possible exception of Flexner’s antimeningococcus serum in human practice. What hog cholera serum is remains to be discovered). The reasons for the failure of such sera are not entirely clear. The following are some that have been offered: (1) COMPLEMENT-FIXATION TEST.Although little practical use has been made of bactericidal sera, the discovery of receptors of this class and the peculiar This method is usually spoken of as the “complement-fixation” or the “complement-deviation test” (“Wassermann test” in syphilis) and is applicable in a great variety of microbial diseases, but it is of practical importance in those diseases only where other methods are uncertain—syphilis in man, concealed glanders in horses, contagious abortion in cattle, etc. A better name would be the “Unknown Amboceptor Test” since it is the amboceptor that is searched for in the test by making use of its power to “fix” complement. The principle is the same in all cases. The method depends, as indicated above, on the ability of complement to combine with at least two amboceptor-antigen systems, and on the further fact that if the combination with one amboceptor-antigen system is once formed, it does not dissociate so as to liberate the complement for union with the second amboceptor-antigen system. If an animal is infected with a microÖrganism and a part of its defensive action consists in destroying the organisms in its blood or lymph, then it follows from the above discussion of cytolysins that there will be developed in the blood of the animal amboceptor specific for the organism in question. If the presence of this specific amboceptor can be detected, the conclusion is warranted that the organism for which it is specific is the cause of the disease. Consequently what is sought in the “complement-fixation test” is a specific amboceptor. In carrying out the test, blood serum from the suspected animal is collected, heated at 56° for half an hour to destroy any complement it contains and mixed in definite proportions with the specific antigen and with complement. The antigen is an extract of a diseased organ (syphilitic fetal liver, in syphilis), a suspension of the known bacteria, or an extract of these bacteria. Complement is usually derived from a guinea-pig, since the serum of this animal is On the other hand, if the final solution is clear but of a red color, that would mean that complement must have united with the corpuscles—hemolytic amboceptor system—and destroyed the corpuscles in order to cause the clear red solution of hemoglobin. If complement united with this system it could not have united with the first system, hence there was no specific amboceptor there to bind it; no specific amboceptor in the animal’s blood, means no infection. Hence a red solution is a “negative test.”
Incubate one-half hour in a water bath or one hour in an incubator. Then add the indicator which is
Incubate as above. In practice all the different ingredients must be accurately tested, standardized and used in exact quantities, and tests must also be run as controls with a known normal blood of an animal of the same species as the one examined and with a known positive blood.
The complement-fixation test might be applied to the determination of unknown bacteria, using the unknown culture as antigen and trying it with the sera of different animals immunized against a variety of organisms, some one of which might prove to furnish specific amboceptor for the unknown organism and hence indicate what it is. The test used in this way has not been shown to be a practical necessity and hence is rarely employed. It has been used, however, to detect traces of unknown proteins, particularly blood-serum proteins, in medico-legal cases in exactly the above outlined manner and is very delicate and accurate. It has been mentioned that Metchnikoff, in a publication in 1883, attempted to explain immunity on a purely cellular basis. It has been known since Haeckel’s first observation in 1858 that certain of the white corpuscles do engulf solid particles that may get into the body, and among them bacteria. Metchnikoff at first thought that this engulfing and subsequent intracellular digestion of the microÖrganisms were sufficient to protect the body from infection. The later discoveries (discussed in considering Ehrlich’s theory of immunity) of substances present in the blood serum and even in the blood plasma which either destroy the bacteria or neutralize their action have caused Metchnikoff to modify his theory to a great extent. He admitted the presence of these substances, though giving them other names, but ascribed their formation to the phagocytes or to the same organs which form the leukocytes—lymphoid tissue generally, bone marrow. It is not within the province of this work to attempt to reconcile these theories, but it may be well to point out that Ehrlich’s theory is one of chemical substances and that the origin of these substances is not an essential part of the theory, so that the two theories, except in some minor details, are not necessarily mutually exclusive. PLATE V ELIE METCHNIKOFF Sir A.E. Wright and Douglas, in 1903, showed that even in those instances where immunity depends on phagocytosis, as it certainly does in many cases, the phagocytes are more or less inactive unless they are aided by chemical substances present in the blood. These substances act on the bacteria, not on the leukocytes, and change them in such a way that they are more readily taken up by the phagocytes. Wright The chemical nature of opsonins is not certainly determined, but they appear to be a distinct class of antibodies and to possess two groups, a combining or haptophore and a preparing or opsonic group and hence are similar to antibodies of Ehrlich’s second order—agglutinins and precipitins. Wright also showed that opsonins are just as specific as agglutinins are—that is, a micrococcus opsonin prepares micrococci only for phagocytosis and not streptococci or any other bacteria. Wright showed that opsonins for many bacteria are present in normal serum and that in the serum of an animal which has been immunized against such bacteria the opsonins are increased in amount. Also that in a person infected with certain bacteria the opsonins are either increased or diminished, depending on whether the progress of the infection is favorable or unfavorable. The opsonic power of a serum normal or otherwise is determined by mixing an emulsion of fresh leukocytes in normal saline solution with a suspension of the bacteria and with the serum to be tested. The leukocytes must first be washed in several changes of normal salt solution to free them from any adherent plasma or serum. The mixture is incubated for about fifteen minutes and then slides are made, stained with a good differential blood stain, Wright’s or other, and the average number of bacteria taken up by at least fifty phagocytes taken in order in a field is determined by counting under the microscope. The number so obtained Wright calls the phagocytic index of the serum tested. The phagocytic index of a given serum divided by the phagocytic index of a normal serum gives the opsonic index of the serum tested. Assuming the normal opsonic index to be 1, Wright asserts On the occasion of the author’s visit to Wright’s clinic (1911) he stated that he used the determination of the opsonic index chiefly as a guide to the dosage in the use of vaccines. Most workers outside the Wright school have failed to recognize any essential value of determinations of the opsonic index in the use of vaccines. Some of the reasons for this are as follows: The limit of error in phagocytic counts may be as great as 50 per cent. in different series of fifty, hence several hundred must be counted, which adds greatly to the tediousness and time involved; the variation in apparently healthy individuals is frequently great, hence the “normal” is too uncertain; finally the opsonic index and the clinical course of the disease do not by any means run parallel. Undoubtedly the method has decided value in the hands of an individual who makes opsonic determinations his chief work, as Wright’s assistants do, but it can scarcely be maintained at the present time that such determinations are necessary in vaccine therapy. Nevertheless that opsonins actually exist and that they play an essential part in phagocytosis, and hence in immunity, is now generally recognized. BACTERIAL VACCINES.Whether determinations of opsonic index are useful or not is largely a matter of individual opinion, but there is scarcely room to doubt that Wright has conferred a lasting benefit by his revival of the use of dead cultures of bacteria, bacterial vaccines, both for protective inoculation and for treatment. It is perhaps better to use the older terms “vaccination” and “vaccine” (though the cow, vacca, is not concerned) than to use Wright’s term “opsonic method” in As early as 1880 Touissant proposed the use of dead cultures of bacteria to produce immunity. But because injections of such cultures were so frequently followed by abscess formation, doubtless due to the high temperatures used to kill the bacteria, the method was abandoned. Further, Pasteur and the French school persistently denied the possibility of success with such a procedure, and some of them even maintain this attitude at the present time. The successes of Wright and the English school which are being repeated so generally wherever properly attempted, leave no doubt in the unprejudiced of the very great value of the method and have unquestionably opened a most promising field both for preventive inoculation and for treatment in many infectious diseases. That the practice is no more universally applicable than are immune serums and that it has been and is still being grossly overexploited is undoubted. The use of a vaccine is based on two fundamental principles. The first of these is that the cell introduced must not be in a condition to cause serious injury to the animal by its multiplication and consequent elaboration of injurious substances. The second is that, on the other hand, it must contain antigens in such condition that they will act as stimuli to the body cells to produce the necessary antibodies, whether these be opsonins, bactericidal substances, or anti-endotoxins. In the introduction of living organisms there is always more or less risk of the organism not being sufficiently attenuated and hence of the possibility of its producing too severe an infection. In using killed cultures, great care must be exercised in destroying the organisms, so that the antigens are not at the same time rendered inactive. Hence in the preparation of bacterial vaccines by Wright’s method the temperature and the length of time used to kill the bacteria are most important factors. This method is in general to grow the organisms on an agar medium, rub off the culture and emulsify in sterile normal salt solution (0.85 Agar surface cultures are used so that there will be as little admixture of foreign protein as possible (see Anaphylaxis, p.289 et seq.). Normal saline solution is isotonic with the body cells and hence is employed as the vehicle. Lipovaccines.—The suspension of bacteria in neutral oil was first used by Le Moignac and Pinoy who gave the name “lipovaccines” (??p??=fat) to them. It was claimed that the reaction following injection of these vaccines was less severe than with saline vaccines in many instances; also, that the bacteria were much more slowly absorbed. For these two reasons it was hoped that much larger numbers of bacteria could be injected at one dose and one injection would suffice instead of three or more as ordinarily used. The technique of preparation, standardization and killing of the organisms has not as yet been sufficiently well established to warrant the general substitution of lipovaccines for ordinary saline suspensions. Vaccines are either “autogenous” or “stock.” An “autogenous” vaccine is a vaccine that is made from bacteria derived from the individual or animal which it is desired to vaccinate and contains not only the particular organism but Stock vaccines have shown their value when used as preventive inoculations, notably so in typhoid fever in man, anthrax and black-leg in cattle. The author is strongly of the opinion, not only from the extended literature on the subject, but also from his own experience in animal, and especially in human cases, that stock vaccines are much inferior and much more uncertain in their action when used in the treatment of an infection, than are autogenous vaccines. This applies particularly to those instances in which pneumococci, streptococci, micrococci, and colon bacilli are the causative agents but to others as well. The following are some of the reasons for this opinion: The above organisms are notoriously extremely variable in their virulence. While there is no necessarily close connection between virulence and antigenic property, yet since virulence is so variable, it is rational to assume that antigenic property is also extremely variable. Individuals vary just as much in susceptibility and hence in reactive power, and generally speaking, an individual will react better in the production of antibodies to a stimulus to which he has been more or less subjected, i.e., to organisms derived from his own body. In the preparation of a vaccine great care must be used in heating so that the organisms are killed, but the antigens are not destroyed. Many of the enzymes present in bacteria, especially the proteolytic ones, are not any more sensitive to heat than are the antigens, hence are not destroyed entirely. Therefore a vaccine kept in stock for a long time gradually has some of its antigens destroyed by the uninjured enzymes present with them, and so loses in potency. Therefore in treating a given infection it is well to make up a vaccine from the lesion, use three or four doses and if more are necessary make up a new vaccine. In accordance with the theory on which the use of vaccines is based, i.e., that they stimulate the body cells to produce immunizing antibodies, it is clear that they are especially suitable in those infections in which the process is localized and should not be of much value in general infections. In the latter case the cells of the body are stimulated to produce antibodies by the circulating organisms, probably nearly to their limit, hence the introduction of more of the same organisms, capable of stimulating though dead, is apt to overtax the cells and do more harm than good. It is not possible to tell accurately when this limit is reached, but the clinical symptoms are a guide. If vaccines are used at all in general infections they should be given in the early stages and in small doses at first with close watch as to the effect. In localized infections only the cells in the immediate neighborhood are much stimulated, hence the introduction of a vaccine calls to their aid cells in the body generally, and much more of the resulting antibodies are carried to the lesion in question. Manifestly surgical procedures such as incision, drainage, washing away of dead and necrotic tissue with normal saline solution, not necessarily antiseptics, will aid the antibodies in their action and are to be recommended where indicated. In the practical application of any remedy the dosage is most important. Unfortunately there is no accurate method of determining this with a vaccine. Wright recommended determining the number of the organisms per cc. as before mentioned, and his method or some modification of it is still in general use. From what was said with regard to variation, both in organisms and in individuals, it can be seen that the number of organisms is at least only a very rough guide. This is further illustrated by the doses of micrococcus (staphylococcus) vaccines recommended by different writers, which vary from 50,000,000 to 2,000,000,000 per cc. The author is decidedly of the opinion that there is no way of determining the dosage of a vaccine in the AGGRESSIN.Opsonins have been shown to be specific substances which act on bacteria in such a way as to render them more readily taken up by the leukocytes. By analogy one might expect to find bacteria secreting specific substances which would tend to counteract the destructive action of the phagocytes and bactericidal substances. Bail and his co-workers claim to have demonstrated such substances in exudates in certain diseases and have given the distinctive name “aggressins” to them. By injecting an animal with “aggressins,” antiaggressins are produced which counteract their effects and thus enable the bacteria to be destroyed. The existence of such specific bodies is not generally accepted as proved. The prevailing idea is that bacteria protect themselves in any given case by the various toxic substances that they produce, and that “aggressins” as a special class of substances are not formed. Dallera, in 1874, and a number of physiologists of that period, observed peculiar skin eruptions following the transfusion of blood, that is, the introduction of foreign proteins. In the years subsequent to the introduction of diphtheria antitoxin (1890) characteristic “serum rashes” were not infrequently reported, sometimes accompanied by more or less severe general symptoms and occasionally death—a train of phenomena to which the name “serum sickness” was later applied, since it was shown that it was the horse serum (foreign protein) that was the cause, and not the antitoxin itself. In 1898 Richet and Hericourt noticed that some of the dogs which they were attempting to immunize against toxic eel serum not only were not immunized but suffered even more severely after the second injection. They obtained similar results with an extract of mussels which contain a toxin. Richet gave the name “anaphylaxis” (“no protection”) to this phenomenon to distinguish it from immunity or prophylaxis (protection). All the above-mentioned observations led to no special investigations as to their cause. In 1903, Arthus noticed abscess formation, necrosis and sloughing following several injections of horse serum in immediately adjacent parts of the skin in rabbits (“Arthus’ phenomenon”). Theobald Smith, in 1904, observed the death of guinea-pigs following properly spaced injections of horse serum. This subject was investigated by Otto and by Rosenau and Anderson in this country and about the same time von Pirquet and Schick were making a study of serum rashes mentioned above. The publications of these men led to a widespread study of the subject of injections of foreign proteins. It is now a well-established A period of ten days is usually the minimum time that must elapse between the first and second injections in guinea-pigs in order that a reaction may result, though a large primary dose requires much longer. If the second injection is made within less time no effect follows, and after three or more injections at intervals of about one week the animal fails to react at all, it has become “immune” to the protein. Furthermore, after an animal has been sensitized by one injection and has reacted to a second, then, if it does not die from the reaction, it fails to react to subsequent injections. In this latter case it is said to be “antianaphylactic.” It must be remembered that proteins do not normally get into the circulation except by way of the alimentary tract. Here all proteins that are absorbed are first broken down to their constituent amino-acids, absorbed as such and these are built up into the proteins characteristic of the animal’s blood. Hence when protein as such gets into the blood it is a foreign substance to be disposed of. The blood On the basis of the author’s theory the phenomena of protein immunity and antianaphylaxis may be explained in the following way which the author has not seen presented. The enzymes necessary to decompose the injected protein are present in certain cells and are formed in larger amount by those cells to meet the increased demand due to injection of an excess of protein. They are retained in the cell for a time at least. If a second dose of protein is given before the enzymes are excreted from the cells as waste, this is digested within the cells in the normal manner. If a third dose is given, the cells adapt themselves to this increased intracellular digestion and it thus becomes normal to them. Hence the immunity is due to this increased intracellular digestion. On the other hand, if the second injection is delayed long enough, then the excess enzyme, but not all, is excreted from the cells and meets the second dose of protein in the blood stream and rapidly decomposes it there, so that more or less intoxication from the split products results. This uses up excess enzyme, hence subsequent injections are not digested in the blood stream but within the cells as before. So that “antianaphylaxis” is dependent on the exhaustion of the excess enzyme in the blood, and the condition is fundamentally the same as protein immunity, i.e., due to intracellular digestion in each case. As has been indicated “serum sickness” and sudden death following serum injections are probably due to a sensitization of the individual to the proteins of the horse in some unknown way. Probably hay fever urticarial rashes and idiosyncrasies following the ingestion of certain foods—strawberries, eggs, oysters, etc., are anaphylactic phenomena. In medical practice the reaction is used as a means of diagnosis in certain diseases, such as the tuberculin test in tuberculosis, the mallein test in glanders. The individual or animal with tuberculosis becomes sensitized to certain proteins of the tubercle bacillus and when these proteins in The anaphylactic reaction has been made use of in the identification of various types of proteins and is of very great value since the reaction is so delicate, particularly when guinea-pigs are used as test animals. Wells has detected the 0.000,001 g. of protein by this test. It is evident that the test is applicable in medico-legal cases and in food examination and has been so used.
Summary of Immunity as Applied to Protection from Disease.The discussion of “immunity problems” in the preceding chapters serves to show that protection from disease either as a condition natural to the animal or as an acquired state is dependent on certain properties of its body cells or fluids, or both. The actual factors so far as at present known may be summarized as follows: 1. Antitoxins which neutralize true toxins; shown to exist for very few diseases. 2. Cytolytic substances which destroy the invading organism: in reality two substances; amboceptor, which is specific, and complement, the real dissolving enzyme. 3. Phagocytosis or the destruction of the invading organisms within the leukocytes. 4. Opsonins which render the bacteria more readily taken up by the phagocytes. 5. Enzymes other than complement possibly play a part in the destruction of some pathogenic organisms or their products. This remains to be more definitely established. 6. It is possible that in natural immunity there might be no receptors in the body cells to take up the organisms or their products, or the receptors might be present in certain cells but of a very low chemical affinity, so that combination does not occur. It is even highly probable that many substances formed by invading organisms which might injure specialized cells, such as those of glandular, nervous or muscle tissue, have a more rapid rate of reaction with, or a stronger affinity for, lower unspecialized cells, such as connective and lymphoid tissue, and unite with these so that their effects are not noticed. The importance of these different, factors varies in different diseases and need not be considered in this connection. The question “which of the body cells are engaged in the production of antibodies” is not uncommonly asked. On physiological grounds it would not seem reasonable that the highly specialized tissues above mentioned could take up this work, even though they are the ones which suffer the Since immunity depends on the activity of the body cells it is evident that one of the very best methods for avoiding infectious diseases is to keep these cells up to their highest state of efficiency, to keep in “good health.” Hence good health means not only freedom from disease but also protection against disease. |