Although the devil is not as black as he is painted, I hope neither I nor any other gentleman present bears any resemblance to his Satanic Majesty. The Scythians, it is reported, first debated things when drunk, and then whilst sober, and perhaps at the end of this gathering I may be able to form a better opinion of the members of the Newport Corporation. Mayor's Banquet, Newport A few months ago, in the silly season, "The Times" had about a couple of columns of letters from people discussing the uses and abuses of drink. I read the letters carefully, and came to the conclusion that there was a lot to be said on both sides. An octogenarian Licensed Victuallers' Dinner, Cardiff, In the old days barons drank strong ale. The barons would have their liquor strong, and local veto at that time would have meant loss of licensed victuallers' heads. Some people may wonder why I so persistently attend the Licensed Victuallers' Association meetings Licensed Victuallers' Dinner, Newport, I am not surprised that Members of Parliament are rather shy of going to licensed victuallers' dinners. They have to be very careful of what they say. Words, it has been said, are given to conceal thoughts. After dinner, sometimes, thoughts get the mastery of words, and Members of Parliament have to think a good deal of the future. They have to ponder over the teetotal vote, and they have to be very careful that they do not offend the licensed victuallers. The difference as regards the members of the House of Lords is this—they do not worry themselves about the teetotal vote, and they do not care a darn for the licensed victuallers. "If there are any who think A certain number of people think they can arrange everything satisfactorily upon an arithmetical principle. The latest fad is "one man one vote." If you do not take care it will be one man one glass. I would like to know how that could be arranged on arithmetical principles Licensed Victuallers' Dinner, Cardiff, |