I would rather trust and be deceived, than be found to have suspected falsely. Reduction of Armaments Meeting, Newport, Some people will not go across a street to hear an oratorio, though they would go many miles to listen to that very entertaining melody, "Whoa, Emma!"—and I'm not sure that I shouldn't be one of them.— Tredegar Show. The other day I was doing a little bit of horse-cropping—I'm fond of that sort of thing—and went into an Irish dealer's yard, where I saw a horse which grunted very much. Looking at the dealer, I said, "The horse is a roarer," and the Irishman replied: "Ah, no, me lord, not a bit of it. I've 'ad 'im from two years Tredegar Show, "'E's 'ad the hiccups ever since!" I do not think there is a man in England who has more at heart than myself the religious education of children. In 1839 the Chartist Riots took place at Newport. In the following year National Schools were opened, and I believe that had the men who took part in these riots received the education imparted at the National Schools they would never have decided upon such a misguided course of action. Jubilee of Newport National Schools, "You need not wear anything." I was rather alarmed when I received the notice, "Peach Blossom Fancy Dress Fair," and I telegraphed at once to a lady who I thought knew what was going on and asked, "Am I obliged to come in fancy dress?" The answer I got was, "You need not wear anything." Llangibby Church Fete, I generally pay great attention to what a clergyman says, but you cannot always take the advice of a clergyman. A certain man had a dog, and his minister told him that he had better sell the dog and get a pig, to which the man replied, "A pretty fool I should look going rat-catching with a pig." St. Paul's Garden Fete, Newport, Without some sort of religion no man can be happy. St. Paul's Garden Fete, Newport, I am not accustomed to begging, being more accustomed to being begged of. That is one of the hereditary privileges of members of the House of Lords. Meeting in connection with the new Infirmary for Newport, It appears to me that my good qualities increase in proportion as the hair comes off the top of my head, and it is well that in proportion as we grow less ornamental we should grow more useful. Tredegar Show, I really think I must be out of place here. You know I am one of the hereditary nonentities. I cannot help the hereditary part of the business, and I have tried all my life to avoid the other. South Monmouthshire Conservative Association, You ought, of course, to learn something about ancient art, or you will be like a certain Lord Mayor of whom I have heard. One day he received a telegram from some people who were carrying on excavations in Greece, and who had discovered a statue by Phidias. They thought, in common with most foreigners, that the Lord Mayor was the most powerful Art School Prize Distribution, Newport, "You can do a man to death A noted musician, when asked whether he thought it was right to carry out capital punishment, replied: "No; because you can do a man to death with a piano." At Llandaff, I believe I have laid more foundation stones than any other man in England. I have mallets and trowels Foundation Stone Laying, St. John's Church, Cardiff, "I believe I have laid more foundation stones than any other man in England." We (agriculturists) are looked upon as a long-suffering and patient race, and some of the manufacturing class think we are fit subjects for bleeding. In fact, it has been said that agriculturists are like their own sheep, inasmuch as they can bear a close shaving without Tredegar Show, Lord Rosebery is alternately a menace and a sigh. Conservative Dinner, Newport, We have had an old-fashioned winter, and I do not care if I never see another. The only people, I fancy, who have enjoyed the winter are the doctors and the Press. Servants' Ball, |