The great drawback to air-drying is that one is so dependent upon the weather conditions. In favourable weather the rubber dries well, but in a long period of wet weather rubber may accumulate at an alarming rate, and the accommodation is sometimes severely taxed. Of course, the rate of drying under the best conditions is mainly dependent on the thickness of the crepe, and every endeavour should be made to maintain a thin style of preparation. If this precaution is not taken, the rubber is liable to recurrent attacks of “spot” disease, and one’s troubles are very much augmented. This is a disability to which rubber treated in artificial driers is not liable. Still, air-dried rubber can be made equal, if not superior, in appearance to pale rubbers prepared by other processes. For the lowest grades of crepe air-drying is always likely to remain the only method, as it would be extremely unsafe to submit them to heat. It is noted in ordinary practice that the rate of drying on different estates, for the same type of rubber, may vary widely. Naturally the construction of the house has a great effect, and this subject will receive attention in a subsequent chapter. Similarly the position of the drying-shed exerts an important influence, and the erection of the building in low-lying sur The combination of a poor type of drying-house, a low-lying situation, and a prolonged wet season, might render it advisable to abandon the air-drying of high grade crepes in favour of artificial drying. Of the better-known artificial driers, there are only three (1) That the rubber must be fairly thin. (2) That the temperature be not allowed to rise too high. Some makers advise 140° F. as a maximum, but no harm results from a temperature of 150° to 160° as long as the interval is not prolonged. These two points presume that the vacuum drier is true to its name, and that one can obtain a maximum steady pressure. The machines are so well made now that no drier should be taken over from those responsible for its erection unless it can show a vacuum pressure of 28 inches within fifteen minutes of One of the most frequent sources of error is the control of steam pressure which is responsible for the temperature of the drier. It is quite unnecessary and unwise to maintain any steam pressure once the drying is well under way. All that is necessary is to heat the chamber well, with a steam pressure of 5 lbs., before inserting the rubber. As soon as the maximum vacuum pressure has been obtained, steam should be shut off from the heating pipes, and it will be found that the temperature is well maintained throughout the operation with a rise of ten to twenty degrees at the end. If the drier is working at a vacuum pressure of 28 inches, and if the crepe has been prepared thin enough, the rubber should be quite dry within two hours. Should the operation have to be extended to two and a half hours at 28 inches vacuum pressure, it is a sign that the crepe is too thick. On such occasions it is often noticed that these thicker crepes are not thoroughly dry, having moist spots enclosed in them. On re-rolling, these moist patches become easily visible, and are a source of great annoyance, inasmuch as they take quite a long time to dry out. As mentioned before, the crepe for vacuum drying should be thin. There is no necessity to give it a superfine finish, and the presence of small holes is quite permissible, as they disappear on subsequent re-rolling. The thin crepe may be folded loosely to the length (or breadth) of the tray several times, but in no other way can the drier be expected to perform its work satisfactorily. A case was noted in which thin crepe was excellently prepared, and four or five layers were rolled together for vacuum drying. Naturally this mode of procedure does not give the drier a fair chance, and it would be ridiculous to judge vacuum drying on the results. After two and a half hours at a temperature of 145° F. the rubber appeared to be only about three parts dry, and the subsequent air-drying extended well into a fortnight. It is the common practice to screw up the door of the chamber as tightly as possible. As a rule it is found in course of time A careful consideration of the question of temperature leads one to the conclusion that the practice of placing a thermometer through the roof of the chamber does not enable one to determine the temperature correctly. In the same way a thermometer suspended behind the observation window cannot indicate the temperature of the rubber, as in both of these positions the thermometer must be influenced by radiation from the walls of the chamber. The only position in which the correct temperature could be indicated is between the folds of crepe. This can be arranged easily so as to enable one to read the temperature from the observation window. Figures obtained from the actual working of a drier in Ceylon are given below:
It will be seen, therefore, that the drier had an output in 2 hrs. 23 mins. of 1411/2 lbs., which is at the rate of 1 lb. per minute approximately. As the rubber leaves the driers it resembles vacuum-dried rubber in being surface-sticky. This stickiness is only temporary, and is got rid of by passing the crepe through wet rolls. Opinions differ as to when this rolling should be given. On some estates the rubber is only allowed to cool a little before passing through the rolls; on others it is given a day or so before rolling. The methods of rolling also differ. In some factories the rubber has been cut to lengths before drying, and these lengths are merely rolled together by simple pressure. Other estates prefer to re-macerate the crepe while still fairly warm and soft. It is probable that little harm, if any, Again, when cases of infection by spot disease in fairly thin crepes are submitted, it is usually found that the particular crepes are of that type which, though fairly thin, show whitish spots of moisture when the bulk of the rubber is nearly dry. This type of crepe is to be noted for the excessive period of drying in comparison with other crepes of equal thinness. With a view to determining to what degree the drying of crepe rubber was hastened by the extent to which the rubber was rolled, experiments were made. It was hoped, also, that some idea would be gained of the particular stage in crepe rolling which had the greatest effect upon the rate of drying. In preparing crepe in the estate in the ordinary way the coagulum is passed through three sets of rollers, and the stages may be described as: (1) Rough rolling. (2) Medium rolling. (3) Smooth rolling. In the first the coagulum is broken down by passing through the machines until a thick rough crepe is formed. This passes to the intermediate rollers, where it is worked down to a medium crepe. The rubber finally goes to the smooth running at approximately even speeds. Passing through these a number of times it emerges as a thin uniform crepe, free from “ In the experiment the rubber was passed through the machines with varying frequency, the number of times in each machine being progressively increased, while the working on the other machines remained constant. It was determined that the rate of drying was affected only by the extent to which the crepe was worked in the smooth rolls. The less often the rubber passed through these rolls, the slower the rate of drying. Beyond a limit in the other direction, increased rolling did not reduce the period of drying. It follows, therefore, that crepes which have a good thin finish should dry in a minimum period. Drying Graph. Pale Crepe (Thin). The weights are placed vertically and the duration of drying horizontally. It will be seen that the rubber was quite dry and fit for packing on the sixth day, as far as could be judged in the usual way by casual inspection. Peculiarly enough at this time it weighed slightly more than had been registered on the fourth and fifth days, but the difference did not amount to more than about 0·4 per cent. In examining the graph it should be borne in mind that the steeper the slope of the curve downwards the quicker the rate of drying, and that when the curve takes an upward direction there is an addition of moisture instead of abstraction. It will be noted that when drying takes place the slopes more nearly approximating the vertical It is extremely singular to note how quickly the curve changes its slope after the major portion of the moisture has evaporated, and it will be very plain that in the last stages any decrease in weight during the day would appear to be counterbalanced, or more than counterbalanced, by the addition of moisture during the night. It may be pointed out, however, that this increase in weight during the later stages of drying of pale crepe is mainly, if not altogether, due to surface moisture. The chief point of interest is the fact that in the case of thin pale crepe, quite 80 per cent. of the total moisture content is lost during the first two or three days, and that, owing to the The manipulation of the rubber, after it leaves the marking rolls and preparatory to smoke-curing, has been discussed in Chapter IX. It is sufficient only to allow adequate time for furnace water to drip from the sheets before transferring them to the smoke-house. As it is the general rule to roll sheet rubber in the morning, this arrangement fits in very well. The furnaces of the smoke-house are usually extinguished as soon as the sun is well risen, and the rest of the day is occupied in sorting dry sheets, etc. Towards noon the day’s wet sheets should have been admitted, and smoking may be commenced as soon as the sun is well in the west—say, at half-past four o’clock or earlier. It is evident that something more informative is required. There are many types of suitable recording instruments or “pyrometers,” some of which can be electrically connected, so as to cause the ringing of a bell, placed in the superintendent’s office or house, on the attainment of a certain temperature. The type best known in estate practice is that named the “Thermograph,” in which a pen traces a curve or graph on a plotted piece of paper carried by a rotating cylinder which is actuated by clockwork. Such instruments can be purchased through most of the local firms dealing in estate supplies. From experience it can be asserted that, given intelligent attention, these instruments yield very satisfactory results. The apparatus should not be placed always in one position in the smoke-house, but should be moved frequently so as to obtain information regarding the distribution of heat. The figure given in previous publications as a maximum working temperature for smoke-houses was 110° F., but certainly the temperature may be as high as 130° if it is considered safe to allow fires to be so arranged. One or two estates are known to work at temperatures of 130° F. and over, in spite of the recommendations of the writers. If those estates care to risk it they may do so, with increased rapidity of drying; but no responsibility can be taken for whatever may happen in smoke-houses where the temperature is allowed to remain, as in one case, at 160° F. Naturally the range of temperature is strictly limited by the properties of the substance to be treated, and with a substance such as rubber it would be far better to err on the side of caution than to risk damage to such a commodity, apart from the consideration of the possible destruction of the building. (1) Relative thickness of rubber. (2) Extent and quality of rolling. (3) Temperature of drying. It is presumed that the smoke-houses are identical in type and efficiency, and that smoking is in force for the same length of time each day. There need be no discussion of these points; the effect of each is so obvious. The thinner the sheet, the quicker the rate of drying; the better the sheet has been It has been shown in Chapter IX. that the condition of the sheet after rolling depends primarily upon the standard of dilution of the latex and the original thickness of the coagulum. If these factors are correctly controlled, the rolling should give a sheet which is fairly soft and porous—i.e., it should not have been subjected to such pressure as to make it both thin and hard. An average sheet of rubber which has been well rolled should be smoke-dried at a temperature of 120° F. in about ten days. If sheets take appreciably longer to dry, then the three foregoing factors must be examined. On the other hand, it is often found that thin sheets made from very dilute latex dry so quickly that they are considered to be fully smoke-cured in from five to seven days. It frequently happens in such cases, however, that the smoking is insufficient, and by the time the rubber reaches home it has begun to show signs of surface moulds. It is evident, therefore, from this discussion that: (1) If smoked sheet develops surface moulds within a short period after smoking, the duration of curing has been insufficient, or the quality of the smoking is at fault. (2) The actual time taken to smoke-dry rubber may be insufficient to smoke-cure it. (3) The rate of drying of smoked sheet depends upon— (a) The relative thickness of the rubber. (b) The preliminary treatment of rolling. (c) The temperature of the smoke-house, and (d) The type of smoke-house used. This point will be treated in a subsequent chapter. Estates used to be put to considerable expense in the purchase of “bakau” (a mangrove timber rich in creosote and creating much heat), under the idea that it was the best material and almost indispensable. Most estates now restrict themselves to the consumption of timber obtained from their own areas. Thinning-out programmes are largely responsible for the supply, but the local authorities are much concerned regarding future supplies; and consideration has been given in some quarters to the question of the development of quick-growing trees on estates with a view to safeguarding the future. This seems to be desirable, as it is difficult to imagine that the place of timber can be taken by any other material in the smoke-curing of rubber. Unless some such precautions are taken it is not difficult to predict that, in course of time, some estates will be able to continue the preparation of smoked sheets only at considerable expense in obtaining suitable fuel from a distance. It is not true that any kind of timber is suitable as a fuel to be used in a smoke-house. All timbers are suitable, either alone or in mixture with others, provided that the wood is not too green. Naturally an absolutely dead and crumbling wood will smoulder, but does not develop sufficient smoke. A green timber will give an acrid and moist smoke, but demands the consumption of a certain amount of dry timber in addition if it is to be used. Rubber-tree prunings and sawn rubber trees obtained by thinning-out may be used in mixture with dead wood, provided the logs are stacked to dry in the sun for some weeks before use. If the timber is too green, steam is formed as well as smoke, and the sheets of rubber may have a moist surface glaze. Reasoning by analogy, it would appear that no apparent harm would result to sheet rubber from sun-drying for periods up to four or five hours. From experience (see Chapter IX.), not the slightest ill-effect is found to result from the short interval of preliminary drying or dripping practised on many estates preparatory to smoke-curing. The “Chula” Drier.—Although several suggestions of devices for artificially drying sheet have been made, only one is known to be in use at the present time. In the original form this was used for drying other tropical products. It consists of a large iron chamber, in which are several compartments divided by means of baffle-plates. At one end there is a small furnace and, by means of a fan, smoke and hot air are drawn In the more recent modification, the smoke and hot air which leave the Chula drier pass through a large room in which may be hung either sheet or crepe rubber. It would seem that all sources of danger have not been eliminated from the process, as on one estate a wooden room containing rubber was ignited by a spark which passed through the drier. Yet another form exists in which the furnace is outside the main building, and in the ordinary course of working only heats a series of open pipes through which air is drawn by a powerful fan. By means of a valve it is possible to allow smoke from the furnace to pass into the room with the hot air for the preparation of smoked rubber. The hot air or smoke is distributed in the lower room by means of main and branch pipes, and passes through an open floor to the room above. With such an arrangement it is possible, therefore, to prepare either air-dried or smoke-cured rubber. If the method could be successfully applied to the drying of crepe it would be of great assistance on some estates. There would seem to be a difficulty in working it for the drying of sheer rubber and crepe together, as the temperature suitable for the one is excessive for the other. Given an efficient control over the temperature of the hot air, the house should be successful in the drying of crepe, provided the rubber is not hung in folds of too great length. For smoke-curing sheet rubber the period is said to be reduced by several days in comparison with the time occupied in an ordinary smoke-house, but it is not clear that such a system would have any advantage over a modern smoke-house, in types of which rubber can be fully cured in periods ranging from five to ten days. |