A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Z
Accidental Regeneration, 25.
Achimenes, 88.
Actinians, 142.
ActinosphÆrium eichhornii, 65.
“Action at a distance,” 283-287.
Adaptation, 94, 158, 277, 288-292.
Allman, 38.
Allolobophora terrestris, 172, 174, 175.
Alpheus platyrrhynchus, 63.
Amoeba, 103.
Amphibia, 106.
Amphioxus, 105, 139, 231, 237.
Amphiuma, 106.
Analytische Theorie of Driesch, 253-254.
Andrews, E. A., 152.
Andrews, Mrs. G. F., 251.
Anguis fragilis, 198.
Annelids, 104, 143.
Antennularia antennina, 30-33, 103, 131.
Ants, 154.
Aristotle, 1.
Aschoff, 115.
Ascidian, 114, 149.
Ascidian egg, 236.
Asplenium, 23.
Asterias vulgaris, 102, 103.
Atrophy, 111, 123-125.
AtyoÏda potimirum, 24, 213.
Aurelia, 104.
Autolytus, 143.
Autotomy, 110, 142, 150-155;
theories of, 155-158.
Baer, von, 208.
Balbiani, 66, 129.
Bardeen, 41, 136.
Barfurth, 21, 45, 54, 129, 137, 197, 199, 200.
Begonia, 23; B. discolor, 74.
Beneden, Van, 210.
BeroË ovata, 239.
Bert, 178.
Bickford, E., 57, 202.
Biophors, 278.
Bipalium, 13, 14, 104; grafting, 170.
Birds, 97, 106.
Bizozzero, 128.
Blastomeres, 19, 110.
BlastulÆ, fusion of, 188.
Blood vessels, 120, 122-123.
Blumenbach, 112.
Bock, von, 149.
Bombinator igneus, 184.
Bones, 113, 124, 181.
Bonnet, 1;
experiments with worms, 2, 26, 38, 41, 92, 112, 200, 260, 261, 267.
Bordage, 97, 100, 157.
Born, 182-183, 243.
Boulenger, 214.
Boveri, 68, 228.
Braefeld, 17, 80.
Braem, 211.
Brandt, 65.
Breaking-joint, 150-152.
Brindley, 100, 104.
Brittle-stars, 105, 144, 145.
Broussonet, 97.
Bryozoa, 211.
Budding, 142, 149-150.
BÜlow, 190, 213.
Bunting, 237.
Byrnes, 182.
Callus, 82, 83.
Camerano, 92.
Campanularia, 35.
Carniola, 106.
Carodina, 213.
CarriÈre, 104, 213.
Cat, 179.
Caterpillar, 100, 104, 154.
Cause, 287, 290.
Cells, origin of, 190-215.
Cephalodiscus, 149.
Cerianthus membranaceous, 41, 104.
Cermatia forceps, 100.
Cestodes, 103, 146.
Chabry, 236.
ChÆtogaster, 146.
ChÆtopterus, 189.
Chun, 238.
Ciona intestinalis, 42.
Closing wound, 69.
Cockroach, 100, 104.
Coelenterates, 145, 149.
Cohnheim, 118, 119.
Colucci, 112, 203.
Conifers, 76 (footnote).
Conklin, 116.
Connective tissue, 180, 181.
Contact, 33, 37.
Coprinus stercorarius, 86, 87.
Corals, 142.
Crab, 43, 151, 152, 158.
Crampton, 236, 240, 245.
Crayfish, 100, 151, 157.
Crepidula fornicata, 116.
Crinoids, 105.
Crystal, regeneration of, 263-264.
Ctenodrilus monostylos, 144, 148.
Ctenodrilus pardalis, 144, 148.
Ctenophore-egg, 238-241.
Ctenophores, 142.
Cuvierian organs, 105.
Cytotropism, 69, 281.
Dalyell, 129, 144.
Darwinism, 108.
Darwin’s pangenesis, 278.
Delage, 25, 92.
Dendrocoelum, 104.
Difflugia, 103.
Double structures, 128, 135-141.
Driesch, definition of regeneration, 21, 22;
reparation, 22;
regulation, 22;
restitution, 22;
self-regulation, 22;
antennularia, 32;
43, 57, 59, 60, 135, 139, 188, 202, 228-236, 243, 246, 248, 250, 251, 252-255, 257, 267, 268, 274, 280, 281-287.
Driesch and Morgan, 239-241, 245.
Du Bois-Reymond, 286.
DugÈs, 136.
Duhamel, 178.
Duyne, van, 136, 140, 141.
Dwarfs, 116.
Earthworm (Allolobophora foetida), 9, 12, 38-39, 40, 53, 144, 170, 194, 271, 280, 290.
Echinoderms, 105, 144.
Echinus microtuberculatus, 68.
Egg, 18, 19, 139, 188, 216.
Embryo, 18, 110, 216;
grafting in, 182-189; union of, 188;
tension hypothesis, 274.
Endres, 221.
EpeiridÆ, 100.
Epimorphosis, 23.
Epithelium, 180.
Eudendrium racemosum, 29, 30, 103.
External factors, 26.
Eye, 203;
crustacea, 30;
lens, 203-205.
Factors, 277.
Faraday, 136.
Fiedler, 228.
Fischel, 112, 205-207, 240, 291, 292.
Fischer, 124, 178.
Fish, 6, 97, 131-133, 274, 281;
lens, 290.
Fish’s eggs, 237.
Flatworms, see Planarians.
Food, influence of, 27, 37, 120, 122, 123.
Force, 76, 287.
Formative forces, 255, 277, 288.
Formative stuffs, 40, 88, 89, 90, 91.
Fraisse, 21, 97, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 214.
Fredericq, 151, 152.
Frogs, 106.
Frogs’ egg, 216.
Fundulus eggs, 237.
Fundulus heteroclitus, 45, 97, 274.
Gastroblasta RaffÆlei, 142, 145.
Gerassimoff, 66.
Germ-layers, 207-212.
Giants, 33, 34, 35, 42, 59, 67, 68, 102, 114, 131, 139, 141, 189, 231, 267, 268.
Loeb, Leo, 179.
Ludwig, 105.
Lumbricus rubellus, 172, 174, 175.
Lumbriculus, 43, 104, 144, 149, 190, 191.
Lung, 112.
Lunularia vulgaris, 84, 85.
Lymphatic glands, 121; grafting upon, 179.
Machine theory, 281.
Mammals, 97, 117-118;
grafting, 178.
Man, 107;
grafting, 178, 179.
Mantis, 100, 104.
Margelis carolinensis, 34.
Marshall, 124-125.
Martens, von, 102.
Mauritius, fighting cocks, 97,
Mechanism, 277.
Meckel, 208.
Mesoderm, 193, 194.
Metridium, 104.
Michel, 190, 192.
Minchin, 105.
Minimal size, 55-57.
Molgula manhattensis, 237.
Mollusks, 104.
Morgan, 9, 30, 32, 33, 43, 44, 57-62, 64, 65, 68, 126, 131, 175, 185, 186, 187, 225, 231, 232, 237, 238, 243, 246, 247, 248, 249, 268.
Morphallaxis, 13, 270-271.
Mosses, 16, 17.
Moulds, 16.
Mouse, 178.
Mucor mucedo, 86.
MÜller, E., 112.
MÜller, Fritz, 100, 213.
Mus decumanus, 178.
Mus sylvaticus, 178.
Muscles, 114, 116, 120, 128, 181.
Myriapods, 100, 104; autotomy, 154.
NÄgeli, 278, 280.
Nais, 104, 146.
Natural selection, 96, 108-110, 155-157, 262, 290, 292.
Necturus, 106.
Nematodes, 104.
Nemerteans, 104, 143.
Nereis, 143.
Nerves, 114.
Nervous system, 114.
Newport, 100, 154.
Nothnagel, 116, 117, 120.
Nucleus, influence of, 66, 67, 258, 281.
Nussbaum, 20, 66, 202, 203.
Oblique surface, 44-52, 281.
Oka, 210.
Old part, influence of, 62-65.
OligochÆta, 143.
Ontogeny, 212-215, 282.
Organization, 251, 275, 277, 278, 279, 288.
“Origin of Species,” 109.
Ovary, 124.
Oxygen, influence of, 36, 77-78.
Palla, 66.
Palolo, 143.
Paramoecium, 103.
Parypha, see Tubularia.
Pathological Regeneration, 21.
Peebles, F., hydra, 27, 56, 63, 101, 167, 168.
Peipers, 113.
Pekelharing, 118.
Pennaria tiarella, 35.
Petromyzon, 105.
PflÜger, 216, 242-243, 246, 252, 256, 264, 265, 288.
Phagocata, 104.
Phallusia mammalata, 236.
Phasmids, 154.
Phialidium variabile, 142.
Phillipeaux, 112, 200.
Phoxichilidium maxillare, 102.
Phylogeny, 212-215.
Physa, 104.
Physiological Regeneration, 19, 25, 128-131.
Pizon, 210.
Planaria lugubris, see Planarian.
Planaria maculata, see Planarian.
Planaria torva, 26.
Planarian, 9, 11, 13, 27, 28, 29, 40, 41, 43, 44-51, 64-65, 104, 107, 129, 133-135, 136, 141, 142, 201, 207, 273, 280.
Planorbis, 104.
Plants, 15, 70-91.
Plasomes, 278.
Platodes, 104.
Plethedon cinereus, 201.
Pliny, 1.
Podocoryne, 103, 168.
Podwyssozki, 113.
Poisons, 123.
Polarity, 38-40, 43, 177, 277, 280.
PolychÆta, 143.
Polyclads, 104.
Polyzoa, 149.
Ponfick, 111.
Populus dilatata, 75, 76, 80.
Post generation, 20;
criticism of, 20 (footnote);
216, 219-221.
Pringsheim, 17, 86.
Proglottids, 146.
Proteus, 106.
Protozoa, 103, 145.
Przibram, 63, 100, 213.
Purpose, 282, 283.
Qualitative division of nucleus, 263.
Rabbit, 112, 113, 117, 118, 179.
Rana esculenta, 184.
Rana palustris, 185.
Rana virescens, 185.
Rand, 124, 164.
Randolph, 136, 190, 194.
Rat, 113, 179.
Rathburn, 153.
Rauber, 263-264.
RÉaumur, 1;
experiments with worm and with hydra, 2;
92, 151.
Recklinghausen, 118.
Regeneration, definition of, 19-25;
incomplete, 125.
Regular Regeneration, 25.
Regulation, 22.
Remak, 208.
Reparation, 22.
Restitution, 22.
Restorative Regeneration, 25.
Rhabdocoelous, Planarians, 142, 149.
Ribbert, 112, 115, 117, 179-181.
Rievel, 190.
Roots, 80.
Rothig, 112.
Roux, definition of Regeneration, 20, 22, 183, 216-226, 243, 250, 252, 256, 288.
Sachs, 81, 88, 89;
theory of Regeneration, 265-267.
Salamander, 5, 6, 11, 43, 200, 213, 214, 270.
Salamandra maculata, 205.
Salensky, 210.
Salivary gland, 112, 113, 180.
Salix viminalis, 77.
Samuel, 118.
Sarasin, 102.
Sars, 102.
Schaper, 182.
Schmidt, O., 103.
Schmitz, 65.
Schostokowitsch, 85.
Schreiber, 106.
Schuberg, 129.
Schultz, 100, 101, 102, 154.
Schultze, 139, 225-227.
Scudder, 100, 154.
Scutigera forceps, 154.
Scyphistoma, 104, 142, 149.
Scyphozoa, 104.
Sea-urchin, 18, 19, 105.
Sea-urchin’s egg, 228.
Seeliger, 68, 210.
Self-division, 142.
Self-regulation, 22.
Semper, 93, 190.
Sertoli’s cells, 181.
Sharks, 105.
Siredon, 199.
Skin, 178, 179, 180.
Snail, 213.
Snakes, 106.
Spallanzani, Prodromo, 1, 4;
experiments with earthworms, 4;
tadpole, 5;
salamanders, 5;
snail, 5, 26, 38, 104, 153, 182, 200.
Spemann, 227.
Spencer, Herbert, 263.
SphÆrechinus granularis, 68.
Spiders, 100, 104.
Spina bifida, 6.