During the normal life of an individual many of the tissues of the body are being continuously renewed, or replaced at definite periods. The replacement of a part may go on by a process of continuous growth, such as takes place in the skin and nails of man, or the replacement may be abrupt, as when the feathers of a bird are moulted. It is the latter kind of process that is generally spoken of as physiological regeneration. In the same animal, however, certain organs may be continually worn away, and as slowly replaced, and other organs replaced only at regular intervals. Bizozzero has made the following classification of the tissues of man, on the basis of their power of physiological regeneration. (1) Tissues made up of cells that multiply throughout life, as the parenchyma cells of those glands that form secretions of a definite morphological nature; the tissues of the testes, marrow; lymph glands, ovaries; the epithelium of certain tubular glands of the digestive tract and of the uterus; and the wax glands. (2) Tissues that increase in the number of their cells till birth, and only for a short time afterward, as the parenchyma of glands with fluid secretions, the tissues of the liver, kidney, pancreas, thyroid, connective tissue, and cartilage. (3) Tissues in which multiplication of cells takes place only at an early embryonic stage, as striated muscles and nerve tissues. In these there is no physiological regeneration. There are many familiar cases of periodic loss of parts of the body. The hair of some mammals is shed in winter and in summer. Birds renew their feathers, as a rule, once a year. Snakes shed their skin from time to time. The antlers of deer are thrown off each year, and new ones formed accompanied by an increase in size and branching of the antlers. In other cases similar changes may be associated with certain stages in the life of the animal. The milk-teeth of the mammals are lost at definite periods, and new teeth acquired. An interesting case of physiological regeneration has been described by Balbiani in a unicellular form, stentor. From time to time a new peristome appears along the side, moves forward and replaces the old peristome, that is absorbed as the new one comes into position. In other infusoria the peristome may be absorbed before encystment, and a new one appears when the animal emerges from the cyst. Schuberg states that when division takes place in bursaria the new peristome develops on the aboral piece in the same way as after encystment; and Gruber observed that, when an aboral piece of an infusorian is cut off, a new peristome develops in the same way as after normal division of the animal. These observations indicate that the process of physiological regeneration may follow the same course and probably involves the same factors as the process of restorative regeneration. Tubularia absorbs its old hydranth-heads if placed in an aquarium, and regenerates new ones. It may even absorb the hydranth while growing in an aquarium, as Dalyell has shown, and presumably, therefore, also under natural conditions. After each regeneration the new stalk behind the head increases in length. In plants, in which there is a continuous apical growth, new parts are being always added at the end of the stem, and old parts are continually dying, as seen in palms. Most trees and shrubs in temperate climates lose their leaves once a year and produce new ones in the spring. Since the new leaves develop from the new shoots at the end of the stem and branches, the old ones can, only in a general way, be said to be renewed. That a very close relation exists between the process of physiological regeneration and restorative regeneration will be sufficiently evident from the preceding illustrations. We do not gain any insight into either of the processes, so far as I can see, by deriving the one from the other, for the process of restorative regeneration may be, in point of time, as old as that of physiological regeneration. This does not mean, of course, that the same factors may not be present in both cases. So similar are the two processes that several naturalists have attempted to show how the process of restorative regeneration has been derived from physiological regeneration. Barfurth, recognizing the resemblance between the two processes, speaks of restorative regeneration as a modification of physiological regeneration, and Weismann also supports this point of view. He says: “Physiological REGENERATION AND GROWTHIt has been pointed out in several cases in which external factors influence the growth of a plant, or of an animal, that the same factors play a similar part in the regeneration. The action of gravity on the growth of plants has been long known, and that it is a factor in the regeneration of a piece of a plant has also been shown. The only animal in which gravity has been definitely shown to be an important factor during growth is antennularia, and it has been found that gravity is also a factor in the regeneration of the same form. Not only is this influence shown in the growth of the new part that has developed, but the same influence seems to be one of the factors that determines where the new growth takes place. This latter relation is known in only a few cases, for instance in plants, according to VÖchting, and in antennularia, according to Loeb, so that, until further evidence is forthcoming, it is best not to extend this generalization too far; but it seems not impossible that it may be generally true. How an external factor may determine the location of new growth, as well as the subsequent development of the new part, we do not know at present. In regard to the internal factors that influence the growth and the regeneration of new parts, we are almost completely in the dark. In cases of hypertrophy of the kidney, etc., the evidence seems to show that a specific substance, urea, that is normally taken from the blood by this organ may, if present in more than average amounts, excite the cells to greater activity and to growth, but whether the urea itself does this directly, or only indirectly through the greater functional activity of the cells, has not, as we have seen, been ascertained. That growth is influenced by internal factors can be shown, at least in certain cases, even although we cannot refer to the definite chemical or physical factors in the process. Some experiments that I have made on the tails of fish show very clearly the action of an internal factor. If the tail of fundulus is cut off obliquely, as indicated by the line 2-2 in Fig. 40, A, new material appears in a few days along the outer cut-edge. It appears to be at first equal in amount along the entire edge. As the material increases in width, it grows faster over [Image unavailable.] Fig. 40.—A. Tail of Fundulus heteroclitus. Lines indicate levels at which B and C were cut off. B. Regenerating from cross-cut. C. Regenerating from oblique cut. D, E. Regenerating from two oblique surfaces. G. Tail of stenopus. H, I. Tail of last cut off squarely and obliquely. that part of the edge that is nearer the base of the tail (Fig. 40, C). This growth continues to go on faster on the lower side, until the rounded form of the tail is produced. If we make the oblique cut so that the part nearer the base of the tail is on the upper side, the result is the same in principle; the upper part of the new material grows faster than any other part. If we make two oblique cuts on the same tail, as shown in Fig. 40, D, or as in E, the new part grows faster in each case on that part of the cut-edge that lies nearer the base of the tail. These results may be supposed to be due to the better nourishment of the new tissues nearer the base of the tail; but it is not difficult to show that the difference in the rate of growth over different parts of the cut-edge is not due to this factor. If, for These results show very clearly that in some way the development of the typical form of the tail influences the rate of growth at different points. The more rapid growth takes place in those regions at which the lobes of the tail are developing. In other words, although the physiological conditions would seem to admit of the maximum rate of growth over the entire cut-edge, this only takes place in those parts that give the new tail its characteristic form. The growth in other regions is held in check. The same explanation applies to the more rapid growth at that part of an oblique cut that is nearest the base of the tail, for by this means the tail more nearly assumes its typical form. These results demonstrate some sort of a formative influence in the new part. We can refer this factor at present only to some structural feature that regulates the rate of growth. We find here one of the fundamental phenomena behind which we cannot hope to go at present, although it may not be beyond our reach to determine in what way this influence is carried out in the different parts. This topic will be more fully considered in a later chapter. Another illustration may be given from certain experiments in the regeneration of Planaria lugubris. If the posterior end is cut off just in front of the genital pore, as indicated in Fig. 41, new material develops at the anterior cut-edge, and in a few days a new head is formed out of this new material. A new pharynx appears [Image unavailable.] Fig. 41.—Posterior end of Planaria lugubris, cut off between pharyngeal and genital pores. Figure to left shows the piece after removal. The four figures to the right show the regeneration of the same piece, drawn to scale. As soon as the new pharynx had developed, the worm was fed. The experiment extended from November 17 to January 8. Another experiment on the same animal gives also a somewhat similar result. If a worm is cut in two obliquely (Fig. 21, B) and the regeneration of the posterior piece is followed, it is found that the new material appears at first evenly along the entire cut-surface. These results show that the new growth may even take place more rapidly on one side of the structural median line than on the other, and on that side that must become longer in order to produce the symmetrical form of the worm. Here also we find that a formative influence of some sort is at work that regulates the different regions of growth in such a way that a typical structure is produced. The more rapid growth on one side is, however, in this case clearly connected with the relatively smaller development of the organs on that side, and perhaps this same principle may explain all other cases. If so the phenomenon appears much less mysterious than it does when the growth is referred to an unknown regulative factor. DOUBLE STRUCTURESA structure that is single in the normal animal may become double after regeneration, and in some cases the special conditions that lead to the doubling have been determined. Trembley showed that if the head of hydra is split lengthwise into two parts, each part may complete itself and a two-headed form is produced. If the posterior end of a hydra is split, an animal with two feet is made. It is true that the two-headed forms may subsequently separate after several weeks into two individuals, and even the form with two feet may lose one of them by constriction, as Marshall and King have shown. Driesch has produced a tubularian hydroid with two heads by splitting the stem partially into two pieces. Each head is perfect in all respects, and although each has fewer tentacles than [Image unavailable.] Fig. 42.—Planaria lugubris. A. Two heads produced after operation similar to that in Fig. 24. Each head about half size. B. Worm split in half through level of pharynx. New half-worms larger than half of normal worm. the head that regenerates from an undivided stem, yet the number of tentacles on each head is more than half the average number. This is connected apparently with the fact that the circumference of each half is greater than half the circumference of the original stem. Planarians with double tails, produced by partial splitting, have been described by DugÈs and by Faraday, and it has also been shown that by partial splitting of the anterior end of the worm two heads can be produced. Van Duyne, Randolph, and Bardeen and I have obtained the same result. Each half completes itself on the cut-side and produces a symmetrical anterior end. If one of the heads is cut off, it will be again regenerated. If the heads are united very near to the trunk, as in Fig. 42, A, they may never grow to the full size of the original head, as I have found; but if the pieces have been split posteriorly, so that each head has a long anterior end, then each one may become nearly as large as the original head (Fig. 42, B). We see in these cases the influence of the region of union on the growth of the new part. If the new part is near the region of attachment, the smaller size of the latter restrains the growth of the new head; but if the region of union is farther distant, the head may grow more nearly to its full size despite the influence of the region of union. King has found in the starfish that if the arm is split lengthwise, each half may complete itself laterally and a forked arm result. An additional entire arm may be formed by splitting the disk partially in two between two arms. If the cut-edges do not reunite a new arm will grow out from each cut-surface (Fig. 38, E). In this case the de Barfurth has been able to produce a double tail in the tadpole by the following method: A hot needle is thrust into one side of the tail, so that the notochord and the nervous system are injured. The tail is then cut off just posterior to the region injured by the needle. A new tail grows out from the cut-end, and also in some cases another tail grows out at the side where the notochord was injured by the needle. The injury to the notochord and the removal of tissue immediately about it leads to a proliferation of cells, around which other tissues are added and the new tail produced. Lizards with double tails have often been described, [Image unavailable.] Fig. 43.—After Tornier. A. Lacerta agilis. Produced by partly breaking off old tail. New tail arises at place of breaking. Old tail also remains. B. Three-tailed form—two tails being united in a common covering. Old tail had been cut off (it regenerated the lower branch from cut-end) and two proximal vertebrÆ that had been injured. C. Additional limb of Triton cristatus produced by wounding femur. D. Double foot of triton cristatus produced by tying thread over regenerating stump. E. Foot of Triton cristatus. Dotted lines indicating how foot was cut off. F. Regeneration of same. G. Another way of cutting off foot. H. Result of last operation. The same method used to produce double tails in the lizard can also be used to produce double legs. The femur is broken in the vicinity of the hip-joint, and the soft parts are cut into over the break. Then, or better somewhat later, the leg is amputated below the broken part. A new limb regenerates from the cut-end, and at the same time another limb grows out from the broken femur (Fig. 43, C). The same result is reached if the femur has a slit cut into it in the region of the hip-joint, so that it is much injured. Later the leg is cut off below the place of injury. A double leg is the result. Feet with supernumerary digits can also be produced by artificial wounds. If the first and second and then the fourth and fifth toes are cut off, as indicated by the lines in Fig. 43, E, so that a part of the tarsus and a part of the tibia and fibula are cut away (the third finger being left attached to the remaining middle portion), more toes grow out from the wounded surface than were removed, as shown in Fig. 43, F. A similar result may be obtained in another way. If the first and second toes are cut off by an oblique cut (Fig. 43, G), and then after the wound has healed the third, fourth, and fifth toes are also cut off by another oblique cut (a part of the tarsus being removed each time), more toes are regenerated than were cut off Tornier suggests that the double feet that are sometimes formed in embryos—even in the mammalia—have resulted from a fold of the amnion constricting the middle of the beginning of the young leg, in the same way as is brought about artificially by tying a string over the growing end of the regenerating leg of triton. In many of these cases, in which the double structure is the result of splitting the part in the middle line, the completion of the new part is exactly the same as though the parts had been entirely separated. The only special problem that we meet with in these instances is that this doubling is possible while the piece remains a part of the rest of the organism. This shows that there is a great deal of independence in the different parts of the body in regard to their regenerative power, and that local conditions may often determine the formation of double structures. It has been shown during the last decade that double embryos may be produced artificially by incomplete separation of the first two blastomeres. Driesch, Loeb, and others have demonstrated that if the first two cells of the egg of the sea-urchin be incompletely separated, each may produce a single embryo and the two remain sticking together. Wilson has shown in amphioxus that the same result occurs if the first two cells are partially separated by shaking. Schultze has shown in the frog that if at the two-cell stage the egg is held in an inverted position, i.e. with the white hemisphere turned upwards, each blastomere gives rise to a whole embryo—the two embryos being united, sometimes in one way, sometimes in another, as shown in Fig. 63. In this case it appears that the results are due to a rotation of the contents of each blastomere, so that like parts of the two blastomeres become separated. In the egg of the sea-urchin, and of amphioxus, gravity does not have a similar action on the egg, but the results seem to be due to a mechanical separation of the blastomeres. These cases of double structures, produced by the segmenting egg, [Image unavailable.] Fig. 44.—A. Planaria lugubris, cut in two as far forward as region between eyes, regenerating half-heads. B. Same cut in two at one side of middle line. Smaller piece produced a new head. C. Planaria maculata, split in two. It produced two heads in angle. D. Another, that produced a single head in angle. In connection with the production of double structures there should be mentioned a peculiar method of formation of new heads, first discovered by Van Duyne in a planarian. He found that if the animal is cut in two in the middle line, the halves being left united only at the head-end, as shown in Fig. 44, D, C, there may appear one or two new heads in the angle between the halves. I have repeated this experiment with the same result, and have found that it may also occur when only a piece is partially split from the side of the body, as shown in Fig. 44, B. In Van Duyne’s experiment the two new |