Water basket ball and water polo are two thrilling and interesting games. They are so similar in general characteristics that they are treated here in the same chapter. From my own experience I believe them to be the most strenuous games played by women. By that I do not mean that they are necessarily harmful. I do believe, however, that they should be played only under the most careful supervision of a medical or physical training authority. Two points should be considered before a girl is permitted to participate in either of these games: 1. All players should be in perfect physical condition. 2. All players should be strong and capable swimmers. 3. Careful examination should be made of each player when she comes from the tank at the end of the first period and after the game, for that, after all, is the best test as to whether she is fit. 1. To be in good condition the player should have perfect heart action and good lung capacity, and she should be generally in good condition. 2. She should be a swimmer of endurance, experience and confidence. The beginner tires in the effort to swim strongly and constantly. 3. If the player is qualified in every respect she may try the game. If after playing she seems exhausted or chilled, and is tired the following day, then she has not the stamina to participate in water sports. |