I niver thowt when I grew owd I’d tak to leetin’ lamps; I sud have said, I’d rayther pad My hoof on t’ road wi’ tramps. But sin I gate that skelp[1] i’ t’ mine, I’m wankle[2] i’ my heead; So gaffer said, I’d give ower wark An’ leet town lamps atsteead. At first, when I were liggin’ snug I’ bed, warm as a bee, ’T were hard to rise and get agate As sooin as t’ clock strake three. An’ I were flaid to hear my steps Echoin’ on ivery wall; An’ flaider yet when down by t’ church Ullets would skreek and call. But now I’m flaid o’ nowt; I love All unkerd[3] sounds o’ t’ neet, Frae childer talkin’ i’ their dreams To t’ tramp o’ p’licemen’ feet. But most of all I love to hark To t’ song o’ t’ birds at dawn; They wakken up afore it gloams, When t’ dew ligs thick on t’ lawn. If I feel lonesome, up I look To t’ sky aboon my heead; An’ theer’s yon stars all glestrin’ breet, Like daisies in a mead. But sometimes, when I’m glowerin’ up, I see the Lord hissen; He’s doutin’ all yon lamps o’ Heaven That shines on mortal men. He lowps alang frae star to star, As cobby[4] as can be; Mebbe He reckons fowk’s asleep, Wi’ niver an eye to see. But I hae catched Him at his wark, For all He maks no din; He leaves a track o’ powder’d gowd[5] To show where He has bin. He’s got big lamps an’ laatle lamps, An’ lamps that twinkles red; Im capped to see Him dout ’em all Afore I’m back i’ bed. But He don’t laik about His wark, Or stop to hark to t’ birds; He minds His business, does the Lord, An’ wastes no gaumless words. I grow more like Him ivery day, For all I walk so lame; An’, happen, there will coom a time I’ll beat Him at His game. Thrang as Throp’s wife, I’ll dout my lamps Afore He’s gotten so far; An’ then I’ll shout—“I’ve won my race, I’ve bet Him by a star.”