

The human race is like a snake—it sheds. Ever and anon, as the ages bloom, old forms of thought are superseded by intellectual bran-news. Shrines at which one generation adores become to the succeeding desolate and despised.

This little brochure has a mission. It is not a formidable one, but it is. It goes out with the hope that it may help, if ever so infinitesimally, in ridding the human of that terrific instinct of inconsideration toward the sub-human races. Solidarity is its plea, human and universal.

It would be inexcusable to suppose it to be exhaustive. It is not even defensive. It is a projectile, and projectiles do not apologize.

It intends to be followed.

J. H. M.

Chicago, May, 1895.

“What more advance can mortals make in sin?
Deaf to the calf that lies beneath the knife,
Looks up and from the butcher begs her life.
Deaf to the harmless kid, who, ere he dies,
All efforts to procure thy pity tries,
And imitates in vain thy children’s cries.”

— Anonymous.

“No flocks that range the valley free,
To slaughter I condemn;
Taught by the Power that pities me,
I learn to pity them.”

— Goldsmith.

“It is a vulgar error to regard meat in any form as necessary to human life.”

— Sir Henry Thompson.

“The anthropoids and all the quadrumana derive their alimentation from fruits, grains, and other succulent vegetal substances, and the strict analogy between the structure of those animals and that of man clearly demonstrates his frugivorous nature.”

— Owen.

“Does it not shame you to mingle blood and murder with nature’s beneficent fruits? Other carnivora you call savage and ferocious—lions, tigers and serpents—while yourselves come behind them in no species of barbarity. And yet for them murder is the only means of sustenance, whereas to you it is a superfluous luxury and crime.”

— Plutarch.


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