@54406-h-5.htm.html#Page_83" class="pginternal">83. Calendars, Roman, 120 f.; Stoicism, 192. First cause: Aristotle’s, 173 f. Flora, 225, 231. Florentinus, 198. Folk-religion in Homer, 26. Fons, 225. Freedom of the will, 88, 195 ff., 333 f., 345. Furies, 96. Future life, 24 ff., 39, 46, 48, 56, 88 ff., 99, 107 f., 141 f., 274, 283 ff., 316 f., 339, 345 f. Galatians: Epistle to, I, 1 ff.: 312 f.; I, 11-12: 336; I, 16: 314; II, 15-16, 20: 314; III, 23-26, 27: 314; III, 26-27: 315; IV, 6: 315; IV, 19: 314; V, 22 f.: 315. Galen, 169, 298. Galileo, 118. Games in the circus, 222. Genius, 228. Getae, 49. Giants, 87. ??????, 336 ff., 340, 342. Gnostics, 328, 336 ff.; on Christ, 339 f.; doctrine of emanations, 338; dualism, 338 f.; ethics, 340; nature of god, 338; origin of evil, 338; revelation, 337; sacraments, 340. See also Basilides and Valentinus. God: immanence of, 193, 203, 209; kingdom of, 301, 310; nature of, according to the Apologists, 333 f.; Aristotle, 173 ff.; Gnostics, 338; Jesus, 303 ff.; Origen, 343; Plato, 151 ff., 157, 163 ff.; Stoics, 192 ff., 203; personal concept of in Plato, 308, 311. Messianic hopes, 301. Metempsychosis, 56 ff., 61. Miletus, 42, 43. Mind, as formative principles, 123 f. Minerva, 222, 224, 225, 230, 232, 233, 237. Minoan Age, 3. Mithras, 264, 267, 277 ff.; chapels, 280 f.; communion, 282 f.; destruction of world, 284; dualism, 279; ethics, 280; final judgment, 284; identified with sun, 279; initiation, 281 f.; popularity, 277 f.; religion, origin and history, 277 f.; resurrection of body, 284; rewards and punishments, 283 f. Mommsen, Theodor, 223. Monotheism, Christian, 356. Morality, 20 f., 35, 45, 60, 72, 156 ff., 169, 177, 184 f., 188 ff., 201 f., 213, 219, 249, 251 ff., 268, 279 f., 291, 305 f., 314 f., 334, 340, 345 ff. Multiplicity and unity, 120 ff. Murder, 45. Musonius, 199. Mycenaean Age, 3. Mystae, 67. Mysteries: not mentioned in Homer, 18; Bacchic at Rome, 239 f.; Eleusinian, 62 ff., 116; Oriental, 124, 133 f. Persephone, 19, 62 ff., 231, 286. Persian Wars, 82, 83, 109, 117. Pessimism: in Theognis, 77; under Roman Empire, 204 f. Phaedra, 135 f. Pharisees, 304 f., 309. Phidias, 26, 110, 117. Philippians: Epistle to, III, 10 f.: 315. Philo of Alexandria, 207, 210 ff., 216, 258, 320, 331, 332, 338, 351. De alleg. leg., III, 29 ff.: 214; quis rer. div. her. 205 f.: 212; de somn., I, 149: 213; de special. legib., I, 329: 211. Philo of Larissa, 244. Philoctetes, 101. Philodemus, 93. Philolaus, 55. Philosophers, banished from Rome, 240 f. Philosophic schools at Athens closed, 118. Philosophy: Greek, and Apologists, 328 ff.; beginnings of, 43 f.; Clement’s attitude toward, 342; enemy of traditional religion, 117 ff.; function of according to Plato, 158; influence on Christianity, 302, 317 f., 324 ff., 355 f., 358; influence at Rome, 239 ff.; practical guide of life, 184 ff., 201 f.; reconciliation with Jewish theology, 206 f., 258; and religion, 179 ff.; rival of Christianity, 358; spread to the West, 297. See also Aristotle, Epicureanism, Philo, Plato, Socrates, Sophists, Stoics, etc. Philostratus, 206. ???????? ??????????, 353. Pindar, 52, 81 ff., 117, 137; Isth., III, 5 f.: 85; V, 13 ff.: 87; VI, 71: 87; Nem., VI, 1 ff.: 83; XI, 13 ff.: 87; Ol., I, 52: 86; I, 64: 85; II, 63 ff.: 90; X, 3: 85; XIII, 83: 84; Pyth., II, 49 ff.: 84; III, 29: 85; III, 78 f.: 83; IX, 44 ff.; X, 49: 84; Frgg., 131: 89; 137: 71; 140: 85; 142: 84; 205: 85. Pisistratidae, , IV, I-3: 352. Tiresias, 139. Titans, 51 f. Transcendence of god, 176, 208 ff., 215 ff., 331 f., 338, 343, 350. Transmigration of souls, 161 f. Trinity, 350. Triumph, 222. Tusculum, 230. Typhon, 272. Tyrannies, 41. Ulpian, 198. Union with god, 47 ff., 213, 219 f., 300, 314, 317, 322 f., 358. Uranus, 238. Valentinian I, 66. Valentinus, 336 ff. Varro, 225, 243 f., 245. Vesta, 225, 226, 228, 233. Virgil, 234, 236, 246; Aen., VI: 248. Vision of God, 213 f., 219 f., 347, 349. Volcanus, 233. Vows, 227 f. Wisdom of Solomon, 258. Wordsworth, quoted, 154. Works and Days, of Hesiod, 30 ff. Xenophanes, 118 ff., 350; Frgg., 11, 14-16, 18, 23-26: 119. Xenophon, apud Stob. Flor., 88, 14: 76. Xerxes, 94 f. Zaleucus, 41. Zama, battle of, 221. Zeno, 185 ff. Zeus, 14 f., 19 f., 26 f., 54, 75 ff., 79, 80, [1] Herod. 2, 53. Transcriber's Notes: The cover image was created by the transcriber, and is in the public domain. Uncertain or antiquated spellings or ancient words were not corrected. Errors in punctuation and inconsistent hyphenation were not corrected unless otherwise noted. Typographical errors have been silently corrected but other variations in spelling and punctuation remain unaltered. |