- AËrides Lobbii Ainsworthii, Dr. Ainsworth’s53
- Bifrenaria bella, Lemaire51
- Bletia anceps, Rchb. f.75
- Bletia Perrinii, Rchb. f.60
- Bletia tuberculosa, Sprengel91
- Bothriochilus bellus, Lemaire51
- Cattleya aurea, Mr. Percival’s70, 84
- Cattleya gigas burfordiensis, Sir T. Lawrence’s50
- Cattleya labiata, Mr. Gaskell’s75
- Cattleya MossiÆ, Mr. De Barry Crawshay’s93
- Cattleya Perrinii, Lindley60
- Cattleya Skinneri oculata, Mr. Hardy’s94
- Cattleya superba, Mr. Schneider’s64
- Cattleya TrianÆ alba, Mr. E. Wright’s82
- Cattleya TrianÆ Russelliana, Baron SchrÖder’s83
- Cattleya virginalis, Mr. Percival’s64
- Cattleya Warneri, Mr. Southgate’s51
- Cattleyas, high-priced94
- Coelogyne cristata hololeuca, Rchb. f.54
- Cymbidium tesselloides, Roxb.59
- Cypripedium Parishii, Mr. A. Paul’s70
- Dendrobium Dearei, Sir T. Lawrence’s93
- Disa grandiflora superba, Mr. Heywood’s58
- Dodgson, Richard Barton, Esq., death of52
- Epidendrum labiatum, Rchb. f.88
- LÆlia superbiens, Mr. A. H. Smee’s83
- Limodorum tuberculosum, Du Petit-Thouars91
- Maxillaria Steelii, Hooker55
- Mesospinidium aurantiacum, Rchb. f.53
- Odontoglossum AlexandrÆ, Mr. Buchan’s fine variety of68
- Odontoglossum coronarium miniatum, Lord Rendlesham’s67
- Odontoglossum grande, Mr. Walker’s72
- Odontoglossum Jenningsianum, Mr. R. Smith’s68
- Odontoglossum Lehmanni, F. C. Lehmann in litt.66
- Odontoglossum lyroglossum, Mr. Harvey’s87
- Odontoglossum maxillare, Hook. f., non Lindley71
- Odontoglossum triumphans, Mr. Gordon’s89
- Oncidium PhalÆnopsis, Mr. E. Salt’s69
- Orchids at Bickley60, 64
- Orchids at Brentham Park, Stirling65
- Orchids at Chislehurst55
- Orchids at the Edinburgh Horticultural Exhibition, September, 188262
- Orchids at Fallowfield54
- Orchids at the Manchester Exhibition, May, 188249
- Orchids at New-Hall-Hey50
- Orchids at Pickering Lodge, Timperley82
- Orchids at Sudbury House, HammersmithPL. 49. LÆLIA AUTUMNALIS ATRORUBENS.